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Input Devices Games Hardware

Omnidirectional Treadmill: The Ultimate FPS Input Device? 292

MojoKid writes "The concept of gaming accessories may have just been taken to a whole new level. A company called Virtuix is developing the Omni, which is essentially a multidirectional treadmill that its creators call 'a natural motion interface for virtual reality applications.' The company posted a video showing someone playing Team Fortress 2 and using the Omni along with the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. You can see in the video how much running and movement this fellow performs. With something like the Omni in your living room, you'd likely get into pretty good shape in no time. Instead of Doritos and Mountain Dew, folks might have to start slamming back Power Bars and Gatorade for all night gaming sessions."
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Omnidirectional Treadmill: The Ultimate FPS Input Device?

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  • Dream on. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by slackware 3.6 ( 2524328 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:13AM (#43513463)
    The whole point of gaming is to sit on your ass and avoid the elements drink caffeine till you shake and eat a dehydrated cow. If I wanted exercise and shooting I'd go play paintball.
    • Re:Dream on. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jatoo ( 2393402 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:31AM (#43513505)

      I would be far more inclined to have a game on this than to organise paint ball.

      Paint ball involves pre-planning, showering, dressing, leaving the house and worst of all, IRL friends.

      This I can pick up any time.

      Plus, looks like a lot more fun than going to the gym.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 22, 2013 @02:11AM (#43513609)

        Pretty sure this would have to involve showering as well. Also, I, at least, prefer IRL friends to screaming 12 year olds.

        • by mwvdlee ( 775178 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @03:20AM (#43513745) Homepage

          If the guy hates showering, dressing and leaving the house, chances are he likes screaming 12 year olds.

        • Well, it does not necessarily involve showering. But please inform me beforehand if you want to show off yours to me. :)

        • I'm not a huge fan of paintball, though admittedly the last time I played was when I still wore glasses. Which would then fog up along with the goggles making visibility practically impossible. I've had eye surgery since then so that fixes THAT issue, but now I have bad knees so squatting-and-hiding for long periods would no longer be pleasant.

          So with paintball you have the fog-issue, running through the woods (depending on the course / company / etc), worrying about ticks (here in NJ), the pellets can hu

          • by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 ) <gameboyrmh.gmail@com> on Monday April 22, 2013 @08:51AM (#43514971) Journal

            I always say paintball is like playing an FPS where your character sucks and the force feedback is turned up too high, but the graphics and controls are AMAZING!

      • Re:Dream on. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Apothem ( 1921856 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @02:19AM (#43513627)
        You forgot to mention the part where you have to deal with getting shot and/or getting hurt while running for cover in the middle of a match. If I couldn't play paintball, this would make for a decent second possibly.
      • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @04:25AM (#43513889)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Re:Dream on. (Score:4, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 22, 2013 @05:09AM (#43513999)

          It has nothing to do with the uncanny valley. The uncanny value is a non-proven theory about how we perceive humanoids.
          What we are talking about here is regular motion sickness. We use a lot of senses to keep track of ourself with regards to the environment. When does thing no longer add up there is a risk of "feeling pukey".
          Dumbing down the graphics is not going to help at all, your eyes will still tell you that you move forward when your sense of balance says that you are not. (And jumping will give conflicting inputs. Focal depth will not correlate with distance and so on.)
          Some people even get this kind of sickness from 3D-movies.
          Dizziness the first couple of times you use it is expected but it should wear off after a couple of times when your brain gets used to it. Otherwise basic motion sickness pills might help.

          • Re:Dream on. (Score:5, Interesting)

            by cynyr ( 703126 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @07:08AM (#43514397)

            I've seen one 3D movie (The hobbit in HFR), and I had to actively work to keep motion sickness and headaches at bay. I like looking at all the detail in the background, and that simply was not do-able in 3D. Also the scene where the fall down the mine-shaft i basically shut my eyes during since I couldn't keep up with the changing focal point.

