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First Mass-Produced Electric Truck Unveiled ( 123

AmiMoJo shares a report from NHK WORLD: Japan's Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus has unveiled what it says is the world's first mass-produced electric truck, as automakers around the world go all out to develop cars that run on battery power. The vehicle can carry about 3 tons of cargo and travel about 100 kilometers on a single charge. The truck, unveiled on Thursday, will be used by Japan's largest convenience store chain, Seven-Eleven. Seven-Eleven President Kazuki Furuya says some people complain about the noise delivery vehicles make, and says he is very impressed at how quiet the electric truck is.
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First Mass-Produced Electric Truck Unveiled

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  • by Kokuyo ( 549451 ) on Friday October 20, 2017 @06:34AM (#55402407) Journal

    It's too quiet. How can pedestrians keep being absorbed in their smartphones if you can't hear traffic anymore over the music you're playing on your headphones?

    • Milk floats (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20, 2017 @06:45AM (#55402461)

      Electric trucks were in common use from about 1900 till about 1970:

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Hognoxious ( 631665 )

        Those don't count. Only Japanese things count. In a pinch, Chinese will do.

      • Electric trucks were in common use from about 1900 till about 1970: []

        Just think. 80 years from now some company in Japan might produce the first mass produced Internal Combustion Engine truck.

        • It is possible to produce silicon based liquid fuels (don't find a good english link).
          It is energy intensive to produce them, but it could be a solution for situations where you you are for a long time off grid.

      • Yes, 10 mph/1 ton milk floats (i.e. only usable for use within cities) are totally the same thing as a 50 mph/5 ton general-purpose truck.

    • It's too quiet. How can pedestrians keep being absorbed in their smartphones if you can't hear traffic anymore over the music you're playing on your headphones?

      Just do what electric car manufacturers are already doing, put some speakers on the car and play a distinct whizzing noise when the vehicle is moving that intensifies when the driver steps on the accelerator. If pedestrians smartphone zombies become a major problem we can always take the pedestrian detection AI from self driving cars, install it in these trucks and have it play a very loud recording of a shrill female voice yelling in a cranky tone of voice (think Michelle Wolf) the words: "LOOOK OUT!!! ...

      • by Kokuyo ( 549451 )

        So we're back at neighbours complaining about noisy delivery trucks :D.

        Personally I'm all for pedestrians not having right of way and drivers being protected from liability when pedestrians show an IQ level just below ground coffee.

      • Many ICE cars are so quiet that they rival electric. The whole pedestrian thing is FUD. If anyone really wants to reduce pedestrian deaths then they need to support the police in writing more traffic tickets for the red light runners and other reckless drivers... and jay walkers.

      • If pedestrians smartphone zombies become a major problem we can always take the pedestrian detection AI from self driving cars, install it in these trucks and have it play a very loud recording of a shrill female voice yelling in a cranky tone of voice (think Michelle Wolf) the words: "LOOOK OUT!!! brainless smartphone zombie!" every time one of them seems likely to wander onto the road.

        Make it the voice of Mallory Archer and you've got a deal.

        • Actually not a bad idea to make the noise user-customizable, otherwise jaywalkers will simply learn to tune out this new warning noise.

          • If it ends up working anything like cell phone ringtones, I expect that to be the case.

            The loud, obnoxious case.

    • Our hybrid Outlander makes a sort of whirring noise at low speeds so you can hear it coming. It's not one of the components making that noise - it's actually made deliberately and turned off once you're moving a bit quicker (when normal road noise is enough). It doesn't seem like lack of noise is a hard problem to solve.

      As for headphones... I turn mine up a notch or two when I'm walking along main roads and down again when I get onto quieter roads. Again, seems like a solved problem.

      What's not solved though

      • >

        What's not solved though is the dirt produced by ICE engines in trucks and buses. Electric's a nice step forward in that regard.

        Not really, you're just moving the 'dirt' from your backyard to someone else's. But it's still being produced and thrown into the global ecosystem.

        • It's still far better to rely on electricity for small-scale transportation wherever we can. Some areas have green power. In my state, for instance, most of our power is generated from hydro. For other areas, we're transitioning over time to cleaner energy generation, so we'll see bigger improvements as more of our power is generated pollution-free.

