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India Aims To Put One Million Electric Vehicles On the Road By Mid-2019 (indiatimes.com) 76

gubol123 shares a report from The Economic Times: Six leading car makers are eyeing the government's plan to buy 10,000 electric vehicles while policy makers are considering generous fiscal incentives to make their capital and running cost cheaper than petrol cars within five years. Broadly, the aim is to put on roads one million electric three-wheelers and 10,000 electric city buses by mid-2019 and make India the world leader in at least some segments of the market as the country strives to shift entirely to battery-powered transportation by 2030. In six to eight months, 10,000 e-vehicles are expected to be running in the national capital region. The tender to buy 10,000 e-vehicles has already attracted Tata Motors, Hyundai, Nissan, Renault, Maruti Suzuki and Mahindra & Mahindra, and would be quickly followed by a dramatic scaling up of the e-vehicles program. The tender would be awarded by the end of this month and cars would start rolling in by mid-November.
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India Aims To Put One Million Electric Vehicles On the Road By Mid-2019

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  • ... electric vehicles put a strain on their distribution system [indiamike.com]?

  • The electric rickshaw would be viable...

    • If you read the source you can see that a lot of them are three wheelers (e-rikshaws)
    • e-bikes are quite possibly the enviromentally cleanest mode of transportation. Or at least they compete with bikes, but don't force you to power the movement with energy through the complicated fertilizer-crop-stomach cycle.
  • by manu0601 ( 2221348 ) on Friday September 08, 2017 @09:26PM (#55162643)
    Using electric vehicles is nice, but that require extra power generation. What are they planning?
    • Re: Power source (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      India is also adding thousands of megawatts from all sources. India is expected to be power surplus by 2019.. So they are thinking about it

    • Re:Power source (Score:4, Informative)

      by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Friday September 08, 2017 @09:52PM (#55162717)

      Using electric vehicles is nice, but that require extra power generation. What are they planning?

      everything but they really like solar.

      the wiki article [wikipedia.org] has lots of info about their growing power systems.

      India's renewable energy sector is amongst the world's most active players in renewable energy utilization, especially solar and wind electricity generation. -- wikipedia

    • Re:Power source (Score:4, Informative)

      by blindseer ( 891256 ) <blindseer AT earthlink DOT net> on Friday September 08, 2017 @11:12PM (#55162951)

      Nuclear power.

      http://www.newindianexpress.co... [newindianexpress.com]
      http://www.business-standard.c... [business-standard.com]
      http://timesofindia.indiatimes... [indiatimes.com]
      https://www.reuters.com/articl... [reuters.com]
      http://www.hindustantimes.com/... [hindustantimes.com]

      Sure, in those stories you'll find India planning on adding 2 or 3 GW of solar energy capacity. You'll also see plans to add 7 to 10 GW of nuclear energy capacity. They know they can't rely on the sun and wind alone to keep their economy going.

      • India has over 100GW of renewable capacity - that is about a third of the total capacity. Nuclear is barely a blip on the radar - less than 2% of the total capacity, and judging from the plans for the next decades, even by 2035 nuclear won't overtake wind power that is already installed today. They mostly invest in nuclear to keep their military program from running out of specialists.

        • They mostly invest in nuclear to keep their military program from running out of specialists.

          They need 700MW civilian reactors to do this? And potentially dozens of them? I'd think a much smaller reactor would keep them trained, it would certainly save on costs to make them smaller. It also does not seem to follow given that they intend to double their nuclear power generation capacity in ten years, and double it again in another ten years. Seems to me that they intend to make nuclear power a much larger portion of their electrical generation capacity, not just train their navy crews and such.

          • Like I said, even if they quadruple their nuclear capacity in the next twenty years, it will still be less than the wind capacity today. And I mean not all renewables altogether, just the wind power. Nuclear is used as a backup because they don't want to put all eggs into one basket, not as a major contributor.
            And since India is expanding their military nuclear program by building several SSBNs, they obviously need qualified people who can actually build nuclear reactors. A much smaller reactor for the trai

            • A much smaller reactor for the training won't do, especially when you know how Indians work

              It doesn't have to be "much smaller" only the same size. A nuclear submarine will have a reactor with an output in the ballpark of 100 MW, perhaps as high as 200 MW and perhaps as low as 80 MW. Nobody would model this with a 1000 MW or even a 500 MW reactor. The reactors in any current or planned nuclear submarine, or surface ship, are light water reactors fueled with highly enriched (25% to 90%) uranium-235. The planned civilian reactors that India is building are dominated by heavy water reactors that

    • From Wikipedia: The country published about twice the number of papers on thorium as its nearest competitors, during each of the years from 2002 to 2006. The Indian nuclear establishment estimates that the country could produce 500 GWe for at least four centuries using just the country’s economically extractable thorium reserves.
    • It depends on whether the same grid refines oil to make gasoline. Switching to Electric might reduce total electrical needs because refining a gallon of gas, in addition to other inputs, requires between four and six kilowatts. And EV like the hyundai ionic uses less than 300 watts/km. so that corresponds to perhaps as much as 20 kilometers, and a small three wheel EV to go further still. Robert Llewellyn's Volt for Oil [youtube.com] puts it nicely. Original sources for this information is the Oil companies themsel
      • Refineries usually eat their own dog food.
        Aka: they use oil to refine and crack oil ...

        And if one is interested: pipelines, especially for gas, work the same way. They use the fuel they transport to power the pumps. I always have to shake my head when people are yelling about "transportation losses" of electricity ...

        • The sources were quoting what the refineries reported they use to refine a gallon of gas, somewhere between four and six kilowatts in addition to any eating of their own dog food. If they weren't making gasoline, that fuel would be available for electric generation, and the difference is even greater. Here's a nerdier link. [greentransportation.info] There are even worse examples, such as getting oil from Alberta's Oil sands, which apparently requires 300 KWh to heat enough material to produce a barrel of crude oil, or about 7 K
      • Try again. Your units make no sense.
        • I got a better source, the hyundai ionic uses only 200 watt-hours/km. To make one gallon of gasoline, a refinery uses at least 4 Kwh. So: 4000/200 = 20 ... meaning the car would go 20 kilometers with the same amount of electricity.
    • They charge at night? When the plants are idle?

  • The US needs to invest into this tech and renewables, not new coal mines.
  • In 2012 India had about 160 million motorized vehicles of all times registered. This compares to about 260 million vehicles in the US.

    There have been a bit over half a million electric vehicles sold here in the US. Assuming nearly all of those are still on the road, India is aiming for roughly 4x the adoption rate of the US.

    This seems very doable, because Americans can afford to be picky about vehicles. We want a vehicle that is comfortable, big, fast, and has enough range to take us anywhere we want to

  • There is no international, me-too pissing contest that the Indian government at the time is not involved with immediately. Providing basic services to the more than 600 million citizens who lack them? That is at the bottom of their priorities list.
  • I seriously doubt that enough batteries can be produced to power 1,000,000 electric cars in less than two years.Simply building the factories to make the batteries will take several years. It is a wonderful idea but the time table is not based upon reality. These cars would also need to be affordable and the population of India is not known for being rich.
    • When they say 'cars' we'd say 'golf carts'. But that's actually a good vehicle for many uses and roads.

We are not a clone.