          • by tibit ( 1762298 )

            Way to miss the point. "Dumbing down" the graphics is irrelevant. You could be staring at virtual walls covered with checkerboard texture -- stuff that could be rendered in real time decades ago. The problem is that what you see must match what your own inertial/balance system is otherwise measuring (stuff drom your inner ear and proprioception). Doing that part accurately is hard -- this has nothing to do with quality of the graphics, but with quality of the inertial sensors mounted on the head display, an

        • I have this problem.. I discovered it on a trip to Universal Studios in Orlando. The regular coasters are fine, but the 3d type sit in a box that moves slowly in front of various monster projector screens made me absolutely want to puke my guts out. Even taking motion sickness meds did not really help.

          The worst offender is the Harry potter ride, which puts you on a flying broom, the video project fast moving motion, including a nose dive sequence where you appear to fly straight down for a few hundred fee

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Kilo Kilo ( 2837521 )
        Paintball also involves paying more for one day's entertainment than the average cost of a video game, which can be played over and over.

        We all have our hobbies, but once my friends and I all realized how much money we were spending, it wasn't so fun anymore. Also, this activity lets assholes actually shoot at you. There was nothing worse than going to a big game (one of the 24hr scenario ones) and realizing you're surrounded by assholes and your own team has no interests in completing the objectives,
        • by dywolf ( 2673597 )

          I'd say it sounds like you need to find better people to play with, at a place where they enforce the rules, and even kick people who arent playing for the objective, and just trying to be aholes. And don't rent equipment and buy supplies (reloads) at the paintball range. Hhave to assume you're doing one or both cause walmart and the interwebs have that stuff cheeeeap.

    • Re:Dream on. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:34AM (#43513513)

      Paintball is expensive. Personally, if I want exercise, I go for a bike ride. But if I wanted exercise *AND* shooting (and also the feeling of killing people rather than spraying brightly-colored dyes on their clothes), I'd absolutely LOVE one of these treadmills.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Especially if it came with an octagon to go around it that has airbags on each side at 3 levels so wherever you get shot from that's where you're gettin' an airbag from motherfucker!

      • Paintball is expensive..

        and i'm sure this kind of tech is just something that will be given away ;)

        • by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

          Paintball has high reoccurring costs. This unit is likely to be sold as a one time purchase.

    • I'm with you on this. There is very little overlap for what is called the "hardcore" market and what is called the "casual" market . The former isn't going to transform into the latter and play Black Ops 2 with an omnidirectional treadmill, and not to mention this will significantly reduce the amount of time per person being invested into these games because you're simply going to be worn the hell out after a match or two. This is not what the developers want.

      From a practical angle, I don't want to run a

      • it's not about a superior input mechanism, it's about a more realistic one. playing on one of these things will cripple you compared to a mouse + keyboard or even a controller, but that's not the point. i enjoy a good keyboard/mouse shooter but i'd love to give this + oculus a go at some point, hopefully they put them in some kind of arcade type setting so i don't have to dedicate 2 metres of my game room to expensive future landfill.
        • Re:Dream on. (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Areyoukiddingme ( 1289470 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @10:56AM (#43516077)

          playing on one of these things will cripple you compared to a mouse + keyboard or even a controller

          And it can't happen soon enough. Specifically for us network engineers, getting rid of Superman will solve a LOT of problems. An avatar that can run at 70MPH forever, stop in an instant, and turn 180 degrees in a millisecond causes all KINDS of grief while trying to deal with 70ms of internet ping time. When the motion of avatars are tied to physical bodies, with real physical limitations, and the mouse+keyboard and controller crowd are then forced down to real world behavior, a whole lot of internet latency can be concealed.

      • by cduffy ( 652 )

        I also didn't notice any strafing, jumping, or crouching going on, so yet again these gimmicky input devices prove that the keyboard+mouse/controller is still the superior input mechanism. You can see the red team running circles around this guy the entire time.

        You'd certainly want to have servers/rooms set up only for folks using this setup to make it fair, yes. That doesn't strike me as infeasible.

  • FYI (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:17AM (#43513471)

    Mountain Dew and Doritos are not substantially different, health-wise, from Gatorade and PowerBars.