          I'd also argue that even if power is generated from dirtier sources like coal, I think it's arguably better to have fewer of those dirty sources to deal with,

          • by b0bby ( 201198 )

            And even if an electric car is powered 100% by coal, its emissions will be about the same as a Prius today. Any improvements over time will only make that better.

          • Ah, see, there's the breakdown - I include the environmental cost of manufacturing, not just run-time emissions.

            Cheap solar panel and lithium battery production are absolute hell on Mother Earth.

            • by Jeremi ( 14640 )

              Cheap solar panel and lithium battery production are absolute hell on Mother Earth.

              Says who? The oil companies?

              • How about IEEE? []

                • That article points out a lot of the problem is with lax environmental regulations in China. You don't say... Chinese factories taking a dump on mother earth to turn a greater profit? Color me shocked. We went through the same sort of idiocy, and passed stricter laws to prevent that sort of thing in the US and in most first-world countries. If "green" products are actually important to us, we'll eventually demand reasonably high standards from anyone we buy from, probably enforced by trade laws.


                  • That article points out a lot of the problem is with lax environmental regulations in China. You don't say... Chinese factories taking a dump on mother earth to turn a greater profit? Color me shocked.

                    Right, but that's non-sequitur to the point - "green" isn't actually "green," it's NIMBY.

                    We went through the same sort of idiocy, and passed stricter laws to prevent that sort of thing in the US and in most first-world countries.

                    Citation? I honestly don't know what industry you're referring to.

                    If "green" products are actually important to us, we'll eventually demand reasonably high standards from anyone we buy from, probably enforced by trade laws.

                    No, it's if "green" products are more important to the majority of consumers than cost-efficiency.

                    Which it's not, and I wager, probably never will be. At least, not until we go full Star Trek and abolish money (so, sticking with "probably never").

                    Everything we do at an industrial scale will have some environmental cost. There's no getting around that. Windmills or solar collectors slaughter birds. Dams block fishing runs and disrupt natural aquatic environments. Nuclear is potentially dangerous and produces toxic by-products. But I think it's important not to let perfect be the enemy of good.

                    Oh, I don't disagree. My issue is with the pie-in-the-sky thinking about our current state of renewable energy

    • by I75BJC ( 4590021 )
      Oh the other hand, a person meeting your description stands a chance of being noticed by the Darwin Awards. And, why is the stupidity of others my concern? They are not children and do not need parental control -- they are adults. Let the consequences of their actions teach them appropriate behavior.
    • It's too quiet. How can pedestrians keep being absorbed in their smartphones if you can't hear traffic anymore over the music you're playing on your headphones?

      Natural selection will fix that within a couple of generations.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Presumably it has some kind of warning noise at low speed. The Nissan Leaf, for example, makes a whooshing sound from a speaker in the wheel well when it's going under 30 kph.

      Last I heard the EU was considering making it mandatory for electric vehicles, and I imagine other countries will do likewise. Interestingly the UK model of the Leaf has a button to turn it off, as required by laws mainly intended for noisy ice cream vans and the like.

    • > It's too quiet. How can pedestrians keep being absorbed in their smartphones if you can't hear traffic anymore over the music you're playing on your headphones?

      What do you mean "how can"? The quietness of these sleek trucks does not inhibit pedestrians from being absorbed in their smartphones. (Not necessarily absorbed listening to music.)

      As for listening to music with headphones and being unable to hear traffic. Either turn down, or turn off the music, or become a nominee for the prestigious
    • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

      Maybe they can put a playing card in the tire spokes. Worked when I was a kid.

    • by Jeremi ( 14640 )

      It's too quiet. How can pedestrians keep being absorbed in their smartphones if you can't hear traffic anymore over the music you're playing on your headphones?

      It's possibly a valid complaint, e.g. for people with impaired vision who rely on audio cues to know when traffic is clear.

      It's also easy to address -- just add a speaker to the front of the vehicle that emits some sort of noise when appropriate.

      • It's also easy to address -- just add a speaker to the front of the vehicle that emits some sort of noise when appropriate.

