Football Field-Sized Kite Powers Latest Freighter 251
coondoggie writes to tell us that a new freighter set to launch in December will be receiving a hefty dose of power from a kite the size of a football field. The 460-foot ship, owned by the Beluga shipping company, hopes to see as much as a 50% drop in fuel consumption during optimal conditions. "The SkySails system consists of a towing kite with rope, a launch and recovery system and a control system for the whole operation. The control system acts like the autopitot systems on an aircraft, the company says. Autopilot software sends and receives data about the sail etc to make sure the sail is set at its optimal position. The company also says it provides an optional weather routing system so that ships can sail into optimal wind conditions.The kites typically fly at about 1,000 feet above sea level, thereby tapping winds that can be almost 50% stronger than at the surface. "
This could be tragic. (Score:3, Funny)
Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:5, Funny)
*Investors throw money at random dude*
1769 - James Watt "You know this steam engine thing would be pretty cool if it were used to run a ship"
*Investors throw money at Watt*
1896 - Karl Benz "You know this gas powered combustion engine thing would be pretty cool if it were used to run a ship"
*Investors throw monoey at Benz*
2007 - SkySails "You know this wind thing would be pretty cool if it were used to run a ship"
*Beluga corp. throws money at SkySails*
Seems to me that SkySails is a few millenia back on their innovation.
Re:Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:5, Informative)
Furthermore, the kite has upward lift, which helps pull the bow out of the water. This makes it feel less of the effects of waves, smoothing out the ride a bit.
The biggest difference, though, is that it can be used in high winds, everything from 10-40mph. A traditional sailboat cannot sail in such high winds.
Re:Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:4, Informative)
This is essentially a giant spinnaker. The main disadvantage is that it is really only good for downwind propulsion, whereas a conventional sail can make some progress upwind at an angle.
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Re:Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:5, Informative)
Not true. This type of kite is more effective at steering into the wind than a conventional sail. A conventional sail always has a significant vector of force in the direction of the wind, and relies on the ship's keel to redirect that force. A kite can steer 90 degrees towards the wind, generating lift directly perpendicular to the wind direction. If a kite was attached to the center of a ship with a keel, I'd guess you could get close to 10 degrees of direct upwind. As it is, this is about products for cargo ships and yachts, and the kite pulls from the bow. The SkySails site says you can go within 50 degrees of direct upwind, 70 degrees with full power, which sounds realistic to me.
It's a kite, not a spinnaker! (Score:5, Informative)
My kite is a Peter Lynn Venom II http://www.peterlynnkiteboarding.com/ [peterlynnk...arding.com], this is a twinskin kite which keeps its airfoil shape due to internal air pressure: A set of small mesh openings in the leading edge allows air into the opening between the front and back side.
This form of kite is an airfoil, not a spinnaker, the difference is huge:
A spinnaker is effectively a large bag to catch the wind, while a kite works best by having air moving faster on one side than the other. Among other things, this means that a kite allows you to sail much faster at an angle to the wind instead of straight downwind.
Another nice trick you can do with a kite, unlike a windsurfing rig, it to let the kite loop around in little figure-of-eights: This makes the airfoil move even faster through the air, increasing the lift particularly during a lull in the wind.
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Re:Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:5, Informative)
d00d, a modern traction kite is to a spinnaker like a modern wind turbine to a 16th-century windmill. These are airfoils, and yes you can go upwind with them - ask any competent kitesurfer. Rest assured though that you are not alone [kiteship.com] in your confusion.
A traction kite develops more power per area than a sail for 3 reasons:
1. no spillage (reduction in effective area due to heeling);
2. stronger winds at higher altitudes (where SkySails is flying, winds are roughly double those near ground, generating 4 times as much force);
3. higher airspeed (up to another factor of 2) than ship speed when working (looping or figure-8ing) the kite.
Taken together, these mean that traction kites can have *way* (as in, up to a factor of 20 or so) higher power density than *efficient* sails. A spinnaker is not an efficient sail.
SkySail's projections are in fact rather conservative - these are German engineers after all. They've convinced me - in fact they've got my money riding on them.
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Ship propulsion by Kites combining energy production by Laddermill principle and direct kite propulsion [tudelft.nl] (PDF!)