    • Re:FYI (Score:4, Informative)

      by ldobehardcore ( 1738858 ) <steven@dubois.gmail@com> on Monday April 22, 2013 @02:49AM (#43513691)

      Just the rough Numbers:

      • Mountain Dew (pepsico) has, per 20oz: 290 kcal, 100mg sodium, 77g sugar, and negligible vitamins and minerals
      • Gatorade Orange (also pepsico) has, per 20oz: 130 kcal, 270mg sodium (electrolytes it's what plants crave!), 34g sugar, 75mg potassium (biologically and chemically very similar to sodium), and negligible vitamins and minerals.
      • Doritos (Frito/Lay) has, per 1 oz: 140 kcal (70 from fat), 8g fat (1g saturated fat), 210mg sodium, 16g carbs (1g from fiber, 0g from sugar), 2g protein, and trace Vitamin A, B, and Thiamin
      • PowerBar Performance Energy Chocolate (Nestle) has, per bar: 240 kcal (30 from fat), 3g fat (1g saturated fat), 200mg sodium, 45g carbs (3g from fiber, 25g from sugar), 8g protein, 70%dv Vitamin C, 25%dv Calcium Iron and B6, 15%dv Thiamin, 10%dv Riboflavin.

      Gatorade and Mountain Dew only differ in sugar concentration. The difference in salt is relatively unimportant. There's a significant difference between powerbars and Doritos. #1 Doritos are much cheaper, #2 powerbars have nutritive value, while Doritoes are edible product and not really food.

      If you ate as much by weight in power bars as people typically do in doritoes, you will be both overfed, and have a pretty bad time on the toilet.

      • Re:FYI (Score:5, Insightful)

        by B1oodAnge1 ( 1485419 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @03:24AM (#43513755)

        The difference in salt is relatively unimportant.

        The difference in salt is of primary importance since the purpose of Gatorade is to provide those salts that are lost during the natural process of perspiration.
        You're also ignoring the caffeine present in the Mountain Dew and not in the Gatorade.

        Gatorade is far from the healthiest choice of beverages to be swilling down in large amounts, however it is substantially different nutritionally than Mountain Dew, and your comparison is lacking in my opinion.

        • I think the main problem is that I'm not a dieticianI always stick ingredients in three categories. For instance 1. Thermodynamic gradient powered metabolism. 2 membranes (separation from the environment of some kind). And 3 inheritance (dna and genetics). These are all features necessary to qualify as living.

        • The difference in salt is of primary importance since the purpose of Gatorade is to provide those salts that are lost during the natural process of perspiration.

          They may market it that way, but it's not really true. Your body has more than enough salt stored in it to maintain levels over any reasonable period of physical exertion (100 mile races not withstanding) so long as you don't get dehydrated (unless you're on some kind of unusual ultra-low sodium diet when the Gatorade is a major portion of your total salt intake for a long period of time).

        • Re:FYI (Score:4, Interesting)

          by bleh-of-the-huns ( 17740 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @06:58AM (#43514369)

          Gatorade is not really a good option for an active person. It is sickly sweet, and sometimes makes you even more thirsty. As a cyclist who does 100 mile rides, I tend to prefer things like NUUN, which are tablets you mix with water, have only a slight taste to them.

          If I am in a crappy scenario where my only option is gatorade, I will water it down, 50/50 water/gatorade to cut down on the taste.

          Also, Unflavored Eduralytes taste like ass (I had to throw that in there.. even mixes with 50/50 water/gatorade mix.. you end up with Lemon Lime tasking ass)...

      • The difference in salt is relatively unimportant.

        Unless you really are dehydrated, which is why Gatorade marketing is aimed at "re-hydrating" people who don't know when it's time to sit down and drink some tap water. Doctors were using similar "salt" drinks (in powdered form) to prevent/treat dehydration long before someone put it in a fancy bottle.

        For those who may not know. The first sign of dehydration is muscle aches (usually the legs), people who are running around expect muscle aches in the legs so may miss the warning signs. Sick kids are at a m

        • by slim ( 1652 )

          I'm not a doctor either, but I'm given to understand that a quarter teaspoon of table salt stirred into a glass of normal orange squash is equivalent to branded isotonic drinks and rehydration sachets.

