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Operating Systems Software Hardware Linux Technology

Get a Glimpse At the Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix 50

TheNextCorner writes "What software runs on the Raspberry Pi $25 computer? This video shows some of the preparation of the software package, run from a SD card using the open source Fedora OS."
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Get a Glimpse At the Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix

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  • by willaien ( 2494962 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2012 @08:45AM (#39109765)

    I see some potential issues here.

    Fedora isn't exactly known for being lightweight in the memory area. Nor are some of the programs they're demonstrating - firefox, etc.

    I don't feel like a full blown desktop OS like Fedora is a good fit for the Pi. Maybe one of the more lightweight UIs like Xfce or Lxde, but definitely not Gnome or KDE.

    I am looking, and don't see much indication from the article on exactly how stripped down Fedora is in order to work with it. If you take out most things that aren't necessary, recompile the kernel w/o unnecessary stuff (PCMCIA drivers on an ARM board without expansion options?), it could work well. Just don't expect Gnome or KDE. Think more like puppylinux or damnsmalllinux.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Nursie ( 632944 )

      You know we have modules for that these days, right?
      Stuff like pcmcia drivers only get loaded when needed.

      Also it's not as if the Pi is the first linux ARM board out there. Some of us have been running debian on ARM for years.

      Hell, I was able to run GNOME 2 over VNC from my Sheevaplug about 3 years ago. Configurable distros like fedora, debian, ubuntu and the other big names should be fine on Pi.

    • I don't feel like a full blown desktop OS like Fedora is a good fit for the Pi. Maybe one of the more lightweight UIs like Xfce or Lxde, but definitely not Gnome or KDE.

      There is variety of desktop choices out there... all up to your liking. You can run only a window manager as well. Linux = freedom of choice.

    • Using Fedora for this kind of scares me as well, since it's only supported for 2 releases. By the time you finish customizing the distribution to meet your particular application's needs, you probably have six months of OS support left. That's fine for garage tinkerers, but lousy if you're thinking of building a commercial product out of these boards.

      Is anyone trying to use an alternate distribution for these boards like an Ubuntu LTS release?

    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      YDL (basically Fedora / Redhat for the PPC) on the PS3 was hardly a speed demon. In fact it downright sucked at times. I see no reason to believe that another device with an lower powered CPU, and 128MB and 256MB RAM plus severely constrained I/O is going to produce a useful desktop. It might be okay at a pinch, coupled with a lightweight X11 client to serve a simple desktop but not much more.

      To me the Pi would be more useful for apps like XBMC running over a command prompt where much of the work can be o

    • by Korin43 ( 881732 )

      I see some potential issues here.

      Fedora isn't exactly known for being lightweight in the memory area. Nor are some of the programs they're demonstrating - firefox, etc.

      I don't feel like a full blown desktop OS like Fedora is a good fit for the Pi. Maybe one of the more lightweight UIs like Xfce or Lxde, but definitely not Gnome or KDE.

      Gnome itself isn't particularly memory-hungry (oh no, a couple MB wasted on PulseAudio and DBUS!), and Firefox is getting much better. I bet it would be usable on the 256 MB version -- at least, with a small number of tabs open.

    • Look again at the video - it's LXDE!
    • Fedora has implementations of just about every major desktop / WM, certainly including Xfce and LXDE. It's not GNOME or KDE-only.

      Note that this is a Fedora Remix, which is a term with a specific meaning:

      https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix [fedoraproject.org]

      Basically a 'remix' is a very liberal conception of 'based on Fedora' - it allows the inclusion of third-party packages, the modification of Fedora packages, and so on. Really, you can do whatever you like and call it a 'Fedora Remix'.

      So in this case, they can certainly tw

  • Works fine on HP netbook: Fedora16 on HP Mini 210 - Atom 1.66 GHz - 1 GB Ram 6-7 hours of battery time.
  • I don't need to read that news here, i already refresh the Raspberry Pi website every 42 minutes.
    (and on average, i open Slashdot once every 1337 minutes)

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Raspberry Pi made another blog post. If only there was some way to find out about these outside of /. :(

  • Wait, this wasn't a commercial for GlobalScale GuruPlugs? But but, so much camera time!!

  • Imagine a Beowulf cluster of these!
  • How to make a be Beowulf cluster of Arduinos controlled by a Raspberry Pi!

  • No? I still can't, and yet Slashdot still spunks an article every few days?

    Kindly please shut up about it forever, or until it's available retail without having to complete some sort of Neckbeard Challenge in order to purchase one, whichever comes first.

    • by ctid ( 449118 )

      Slashdot isn't here for your specific requirements. Raspberry Pi is an interesting project and some people like to read about it. Therefore, why don't you just ignore articles about it, just as other people ignore articles that they are not interested in?

      • Therefore, why don't you just ignore articles about it, just as other people ignore articles that they are not interested in?

        Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

    • by Animats ( 122034 )

      Kindly please shut up about it forever, or until it's available retail


    • The first batch is set to arrive from the factory two days from now. There's no need to whine and moan about it.
    • by ooshna ( 1654125 )

      You must be new here. Don't you remember Duke Nukem: Forever? Quite frankly I'm just glad its not another Apple/Google/Microsoft lawsuit bonanza.

If you do something right once, someone will ask you to do it again.
