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IRC On The PSP 149

An anonymous reader writes "Volksport has created a new script that allows PSP owners to access IRC from the PSP. The script requires the use of the Wipeout Pure Web browser hack in order to get the PSP online. Once that is done, all you have to do is access this Web page (as the script is server side), and you will be able to chat on the official PSPIRC project IRC channel. Users are currently limited to the PSPIRC chatroom. The script also features virtual PSP keyboard support."
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  • by FireballX301 ( 766274 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:26PM (#12128512) Journal
    If it weren't so godawful to type on the PSP.

    At least let it be a standard keyboard interface where you move a cursor, instead of that horrible dialpad.
    • Actually, the PSP IRC page has a keyboard that you can navigate through the arrows on your PSP, as well as allowing you to use the standard PSP dialpad.

      (Look at the top of the image slightly to the right of the center)
    • by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:42PM (#12128627) Homepage
      I agree, it's a pain.

      That said, if you use this hack [] for the ZipIt Wireless device, you could use IRC, on Linux, for about $100, and it is wireless too. Cheaper than buying a PSP (but then again anyone who buys a PSP to run IRC through a hack in a game must not be poor).

      Love my PSP, but I would have rather had a "normal" soft-keyboard (or even just press up/down to select the next/previous letter in the alphabet, left/right to select the next/previous blank). I don't know what they were thinking with that. Text input on cell phones only works because you have those twelve buttons. Without the twelve buttons, that becomes about the most anoying text input method I've seen.

      • Thats why I got my 80286 on IRC! I couldn't stand the PSPs keypad, so I have a nice 86 key keyboard, and the entire thing is in a box. Not wireless yet, but I'm working on it. Check out my Journal [] for details [its the Compaq Portable III].
    • I totally agree! I hate the PSP's keypad and I believe it would be a good idea if Sony allowed one to choose between a keyboard or the keypad. (An option in the System settings would be nice).

      I guess they thought it would appeal more toward people who text message all the time. Though, it's not the same as using a phone since you have to navigate the cursor to the button with the letter or number you want. It's way more tedious and annoying than text messaging.

      Ultimately, it's a shame the PSP doesn't
      • Ultimately, it's a shame the PSP doesn't have a touch screen... The NDS beats the PSP for data input any day. (Man, if it did have a touch screen, Nintendo would be fuct!)

        Actually, the psp would probably develop even more dead pixels if you were touching it all the time with a stylus.
        • Dead pixels are the result of the transistor matrix behind the screen having defects. You can't create dead pixels by touching the screen, unless you do it so hard as to break it.
          • So basically, you can't break the thing by touching it, unless you touch it so hard it breaks.
            • Correction: you can't break the thing by writing on it, unless you push so hard that it breaks. I don't see what's hard to understanda bout that.
              • The thing is, with gameplay, you aren't just writing, you may actually be using it to do something exciting, not that writing something can't be exciting. You may push harder than usual if you are under pressure to beat the boss character. Think about how much abuse your controllers take, and then apply that to a touch screen. I hope Nintendo took this into consideration, and made their screens stronger than the average palm.
                • The screen on the PSP is a lot stronger than the screen on your average palm. There is a very thick piece of plastic on top of the LCD. Again, under normal usage, you wouldn't be able to cause dead-pixels.
                  • Yes, but this wouldn't work with a touchscreen, because with such a thick, strong screen, it's hard to detect what part of the screen the person is writing on. Had the PSP needed a touch screen, it wouldn't have been able to provide a thick piece of plastic over the screen.
    • by shigelojoe ( 590080 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:59PM (#12128728)
      To aid a large majority of IRC users, the following IRC shortcuts could be implemented:

      Circle = "lol"
      Triangle = "rofl"
      Square = "wtf"
      X = "stfu"
      L1 = "brb"
      R1 = /leave #pspirc

      Typing would then be accomplished by using the D-Pad and joystick to approximate the semaphore flag signalling system []. The difficulty of typing in this setup could be rationalized by the fact that very few IRCers could not express themselves fully by using the six shortcuts listed above.
      • by IANAAC ( 692242 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @06:04PM (#12128742)
        And don't forget the combo:

        L1/R1 = "OMGLOLU2??!!"