      • A comparison follows. Power Bar vs a Banana.

        240 kcal (30 from fat) --- A banana has 200. 6.2 calories from fat.
        3g fat (1g saturated fat) --- A banana has 1gram of total fat, Negligible saturated fat.
        200mg sodium --- A banana has 2mg
        45g carbs (3g from fiber, 25g from sugar) --- A banana has 51, 28 from sugars, 6 from fiber, 12 from starch
        8g protein --- A banana has 2.5g
        70%dv Vitamin C --- A banana has 33
        25%dv Calcium Iron and B6 --- A banana has 1% Calcium, 3%Iron, and 41% B6
        15%dv Thiamin --- A banana has

    • Re:FYI (Score:5, Funny)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @03:59AM (#43513827)

      As long as they contain the four major food groups (fat, sugar, salt, caffeine) I'm happy.

    • You should be drinking Brawndo if you really care about your performance. It's got electrolytes.
  • Ready Player One (Score:4, Interesting)

    by mossy the mole ( 1325127 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:22AM (#43513491)
    Didnt they have this in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ready_Player_One [wikipedia.org] ?
    • It's been a long time since I've seen it - came out in 1994, so I'm guessing about that long - but I'm pretty sure they used an omnidirectional treadmill in the movie Disclosure, not that most people remember the VR elements from the movie. Pretty sure Michael Crichton described them in the book, too.

  • Clever... (Score:5, Funny)

    by gmhowell ( 26755 ) <gmhowell@gmail.com> on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:24AM (#43513495) Homepage Journal

    You almost had me, but this looks like it could be dangerously close to exercise. Pass.

    • by c0lo ( 1497653 )

      You almost had me, but this looks like it could be dangerously close to exercise. Pass.

      This is why I prefer RTS over FPS: no chance for someone to actually come with a Zerg Brood or Dwarf forges simulators.

  • This, if any of you remember, is one of the key items of the Star Trek holodeck. The Technical manual showed users on an omnidirectional treadmill (probably using forcefields rather than an actual treadmill), which the holodeck routed to wherever there was space if there were more than one user and they were in different locations of the program.

  • Isn't this somewhat reminiscent of part of the VR hardware shown in the 1994 film?

    • by slim ( 1652 )

      There were units very much like this in arcades in the 90s.

      But the headsets were big and heady. The graphics were blocky and laggy. So the craze died back for a while, until the technology caught up.

      Oculus Rift seems to have the graphics more or less cracked. This input device is at least a step in the right direction.

      In the 90s we'd pay £5 for a few minutes playing something like this. I'd pay £20 today for half an hour playing TF2 in this thing.

  • Very cool but I would imagine this is much easier to use in games like Battlefield, ARMA, and Day Z where you aren't going to be doing too much close quarters fighting (TF2, Counter Strike, etc.). I can move my mouse faster than I can turn my head. Not to mention, the large maps on those games will definitely give you a nice workout.
  • by MaxToTheMax ( 1389399 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:39AM (#43513523)
    Whenever I try to walk on a step that isn't there, or if I misjudge the slope of the ground, I stumble. So should the simulation become to engrossing and you get distracted, you'll end up on your face the first time you try to navigate some uneven virtual terrain and the floor is still level.
  • If you've read the book.... you'd know what I mean.
  • by pbjones ( 315127 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:47AM (#43513547)

    anchored inplace while climbing a slippery slope, sounds like most gamers. I hope it works, but the price will doom it to niche markets.

  • by Vintermann ( 400722 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @01:48AM (#43513551) Homepage

    Very cool, but your inner ear is going to break the illusion - just as your retinal muscles are going to remind you that it isn't quite depth you're seeing with that stereoscopic headset.

    Progress of technology - new ways of getting motion sickness!

    • Very cool, but your inner ear is going to break the illusion - just as your retinal muscles are going to remind you that it isn't quite depth you're seeing with that stereoscopic headset.

      Progress of technology - new ways of getting motion sickness!

      I have it on good authority that the humans won't get motion sickness if they're exposed only to the simulated environment starting at birth...

