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Elon Musk's SolarCity Offering To Build Cities, Businesses Their Own Grids 185

Lucas123 writes Rooftop solar distributor SolarCity announced a new service where it will build a centrally-controllable power grid for cities, business campuses and even islands. Marketing its GridLogic service by calling attention to the recent uptick in natural disasters and the extended power outages that resulted from them, SolarCity said its "microgrids" are fully independent power infrastructures fed by solar panels with lithium-ion backup batteries (courtesy of Tesla). SolarCity claims its GridLogic program can provide electricity to communities and businesses for less than they pay for utility power and the facilities can still be connected to their area's utility power grid as an added backup.
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Elon Musk's SolarCity Offering To Build Cities, Businesses Their Own Grids

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  • Why Local storage? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Lumpy ( 12016 )

    Why not the far simpler and more beneficial Grid tie syncing systems? They work great and will let the power generated spread out to others that dont have the money for a solar installation. It causes the benefits to reach out further.

    Eliminate the batteries, system is simpler, and benefits more. It's a win,win,win, anger republicans which is another win.

    • by MightyYar ( 622222 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @09:31AM (#49327137)

      Eliminate the batteries, system is simpler, and benefits more.

      Are you sure? A bank of batteries may very well be simpler than upgrading the entire grid to handle distributed generation.

      • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

        You dont have to upgrade the entire grid. These businesses are already using power, using solar to offset that and pipe some back to the surrounding users requires no upgrades to the current grid.

        • Germany is really struggling with exactly the problem you dismiss. It is relatively simple to take one isolated pocket and only draw from the grid when the batteries start to run low. If you can give the utility an hour's notice, they can start spooling up generators. Give them notice again when you are going to disconnect and they can orderly shut generation down.

          Requiring the smooth two-way transfer of power is a more complicated problem to solve, even if it eliminates the bank of batteries. It also requi

      • 1. Musk makes the batteries. He's finding a potentially huge market to build economies of scale into the battery production.
        2. Some communities in the world don't have reliable grids or power generation facilities.
        3. Less haggle with the utilities, less red tape to build a stand alone system.

        • The more interesting tidbit in this release, to me, is that he's apparently planning to do larger-format Li cells in the new battery factory. I can't imagine doing grid-level storage in something like a billion 18650 cells (a million of them is roughly 10 mWh)... at some point you're going to need to produce something more like this (about the equivalent of 700 18650s):

    • by An Ominous Coward ( 13324 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @09:33AM (#49327157)

      Partly because a solar-powered city is gauranteed to still need power at night, and local storage eliminates loss inherent to transmission and distribution. But mainly because trying to tie into the grid means the big investor-owned utilities will screw you.

    • Why not the far simpler and more beneficial Grid tie syncing systems?

      Because the companies who run the grids don't want to play the game. Certainly not unless the terms favor them.

      The batteries means you can say "fuck you", and save power for when it's dark. You no longer have to worry about what time of day you generate power, just how much you can store.

      I think little pockets being off the grid with their own battery storage is far more disruptive than you seem to. Because suddenly they aren't at the

    • Couple reasons.

      1. When the grid goes down, so does your little micro grid. If you have sensitive needs, say for example a server farm, climate control needs, or medical life support equipment you never want it to go down.
      2. The utilities charge you to have connections to the grid even if you do nothing but generate electricity. They charge ALOT to businesses. (Pissess off the crony capitalists aka Republicans and Democrats.)
      3. Also if you have utilities coming onto your property you start getting i

  • Great Idea (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sir_Eptishous ( 873977 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @09:30AM (#49327133)
    There is more than just a "green" reason to build local microgrids.
    Energy Security and Grid Reliability are two.

    The American electrical grid, built decades ago and in need of major upgrades, is acknowledged to be a problem moving forward with renewable energy. Utilities complain that they can't handle the load. As utilities whine about what solar and wind will do to their grids(while simultaneously poopooing renewables and how much power they can generate) SolarCity will build microgrids that will allow localized power generation and distribution, so the tender and fragile utilities-of-old won't have to be bothered by pesky solar derived electricity.

