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Flash From the Past: Why an Apparent Israeli Nuclear Test In 1979 Matters Today 441

Lasrick writes: Stanford's Leonard Weiss writes about growing evidence that Israel and South Africa cooperated on nuclear weapons testing in the 1970s, and in fact conducted a test: "On September 22, 1979, a US satellite code-named Vela 6911, which was designed to look for clandestine atmospheric nuclear tests and had been in operation for more than 10 years, recorded a double flash in an area where the South Atlantic meets the Indian Ocean, off the coast of South Africa. The detection immediately triggered a series of steps in which analysts at national labs in the United States informed their superiors that the recorded signal had all the earmarks of a nuclear test... The event has been a subject of controversy ever since, but is now recognized by most analysts as the detection of an Israeli nuclear test with South African logistical cooperation." Weiss goes through the history of the investigation and new evidence that has come to light, and relates it to the rhetoric surrounding Iran's nuclear energy program and the recent agreement Iran struck with the P5+1, as well as to efforts for a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. Terrific cloak-and-dagger read with plenty of technical details.
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Flash From the Past: Why an Apparent Israeli Nuclear Test In 1979 Matters Today

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 13, 2015 @09:35AM (#50513197)

    Nor does Israel murder Iranians in Argentina. []


    Because Judaism doesn't have the concept of dar al-Islam and dar al-Harb, nor does Judaism demand death or conversion for all kafirs [].

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Nor does Israel murder Iranians in Argentina. []


      Because Judaism doesn't have the concept of dar al-Islam and dar al-Harb, nor does Judaism demand death or conversion for all kafirs [].

      This is the difference. Liberal anti-Semites can't seem to wrap their heads around this concept. Israel wants to be left alone in peace; Muslim countries are hell-bent on destroying Israel. Also note: if Israel has had nukes since the 70's as this is claiming, funny how they've never used them, even in defense at this point? Compare that to Muslim countries' vows to eradicate Israel at any possible opportunity. Who do you think is more responsible with nuclear technology?

      • by binarylarry ( 1338699 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @10:26AM (#50513333)

        Who would israel use nukes against? Only a fool would nuke your neighbors, even if they hate you.

        Why does the US and UN continue to allow Israel to have them? They don't really need the weapons, they can't use them in anyway without starting a massive war that will basically eliminate their country.

        By having the weapons, it causes their neighbors to want them to keep forces equal. So you have fucking crazy states like Iran constantly trying to even the playing field with Israel.

        The only reason I can see for Israel to have them is leverage over the US and other countries. As long as their nukes exist (or everyone thinks they exist), there's a kind of cold war that can be easily sparked into actual war, so the US, UN, etc can't unilaterally do anything to either side without potentially sparking an even bigger war.

        Since Israel is one of the bigger powers in the region, this unstableness prevents the larger powers from getting involved and gives more slack to do what they want.

        (this isn't meant to be anti-israel rant, just a theory. I'm generally pro Israel as a western style democracy in an otherwise fucked up region of the world).

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Who would israel use nukes against? Only a fool would nuke your neighbors, even if they hate you.

          Why does the US and UN continue to allow Israel to have them? They don't really need the weapons, they can't use them in anyway without starting a massive war that will basically eliminate their country.

          By having the weapons, it causes their neighbors to want them to keep forces equal. So you have fucking crazy states like Iran constantly trying to even the playing field with Israel.

          The only reason I can see for Israel to have them is leverage over the US and other countries. As long as their nukes exist (or everyone thinks they exist), there's a kind of cold war that can be easily sparked into actual war, so the US, UN, etc can't unilaterally do anything to either side without potentially sparking an even bigger war.

          Since Israel is one of the bigger powers in the region, this unstableness prevents the larger powers from getting involved and gives more slack to do what they want.

          (this isn't meant to be anti-israel rant, just a theory. I'm generally pro Israel as a western style democracy in an otherwise fucked up region of the world).

          The nukes are Israel's doomsday weapon aimed at the leaders of the Muslim countries surrounding them. Those nukes say this to those leaders:

          "If you follow through on your Islamic tenets and try to reclaim this little bit of dar al-Harb for the greater glory of your Prophet, you personally are going to disappear in a blinding white flash of light. And all your cities will be glassed-over desert."

