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Microsoft's Touted iPad Rival Courier Becomes Less Than Vapor 401

Kostya writes "The much discussed Courier two-panel tablet device from Microsoft is now even less than vaporware — now it's just plain dead. 'Microsoft execs informed the internal team that had been working on the tablet device that the project would no longer be supported.' While the Courier had never been officially announced as a supported product by Microsoft, it had generated a lot of discussion as what the iPad should have been."
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Microsoft's Touted iPad Rival Courier Becomes Less Than Vapor

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  • by Fluffeh ( 1273756 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @06:50PM (#32038790)
    I bet you can BING some awesome reviews and success stories about this tablet anyhow.

    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      Do you need me to squirt you a copy?

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      But, but... Surely vaporware is ideal for Cloud Computing?
  • In other news, Microsoft and Apple announce a new search engine licensing deal.
  • by Darkness404 ( 1287218 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @06:54PM (#32038824)
    Lets face it, 'tablets' are dead. You are essentially paying more for less. While there will always be a small niche market for tablets, there aren't any benefits for the general consumer when compared to a laptop, -especially- when they are running dumbed-down OSes.

    Neither the iPad nor Courier have (or would have in the case of MS's canceled project) any real advantages when it comes to getting work done than a regular Netbook or Laptop. I can see the point of a low-priced tablet device, essentially a large, sturdy smartphone for a -low- price. But when it comes down to it, its quite stupid to pay more and get less of a product and that is what tablets currently are.
    • by Neon Aardvark ( 967388 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:07PM (#32038950) Homepage

      Er, the ipad is selling hugely. This is the start of the era of tablets, so no they are not dead.

      The advantage they offer over laptops and netbooks is a tactile natural way to consume media at your leisure i.e. while you're on the sofa.

      They won't replace laptops or desktops or anything else, but they're here to stay.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Er, the ipad is selling hugely

        At the moment. But will Apple really be able to carry the momentum once people start realizing theres nothing really -great- about the iPad?

        The reason why the iPod got marketshare so quickly was because it was the smallest media player for the space at the time and had a decent UI. The reason why the iPhone got marketshare because at the time it was the only way you could browse the web decently from a phone.

        But, I don't know if I'm simply blind to some hidden factor but I don't see the appeal of

        • by noewun ( 591275 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:36PM (#32039170) Journal

          At the moment. But will Apple really be able to carry the momentum once people start realizing theres nothing really -great- about the iPad?

          The very same thing was said about the iPod and the iPhone, and look where they are now.

          The era of the geek driving computer development is dead: people want easy to use features, and Apple is giving it to them. The era of clock speed, bus speed and VRAM capacity being important for selling computers is over as well. These things will still matter for select user bases--programmers, gamers, scientific use, graphic design, audio/video and other--but, for the vast number of average computer users for whom web, email, music, word processing and simple video are all that's really important, the iPad and its children are the future.

          It will be interesting to see what people are saying about the iPad this time next year, when Apple's sold 25 million of them.

          • by timholman ( 71886 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @09:19PM (#32039960)

            The era of the geek driving computer development is dead: people want easy to use features, and Apple is giving it to them.

            And beyond that, Apple is building a computing platform that is completely appropriate for 95% of users out there.

            I've been observing with great amusement the geek outrage over Apple's closed, locked-down ecosystem, starting with the iPod and iPhone, and culminating with the iPad, and I say: more power to Apple .

            To paraphrase Spider-man: "With great computing power comes great computing responsibility." Manufacturers have placed general-purpose computers into the hands of the masses, and what have we gotten in return? Mountains of spam, malware galore, and tens of millions of zombie boxes. A general-purpose programmable device has proven, overall, a disaster for the Internet. In the hands of typical non-technical users, they are just begging to be exploited, and that's exactly what happens to them.

            Steve Jobs has it exactly right. The overwhelming majority of people don't need a computer with a general purpose operating system. They need an iPad or something like it - an appliance that meets the needs of 95% of users, and is locked down so tightly that it is very hard to exploit via user stupidity.

            Personally, I don't want an iPad. I don't need an iPad, because I'm capable of managing a general-purpose computer. But the appeal of the iPad to the average consumer is blatantly obvious. Apple is going to sell a lot of iPads.