    The American megagrids serve a purpose, and they should be upgraded, however we should be simultaneously building infrastructure than is localized and more robust.

    Someone should not lost power because a tree fell on a line hundreds of miles away.
    • There is more than just a "green" reason to build local microgrids. Energy Security and Grid Reliability are two. The American electrical grid, built decades ago and in need of major upgrades, is acknowledged to be a problem moving forward with renewable energy. Utilities complain that they can't handle the load. As utilities whine about what solar and wind will do to their grids(while simultaneously poopooing renewables and how much power they can generate) SolarCity will build microgrids that will allow localized power generation and distribution, so the tender and fragile utilities-of-old won't have to be bothered by pesky solar derived electricity. The American megagrids serve a purpose, and they should be upgraded, however we should be simultaneously building infrastructure than is localized and more robust. Someone should not lost power because a tree fell on a line hundreds of miles away.

      That's all well and good but what if you are producing power from your solar and your batteries are full? I just am not getting the no grid tie in.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      This. We need to take control of our local grids and make them work for us. Then the big utilities can either adapt to serve us or die as we cut them off.

  • SolarCity claims its GridLogic program can provide electricity to communities and businesses for less than they pay for utility power

    For decades we were told over and over, how the utility power is a "natural monopoly" [] and how, therefor, it can not be subject to competition...

    and the facilities can still be connected to their area's utility power grid as an added backup.

    This nod does not seem like anything more than a fig-leaf. Because, if I my campus or block or town can connect to a utility's grid, it can

    • Distribution is generally a monopoly, generation is not.

      And "less than they pay for utility power" is a very, very high bar. Installation of a parallel grid, storage, and solar collection? Ignoring the grid, most solar companies I work with will contract to use your rooftop and install a solar system to tie into your grid-based power. You agree to pay $0.30(!) per kWh for all the generated power, they maintain the system. The cost of energy is fixed for the life of the contract (usu 20-30 years), and that's

    • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 )

      For decades, large-scale renewable power generation was a dream. Things change; doesn't make the old reality a myth.

    • So you're proposing having two sets of wires running to each house and business? Don't conflate generation and distribution. Power generation is rarely a monopoly, except for areas that cannot connect to the national grid. Even national distribution has competition. But local power distribution can't switch who owns the wire underground or overhead so easy. Even if you go "off grid", all you've done is change monopolies. Just one you now own.

      • by mi ( 197448 )

        So you're proposing having two sets of wires running to each house and business?

        Why not? When I signed up for FiOS, a Verizon technician came over and ran a fiber-cable to my house from the pole nearby. Comcast's coax cables are running from the same pole to my neighbors.

        Why can't the same be done with power cables?

    • Actually, it has been quite some time since utility power has been treated as a 'natural monopoly'.

      There are some vestiges of regulated monopoly stuff, mostly in consumer electrical delivery(partially inertia, partially the fact that political influence over the price of consumer staple goods can be electorally popular, partly because it fits neatly with the usual state interest in not having people cut off for nonpayment and freezing to death, which generates a lot of bad PR per dollar in utility bills
    • by necro81 ( 917438 )

      the utility power is a "natural monopoly" and how, therefor, it can not be subject to competition...

      I would take a more nuanced approach to it. It's not that it cannot be subject to competition, it's more that it is unreasonable to expect competition to magically appear - as one would expect in other markets - due to the impracticalities (i.e., having two sets of power lines) and the high cost to entry.

  • Nice idea but (Score:2, Informative)

    by burtosis ( 1124179 )
    Why are they using lithium batteries? For solar you want the cheapest long lasting low cost electronics overhead solution per kWh, performance to weight or size is almost irrelevant. Lithium batteries are only the best tech for moderate to expensive portable/mobile tech and not power back up installations.

    I think more solar with better tech is the future and worth investing in under many circumstances. But due to no grid tie in and the batteries i can't help but think it smacks of a crappy bundling
    • Re:Nice idea but (Score:5, Interesting)

      by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @09:39AM (#49327203) Homepage Journal

      Why are they using lithium batteries?