        When I was a wee lad the haunted house at The Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, CA was wacky and weird. These days it is a completely formula trip through a haunted house, but back then it was a lot of blackness, and random stuff coming out of the blackness. The most scary of those things in my book (having successfully been taught to stay out of the street from a young age) was a pretty decent outline of a GM New Look bus [] (which made up the main part of the SCMTD fleet at the time) and a good surround sound bus hor

  • When I clicked the link, all I got was a page that made it clear that it was a Javascript site, not a HTML site.

    Here are three links which are higher quality than the garbage you linked to this story: one [] two [] three []. Is this site news for nerds, or dick-jerking for people who don't care if the web goes to shit? Clearly, the latter.

  • There have been electric delivery trucks for decades.

    • by Sique ( 173459 )
      Depends on the local definition for a truck. In most E.U. countries, vehicles lighter than 3.5 tons are not considered trucks. Most light trucks sold in the U.S. would be called cars in the E.U..
      • by Anonymous Coward

        I don't know about the rest of the EU, but in the UK we don't really use the term "truck" for heavy goods vehicles, they are called "lorries". Truck tends to be used for smaller or specialised vehicles, e.g. "pickup truck", "pallet truck", "forklift truck"

        • by Sique ( 173459 )
          In Austria, we even have "fiscal trucks" (Fiskal-LKWs). Those are cars, that are used commercially, and are taxed as trucks, but from a traffic law point of view are cars, can be operated with a car driver's license, and have the same speed and parking limits as passenger cars.
          • In Germany we had that, too.
            Probably we still have :D - no idea.

          • We have that in California, too. Any pickup over a certain pretty pathetic size, I think all 1/2 ton trucks but definitely all 3/4 ton trucks, is registered as a commercial vehicle so as to produce more revenue. This is completely regardless of whether it's being used for business or not. This jacks the registration fee for my F240 from around $100 to around $250. It only weighs 5500lb, American cars used to weigh around that much.

            • by Sique ( 173459 )
              The Fiskal-LKW is completely independent on size. We even habe subcompacts licensed as trucks. As far as I know, the storage space has to be physically separated from the driver's compartement (e.g. by installing a partition panel between the trunk and the driver's seat). And another requirement is a plate on the outside (close to the right front door) with the car's axle and loading specification.
      • I was watching on YouTube a video from the UK of a truck looking very much like the one in this story. Similar shape and size. And it was a film promoting electric delivery vehicles from the early 1980s.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    These are definitely exciting times to be living in. Traditionally diesel trucks were horrific for the environment, the addition of DEF was an overall improvement but is realistically a band aid over a hemorrhaging wound when it comes to emissions.

    I used to be a truck driver, however have now switched to coding. Seeing my old profession finally grow up and get their collective stuff together is fantastic.

    I recall heavy hauling steel being most challenging because traditional diesel engines do not really p

    • Sony is crap.

      BOSE may not have the best-sounding headphones on the market, but they do have the best noise-cancelling technology. Of course, earplugs are still better.

      Any of these are pointless anyway as I'm pretty sure it's illegal to use them while driving.

    • My friend, you sure brought back some memories by mentioning those long, lazy hill/valleys around Toronto. I never paid the least attention to them until one time I was driving a five-speed manual with a slipping clutch. I did exactly what you did, but with a little Elantra full of passengers rather than a huge rig full of steel.

      Lots of jokes at my expense, and a fairly cheap repair job at the end of the trip.

  • Wow, it will go 62 miles on a charge and take a couple of hours to charge (presumably).

    Yea, this is a game changer... Now you will need to keep all delivery routes under 60 miles, limit them to 2 per 8 hour day per truck, you will need to plan for extended recharging times when you are done (or simply buy multiple trucks for each driver) AND you will need to install and power a fleet of fast chargers at each loading dock you use. This is going to cost a lot of profit...

    I could be wrong but I just don't s

    • Seems pretty useful for getting stuff around town. I'm not sure how far they come from, but the trucks pulling up to the supermarket across the street where I used to live seemed to be coming pretty much constantly. They wouldn't stop for 2 hours, I'll grant you (probably less than an hour), but they'd still get some charge in that time. Stopping even 50% of those trucks spewing out diesel fumes would probably make a noticeable difference to air quality in the area.

      Sure, the ones that do 200 miles to get wh

      • Seems pretty useful for getting stuff around town. I'm not sure how far they come from, but the trucks pulling up to the supermarket across the street ...

