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Robotics Science Technology

U-CAT Robotic Sea Turtle Set To Explore Shipwrecks 23

Zothecula writes "When was the last time you heard about a sea turtle getting stuck in a shipwreck? Never, that's when. Although that's partly because stuck turtles rarely make the news, it's also due to the fact that they're relatively small and highly maneuverable. With that in mind, the European Union-funded ARROWS project has created U-CAT – a prototype robotic sunken-ship-exploring sea turtle."
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U-CAT Robotic Sea Turtle Set To Explore Shipwrecks

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 28, 2013 @08:39AM (#45547903)

    Real sea turtles have their shell covering the working edges of their flippers - if stuck, they can pull them into/under the shell to clear them of obstructions.

    This thing will get stuck on any kind of vertical string - whether it be a kelp strand, or wire. And it can't pull its fins out of the way.