      Because EVs use them, but when the EVs are done with the packs, the packs are still good for something.

      The plan for Leaf packs was to use them for this purpose from day one. Why not Tesla? Hell, they might be able to get their hands on the Leaf packs cheap.

      • Advanced capacitors (perhaps even pseudocapacitors) could be a much better option. Yes, they're bulky, which is why they aren't used in vehicles, but houses don't care about that, and their cycle life is such that $/lifetime-kWh could be an order of magnitude better than in batteries. Plus, to my knowledge, no rare materials are required, it's generally aluminum foil, some carbon material, and organic liquids.
      • Except most ev owners don't save up and don't want to foot the 3-10k bill for a new battery. So they run them into the ground, well past slightly used. Additionally these packs to bad with age and 8-10 years useful life on an ev is already pushing it. I'm not convinced that these near death packs would make for a cheap and reliable backup supply (for example switching out half dead packs every few years vs a 20 year solution, reliability, etc) compared to other technologies. Do you have a source?
        • Do you have a source?

          Battery packs are made of multiple cells, not all the cells go bad at once. Break down a laptop battery sometime. You can find perfectly working cells which are actually fully charged, completely hosed cells which won't take a charge, and cells which appear to work but whose lifetime is very short. The problem is that all of these cells are wired into one pack which has a limited ability to bypass cells. In most cases the pack is only capable of ignoring groups of cells, sometimes as few as two — but

      • I'm very suspicious of the idea of used battery packs being used for grid storage.

        However, lithium is cheap and is well understood. I think Tesla could devote some of their production into non-cobalt based cells, and possibly non-nickel too, and use them for stationary storage.

    • Lithium batteries will be available to them in large quantities, assuming they take back the old batteries from their cars. Lithium batteries that are too old to be used in a car can be used in this way.

    • Grid batteries have to be flexible. That means discharging rates from slow to fast. Lithium batteries offer that sort of performance and they offer good storage performance for their size. Typically batteries described here come in a normal shipping container. The electronics are built in and one only needs to connect them to their own management system. The batteries can be used to augment the grid during high load times or they may be called upon to discharge in seconds during a planned switch from one po

    • Why are they using lithium batteries?

      Because Tesla, not coincidentally also owned by Musk, uses lithium batteries.

      • Exactly, tesla batteries are not suitable for economical backup. Hence the bundling comment.
        • Yah, that was implicit in your post, I thought I'd state it explicitly for the slower and Musk worshipers among us.

  • Musk is promoting the use of LiOn batteries because the more they make, the cheaper they get (to a point). It's about scaling up the industry as fast and as much as possible.

    Flywheel systems make more sense for power grid applications, but only marginally, and only for the specific engineering. In other words, it makes tactical sense, but Musk is in this for the long run, which requires strategic planning. These microgrids provide the quickest way to sell a lot of batteries, far more than he's selling in Te

  • Oh, those batteries - they'll happen to be in swappable modules that just happen to fit Tesla automobiles. You pay for the infrastructure, Musk magically creates the 1 minute electric car fill-up.

  • Dammit Musk (Score:5, Funny)

    by Rei ( 128717 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @09:56AM (#49327321) Homepage

    Will you please stop with these mundane, low-hanging fruit goals and try something lofty and ambitious for once? It's always the same-old, same-old, doing-what-everyone-else is doing with you, isn't it?

    • by Rei ( 128717 )

      And another thing: it's the 2010s. Where's my flying car?


      SpaceX Model M Details Revealed
      Posted by timothy on 11:23 AM -- Wednesday June 14 2019
      from the gotta-find-something-new-to-complain-about department.

      Julian86 writes :

      Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX), fresh off their merger this spring with Tesla Motors, has provided the first sneak-peak at the new hybrid electric/LOX/H2 SpaceX Model M. Boasting 800 miles of all-electric range and 3800 m/s delta-V, it is said to be capable of dr

  • by random coward ( 527722 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @10:06AM (#49327375)
    They're going to be constantly replacing LiOn packs on any appreciable sized system. Why not go with a NiFe battery system that will last for fifty years? The price won't be much different, especially over the life of the system, or is the system life that short? Its not like you need to keep weight and size down in a building. Also who wants the fire risk that LiOn's pose in their business or home?
    • by Rei ( 128717 )

      They're going to be constantly replacing LiOn packs on any appreciable sized system.