      /me scrolls down

    • by am 2k ( 217885 )

      Very cool, but your inner ear is going to break the illusion

      Palmer (the guy behind Oculus Rift) hinted at working on a solution to this problem on the MTBS forums just before the Oculus Rift Kickstarter. Apparently you can fool these sensors with some magnetic fields. The concept is nowhere near commercialization yet, of course.

  • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @02:18AM (#43513623)
    Just a slippery surface while wearing slippery shoes. The idea has been around since at least the 1990s [youtube.com].

    Real omnidirectional treadmills [wikipedia.org] exist, first started as a DoD project. You can walk naturally on them, as demonstrated here [youtube.com] and here [youtube.com].

    It's still debatable which method is superior or more practical.
    • Nice links. They need an omnidirectional treadmill on a Stewart platform, then you can simulate grades. maybe accommodate jumping and rolling.
    • One of the labs [tsukuba.ac.jp] in the university I graduated from also specialized in omnitreadmills. I heard they even had model capable of 3D(upstairs/uphill and downstairs/downhill) movements, which they showed on SIGGRAPH a few years ago.
    • by Pionar ( 620916 )

      I think the point of TFA is not that Virtuix invented something radical, it's that they're planning on commercializing something that previously only existed in DoD facilities and research labs. That is great. Whether it gains any traction (pun intended) is another story.

    • This is a good reveal of how a 2D treadmill can work.
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rtX2pWRh6w [youtube.com]

  • by RenHoek ( 101570 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @02:19AM (#43513625) Homepage

    The problem is that the guy is carrying a 'gun' but you're still aiming with your head (i.e. the Oculus).

    This has been done better before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQR49JGySTM [youtube.com]

  • FWIW Power Bars and Gatorade are only marginally better for you than Doritos and Mountain Dew. Both are loaded with over-processed crap. It's reasonable to say that the former are actually worse because no one is going to think eating doritos and dew is healthy.

    • Powerbars actually do have some nutritive value, with reasonable vitamin content. You wouldn't be able to survive on them alone though. They're mostly fat and sugar, but also have good fiber. They're closer to food than Doritos by a longshot, but they're still not really food, just nutritive product.

  • going to hurt when you feel that ducking or rolling is the way to get out of trouble in the game! :-)

  • Someone had to say it.
  • by fph il quozientatore ( 971015 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @02:48AM (#43513685)
    "Timmy, stop slouching off and come play some video games! You need some exercise!"
  • by RogueyWon ( 735973 ) * on Monday April 22, 2013 @04:05AM (#43513837) Journal

    Perhaps one day we'll have Star Trek style holodecks. And that will be great. Until the point - roughly 10 minutes after the first trial - when people realise that if they're really bad at running around doing atheletic stuff in real life, they're also going to be really bad at it on a holodeck like that.

    I think controllers which try to make games more immersive by having them mimic real life activities are (with a few exceptions I'll touch on later) missing the point.

    That isn't to say that games shouldn't try to be immersive and that controllers don't have a role to play in immersion. However, given that in most games, the player is doing things he wouldn't be able to do in real life, simply trying to translate real-life controls into the game isn't going to work. In most genres, the best thing the controls can do is let the player forget that they are there at all. They need to be the most efficient means possible of translating the player's will into the behaviour of his on-screen avatar.

    Every time a player dies (or otherwise fails, depending on genre) in game due to control issues, the immersion is broken. I can think of some really awful examples here, going back decades. Remember Ultima VIII, as it was at launch? Those jumps across the moving platforms, where a mis-step meant death? Remember how you could see precisely what you needed to do to get across, but how the atrocious point and click control inputs made each and every jump an exercise in trial, error and sheer luck? And remember how much it broke the immersion every time you failed - reminded you that you weren't the Avatar exploring a strange land, but a player wrestling with a cumbersome interface and control system? That one was bad enough that they eventually patched it (turning it from "atrocious" to "just about tolerable").