            • by SashaMan ( 263632 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @11:23PM (#32040654)

              Kudos to timholman and the mods. This post is a great (though perhaps rare) example of what I love about slashdot - a post that actually got me to change my opinion.

              While I've been bemoaning the locked down nature of where Apple is going, I think for the majority of internet users this is exactly what they need.

          • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @11:59PM (#32040818) Homepage

            The era of the geek driving computer development is dead: people want easy to use features, and Apple is giving it to them. The era of clock speed, bus speed and VRAM capacity being important for selling computers is over as well.

            You're cra
            [no I don't want to update Java]
            zy. The modern des
            [Fine, update Acrobat]
            ktop and laptop computer is basically per
            [shuddap Norton]
            fect for users. There
            [Yes, allow Acrobat to change this computer]
            really isn't any way th
            [What? So what if the HP driver crashed? I'm not printing]
            e modern computer system could
            [What do you mean the system needs to restart in 10 seconds?]
            be any

        • by Skadet ( 528657 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:37PM (#32039176) Homepage

          won't ever get you the full web

          The problem I have with all these technophiles decrying the iPad's lack of flash is this: are you not the same group that beats down any flash site? FFS, slashdot is the place that puts [PDF WARNING] next to links. If anyone was going to complain about the lack of flash, this is the absolute last group of people I would have expected.

          I could get a $500 laptop with a dual-core x86 CPU, run just about every OS under the sun, full multitasking, cheap 'apps', full peripheral support, replaceable battery, etc.

          As I said in reply to the OP, the problem is that full PCs are simply too much machine for what many people want to do (watch a show, check facebook, etc). A $99 iPad would be a true game-changer, and I think something along those lines is the next step. At this price point, people (like you) get confused because of the price and say (as you did), 'but... look at the sweet box I could buy for $500, I don't get it!' The point is that my mom and my wife and many like them don't care in the least if they have a sweet box. They care if they can "like" timmy's facebook status.

          I use my netbook or laptop while sitting on the sofa all the time, if I want to really "consume media" I fire up my HTPC and put on a movie. If I want to play a game I fire up my 360 or modified Wii.

          Your geek factor (Look at me! HTPC! Check me out! Modded Wii!) is what's keeping you from seeing this market. Not everyone uses computers the way you do, and not everyone derives the same satisfaction from setting up their own rad HTPC setup. My wife is perfectly content to watch DVDs, out of a box, on her laptop. I thought that was madness when I first saw it. Fact is, people compute in different ways.

          • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland@ y a h o o . c om> on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:44PM (#32039244) Homepage Journal

            " I thought that was madness when I first saw it"
            please tell me she was watching 300.

            "That is madness"
            "This IS COMPUTING"

          • by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @09:48PM (#32040104) Journal

            A $99 iPad would be a true game-changer, and I think something along those lines is the next step.

            I'm not an Apple historian, and this is an actual question, but has Apple ever sold a product at anything but a premium price? Any Apple product I can think over the last decade has cost far more than the median price of equivalent hardware by Apple's competitors.

            iPod Touches aren't $99, and they've been on the market for a number of years. Plus, if the iPad was $99, what would an iPod Touch sell for? $69? Never, ever, ever going to happen. I could see the iPad maybe selling for $399 eventually, but I would be very surprised if it ever sold for less.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by nine-times ( 778537 )

              I'll let you in on a secret about Apple's pricing: They don't like to change it.

              Apple basically chooses prices based on marketing concerns and then builds the hardware to meet the price. The cheapest Apple laptop today is $1000, which has been roughly the price point for their cheapest laptop for *years*. It may have been $1200 or something, but they haven't dropped the price much. For the last several years, the most expensive iPods have been right around $400. Now a $400 iPod today has a lot more sto

          • by mgblst ( 80109 ) on Friday April 30, 2010 @12:00AM (#32040822) Homepage

            The problem I have with all these technophiles decrying the iPad's lack of flash is this: are you not the same group that beats down any flash site?

            Damn, when are you morons going to realise, THERE IS MORE THAN ONE PERSON ON THIS SITE. And we all have different opinions. Look at yourself, you clearly have a different opinion to the person you are responding to.

            Why do you feel the need to group all these technophiles with one brush stroke. Most of use here to hate flash. So shut the fuck up, and wake up.