          If you don't know what dar al-Harb is, you don't understand the fundamental nature of the Arab/Israeli war - Isr

          • by elgatozorbas ( 783538 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @01:21PM (#50514057)

            I dare you to try to identify another culture in the history of humanity that actually openly celebrates the murder of innocent civilians like way too many Muslims did on 9/11.

            More specifically: some muslims openly celebrated the murder of innocent civilians and were caught on camera. Some extremist christians do similar things. Some extremist jews do similar things. Some Russians do similar things. Muslims don't have a monopoly on mediaval behaviour.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by Anonymous Coward

              Too what extremist christian sect are you referring....I am sick and tired of hearing this as an argument. Please, citation, what modern christian group has danced around in the streets because innocent civilians where killed? ....Im waiting....I really want to hear your response....

              • That would be the sect that lined up again and again to buy tickets for "American Sniper"
                • That would be the sect that lined up again and again to buy tickets for "American Sniper"

                  Have you seen "American Sniper?" Man, that thing is an anti-war movie. Everyone who voted to go to war should be forced to watch that thing, because it shows the horrific situations we put our fellow citizens into......and for what? Even the main character, who was heroic, was affected by the war.

                  War needs to have a clear objective, and it needs to be an objective we are willing to die for. Do not vote for a war unless you would personally be willing to risk your life for the given objective.

              • It isn't a sect, it is rank-and-file. I don't think you even know any Christians if you aren't aware that celebrating death and accidents that befall people of disliked religions is a standard type of social communication.

                You seem to be simply claiming you haven't met these people, and that therefore they don't exist. It is a laughable claim to anybody who, due to being an employed adult who does business-to-business work, engages people from all walks of life in a relaxed atmosphere where they often say wh

            • Muslims do not have a monopoly on that kind of behavior, but of the 30+ officially muslim nations of the Arab League not one of them is NOT openly and explicitly promoting that kind of behavior in their government sanctioned teachings, television shows, and sermons. I mean hell look at Jordan... it's probably the single least anti-Israel arab state out there and Jordan's official government sponsored sermons teach that the jews murder babies to make matza every passover.

            • by phorm ( 591458 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @05:16PM (#50515221) Journal

              And that sort of shit is really what burns my ass (and I`m not Muslim). Yes, some Muslims did stupid, terrible shit. In more recent ``Christian`` history, we have Kim Davis getting a standing ovation to fucking eye of the tiger [] after being jailed for multiple instances of contempt because she refused to marry gays like her fucking job says to (apparently it`s against her religion, while her 4 marriages and infidelity weren`t somehow)

              And we conveniently forget that in Iran, the major reaction to 9-11 was not celebration but actually this [], because they recognize that - regardless or religion - all lives are valuable and a terrible thing had happened. Despite that, some people still want to put Iran in the same camp as ISIS (guess who was fighting ISIS before the rest of us got involved), and major outlets like the New York Times had articles that advocate an unprovoked bombing of Iran [] as a better alternative than a peaceful settlement.

              I`ve met some pretty terrible Muslims in my life. For the most part they were holier-than-thou assholes that thought that praying twice a day made them ``good people`` in spite of their conduct. I see the exact same shit from certain members of Christian churches, as well as Jews, etc. There will always be bad people out there, and there are plenty who would use their so-called religion or beliefs to pretend they are good whilst actually doing evil.

              • by dave420 ( 699308 )
                Something is horribly wrong with this discussion when a factual post is labelled Troll simply because it points out some truths which go against the usual cluster-hate-fuck against Islam.
          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            by Anonymous Coward

            So you're saying Americans weren't celebrating the death of 350000 Japanese civilians that resulting from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima? There's plenty of citations in this paper [] that suggest otherwise.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              The Japanese in World War Two had dehumanized themselves to the point that NO ONE GAVE A FUCK about 300,000 civilians. Have you bothered to READ SOME HISTORY?!?! Open a google search, and enter "rape of nanking". Go ahead, you can do it. Try to distinguish between the more authoritative and historical links, as opposed to simple minded propaganda. Yes, look for the actual numbers of people killed by beasts in Imperial uniforms. Tossing babies into the air, and catching them on bayonets, then tossing t

            • All serious analysis of the choices that US military commanders were making (nuke or ground assault) shows that more civilians would have been killed in a ground assault than were killed in the nuclear strikes.