        You realize that those trucks are probably long-haul OTR, not local traffic, right? So they need be able to travel hundreds of miles and refuel quickly.

        Hell, an average route for FedEx is 160mi/day. In town. I just don't see how a lorry that can go less than half that distance before shutting down for the workday is in any way feasible.

        Full disclosure, I am an American who lives in the Midwest, which is a different environment than Japan. You could fit the whole island chain in Missouri with plenty of room

        • I think this might be a good fit for a company like 7-11. Each store is getting fairly small deliveries, that all likely come from a central distribution point near/in the city. The cost to install a quick charger isn't that much for a business, I think around $1000. If at each stop, the truck is plugged in for the 15-20 minutes it takes to unload, it should make it through the day.

          • In a small Japanese prefecture, sure.

            I just doubt that it would necessarily scale effectively in a nation that takes up a much larger geographic footprint than Japan. As I pointed out, the average daily drive for a single FedEx driver is around 160 miles per diem (and can go from empty to full in minutes); this electric box truck maxes out at around 60 miles before needing to park for 8 hours.

      • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

        They've got a flat surface on top that will hold about 30m^2 solar panel, and they spend a large amount of their time parked for loading/unloading. I wouldn't consider it for charging, but would work as a "range extender".

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The truck is not for cross-country deliveries, but for city deliveries, where the distances are short and the need to reduce pollution is the greatest. It's a perfect fit. And if it wasn't for the fact it was designed and built by dirty foreigners and that they literally BEAT YOU TO IT, you'd be singing praises I think.

    • Actually it's not that bad for a delivery route. I drove one Christmas for UPS a couple years ago and my route (which was one of the furthest from the hub) put about 70 miles a day on the package car delivering about 700 items a day. 60 wouldn't be enough and I'd want more of a buffer, but that 60 range would handle the full delivery schedule for many of the routes that didn't have to drive 15 miles each way to get to and from the route. As the trucks in the article are all part of a system put charge wir
  • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Friday October 20, 2017 @07:04AM (#55402539) Journal

    Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation is owned by Daimler. So it's German AND Japanese.
    Also, these very same trucks were presented in US as well, about a month ago. []

    • Grand-dad is not happy about that union.

      • Grand-dad is not happy about that union.

        Just tell him that the Mitsubishi Zero was made out of Alcoa aluminum, and see how that goes over.

        Is Daimler the world's biggest truck manufacturer or what? Mercedes, Freightliner, Mitsubishi Fuso...

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Friday October 20, 2017 @07:16AM (#55402591)

    from a couple of years ago..
    'UPS Deploys 18 New Zero Emission Electric Trucks In Texas ' []

    In Amsterdam (Netherlands) they have been using electric trucks for at least 5 years.

  • Electruck? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    The first electric truck, and they didn't call it the "Electruck"?

  • "Um, I'll get right on that as soon as the truck is finished recharging."
  • From the OP: "The vehicle can carry about 3 tons of cargo..."
    Nope: "The Class 4 truck has a ... 9,380-pound payload capacity."

    " and travel about 100 kilometers on a single charge. "
    Nope. ""The Class 4 truck has a 100-mile range..."

    "The batteries can be quick-charged within an hour at a DC charging station or over the course of eight hours using a 230-volt outlet. The vehicle will also have flexible battery options to allow customers that need less range than 100 miles to opt for fewer batteries

    • I'd be curious to see how that degrades with the stop-start driving of a city delivery truck - I truly don't know how/if that impairs an electric?
      It does not impair EVs. however if you have multiple stops in short order, regenerative breaking probably is not as effective (as you have low speed, and likely just let the car roll out more or less)

      Well, I guess recharging while the car is packed with new stuff to deliver solves most charging problems.

  • by PPH ( 736903 )

    ... what sort of times can they run at Nürburgring? DHL [] FTW!

  • The convenience stores stock up late at night and make a lot of noise unloading and loading. Electric does not help with banging truck doors and pallets around. Donâ(TM)t recall being bothered by the motor sound.
  • Internal Chinese market also has electric trucks, and they're way more mass produced. They're just not for export.

  • It is mass-produced in Germany since two months already. They are not the first.

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