            Personally, I think the iPad is a great idea, and can't wait to get one, but also understand why some people don't like the direction that we are heading.

        • by geekoid ( 135745 )

          What you mean to say is YOU don't have a use for one.
          I've heard this same argument about net books, smartphones, and ebooks.

          While the iPad is a less then stellar attempt at a tablet, this is another story:

        • Explanations (Score:5, Insightful)

          by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:45PM (#32039252)

          At the moment. But will Apple really be able to carry the momentum once people start realizing theres nothing really -great- about the iPad?

          They would not be selling hugely if there were not things people found great about them NOW. Marketing can only get you so far, and marketing only helps Apple much because people have grown to trust Apple more than other companies.

          But signs point to iPad sales climbing. They just got a big boost from Oprah (formerly champion of the Kindle), they also have had to move back international release dates. And at this point, people thinking about buying one can try them out in Apple Stores and figure out if they are great or not.

          With the iPad, what benefit are you getting for the cost?

          An excellent screen (which really matters if you care about eye strain) over any normal screen for a device in that price range.

          Tens of thousands and soon hundreds of thousands of applications dedicated to operation by touch, and used in that form factor. Yes you can buy a netbook but few applications work well in the screen sizes most netbooks support. This is such a massive benefit I can't believe it is constantly overlooked.

          Compact size for the battery life - sure some netbooks also have good battery life, but they are a lot larger.

          A world of peripherals that all work via the dock connector.

          A fantastic data plan ($15/250MB/month or $30/month unlimited, no contract).

          And let me repeat the thing about many, many developers working hard to write software that works really, really well on the device vs. running software that was built for a desktop and "works OK" on a netbook.

          On a side note, you and so many other people are so mistaken about the iPad being only for consumption, or even consumption focused... That is not the end game.

        • by jamie(really) ( 678877 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:55PM (#32039318)

          I was ill for two days this week. I grabbed my iPad and watched some new shows that I've not had time to check out. ABC's iPad app let me watch Castle and V in 720p. Then I watched some movies on Netflix. I also bought the latest book from Steven Erikson using iBooks.

          It wasn't too heavy.
          It has a bigger screen than my netbook, and its stunning.
          It didn't get too hot like my netbook does when watching movies. I *hate* frying my balls.
          The wife's netbook can't watch 720p movies at all.
          I didn't have to have it plugged in, so I could move it about easily while I tried to get comfortable. Charged it overnight.
          When I was done puking, I wiped it clean with disinfectant.

          I'm not sick all the time, of course. The wife uses it and her iPhone. Her netbook hasn't been touched for months. The iPad is "just" a more usable iPhone for her. Its set up with her email, not mine (and she did it herself - amazing what she can do when I'm not around). I will be buying two more for our children.

        • by SmallFurryCreature ( 593017 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @08:05PM (#32039426) Journal

          First it is "the iPad won't sell".

          Then when it is selling, the claim is "it ain't running out" when figures show Apple just ordered more then at previous introductions.

          then when it sells half a million, it won't last...

          Oh and lack of flash will kill it despite more and more sites ditching it.

          Face it, Jobs has done it again. Move on and start predicting his fall for the next gadget.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by LurkerXXX ( 667952 )
        Once upon a time, pet rocks sold hugely. More sales does not equate to a more useful product.
      • by ShogunTux ( 1236014 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @08:35PM (#32039626)
        Yeah. Tablets are dead. Long live suppositories!
    • When I'm on the Can/train/bus/plane(assuming wifi enabled flight)/couch, I really don't want to do work but I might want to look up Wikipedia articles on obscure CPU architectures or the reign of Polpot.

      • Re:Tablets are dead (Score:4, Informative)

        by capnkr ( 1153623 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:26PM (#32039084)
        I generally just read a dead-tree book when I'm on the can.

        Laptops get too hot on the thigh skin, when your pants are down around your ankles...

    • by Skadet ( 528657 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:22PM (#32039054) Homepage

      [tablets don't have] any real advantages when it comes to getting work done than a regular Netbook or Laptop.