              It is totally OK to have negative opinions of the decision. Each of us chooses our own opinions. But you can't have your own facts. There was not a choice between "nuke and people die, or don't and have nobody die." If you also measure the civilians in China, Korea, and other places murdered by the Ja

              • Or to put that in terms people can relate to: The conservative casualty estimates for non-nuclear options like a ground invasion were so high that every single purple heart ever awarded since World War 2 has been part of the batch made to cover the invasion of japan. It would have been another stalingrad, easily.

          • by dinfinity ( 2300094 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @02:12PM (#50514271)

            I dare you to try to identify another culture in the history of humanity that actually openly celebrates the murder of innocent civilians

            Didn't the US have a little problem with lynching in the past?
            But I guess you're going to say all those blacks were criminals, right? No white supremacist would ever just want to see black guys dead, 'guilty' or not.

            The thing you have to realize is that almost all humans are very, very good at dehumanizing their out groups (i.e.: the 'not us' people), to the extent that there are no innocents among those groups (hell, they're not even human. They're 'less than dogs').

            'The only good [x] is a dead [x]' isn't just some farcical mythological exclamation, it is deeply ingrained in our biology. It takes hard work to build up civilization to prevent that instinct from surfacing and even then that layer of civilization is very thin and easily destroyed.

            Muslims were literally dancing in the streets on 9/11

            If I'm not mistaken, there are no records of Muslims in the biggest Muslim nation on earth (Indonesia) dancing in the streets because of 9/11, nor do I believe that American Muslims did so. Ask yourself what the difference is between the dancing ones and the non-dancing ones and their relation to the US (and their relationship with Israel). I'm not saying they are right to hate the US or excusing them for it, just that their human capability for hating enemies and disregarding the humanity of those killed in 9/11 is fueled by that relation, not by the specific religion they were brought up with.

            I don't know if you've looked at the ongoings in central and southern Africa in the last couple of decades, but I'm pretty sure there have been some pretty horrendously acting Christians there as well: []

            Bottom line:
            Humans don't need a lot to deeply hate an entire group of people and rather see them die than live.

            • the sheer amount of excuses you guys peddle to excuse Islam from being civilized is, frankly, amazing. Any tiny amount of "christian hate" you find, is literally dwarfed by the thousands upon thousands of examples of muslim hate and fresh blood - if, that is, you cared enough to look.
        • by jbolden ( 176878 )

          The reason for Israel to have them is they can use them if they start to lose a defensive war. The Israeli nation, don't believe they would survive the Israeli state losing a serious war. Hence strategic nuclear forces make sense as a defensive weapon for them.

          Obviously there would be horrible political repercussions, but most stuff is better than death.

          • Given the stated goal of the complete extermination of the entire jewish race and every Israeli citizen it's not really expected that there would be any political repercussions because, in the event Israel goes for the Samson Option, it's not really expected that there will be anyone left.

        • Since Israel has taken an unusual "don't confirm - don't deny" stance we can only assume that the nukes are meant to be revealed, and used if necessary, as a last resort in a scenario where Israel has lost the conventional fight against enemy forces and is about to be conquered and occupied.

          If Israel primarily intended to use the weapons as a deterrent they would have revealed that they have them and how may they have, since the deterrent effect is proportional to the amount of firepower that you have. An u

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        If Israel wants to be left alone, perhaps they should stop their policy of murdering innocent civilians and building homes in areas that don't belong to them.

        • by sjames ( 1099 )

          I have to agree. I would find supporting Israel much easier if they would take the high road with Gaza.

          • by jbolden ( 176878 )

            There are 0 Israelis who live in Gaza. There are 0 settlements in Gaza. All the Gazan Israeli wars of the last 10 years wars have been Gaza attacking Israel.

            They tried taking the high road, the Gazans still won't accept living in Gaza and not Israel.

            • by sjames ( 1099 )

              Yes, the settlements are gone, but the blockade remains.

              • So what you're saying is no matter what, under any circumstances, Israel should never, at all, ever, make any kind of response whatsoever to a government demanding the total annihilation of the jewish race and then launching thousands of rockets and mortars at Israeli civilians?

                Or are you saying instead of a blockade and wall you'd rather just see a much more overt military response?

            • by nbauman ( 624611 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @10:05PM (#50516269) Homepage Journal

              There are 0 Israelis who live in Gaza. There are 0 settlements in Gaza. All the Gazan Israeli wars of the last 10 years wars have been Gaza attacking Israel.

              They tried taking the high road, the Gazans still won't accept living in Gaza and not Israel.