      And why would they be doing that?

      Let's say it all together now: "Li-ion != Cell phone batteries". Li-ion is a whole broad range of chemistries that follow a basic mechanism of action involving the intercalation of lithium ions on either side of a membrane. There are an incredibly wide range of anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, and membranes, and these offer widely varying performance in terms of power density, energy density,

      • They're going to be constantly replacing LiOn packs on any appreciable sized system.

        And why would they be doing that?

        Let's say it all together now: "Li-ion != Cell phone batteries". Li-ion is a whole broad range of chemistries that follow a basic mechanism of action involving the intercalation of lithium ions on either side of a membrane. There are an incredibly wide range of anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, and membranes, and these offer widely varying performance in terms of power density, energy density, cost, cycle life, and shelf life. Cell phone and laptop batteries are li-ion batteries specifically engineered with design life deemphasized in favor of high energy density in order to keep their products small and light. They're not climate controlled and they're generally run at high depths of discharge. This is not what you do with all li-ion battery types. Where longevity is of concern, you more carefully control temperature, control charging more carefully, you have many cells in parallel that can allow for individual cell failures, you use a lower DoD, and you use a chemistry that sacrifices some energy density for greatly improved cycle life.

        The exact same rules apply to NiMh. You can get NiMH with high energy density by sacrificing cycle life. A typical NiMh hybrid battery pack only achieves its lifespan by running at a tiny 20-40% DoD range.

        Yes but there is a reason few if any large power backups use lithium technologies of any type. Typically it is lead acids. Using a radically different lithium battery from the tesla wont reduce the cost of tesla packs much and further consumers wont like paying more money up front for less reliable and more expensive solutions just to improve Musks bottom line. Pretty much all lithium batteries are a pain in the ass to work with their main selling point is the power and energy density, both of which are

        • by Rei ( 128717 )

          That's not true. PbA is used in the small scale but there is no standard for the large scale. Among the largest battery backups out there today are the NiCd battery backup for Fairbanks, Duke Energy's lead-acid Notrees battery, and AES's li-ion Laurel Mountain battery. Vanadium-redox is fairly common. Sodium-sulfur has some use too. There is no single standard.

          And it's simply not true that "power is useless for backup". Quite to the contrary, high power output battery backups are incredibly valuable for p

      • They will constantly be replaceing because of the number of packs in a large system and the fact the packs are on the downside of their cycle life, and thus why they were removed from cars. NiFe doesn't really have a cycle life like LiOn does. These will be cycling daily for night discharge; this will be an issue. Why not install a low maintenance system to start with rather than be replacing battery packs constantly, or at least several times, throughout the 30 year( 10,000cycle) life of the system?
    • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

      NiFe batteries have great longevity, but very poor performance compared to Li-ion. Lithium Ion batteries can store ten times as many watt hours per kilogram, and twenty times as many watt hours per litre. NiFe is also not any cheaper than lithium ion, and when you consider that Tesla is going to be producing a large number of "worn out" battery packs that are still perfectly usable for grid applications, NiFe will end up a bunch more expensive too.

      Also, weight and size definitely do matter. Shipping stuff a

      • I think you just explained why lithium batteries aren't very good for backup, doubly so nearly dead ev packs. The metric to minimize is cost per kWh/year. Including maintaining them. So swapping out failing ev batteries every 1-3 years gets expensive fast compared to a bullet proof long term low maintenance battery. There is a reason so few backup power systems use lithium.
        • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

          Cost is one reason, although NiFe is already more expensive than Li-Ion, and rapidly becoming more and more so. Particularly when EV batteries are available so cheap. They also ought to last more than a year or three. NiFe's cost also needs to take into account the fact that they require a massive increase in infrastructure compared to lithium ion. What you can do with a single building worth of lithium ion batteries would require twenty buildings of NiFe batteries. That's not an insubstantial difference!