      Getting Work Done isn't the primary use of computers for a very large slice of the market. This is where you and many others fundamentally misunderstand the tablet space. Traditionally the market problem is that full computers are too much machine for the everyday user -- they want to check their Facebook, emails, read the news, and catch up on that show they missed last night on ABC. The iPad does all these things adroitly. Mom knows to touch the little "ABC" icon and then touch her favorite show. Actually, screw mom, I know that too, and I don't have to futz with Silverlight or Flash or Growl notifications popping up or emails dinging in the middle of a show.

      Open your mind. Not everyone uses a computer the way you do.

    • by spire3661 ( 1038968 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:33PM (#32039142) Journal
      Wow are you reading the wind wrong. Tablets are going to come in like a tsunami. The mobile space is moving at lightning speed to provide enough software that the need for a desktop is GREATLY diminished. WE are at the very beginning of the mobile internet appliance era. Its happening now. Apple was extremely wise in NOT delivering an x86 tablet and it has very little to do with control and everythign to do with being good enough for the vast majority of people. I could hand my mother-in-law an ipad and an Acer Aspire Revo ($200 nettop) to feed it, and she would almost never have to use the desktop computer paradigm again.
    • by Low Ranked Craig ( 1327799 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:52PM (#32039304)

      I really fail to understand why people can't seem to get it. The big problem with tablets to date is that they run a version of a desktop OS that turns your finger or a stylus into a mouse and you still have to deal with various windows on the desktop, etc. Microsoft doesn't seem to get the point that the standard desktop OS does not translate well to a touchscreen device - there needs to be a complete re-factoring of the OS for the device, something that Apple seems to get. IMO windows tablets are annoying to use after awhile - I had a tablet PC for awhile and after the novelty wore off, I went back to my Thinkpad for anything other than casual web browsing.

      The whole "getting more work done" argument really doesn't make sense in the context of the iPad. Of course you're not getting "work" done on an iPad, or any touchscreen only device for that matter. You're not writing code, doing graphic design or doing serious number crunching on a touchscreen. (and really, you're not getting serious work done on a netbook with a 9" screen and a cramped keyboard either - you CAN get stuff done, but I wouldn't use one and I don't think a lot of people would either). That's not the point of the iPad. It is however the point of Windows powered tablets, but short of using them to drive a power point or a specialized application, like in a doctor's office, you're not getting serious work done with the majority of applications without a keyboard.

      Can an iPad replace a computer? Yes, if all you do is browse the internet, answer short e-mails, give a keynote presentation (that you developed on your desktop), play the occasional game, watch movies, and read books with it. I do not get the impression that Apple is selling the iPad as a computer replacement. Having said that I would much rather have an iPad than a netbook computer. I have a laptop and a desktop - I will use the iPad for the stuff I mentioned above, and I much prefer the form factor of a tablet for watching a movie, reading, etc. To me the $200-$300 premium over a netbook with a similar sized screen is definitely worth it.

      The iPad isn't for you - we get that. Once Apple release iPhone OS 4.0, the iPad is EXACTLY the device and OS I want for the intended purpose, and I'm perfectly willing to pay $600 for it, and if according to you that makes me stupid, so be it. I wear a nice watch too, but my $40 Timex ironman actually keeps better time. I guess that makes me stupider.

    • by rolfwind ( 528248 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:58PM (#32039362)

      is that companies always thought they were for things like Child's First Computer type of toy. Little did we understand that children come along with computers just fine, it was the adults that needed the hand-holding.

      As iPad's sales are still going strong, many people still won't get it. They're usually the ones that understand how to get the computer to do almost anything.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by theJML ( 911853 )

      IMHO, Tablets like the iPad and Slate are what Netbooks tried (and are still trying) to be. Except that I'd be much more likely to carry a super thin battery efficient quick enough physical keyboard-less tablet than I ever would have been carrying around an underpowered netbook. If I needed what a netbook gives me over a tablet (a clamshell shape with a physical keyboard and laptop like experience) I'd just get a laptop. The netbooks are an example of a product looking for a market as is evident by the fact

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by tverbeek ( 457094 )

      Neither the iPad nor Courier have (or would have in the case of MS's canceled project) any real advantages when it comes to getting work done

      The fact that you only evaluate a computer in terms of "getting working done" demonstrates that your thinking is a little out of date. Granted, Microsoft seemed to think of the Courier primarily as a productivity tool, which may be related to the fact that they've killed it (outmoded thinking), but despite some token productivity apps for the iPad, that's not what it

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 29, 2010 @06:54PM (#32038836)
    Where's sopssa when you need him!? I hope that Courier touting MIcrosoft shill [] is reading this. He's going to need more than a hug after this news.