              Gaza is surrounded on all sides by a blockade which doesn't allow them to import or export any significant goods, or leave and come back to a university, for example. It reminds a lot of Jews, including me, of the Warsaw Ghetto.

              A blockade is an act of war. A people have a right to defend themselves against an attack.

              The people who are firing those missiles and making those attacks are usually not controlled by Hamas, but are smaller militant factions, which don't want peace with Israel and often sabotage the peace efforts.

              Israel claims that those militant factions are the "responsibility" of Hamas. If that's true, then logically, the Israeli government is responsible for the illegal land grabs and killings by the settlers, for example, but I can't remember an Israeli prosecution of settlers for killing Palestinians.

              Israel would also be responsible for the illegal killings of civilians during the Gaza wars, including the "white flag" incidents where Israeli soldiers killed Palestinians, including children, who came out carrying a white flag as ordered (documented in the Goldstone report), but Israel has never prosecuted a solider for killing a Palestinian, or even admitted that it happened.

              • by jbolden ( 176878 )

                It reminds a lot of Jews, including me, of the Warsaw Ghetto.

                Between 1940 when it was established and mid-1942 when the uprising started the 1,125 calories a day allocation caused over 1/5th of the population of the Warsaw Ghetto to starve to death. When the first uprising happened the Germans killed another 10% of the population within 3 months are exported the remaining population to death camps.

                In Gaza the death toll from multiple uprisings is around 1/4%. The starvation is not remotely similar. It

                • by nbauman ( 624611 ) on Monday September 14, 2015 @01:37AM (#50516933) Homepage Journal

                  It reminds a lot of Jews, including me, of the Warsaw Ghetto.

                  Between 1940 when it was established and mid-1942 when the uprising started the 1,125 calories a day allocation caused over 1/5th of the population of the Warsaw Ghetto to starve to death. When the first uprising happened the Germans killed another 10% of the population within 3 months are exported the remaining population to death camps.

                  In Gaza the death toll from multiple uprisings is around 1/4%. The starvation is not remotely similar. It is an obscenity to compare the Warsaw Ghetto to If you are a Jew, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for saying something like that.

                  I read Emanuel Ringelblum's Warsaw Ghetto diaries, and I read the Amnesty International reports of Israeli human rights abuses. I read the accounts of how ambulances took pregnant Palestinian women to the border crossings, where the Israeli border guards forced them to get out and wait, until they delivered their babies at the crossing, where many of the children (and some of the mothers) died. I read a story of how a 50-year-old Palestinian man with a heart attack arrived at the border crossing, trying to get to an Israeli hospital, and the border guards wouldn't let him through, and he died. My father had a heart attack at the same age, he went to the hospital, and he lived another 20 years. I used to call the Israeli public relations office to verify these stories, and they simply lied. I saw many uncomfortable similarities between what I read in Ringelblum's diaries and what I read (and verified) in the Amnesty International report.

                  When I grew up, people used to say, "How could the world stand by silently when Jews were being killed?" Well, now you know. Palestinians are being killed, just as the world, including you, are standing by silently. I made a vow that if it ever happened again, I wouldn't stand by silently. That's why so many Jews led the opposition to the Vietnam war (and to every war).

                  If you are a Jew, or even if you're not, you should be ashamed to stand by silently while Palestinians are being killed.

                  Gaza is surrounded on all sides by a blockade which doesn't allow them to import or export any significant goods, or leave and come back to a university, for example.

                  Gaza has declared a state of war. The parent asserted that the Palestinians were interested in peace but the settlement enterprise prevented it. Gaza has no settlement enterprise.

                  I don't think Gaza declared a state of war, but I do know that immediately after -- at American and Israeli urging -- they had their elections, and Hamas won, the Israelis blockaded most of Gaza's imports and exports. There was no provocation. According to the Israelis themselves, they're deliberately keeping the Gazans in a state of "starvation." The doctors on the ground say that they're not getting enough food, medical supplies and other necessities. I remember Ringelblum saying that when the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto complained that they weren't allowed enough food, one of the arrogant Nazi officers said, "You Jews are very clever, you can smuggle in all the food you need." (The penalty for smuggling was death.) I saw the Israelis brag about the inadequate food they were supplying, and that's when the similarity to the Warsaw Ghetto became stark.

