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Displays Hardware Technology

UCLA Develops Stretchable OLED Display 39

cylonlover writes "While there have been some intriguing developments recently in the field of stretchable electronics and flexible OLED displays, one thing we haven't heard much about is stretchable displays. So is it possible to make a screened device in which every part of it could be stretched. The answer could now be yes, with news that researchers from UCLA's Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have demonstrated a stretchable polymer light-emitting device."
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UCLA Develops Stretchable OLED Display

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  • by Aeros ( 668253 )
    That was one of the worst video demonstrations Ive ever seen.
  • What about aspect ratio? Won't that be a concern?
    • it's not meant to be anything but a light source initially. Aspect ratio is only a concern for displays.
      • Slashdot's choice of titles tells us that this -is- a display. I was confused at first too, but it seems to be just lighting like you said.

        • I could see some fun things with this if they did eventually turn it into a display. it would give a whole new meaning to "nude suit".
      • by Hylandr ( 813770 )

        This would be useful for signs, by stitching together different colors. We could get away from those huge hollow signs filed with incandescent tubes, and just plaster *everything* instead with these things...

        - Dan.

  • Nice. Because stretchability is what you need to make bendability work in real life. The tighter the bend, the more the inside compresses and the outside stretches. Also gets worse as you add thickness for durability (unless you keep all stretch-sensitive components in the middle).

    So when you add that 1mm thick plastic backing to your flexible display to increase durability, and then it gets creased anyway, this could be the difference betwen a working display and the pile of crap you'd have with today's "b

  • Kai's Power Goo [] was ahead of its time...

  • I know often times small milestones can make news because of the ramifications for future use, but this seems really early to see much of anything useful out of it. They probably should have held on to the press release until they did a more application-oriented proof of concept.
  • by PRMan ( 959735 )
    Now I can make my Rorschach mask...
  • by bmo ( 77928 ) on Wednesday August 31, 2011 @06:08PM (#37270084)

    Seriously. I've heard all of this stuff that never ever sees the light of day. Stretchable OLEDs? What ever happened to the regular ones that never appeared on the market? What about SEDs?

    Fuck it.

    Yes, I'm jaded. Call me when you have a product on the market. It's like all these cures for cancer that work in a petri dish, but fail in the real world for the last 40 years.

    All this is, is a funding lure. That's all. Trick someone with deep pockets into funding it with semi-plausible results until you run out of money and then start the next "big thing in a lab only" project.


    • I have many products containing OLEDs. They're difficult to avoid these days. If you have a cellphone or other device with a tiny screen, it's as likely as not it's OLED and not LCD.

    • Though it's very small, the original Series 3 Tivo has a OLED on it, and it came out almost 5 years ago (wow).

    • Besides the other replies showing you the error of your thinking ... ~900 mins into the future keeps it going. []

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      Seriously. I've heard all of this stuff that never ever sees the light of day. Stretchable OLEDs? What ever happened to the regular ones that never appeared on the market? What about SEDs?

      We've had OLED TVs. Hell, Sony ended up killing it due to poor sales. Cellphones have OLED screens (though I really wonder - do they really have such poor viewing angles? Every OLED demo one I've seen goes awfully tinted (blue or red) when viewed from the side).

      MP3 players have had OLED screens for years as well.

      Problem is

    • Congratulations on the trifecta: you lack the facts, perspective and humanity needed to understand the story, yet you've posted anyway. Let's do the blow by blow:

      "What ever happened to the regular ones..."

      They're on the market now. 4" models are now ubiquitous in cellphones, and Samsung has announced a mainstream, competitively-priced tablet with a 7-inch 720p OLED display.

      "It's like all these cures for cancer that work in a petri dish..."

      There can be no cure for cancer. Cancer is an umbrella term for a var

  • Can't wait for the homegrown urban superhero to be sporting a set of VideoTights... heh

  • by mrflash818 ( 226638 ) on Wednesday August 31, 2011 @06:19PM (#37270182) Homepage Journal

    So, now maybe adaptive camouflage, like in the movie Predator [], is a step closer?


  • by koan ( 80826 )

    Video mask, make a mask of the material that conforms to your face and plays video of whatever, other peoples faces, maybe have a minicam on it and set it to mirror who ever you're talking to.

  • practically, there's not much difference between an iphone, an ipad, and a low end pc apart from the screen size. whoever can make this work practically to will have the one technology to rule them all.

  • who the fuck has ever wanted to bend and stretch their display. how about making it affordable.
    • who the fuck has ever wanted to bend and stretch their display. how about making it affordable.

      Teletubbies ?

  • This is a perfect solution to when you download a movie and the aspect ratio is wrong. :)

"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
