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Robotics Government The Almighty Buck Science

NSF and Federal Partners Award $37M To Advance Nation's Co-robots (nsf.gov) 13

aarondubrow writes: Today, the National Science Foundation, in partnership with the DoD, NASA, NIH, and USDA, announced $37 million in new awards to spur the development and use of co-robots — robots that work cooperatively with people. From unmanned vehicles that can inspect and fix ailing infrastructure to co-robots that can collaborate with workers on manufacturing tasks, scientists and engineers are developing the next generation of robots that can handle critical tasks in close proximity to humans, providing for unprecedented safety and resilience. This year, the initiative funded 66 new research proposals to 49 distinct institutions in 27 states.
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NSF and Federal Partners Award $37M To Advance Nation's Co-robots

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One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
