Nokia bring out Linux Cellphone/TV/Browser 164
Matt Booth writes "New Scientist has an article about a new cellphone from Nokia which is also a digital TV and web browser. It runs linux, and apparently it won't be available in the States because of the poor Digital TV standard there. " Cursed am I!
Re:Oldish News (Score:1)
Re:Duh? - It's 25x35cm (Score:1)
Not bad, huh?
Re:Compatible with Nokia 9110 series? (Score:1)
Data is data and I think if that you get broadbast wireless up and running (like the lucky folks in Tuscon, AZ have wireless T1s) the rest of the stuff...like broadcast of digital TV... will be simple.
Unfortunately TCP/IP is not necessarily the best protocol for video, the reasons being:
Re:long history of non standards (Score:1)
Re:No Mobile Reception = good idea!!! (Score:1)
TV broadcast limited by line of sight? I think you are mistaken.
No different from the problems associated with mobile reception of FM radio which is crap too
In Europe we have digital radio (Digital Audio Broadcasting, or DAB) which provides CD quality sound over the radio. Still new, so receivers are quite expensive.
Re:har-har, nice try (Score:1)
for compatibility or causing the 250 million
people in this country who own NTSC TV's to
junk their hardware? Boy- now that WOULD be
a boon to the industry, and do the consumer
no good at all.
Incorrect. You will need a box to interface between the digital signal and the analogue TV no matter what standard you decide on. The final analogue encoding (whether PAL or NTSC) is irrelevant to the standard.
Re:This reminds me of railroads (offtopic) (Score:1)
This is, however not to mean that they use the same rules when other measurements are concerned, such as how close to the tracks a signal is allowed to be etc. These things are indeed different in the UK.
Its not that bad (Score:1)
long history of non standards (Score:1)
Although, aside from the cell phones, Europe is not necessarily a whole lot better. For analog TV, France uses PAL, Belgium (and most of Europe - methinks) uses Secam... But at least I don't think Europeans makes any new mistakes like that (could be wrong - i am belgian but i live in the us, my european info may be a bit stale).
Re:... (Score:1)
i think it's a volkswagen commercial... (Score:1)
either way, you may want to have your blood pressure checked. if you get worked up over this, you may have bigger problems to deal with.
Re:Compatible with Nokia 9110 series? (Score:1)
It runs an incarnation of GEOS, from Geoworks. GEOS is/was one of the early contenders for the PC GUI back in the '80s. The 9110 is basically a tiny PC linked to a mobile phone in the same box.
Re:Let's criticize US today. (Score:2)
Re:The US chose a GOOD standard! (Score:2)
Sometimes it's good to make a leap and leave the old standards behind, you just have to provide a stop-gap to give people time to change.
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
OK, you want wireless, that's possible too. But that's not my point. The point simply is that most people will have fast internet connections in a few years. Lets get this into your thick skull. Once the connections are there they might as well be used to transmit video. And I just claim that if it can be done it will be done. As for wireless TV, in Holland there are only three channels available that way. If you want to receive the rest of the channels you need a satelite dish or cable.
BTW. I don't like to be called a Jerk, especially with such weak argumentation. I also think star trek the next generation is a piece of crap as most of the stuff America pukes out on european television. I can't stand those mediocre sitcoms and these poorly written&acted sf series. Not to mention those mind numbing talkshows. But that's beside the point, it's just my opinion.
Re:pay to receive a phone call?!?! (Re:long histor (Score:1)
1. I got a motorolla startac digital phone for free (that's a $350 value)
2. I do pay a montly fee of $20 - (the all have fees, the only thing that stinks I suppose)
3. No roaming or long distance charge for any call made to and from the East Coast (you can get the same plan for the entire usa if you want).
4. There is enough free airtime included in the monthly fee that I basically never have any charges other than the monthly fee. Additional air time is about $.10
5. Caller don't pay anything extra when they call my cell phone (it's just like a regular landline - no strange area codes, nothing like that)
6. A bunch of services come free as well, such as voice mail, caller id, text messaging, etc.
Now, the reason why you might think that digital service is more expensive, it's because it fairly new here in the us. In fact, you typically can't get digital service unless you live in very populated areas (like suburbs of big cities or most of New Jersey). The rates will go down with time - right now they are installing the infrastructure (towers, etc.) as fast as they can, but this is a very large country if you have not noticed, so it's very expensive and the consumer gets to pay (no government help like in europe).
If you want cheap cell phones, use analog (based on where you live, you may not have a choice). That's pretty much dirt cheap.
Open-Source enables crypto cellphones? (Score:2)
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Farenheit is a decimal scale though, 0degrees for freezing point of sea water (or alchohol?) up to the temperature of a man's armpit at 100degrees.
He was just unlucky I suppose - or lazy more like, he most likely didn't test the scale on anyone else.
the questions we are all asking... (Score:1)
hypocrites (Score:2)
Re:pay to receive a phone call?!?! (Re:long histor (Score:1)
Why should I pay for someone to call me? Why shouldn't a cellphone have its own area code? Besides USA&Canada, the whole world works that way (including other non-GSM countries like Japan).
Because if I don't pay for the airtime to receive a call, the caller will. I know you are going to say: who cares? Well, a lot of people like myself do. Some people want to be called (like business people on the road, or people that choose to have a cell phone as their only phone) and don't want the burden to be on the caller. The only case where this could be a problem is wrong number or telemarketers, but that problem is currently taken care of since the first minute is usually free of airtime (therefore free).
You don't have to agree, just stating that if they were to change this particular policy - it would piss people off (like me) just as much as it would make others happy (like you). Maybe they could have both systems in place - and I believe they are thinking about it (as of a recent article I read somewhere. Wait! Wasn't it here?)