      • If people really start using the psp for chatting something similar to flag signaling could really be useful. The d-pad offers 8 positions, if you use it to modify button events (or use the buttons to modifiy the d-pad signals) you get 48 possibilities. More than enough. Ok, it's going to take some time to learn the positions of the different letters but most here learned the regular keyboard and lots of people can touch-type on their cell-phone so one more gadget should be doable.
        • It's been done on the Xbox. I'm not good at that system myself, but I understand there are some people who can use it to type quite quickly.
          • I've even seen some academic research papers on the topic of developing more effective input systems for consoles. For XBox this ment using the two analog sticks for selections and buttons/triggers to input.

            It may be easier with the analog nub on the PSP than the cursors. (Cursors could be used for navigation.)
      • Imagine this invention develops to a degree that you actually shoot 3d lamers running to you shouting "ASL" and they get g-lined.

        Best selling game ever I tell you!
      • I heard a rumour that "Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start" would give you +o, but something about it doesn't sound right.
    • You can buy a USB keyboard for the PSP that flips up to form a screen protector when not in use. If the PSP e-mail client makes it to American shores, I'm going to get it immediately.
    • 9 buttons.

      I'm used to texting, so it's incredibly fast for me. I prefer it over normal "virtual" keyboards.
    • by Mozk ( 844858 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @07:41PM (#12129324)
      Have you ever played Killzone? It's a bad game, but the way you input your name on there is pretty interesting. It's a 3 by 3 grid, with four characters in each box arranged in a diamond. You select the box you want with the d-pad and choose the letter with the corresponding symbol (x, square, triangle, circle). It's a great system that I think would work very well on the PSP.
      • by Mozk ( 844858 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @08:06PM (#12129471)
        Since that was a fairly bad explanation, here [] is an image (I'm too lazy to finish it). That would be holding left and pressing square. Some combination of chars in each box could be like abcd, efgh, ijkl, mnop, qrst, uvwx, yz12, 3456, and 7890. You could have puncuation and other things with L1 and R1, but you know nobody uses puncuation on IRC anyway.
      • I'm partial to the way Beyond Good & Evil did it - an endless spiral that you spin with the stick (literally - it's rotation, not direction that moves it, and you can go fast or slow). It seems like a good compromise between input speed and control simplicity.

        - No dead pixels (yet)

    • Let me guess - you're from the US? Us Europeans (and Japenese,of course) have spent the last 10 years texting using that exact same interface, so it's much faster than a virtual QWERTY keyboard.
    • What'd be nice would be to have a keyboard that is just about the size of the PSP and connects to the PSP via USB. If Sony were to make such a keyboard and adhered to a PDA-style keyboard design (think Clie UX Series), they'd have a hit.
  • Wow (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Sv-Manowar ( 772313 )
    All these developments for the PSP within the first month of it being released will definetley increase the market share for the PSP in the battle in sales against the DS

    When you think about how much has been done in the first month, It's exciting to think about what people will develop for it given some time. Kudos to the developers of this.
    • Re:Wow (Score:5, Informative)

      by prockcore ( 543967 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:47PM (#12128654)

      When you think about how much has been done in the first month, It's exciting to think about what people will develop for it given some time. Kudos to the developers of this.

      Except that this isn't developing *on* the PSP. It's an IRC proxy via the web. The hacked web browser for the PSP lets people do pretty much anything a web browser can do.. but it's not really PSP development.

      Give the DS a webbrowser and you can run every one of these "psp hacks". Except that you'd have a much better input system.
    • Not when the DS runs Linux [].

      Well, it might someday [].
    • All these developments for the PSP within the first month of it being released will definetley increase the market share for the PSP in the battle in sales against the DS

      *snicker* Yeah. Right. Do you *really* think the majority of the market Sony is going for is even remotely interested in hacking their PSP? Sorry, but I would hazard a guess that the effect of homebrewing on console sales is negligable at best...
    • "ll these developments for the PSP within the first month of it being released will definetley increase the market share for the PSP in the battle in sales against the DS"

      No it won't.

      A.) It won't take long for people to realize that these little hacks aren't so interesting. (D-Pad for typing? Right.)

      B.) The DS could just as easily do all this, it's cheaper, and it has a stylus interface which would make these things far more interesting.