    Or more recently, take the Super Mario Galaxy games. I enjoyed both of these immensely - until the point at which it became necessary to use the spin-jump to make certain jumps. See, "spin jump" was mapped to "waggle the Wii-mote". And "waggle" is not, on a Wii-mote, a precise input. There's actually a good bit of variation in just how much and how hard you need to waggle before the game will accept that, yes, you have waggled (and I can't believe I've just typed that sentence). So all of a sudden you have a precision platformer which is dependant upon a non-precision input. And even though it's only for one single input, each time you rack up an unnecessary death due to that input going wrong, the immersion is broken.

    Or sometimes a game uses a "normal" input device, but because the game adapts itself to that device badly, it still ends up feeling broken. Resident Evil 6 is a case in point here. I've played this on the 360 and the PC and found the 360 version effectively unplayable, due to control issues. I don't normally object to playing shooters on a console controller (though I'd prefer mouse and keyboard), but the shooters in question need to make concessions to the fact that they're being played on a device less suited to precise aim. Actually, many console shooters these days do that well; snap-to aim, relatively generous hitboxes and slow-moving enemies may not always make for the most exciting game mechanics, but they do take a lot of the pain out of playing a shooter on a console controller. Resident Evil 6 makes no such concessions; in a game where only headshots do appreciable damage to enemies, aiming at these tiny, fast bobbing targets on a console controller is nigh impossible and the abiding impression I took away from my 360 version was that my in-game character actually had worse accuracy with a gun than I myself would in real life (which is saying something). After that, playing with mouse and keyboard on the PC was a complete revelation - while the game itself still has flaws, it was an order of magnitude better than the console version. By contrast, the recent Tomb Raider reboot makes such good concessions to aiming on a controller that I played it on PC using a 360 control

    • Just some minor points:

      the player is doing things he wouldn't be able to do in real life

      Unable, or impossible. You see, while I might be able to shoot people in real life, I choose not to. A game like paintball solves this by making sure you can't actually hurt someone (provided bla bla). A computer simulation does the same.

      Some of the solutions that you mention that work for FPSs on consoles would also work for realistic controls like this. If you're bad at something in real life (because you can't jump

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      However, given that in most games, the player is doing things he wouldn't be able to do in real life, simply trying to translate real-life controls into the game isn't going to work.

      I see that as a plus. I'm sick of FPS multiplayer games where the other players are hopping around like damn rabbits and doing headshots in mid jump. Crap like that is why I no longer play most online multiplayer games.

  • Is it like a mouse setting where I can set it so that a small mouse movement equates to a large on screen movement with high acceleration? That might be fun, playing Counterstrike with 7 league boots on.
  • If they eat "Power Bars and Gatorade" while gaming on the treadmill they're still going to be fat... Try water and the occasional banana... or, you know. REAL food
    • by dywolf ( 2673597 )

      even if they dont eat that trash theyre still gonna be fat. It may be better than sitting in a chair for hours, but this thing hardly counts as exercise.

  • Seriously, it's all nice and fine, but please inform me once such input actually gives you better control of your character than keyboard&mouse.

    I'm pretty certain, though, that I'll be asleep for a long, long time, mostly because keyboard&mouse actually gives you better control than your body. And please don't tell me it's a matter of exercise. Unless the game is specifically written for this kind of input, k&m will triumph. Simply because the game was written for THAT kind of input.

    FPS games do

  • Actually, a lot fewer sales. DNF actually sold because people were interested in it. People won't be interested in this as they don't want to wear themselves out in 7 hour sessions of Halo 12. This will likely go down as the least successful gaming controller of all time - and I'm saying that as someone who bought a power glove for the NES.
  • You may ener when ready.
  • Camping during a FPS should become much more popular.
  • At least, until you try to play Portal while using it.

    Talk about mixed vestibular cues!

  • by bmo ( 77928 ) on Monday April 22, 2013 @09:34AM (#43515329)

    Paintball and laser tag for the non-lethal.

    An omni-directional treadmill with a good VR headset with decent resolution is probably more expensive than the equipment for either paintball or laser tag, both of which have the best resolution and "simulation of reality" of all.

    War is the ultimate FPS. But that's the most expensive version of all.


Torque is cheap.