Re:Reinventing the wheel, and getting $$$ for it (Score:4, Interesting)
Unless they put a lot of [heavy] steel stiffening in, the ship will flex at the attachment point rather than lift the bow. Ships aren't rigid.
On top of which, even if the kite were attached at the eyes - you don't want upward force. Upward force doesn't contribute as much to propulsion as lateral force.
Getting $$$ for vaporware (Score:2)
I don't know how atmospheric winds work but I assume they mostly blow in one direction. How high against downwind can a kite be made to fly. I assume these wing kites can sail a bit off directly down wind but unless they can fly more than 90 degrees off downwind like a sailboat then it's hard to see how this helps for the return journey.
Thus this 50% effi
The wind direction varies according to lat./long (Score:2)
Re:Getting $$$ for vaporware (Score:4, Interesting)
The real question isn't necessarily the efficiency gain in percentage terms, but whether the fuel savings can offset the cost the kite system. No. 6 fuel (which most ships use) is relatively cheap, because it is one refining step above tar. Seriously, it is really nasty stuff, and doesn't burn cleanly at all. A big cargo ship will go through thousands of gallons of it a day, maybe in just hours. If you can use 25% less fuel in a year, that starts to look like hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel saved per year, which in turn could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in savings.
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Optimum conditions (Score:2, Interesting)
Still, good to see that people are trying different ideas.
30-50% is more like it (Score:5, Interesting)
Frankly, I think the major limitation on any kind of sail power has been crew cost. Big freighters run with tiny crews these days, and often not very well trained and not especially reliable, except for the top few officers. Getting a crew that can handle a big sail competently, without endangering the cost of the apparatus, sounds expensive. But maybe they've got a robotic, computerized control system that can eliminate that problem.
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not so much time as schedule, I think (Score:3, Interesting)
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I wonder if this isn't a tradoff between energy efficiency and shipping time.
Just so everyone has an idea of the time spans involved:
Pacific Rim* to West Coast USA - 11 to 15 days
Pacific Rim to East Coast USA - 25 to 50 days
Europe to East Coast USA - 7 to 14+ days
The other important routes are Europe to Pacific Rim & Pacific Rim to the Mediterranean.
Saving 10~50% in fuel costs is no joke when these boats are burning >$20,000 tons of fuel per day. The only businesses that would care about slightly slower shipping are those running Just-In-Time inventory systems and they can e
Re:30-50% is more like it (Score:5, Informative)
Link to video... (Score:3, Informative)
http://www.skysails.info/index.php?id=71&L=1 [skysails.info]
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I just watched their promo video at SkySails [skysails.info]. (The video is here [streamingfarm.tv]). They can point as close as 50 degrees off the wind, so tacking is possible. In other words, if oil went up to $1000 a barrel they could theoretically sail either way across the Atlantic, albeit taking 2 or 3 times as long.
They show 30% fuel savings, but oil prices have gone up a lot recently, so it might well be closer to 50% now. It launches and recovers automatically and has an automatic control system.
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I'm not sure where you get the 50% from, because 30% fuel savings, say from 1000 gals to 700 gals will always be the same result. Now the 30% fuel savings can be leveraged by fuel cost savings, but that is also going to be only 30%, but the actual difference in absolute $ will increase, but that is not a percentage of anything.
So, 30% is 30% unless they can make bigger kites that can operate on hig
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They also mentioned it paying for itself in 3 to 5 years. They must be charging an insane amount of money for it to cost 10% to 30% of 3 to 5 years worth of fuel costs for a freighter.
Never thought it would see the light of day (Score:2)
The main problem I see is the addition
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I'm sure its probably more often than I would otherwise think given the ideal routes from high-traffic origins to high-traffic destinations, but you'd think they would have some kind of rules about operating it only XX miles from ports and have some kind of radar tie-in that would cause the kite to not deploy or undeploy should shipping traffic come within some danger zone.
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Most of the power? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Most of the power? (Score:5, Informative)
Then consider that engine efficiency doesn't scale linearly with fuel consumption, and that propellers on large ships are fixed, not constant speed. This means that a ship moving at 17 knots HAS to make, say, 83 RPMs (for a big Sulzer). So, the kite might provide 50% of motive power, but the ship will only be able to cut the fuel pumps 20%-25%, and can't cut RPMs at all, else the prop starts dragging and cavitating.