    Hold on, I think I hear someone backpedaling.
  • by 3seas ( 184403 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @06:56PM (#32038856) Homepage Journal

    .....products it then never produces... its all part of market testing.

    • by x1n933k ( 966581 )
      I'm pretty sure this was never announced anyway. Ballmer even denied the video when he was interviewed on the Engadget show a few months back.
    • considering how excited people seemed to be about the concept, I'd say it wasn't as much market testing as just too ambitious to be realized.Too bad really, it sounded like a concept which might have made tablets actually useful for everyday use.
    • even if the Courier isn't an example.

    • Announce? (Score:5, Informative)

      by linumax ( 910946 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:05PM (#32038928)
      AFAIK, Microsoft never really announced anything. They even went as far as calling it a rumor and at best some "sources" called it an incubation project [].

      Announced product examples are Windows Phone 7 and Natal.
    • by Darkness404 ( 1287218 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:07PM (#32038942)
      Plus, the time wasn't right. The entire Microsoft line of failed products happened not always because Microsoft's version was worse, but because it came across as Microsoft copying the industry leader. Lets see here:

      The Zune looked like a copy of the iPod. The Zune HD looked like a copy of the iPod Touch. Bing/Live Search all seemed to be copies of Google. Etc.

      Microsoft's products that have been successful have been those ahead of their competitors. Look at the 360 which got a few months head start on Nintendo/Sony and has been very successful (of course a lot of this could be due to the lack of decent games for the Wii and the astronomical price of PS3 hardware for the longest time...).

      Releasing Courier would seem like a copy of the iPad, something that Microsoft can't pump money into because it will be dead on release.
      • Releasing Courier would seem like a copy of the iPad, something that Microsoft can't pump money into because it will be dead on release.

        But they can't afford not to try.

        As with WIndows Mobile 7, which comes off copying lots of iPhone things - all touch screen, lots of animation, locked down app store, etc. So if Microsoft really cared about only delivering products that were firsts, why are they even doing Windows Mobile 7?

        I think Courier was killed because it was really only ever a last-ditch attempt to s

    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:15PM (#32039006)

      its all part of market testing.

      And if the "testing" happens to kill a competitors product launch while people wait for the Microsoft product, well that was just an accident!

      Happily there are very few product announcements from Microsoft people are willing to wait for these days it was apparent to pretty much anyone Courier wasn't going anywhere at slow pace of even delivering concept videos...

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Angst Badger ( 8636 )

      Possibly. It's also possible that MS is privy to more accurate sales figures (and profit margins) from the iPad than the rest of us, and they decided it wasn't worth their time. And that could be because hardware margins are razor thin and the potential profit was not worth the investment, or it could be because they figured that everyone who wanted an iPad-like device would already have an iPad by the time MS could actually ship product. There's also opportunity cost to consider: MS may have been confident

  • Touted? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:02PM (#32038910)
    Never heard of the thing before now, and why would MS need an 'iPad killer'? They've had tablet support since Windows 3.11.
    • Re:Touted? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Amarantine ( 1100187 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:08PM (#32038952)

      They've had tablet support since Windows 3.11.

      Yeah, and look how many Windows tablets you've seen in the wild since then.

      I have only seen one with my own eyes. In use by a Microsoft partner account manager, so it kinda figures.

    • Re:Touted? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:58PM (#32039356) Journal
      The problem for Microsoft and tablet support is that, while in strict engineering terms, tablet support is "something you add"(ie. wacom drivers, handwriting/ink support, some touch gestures, a demo app or two), in terms of design, UI, and pleasantness of user experience, tablet support is all about what you remove. It's like the old notion of "burning the boats" to inspire your army.

      As long as MS approaches tablet support as just a few optional features, that can be added as a superset of their primary OS, they may well be technically competent(I've heard that their handwriting recognition is actually pretty good, for instance); but they will, outside of tech-demo-ware and highly specific custom applications, never escape the massive gravitational pull of the gigantic install base of the touchless OS. At worst, their superset offering will be completely ignored. At best, it will find a few niches, and a reasonably broad adoption in the form of "pen=mouse" ports of existing applications. Since these applications won't be all that comfortable, manufacturers will back off from bold all-tablet designs, and just start churning out "convertibles", which are just laptops with a wobbly single hinge and a screen that looks like crap because of the digitizer layer.