          • I didn't mean to imply nife batteries are the answer. Merely that burnt out lithium packs pose many problems and even if initially cheap are unlikely to be cost effective in the long run. And yes those packs were only intended to run 8 years it's not just that they likely have sub 70% initial capacity - they are far more likely to fail internally and have much higher internal resistance. Lithium packs not only go bad with age but discharge cycles - they will be cycled once a day in this case making thin
    • They're going to be constantly replacing LiOn packs on any appreciable sized system. Why not go with a NiFe battery system that will last for fifty years?

      Because Elon Musk owns Tesla - and a giga factory designed to turn out LiOn batteries like Carter's churns out little pills.

  • by netsavior ( 627338 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @11:42AM (#49328353)
    Go to the solar city website... I'll wait.

    Ok now that you are back you probably know how solarcity works right? No? Weird because you'd think it is pretty simple.

    Here is how it works, once you TALK TO THEM ON THE PHONE they will send you "do not disclose" paperwork that amounts to: You pay to install solar cells on your roof, then you pay to keep them clear of tree branches etc, then you buy electricity from the solar cells at slightly higher than municipal power rates, then you buy the rest of your power from the municipality or other provider at the normal price. Then they uninstall them 20 years later for free.

    100% of tax credits go to Solar City.

    I really don't understand why you would do this over green mountain or some other "renewable at a slightly higher price to make you feel better" kind of place. SolarCity is a complete rip, offering all of the disadvantages of a grid-tied solar install, with none of the advantages. For my particular area, the more power their solar cells would generate, the higher my electric bill would be.
    • by CountZer0 ( 60549 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @03:09PM (#49330593) Homepage

      I've got Solar City...

      You do not pay to install anything.

      You do not pay to keep them clear of branches.

      You *do* buy electricity from the solar cells, but at a much *lower* rate than municipal power. You do buy the rest of your power from your normal provider at the normal price.

      Yes, 100% of the tax credits and rebates go to Solar City.

      In other words, you pay nothing and get cheaper electricity. All you have to do is let them put solar cells on your roof, which they then maintain. It's a pretty nice win-win situation as far as I am concerned. I have a much lower electric bill, and I know that I'm helping the environment, and I had no out-of-pocket expense at all.

  • I wonder if major innovators are safe from the inevitable enemies they will make due to change. Tesla is probably seen as the great Satan by the auto industry and now we can add in the oil and gas industries and power industries, big coal and natural gas to people who are not exactly in love with Mr. Musk. This man deserves to be protected by the secret service as he is a national treasure and in my opinion he is at risk. There are many billions of dollars involved and we have to many people devoid
  • by sdguero ( 1112795 ) on Tuesday March 24, 2015 @12:55PM (#49329137)
    I tried to get a quote on a solar system from SolarCity for our home. They were rude, pushy, and kept insisting that I "think of SolarCity as a utility company, not an installer."

    I contacted them because of Musk's association with the company. I have since decided to go DIY, and now I don't really see why "solar companies" are even necessary. Any electrician worth his salt should be able to wire and setup a solar system. The panel, inverter, and battery manufacturers are what matter.
    • I have to agree. We recently bought a house and one of the first things we did was to cap them because, you know, yea solar. Their big hook seems to be that there is no install costs. Great, but that means they get all the tax incentives, plus you pay them for how much energy you generate, not how much you use. Huh? Plus I didn't like their math. They took our electric bill, divided the TOTAL by the number of kwh used to get to our "rate" to compare with their system. Including taxes and fees. Despite tha
  • Currently a LiON system is about 3x the price of a Lead Acid installation. Granted, the LiON has a smaller physical footprint and power spec due to efficiencies in LiON tech. But 3x the cost is 3x the cost. Maybe Tesla can bring that cost down some. Otherwise doing an solar install in locations other than sunny places like Nevada/Arizona don't make economic sense.

    There's also the issue of thermal runaway.
    Granted, current lead-acid batteries have a thermal runaway problem, but LiON is more prone to it du

"The pyramid is opening!" "Which one?" "The one with the ever-widening hole in it!" -- The Firesign Theatre