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I'm more confused by how there's a 50% reduction in fuel consumption, but only 10-20% reduction in greenhouse gases. This articles sounds like it needs to cite some verifiable sources. :P
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I'm no physics guy and I've never worked on a ship, but I'll bet modern ships go faster than wind power alone would allow, and I'll bet a lot of the extra fuel consumption is to maintain that forward speed.
I picture it like a lot of solar electricity generation. You may generate a significant fraction of your energy needs with the solar panels on your roof, but you still need power from the grid to
They might be able to get this off the ground... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:They might be able to get this off the ground.. (Score:5, Funny)
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What to do with your kite is the least of Mr. Sailor's worries when monster wave comes along.
I would expect a big red quick-release button on the bridge would cut the thing free in a crisis. Preferably by means of explosive charges. Explosions during a crisis are always just the thing to get the crew extra motivated.
Yay old tech (Score:5, Insightful)
I think some of the article misses the point:
'What if fuel prices go down?' What if they don't? Prices will not go down in the long term and the companies using these will benefit the most.
'These can't be used in a head wind.' Well no sh*t Sherlock, thanks for that. It's to cut fuel use, not eliminate it. Any cut will be good for the company and the environment.
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Or dump it in the San Francisco Bay if they can't...
Then again, I'm not sure getting a kite the size of a football field tangled in the Bay Bridge would have been much prettier.
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These sails can [symaltesefalcon.com].
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The Maltese Falcon is more or less just a modern reinterpretation of a square sail [wikipedia.org] rig, with the added advantage of being able to completely rotate the rig, allowing it to sail closer to wind.
I've heard quite a bit of debate from experienced sailors as to the comparative merits and drawbacks of this design. I'm no expert, but the one thing that is certain, is that it's astonishingly expensive (just like everything else about the boat). Not practical for c
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But it kills birdies.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously though... I can't think of any alternatives to fossil fuels that haven't run into enormous amount of flack.
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Certain to be considered a security risk... (Score:5, Funny)
Once the pirates learn that there's a tasty morsel attached to that giant kite on the horizon...
Re:Certain to be considered a security risk... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Certain to be considered a security risk... (Score:5, Informative)
AIS-receivers plus a good VHF-antenna cost only a few hundred dollars so cost is not an issue to the pirates.
This is an "update" from a July, 2006 article (Score:5, Interesting)
http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/08/1735227 [slashdot.org]
The original article claimed a 33% savings in fuel costs. This new article claims a 50% savings under optimal conditions. Interestingly, the greenhouse gas savings are only 10-20%. Where is the logic in that?
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Obviously, conditions aren't always optimal.
Just put some solar fans on the ship to go faster! (Score:2)
And obviously, as recent events prove (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/11/09/BAD8T8PLU.DTL [sfgate.com] ) , you need a non-dumbass boat driver who knows where the bridges are.
I hope they put beacons on the sail and rope (Score:3, Insightful)
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-Slashdot Junky
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Dupe! (Score:2)
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http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/08/1735227 [slashdot.org]
The linked article doesn't work any more, but it had the same stupid picture in it - with a photoshop sail drawn over a ship. It would be nice if they at least showed a picture of a working prototype and not the same dumb photoshop drawing.
Global Calming (Score:2, Funny)
Spinnaker? (Score:2)
Cool. I like it.
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It's a washout! (Score:2, Interesting)
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Or the automated control mechanism already pleasant retracts the kite if wind is insufficient to keep it up. This would also prevent it from falling into the water.
This thing is 1000' up, you'll have plenty of time to react if wind isn't sufficient. As another poster said as well, if the wind is unpredictable then they wouldn't launch. If wind became unpredictable then the system pulls it all back in.
The real concern with this is durability of the kite. Hold long before it needs replacement, what's it t
Re:It's a washout! (Score:4, Informative)
From my experience of flying kites above 500 feet (perfectly legal in the U.S. as long as the kite is 5 lbs. or less and not a hazard) the wind doesn't die. I had more problems with the line and structural integrity of the kite. The line may break, the kite may collapse, or the winds may start blowing the wrong way long before you have to worry about a perfectly good kite dipping into the water.