                  If that's true, then logically, the Israeli government is responsible for the illegal land grabs and killings by the settlers [in the West Bank], for example

                  I don't know how something that the operating government permits can be "illegal"

                  After WWII, a movement of international lawyers -- led in large part by Jewish lawyers, motivated by the example of the Nazi crimes -- wrote a body of law to make these activities illegal. Those were codified in the Geneva Conventions and other international laws. Even the Israeli government's own lawyers, such as Theodor

                  • by jbolden ( 176878 ) on Monday September 14, 2015 @08:03AM (#50517867) Homepage

                    One more thing I forgot to say. The Jewish reaction to the Holocaust was not to get a few lawyers together and work for a better United Nations. Rather it was to start the process of galvanizing support among the remaining European Jews for Zionism. The reaction was not the Geneva Convention to protect Jews. Jews had seen international conventions protecting them be ignored many times over the last 1900 years. Rather the reaction was to form a Jewish army and stop being a stateless minority. The mass migration to Palestine had the support of European Jewry after WWII.

                    And to a great extent the success of the Zionist project then caused a nationalist surge in the other major bodies of Jews. The mainstream Jewish political philosophy of a century ago looks nothing like it does today. Circumstances changed ideology.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Have you read your own link?

      According to a report in The Nation, the author claims that James Cheek, United States Ambassador to Argentina at the time of the bombing, told him, "To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence [of Iranian responsibility]. They never came up with anything." The hottest lead in the case, he recalled, was an Iranian defector named Manoucher Moatamer, who "supposedly had all this information." But Moatamer turned out to be only a dissatisfied low-ranking official without the

    • Forced conversion (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 13, 2015 @11:18AM (#50513551)

      I have lived amongst many Muslims here in africa. Not one has even mentioned converting me.

      However on my first trip to Atlanta, i got given a bible on day one

      • You say they forced you to take a bible?

        Your wife/girlfriend was forced to wear a veil? She wasn't allowed to pick you up at the airport?

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Assmasher ( 456699 )

      I'm not anti-semetic by any stretch of the imagination, but perhaps a little history might do you some good - try examining the roots of modern 'terrorism' followed by the role of the Haganah (which later became the backbone of the IDF) in pre and post-WWII Zionism. Israel was, quite literally, founded through terrorism.

      Israel murders plenty of people - in fact they're rather famous for being so good at it; however, so does our own government.

      Saying that, yes, Iranian religious leaders are pretty much your

      • by jbolden ( 176878 )

        The Yisuv used a variety of tactics to get achieve their goal of an independent Jewish state, just like most national liberation movements do. They did make use of Terrorism but they also made use of agricultural development and cultural enrichment did so on a much wider scale and with a higher budget. It is simply dishonest to take one attribute of the Yishuv's methods and claim that they were "literally founded through terrorism".

    • Judaism certainly has problematic concepts as well. Islam wants to convert us, Ovadia Yosef just wanted to rule us.

      The establishment of Israel makes it in my opinion inevitable that religious Judaism will change into a form pushing for the annexation of the temple mount and the promised land in general ... the orthodox outside Israel might maintain the illegitimacy of Israel, but the ones inside won't be able to unite the dichotomy for long. See the changing rabbinic opinions about visitations to temple mou

      • Might want to be careful about citing the United Nations []. We're talking about an organization that will condemn Israel 22 times in a single year but can't be bothered to take time out of their schedule to do something about the african genocides.

    • Nor does Israel murder Iranians in Argentina. []


      Because Judaism doesn't have the concept of dar al-Islam and dar al-Harb, nor does Judaism demand death or conversion for all kafirs [].

      Or Iran might have had nothing to do with it, it's a legitimately unsolved crime:

      Other opinion

      According to a report in The Nation, the author claims that James Cheek, United States Ambassador to Argentina at the time of the bombing, told him, "To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence [of Iranian responsibility]. They never came up with anything." The hottest lead in the case, he recalled, was an Iranian defector named Manoucher Moatamer, who "supposedly had all this information." But Moatamer turn

  • Apartheid (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 13, 2015 @09:38AM (#50513205)

    Two apartheid states working hand-in-hand. Quelle surprise.

  • by rmdingler ( 1955220 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @09:41AM (#50513209) Journal

    Imposing sanctions on Israel, on the other hand, would be a political disaster, involving a major loss of support for the administration among the Jewish diaspora in the United States, an important political constituency for Carter and the Democratic Party. For all these reasons, the administration was highly motivated to offer some explanation other than a nuclear test for the Vela event and to hide, suppress, or otherwise soft-pedal information and evidence to the contrary—in other words, to engage in a cover-up.