      C.) Do you really think that enough people with 802.11 floating
    • Agreed. This thing hasn't even been out a full month yet and it's already getting the snot hacked out of it. I'm guessing that the PSP will be getting an offical web browser in May though (when the PSP launches in Korea). When this happens, I am hoping against hopes that Sony includes Macromedia Flash with the browser.

      Just think... HomestarRunner on PSP...
  • Great, if I'm not already connected 24 hours a day to IRC on both my laptop and my desktop machine, now I can annoy people by dropping in from a handheld gaming system.

    * bonchPSPS has entered the channel
    hey guys ...

    Seriously, though, what are the chances of running a stripped down ircd on a PSP and hosting a channel wherever you are? Might be fun for get togethers or classrooms and such.
  • It occurs to me... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Darth Yoshi ( 91228 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:30PM (#12128540)
    How long will it be before Bittorrent (or one of the other file sharing/downloading programs) is ported to the PSP. Sony will be so pleased.

    Anyone want to start a pool?

    • by illumin8 ( 148082 )
      How long will it be before Bittorrent (or one of the other file sharing/downloading programs) is ported to the PSP. Sony will be so pleased.

      It occurs to me that BitTorrent, coupled with some type of mesh networking, might be the killer app for the PSP. When memory stick duos get larger in capacity and cheaper in price, you could conceivably have a 4GB memory stick duo, and setup a "wishlist" of content. While you're out and about, your PSP runs with the screen off in wireless mesh mode grabbing content
      • From what I've read, people in Japan are already sharing video clips that are in the PSP native format.

        Yes, they are. And so is everyone else. In fact, you can download PSP videos from Sony's web site. Sony also provideS step-by-step instructions for putting your own videos on the PSP.

        The big disappointment I have is that the videos taken by my Sony camera (F-828) won't play on the PSP. You'd think that would be automatic!
      • From what I've read, people in Japan are already sharing video clips that are in the PSP native format.

        Efforts are underway []....

        We're starting a site to distribute ready-to-go content for the PSP. It will start out carrying the movies via BitTorrent and regular downloads to your PC. We're looking into a direct PSP client too.

        So, it will happen, just give us a week or so. :)
    • Yeah, good idea- PSP P2P!

      What's next? A webserver- PSP PHP?
    • There's no need to run Bittorrent on the PSP when one can run it on the PS2 (with Linux) and then transfer files over via USB. Not that I would know anything about that. The PS2 Linux kit's hard dirve would come in handy too, if you need more space add USB hard drive, limited to USB 1.1 speeds though.
  • oh no (Score:5, Funny)

    by FidelCatsro ( 861135 ) < minus punct> on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:31PM (#12128552) Journal
    The thing has no Keyboard , i can imagine it now
    ho r u
    hv u plyd rdgrcer
    yh rxrs
    knw ne cht cod
  • Like I said in the PSP webroswer hack article. I said the PSP need IRC acess and what do you know. Someone acutally did it!
  • Bullshit (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:32PM (#12128561)
    This is "IRC on the web server". It's HTML on the PSP.
  • Someone has modded the PSP to allow the user to do pretty much freaking everything on the PSP. Screenshots and movies to follow.
  • Maybe Sony should have realized that no one really wanted to play games with the PSP, and released a PSP that includes a Linux OS, and has the ability to work just like a standard computer, only smaller.
    • Re:Game Machine? (Score:4, Informative)

      by IANAAC ( 692242 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @06:11PM (#12128785)
      Maybe Sony should have realized that no one really wanted to play games with the PSP, and released a PSP that includes a Linux OS, and has the ability to work just like a standard computer, only smaller.

      Someone else already did, in Japan - Sharp, with their Zaurus C3000.

      An excellent handheld, BTW.

  • by jockm ( 233372 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:37PM (#12128598) Homepage
    but this is just an IRC proxy page. It is neat and cool, but it is no different than any other page I might visit via the browser redirect trick. It would be much more exciting if someone had actually written an IRC client that ran on the PSP
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @05:38PM (#12128603)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I heard somewhere that the PSP had one USB port. Couldn't you use a keyboard on it? Or is a proper keyboard not availiable as of yet.
    Unless I am mistaken. One USB port can be used for quiet a lot!

    I am still waiting for MSNM though.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hopefully after we RTFA we'll all learn the acronyms and stop with all the WTFs. I did. YMMV.

