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Hardware Hacking Displays Build

DIY Wearable Pi With Near-Eye Video Glasses 59

coop0030 (263345) writes "Noe & Pedro Ruiz at Adafruit have created a pair of open source near-eye video glasses combined with a Raspberry Pi. Their 3D Printed design turns a pair of 'private display glasses' into a "google glass"-like form factor. It easily clips to your prescription glasses, and can display any kind of device with Composite Video like a Raspberry Pi. They have a video demonstrating the glasses, a tutorial on how to build them, along with the 3d files required to print it out."
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DIY Wearable Pi With Near-Eye Video Glasses

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  • I get the whole idea, but frankly I'd start with something else than a 320x240 display with a composite video signal [].

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Glass is only 640x360, so it isn't a bad start for a tenth of the cost.

      • Google Glass is 640x360? Somehow I expected much more from them.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          You're not the only one. A friend of mine that loves google enough to give them his firstborn was ga-ga over google glass.

          He finally got to try one. Reality shattered. Augmented reality? Hardly. Quality display? Only if it were 1990. Useful? No. Priced right? Only if you removed two zeroes. He was crushed.

          He'll still buy anything else that says "google" on it, though, and give google any personal info they'd ever like to sell, because they're "open". LOL. The bad buy at the end of the movie Se7

  • by MindPrison ( 864299 ) on Thursday April 24, 2014 @10:11AM (#46833015) Journal
    ...before you see Google Glasses copies with Android from China, it won't look like your average Google glasses - but it will resemble those spy-glasses (video recorders) you can purchase already on eBay. I have several of these toys myself, and I'm amazed how high quality they are (not the eye-wear itself, they reek of cheap plastic, but hey...they're cheap!).
  • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Thursday April 24, 2014 @10:12AM (#46833023)

    pi-goggles $ apt-get photo-app
    pi-goggles $ photo-app -c "Take photo of approaching fist" -s "" -a "Blow, Joseph"

    *** CRUNCH! ***

  • When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza Pi.
  • thank you for sharing...
  • I'm actually more interested in the glasses than the 3D hack-job...

    The site is down - anyone recognize them?

  • Pretty cool going to try it.
  • ... doesn't look -in any way- inconvenient.

    • This doesn't use the VGA output from the Raspberry Pi- it uses the composite video output. 75 ohm coax isn't necessarily thin, but for short distances and the type of video they are talking about, even audio cables may be "good enough." As in "good enough" to get the resolution you would expect from composite video.

      • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

        The Pi has a VGA out? What the hell have I been buying that only has HDMI and composite?

  • He had me until he said "It's easy to get Pi in your eye with..." and I just turned the video off.

  • .... or simply that as I age I am more protective of my vision.

    But I would really like to see devices like these reviewed by eye doctors and other perhaps other specialists before I commit to building or wearing them.

    • by BobMcD ( 601576 )

      Here let me save you the time - "Unless they're sold to you by a licensed Ophthalmologist at five times the normal price, they are bad for your eyes."

      Never ask the salesman what you should buy.

    • Ask and ye shall receive [].

      TL;DR: There are risks associated with all HUDs, but the likelihood of developing problems stems from having the eyes compete. A monocular display (or well-aligned binocular) should be fine, as long as the display is sufficiently different from the background view that the brain knows it's seeing something different.

      • by dstone ( 191334 )

        TL;DR: "the risk of wearing Glass appears to be low", according to a Eli Peli, who has been "con$ulting with the Glass team for nearly two years."

    • Head mounted displays are used pretty regularly in military aviation. Issues typically involve either occlusion of field of view (which this project seems to utterly fail at) and additional weight putting strain on the vertebrae in the neck. The other thing about this is the use of personal viewing display which probably doesn't have a focal point of near infinity, which means you have to refocus your eyes between the real world and the displayed information. This looks like a really cool DIY project but
      • Head mounted displays are used pretty regularly in military aviation.

        For young adults in their physical prime and entering an inherently high risk profession. Tech with an almost unlimited budget for research and development.

  • For those who are interested, there is another solution for DIY 'google glass'. Well, not glass, actually. The author calls it Raspberry Eye - a Borg-looking wearable computer based on RPi with 2.4" TFT LCD on a head strap mount [] and a submission on slashdot []

No problem is so formidable that you can't just walk away from it. -- C. Schulz