      This is one of MS's major strength/weakness combinations. They have the resources(and some genuinely good people) to relentlessly add interlocking feature-set after interlocking feature-set to their products. However, because of their enterprise orientation, they are not good at the exotic, or the starkly cut down. Any innovation has to be capable of being tacked on to the gigantic interlocking feature mass. Any cut-down subset has to alienate as few 3rd parties and legacy customers as possible, and integrate with the feature mass as much as possible. On the plus side, this means that their stuff makes it relatively easy(if not wise) to build a towering enterprise stack, and then have it supported for years and years. On the minus side, it pretty much stomps on innovation, even where technologically possible.
  • by RyuuzakiTetsuya ( 195424 ) <taiki@co[ ]et ['x.n' in gap]> on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:09PM (#32038958)

    Hinge(Which can break) + Stylus(Which can go lost and is a lousy input device) = Fail in the long haul.

    Of course, I also believe that the iPad's losing out by not having an *optional* stylus tool for drawing, but that's just me.

  • I was really, seriously looking forward to that device. It was everything I wanted that iPad was not. Even having two screens. It would have actually made me use Windows 7 voluntarily. Smooth move, M$.
  • by walterbyrd ( 182728 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:11PM (#32038972)

    Msft got HP to buy Palm so that HTC, or Google, could not buy Palm. Now, to repay HP for buying Palm, msft drops msft's own "iPad killer" thus eliminating a huge competitor for HP.

    Msft and Apple, hate and fear Android - they want to patent troll Android out of existance. HP has no special love for Android, because Android would not differentiate HP enough from the other Android tablet, or phone, sellers.

    HP is a very close partner with msft, with both PCs and phones. If either HTC, or google, bought Palm, they would be able to use Palm's arsenal of patents to counter-sue msft and/or apple.

    Pure speculation on my part, but it is quite a coincidence that the following all happened at the same time:

    Apple sues HTC
    Msft and HTC form a special patent deal
    HP buys Palm
    Msft discontinues Courier

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:11PM (#32038978)

    The idea seemed at first glance to be interesting, and was full of a lot of new concepts for how to use a tablet.

    But I didn't see a lot of really practical ideas in there, starting with the dual folding screens. The thoughts of glass on glass, with slight torque in everyday carrying and average amounts of dust and grit...

    Some of the other things in the videos seemed cool, but in everyday use again I just thought some of the actions would grow to be annoying. The central dragging area was kind of interesting...

    Someone could easily carry on the concept with a special case that held two iPads, and some software to have them act in tandem over Bluetooth.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by DuranDuran ( 252246 )

      > Dual folding screens were always a non-starter

      Yeah, Nintendo found that out the hard way with all the millions of Game and Watches [] they sold.

  • by treeves ( 963993 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:14PM (#32038996) Homepage Journal

    It was planned to only allow installation of one font, a certain typewriter font, to make it run faster and create a consistent branding.
      This did not do well in focus groups, who showed a preference for being able to use Comic Sans and other fonts.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      For all that is holy, I wish people would drop Comic Sans. It's like everyone got the same idea at once -- ten years ago -- and it's Groundhog Day every time I see it. It's overused and was one of the first things I changed when I jailbroke my Touch. People using Brush Script, using Cooper Black for body text, or Copperplate for anything other than titling should probably be shot.

      Oh, while you're at it, make sure you get those using Latin Wide and Marker Felt for any purpose -- because there's just no excu
  • Huh?!? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:22PM (#32039042)
    So, first time in years that Microsoft's concept of "innovation", which is really "just copy whatever Google or Apple or Sony do", actually WASN'T a stupid idea... and they kill the project? You've got to admit, this was much better conceived than the Zune!
  • Cool! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Gerald ( 9696 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @07:26PM (#32039080) Homepage

    Can they kill Comic Sans [] too?

  • is anyone else disturbed that slashdot is linking to gizmodo stories again?
    okay, i guess it's just me, sorry.

  • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday April 29, 2010 @08:48PM (#32039720)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