    Slashdot -- the english web page where english is a second language.
  • Official browser (Score:3, Interesting)

    by rasty ( 212471 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @06:03PM (#12128741) Homepage
    Hope this helps making Sony realize people is interested in using the PSP to go online and make them release an official browser...!
  • Can't wait until someone gets Linux running on the PSP (seriously)

    Good gaming, WiFi, good storage (USB drive, anyone) and the ability to use a keyboard - who needs a laptop?
  • when the only thing anyone's ever going to say is:

    1. w00t
    2. gg
    3. 0wn3d!!!

  • Why? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by JackAxe ( 689361 )
    When I look at the PSP, I see is a great portable PS2 with a nice screen. But if I look at it for web browsing, IRC or whatever, all I see is a "glorified cellphone." I own a Clié, Axim and soon a Treo650 to replace those two items. Anyways, unlike a PSP my PDAs have "touch-screens," even a built-in keyboard and are better suited for this type of thing then a PSP. And with the Treo, I won't be limited to a wi-fi connection to get my e-mail or chat. I'll be able to do it prety much anywheres. (Yes, I
    • Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Rii ( 777315 )
      The point is not to make the PSP an end-all ubergadget that replaces everything else. It's more like "Wow, look what else we can make it do after its (arguably) a good gaming device!"

      Don't worry, your very expensive gadgets will always be superior to mods and hacks to a handheld game device. But don't rain on the parade of us that like the ability to stretch our PSPs to their best potential. I mean, wouldn't you be happy if you found out your new toy had an unexpected extra function, beyond what you
    • Because we all hope that Sony can get some clue, and add all this features on the next release of PSP[1].

      This could be great, I can't imagine a celphone combined with an videogame, Nokia tried and failed... but I can see future for a Zaurus combined with a videogame!

      Comon Sony, QTopia/Opie[2] is already there for free! Just add a touchscreen to the PSP[1] and you're set to kill the DS[3]!!
      [1] Play Station Portable
      [2] []
      [3] Nintendo DS
    • Its a hack, live with it.

      Its not meant to be serious, more for 'look what we did' stuff, if you ever were a geek in the 80s you would know unless you were 4 and watching power ranges.

      Its like hacking DNA, look mahh , my farts smell like roses
    • I'd mod u down but this is so silly I'll just bitch slap you instead. :) I'm sure your Clie can barely play 3D games, and when it does, its battery lasts less than 2 hours. But then again, that's ok - its not a portable media device now is it? And that is my point, surfing/hacking the psp is no different than you playing 3d games on your crappy ARM processor. STFU.
  • by digitalexpl0it ( 553334 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @06:47PM (#12128979)
    Little howto to use your own dns for the psp []
  • you can check it out on your pc. the website relies to your browser useragent to allow you to use the pspirc script the wipeout useragent: SCEJ PSP BROWSER 0102pspNavigator
  • RE:w00t (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Like I said in the PSP webroswer hack article. I said the PSP need IRC acess and what do you know. Someone acutally did it!

    This is not a major breakthrough for the PSP. It still uses port 80 for access - this is not IRC, it's just a proxy page for it. If this is IRC then sending email to someone with a (real) IRC client and then pasting it on IRC is also.

    While definently a good thing for the PSP, not a major hack. You could probably even do bittorrent this way. You send and receive the packets to a serv
  • by Vandil X ( 636030 ) on Sunday April 03, 2005 @07:36PM (#12129282)
    Considering all the music, movies, roms, warez, and pr0n obtained via IRC, high-capacity Memory Sticks will sell like hotcakes.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    So is there anyone actually buying Wipeout Pure because it might be a decent, fun, and exciting game or is the mass amount of money the developers of this game getting simply from excited kids who wanted to chat on IRC and browse the web while breaking their fingers attempting to type on this device?
  • PSP Keyboard (Score:5, Informative)

    by eples ( 239989 ) * on Sunday April 03, 2005 @09:43PM (#12130043)
    Here - a PSP Keyboard []
  • Hmmm... (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Does anyone else only find themselves looking for the +4 and up Funny comments with stories like these?
  • Keyboard (Score:2, Informative)

    by Atog006 ( 740287 ) 6he5x223r/ [] There will be a keyborad for the PSP
  • can it run firefox???...

  • Anyone thought hacking the psp to load game from the memory card?

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