From The Investor Ripoff Department (Score:2, Insightful)
Why do you suppose we shifted from sails to steam and then to internal combustion engines and then back to steam/nuclear in various Navies? It's because they are more ef
Size of a Football field? (Score:2)
The test sail, if you drill down, is 160 sq. m.
Hardly the size of a football field.
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The test sail, if you drill down, is 160 sq. m.
Hardly the size of a football field.
The homepage says that kites with areas up to 320 sq m will be available in 2007. Given that 2007 is almost over I'd say the homepage is a little out of date. According to this page [skysails.info] SkySails for cargo ships range between 160 and 5000 sq m. It's not unreasonable to describe 5000 sq m as football field-sized.
size of a football field ... (Score:5, Funny)
Really, we're all geeky adults here. Can't we use real units? And moreover, we're not all in the U.S. (I happen to be, but still).
When it docks in the U.S., it's 100 yards long by 160 feet wide. Apparently when the ship docks in a Canadian port the sail will expand to 100 meters long and 59.4 meters wide. When it docks anywhere in the rest of the world, it will expand to anywhere from 100 to 110 meters wide to 64 to 75 meters wide. I guess it'll fold out or something.
And when it docks in Australia, it will run about 165 meters long by 135 meters wide (and while it will be hard to figure out how it works or what it's doing, it will be brutally violent).
Can we find anything more ambiguous to compare it to? How many loaves of bread long is it?
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I mean if they said it was about half a hectare, that would be about as precise and far less meaningful.
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And when it docks in Australia, it will run about 165 meters long by 135 meters wide (and while it will be hard to figure out how it works or what it's doing, it will be brutally violent).
Just what are you trying to say about Australian football?!?!
No doubt, let's get some useful units here (Score:2)
American Football or Association Football? (Score:2)
Total Cost of Ownership (Score:3, Interesting)
Take a look at private boats -- sail VS diesel. Sure, sail power is free, right? No. The cost of the sail which wears out, the cost of the lines & riggings. Add it all up and get TCO. Depending on what you are doing, diesel may be cheaper. Especially in commercial applications.
The cost savings in fuel is offset by the cost in the kite, riggings, and management of the kite. The TCO will be interesting to see. I would be surprised if it was any better than a wash in savings.
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We like the cut of your jib!
We have a job for you at careers@" [gartner.com]
What? You forgot the biggest factor (Score:3, Insightful)
It makes a substantial difference where the inflection point is.
What is required of the ship? (Score:2)
Also, I think you can tack into the wind with one of these. The kite is steerable, so it doesn't have to be directly downwind of the ship. It is just a scaled-up version of kite-surfing. (Tacking travels extra distance, of course, so it might not always be economic to use the kite.)
Waterworld (Score:2)
That'll keep Walmart stocked. (Score:2)
Related development (Score:4, Interesting)
There's very little information about them for now but they did get a $10M investment from Google. Here [pbs.org] is what Cringely dug up about them from old Usenet posts of one of the team members.
Or better yet why? (Score:4, Interesting)
Why not? Because it wouldn't really help in any way and would cost a lot of money.
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Conventional generator powering an electric motor reduces wear and tear.
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Even better... (Score:2)
You don't need solar cells at all. Just make both kite and cable conductive. There's an electric potential gradient [google.com] of about 200 Volts/meter in the atmosphere. A kite flying at 300 meters height has a voltage difference of 60 kV with relation to the ship. Of course, the current will be small, but with a surface as big as a football field substantial power could be used.
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Re:Field? (Score:5, Funny)
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Which Field??? (Score:2)
Soccer (aka Football everywhere but the US)
American Football
Canadian Football
Australian Rules Football
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Re:What is autopitot? (Score:4, Funny)
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My guess is that you've never been on a sailboat. You'd run the kite up a mast with a halyard. That would get it 60 or 80 feet up in the air and from there the wind would take it. I had a )aprox.) 1,000 square foot spinaker on my boat. You'd be serprized at the power in could generate even in a light breeze. I had some strong 5/8 inch diameter lines on it that would stretch with ever little gust of wind.
So if you could just get the first 1,000 square fiit 60 fe
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