    Of course there's no way around it, but how might the World look if elected officials didn't put personal considerations ahead of national or earthly considerations.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      how might the World look if elected officials didn't put personal considerations ahead of national or earthly considerations.

      Except the problem is really not the elected officials - its the people doing the electing. (the voters)

      Imagine, for a moment, that we somehow elected a full slate of conscientious politicians. They're goal is not to pander and get reelected, their goal is to do right by the country, its citizens, and the world in general. Hooray! ... now what happens? Well, more likely than not, they'll piss off some constituency. That means that while they might be great in their one term, they'll lose in their next elect

    • but how might the World look if elected officials didn't put personal considerations ahead of national or earthly considerations.

      As if voters put national considerations ahead of personal considerations. The voters get what they collectively deserve, in this case that is true.

  • The summary uses "new evidence that has come to light" as the anchor text for a link to the article, but the most recent date in the article is 2012. Is that supposed to be the "new evidence", or am I missing something?

  • Here's the Obama quote from the article:

    It is time for the testing of nuclear weapons to finally be banned.........We go forward with no illusions. Some will break the rules, but that is we need a structure in place that ensures that when any nation does, they will face consequences.”

    It's reasonable. We're trying to stop nuclear proliferation, because the more nukes, the more likely a crazy person will get a chance to use one.

    The problem is, and the article points out, there are already consequences that should be in place for nations that test nuclear weapons, but when countries have tested nuclear weapons, they didn't face the consequences. As a result, countries will continue to get nukes. Israel and South Africa first, then Pakistan and soo

    • by mi ( 197448 )

      when countries have tested nuclear weapons, they didn't face the consequences

      You seem to be equating countries like Israel, Pakistan, and India — who never promised not to seek nuclear weapons — with the likes of Iran and North Korea, who did make such a promise, but developed (or are developing) them anyway.

      Maybe, both groups should see some consequences, but the latter group's punishment ought to be much more severe.

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Consequences can be tricky things. What we didn't want was a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, which would be triggered by Israeli testing. So what is the best option, at least in the short run, when evidence of secret Israeli testing falls into your lap?

      You consider two options: make the information public, or sweep it under the rug. The consequences of making the information public are immediate: every country in the Middle East that has the capacity to do so starts seeking its own nuclear bomb.

  • From TFA: "This cover-up is all the more troubling because it runs contrary to President Obamaâ(TM)s speech in Prague in 2009"
    Nearly stopped reading at this point; to vapidly disregard the radically different geopolitical circumstances (both regional and global) between 1979 and 2009 is, frankly, tendentious idiocy.

    It might also be worth noting that Israel, who'd been attacked generally by the Arab states around it in 1948, 1967, and 1973. It has not been openly attacked since.

  • by lophophore ( 4087 ) on Sunday September 13, 2015 @11:53AM (#50513669) Homepage

    Where was the radioactive fallout? If there was an atmospheric test there should have been detectable amounts of radioactive fallout. The article does not mention any. What's up with that?

    • by tomhath ( 637240 )

      If there was an atmospheric test there should have been detectable amounts of radioactive fallout.

      There was some radiation detected in Australia consistent with a small, clean bomb near South Africa. For political reasons, the US (Jimmy Carter) didn't want to find any proof that a nuclear bomb was detonated. They sent a couple of planes to the general vicinity as a token effort but didn't really search the correct location.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The atmospheric test (Vela incident) was most likely of a small (as in artillery shell sized) fission device intended for use as part of a thermonuclear device. These devices have small yields, and are mostly neutron output, and produce very little fallout. A high air burst with a limited yield means that there is limited ground (or seawater) sucked up into the fireball. By the 60s, people had figured out how to do tests that didn't fill the air with fallout. Essentially, this was a "neutron bomb".


  • We treat Isreal like one of our states.
    Don't worry, the American Taxpayer can afford anything : P

  • The titles of both the submission and TFA promised to explain, why it matters, but contain nothing but evidence of the test taking place.

    Ok, suppose Israel did, in fact, test a nuke in 1979 and remained nuclear-armed ever since — for over 35 years. Why does it matter today?

    I could offer some suggestions of my own — quickly to be denounced as "troll" and "flamebait" by the dimmer part of the audience — but neither the write-up nor the article deliver any of theirs.

    A sloppy piece of propa

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