It would be nice not to have a yearly contract, but I wouldn't have if I had actually paid for the phone (like with AT&T). And I suppose that it would be nice if there was no monthly fee, but I don't think that is a reasonable expectation or a big deal (regardless of what europe does) - no unless they drop the monthly fee for a landline. Would it be nice to have all the prices drop a bit? Sure it would. And it will. In a few years, when the company have built their infrastructure and are making pure profit - until then, it is not reasonable to expect them to do so.
built in nic? (Score:2)
Would make a great portable net connection if you could run ipmasq on it.
Re:Horsepower (off-topic) (Score:1)
I'm not. I'm aware of the old gross vs. net horsepower difference, but the "PS vs. HP" stuff I was thinking of was after 1971.
Thats the problem with the US (Score:2)
This is just what the US needs... (Score:1)
(That slurping sound is productivity going down the drain)
-- Moondog
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
But what does celcius buy you? Nothing really, except being a little easier to convert to Kelvin.
In Farenheit, freezing is 32 and boiling is 212. I learned that when I was knee high to a grass hopper. The numbers are aren't pretty but who cares? You don't do any calculations on them anyway.
From a climate standpoint, farenheight may actually be better. The range is more reasonable. 100 is very hot, but it happens. 0 is very cold, but it happens. Negative numbers are reserved for very cold. Middling temperatures are near the middle of the range.
Contrast with Celcius. Negative numbers normal in the winter? And how often do you see temperatures above 50C?
Base12 is better (Score:1)
Base8 and base16 are only really good for computers. All the uglies of base10 + you can't divide by 5 evenly.
Re:... (Score:1)
"The set, based on the open source Linux operating system..."
This reminds me of railroads (Score:3)
During the last century (well, I suppose it was nearly two centuries ago now...) when railroad was the primary means of transporting goods, Russia pulled a similar egotistical maneuver and selected a railroad "gauge" or width (12?) that was inconsistent with the gauge gaining acceptance in neigboring Europe (8?). As a consequence, when trains passed the Western Russian boarder, all the passengers and contents had to be humped out, placed in another train, and sent on their way. Needless to say this retarded commerce between Russia and Europe.
Now information, not gold or even dollars, is becoming the crucial international currency and nations are building their information infrastructure. If nationalism entices us or any other country down the same path as the Russians, they will quickly learn their mistake. Devices built in adherence to the de facto standard will suddenly cease to function the moment they enter the rogue country. This will be far more inconvenient - and costly - than converting between Standard and Metric.
Let's not forget when advocating standards that common usage is an important factor, and that the world isn't limited by the San Andreas and the Potomac!
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Not quite.. (Score:2)
273 Kelvins = 0 degrees Celsius
I'm not sure if this was just an "oops" in your message, but you're basically right: 0 K = absolute zero, 0 degrees C = freezing point of water. Aside from those starting points, the scales are the same.
Hmm.. (Score:2)
But why do people whine so much about an unfortunate joke about americans?
I get the feeling that if this product would have been developed by an american company, people would have been talking about how cool it is for linux to be used in yet another product..
Yet another standards war, as if we didnt have enough of them already.. The Europeans decide on one thing, and then the Americans go off and develop yet another standard.. But in the end the japaneese wins the game with something thats 3x as smart and cost half of the othe solutions. (Or turn it around all if you like, that's not my point) The world needs everybody to agree on a standard, and not have half a dozen incompatible standards that only work in their own region.
I thought the coming of the internet would signal an end to nationalism.. oh well, maybe in time.
Re:Not quite.. (Score:1)
What i was trying to say is that the unit of measurment are the same. They both use the same basic unit, although with different starting points as you point out.
Digital TV available today in UK (Score:1)
via satellite, and possibly some cable. Not on terrestrial _quite_ yet, but it will be very soon.
Sky has just started broadcasting some sprots events in digital format, so that users with the right set top box can select camera angles blah blah blah.
I'm not convinced any of that is all that useful, but I'm sure they;ll find a use for it all one day.
Shame about the way HDTV died though - that was, in some ways, miles ahead of the new digital t.v.
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Now you lot know how WE feel... (Score:1)
All I can say to your whingeing is: HAR HAR HAR!!
Mmmm, revenge is sweet...
Media-screen is not a phone (Score:1)
Re:This reminds me of railroads (offtopic) (Score:1)
I just though the use of Talgo trains held an interesting moral
Re:Let's criticize US today. (Score:1)
Re:This reminds me of railroads (offtopic) (Score:1)
You forgot... (Score:1)
Re:Digital TV available today in UK (Score:1)
You haven't heard of OnDigital [ondigital.com] then? DTV over terrestrial broadcast? It was there around the same time as Sky Digital arrived and works quite well thankyou.
You can get the box for free and only pay for the channel packages. Check out Dixons or Radio Rentals or Granada for the Philips or Pace set top boxes.
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Re:Compatible with Nokia 9110 series? (Score:1)
(a longtime 9000i user)
Nokia 9110 series = GEOS (Score:1)
Go here http://www.forum.nokia.com/developers/communicato
I have been on a project where a GPSGSMServer program was made for C9000. European Space Agency will start using it soon (I hope).
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:2)
Er, the UK pretty much has except for the minor areas of beer (we like it in pints thank you, exceot if it is served in bottles), milk, and the legacy roadsigns because they would be very confusing unless all changed at once. We certainly dont use that funny Fahrenheit stuff.
Base 10 (even more off-topic) (Score:1)
I've always thought it would be an interesting experiment to teach a kid octal or hex or something first, and see how they adapt to "weird" bases that aren't powers of two.
Re:This is just what the US needs... (Score:1)
(That crunching sound is your car being hit by someone trying to drive and browse at the same time)
Re:Wanted: Linux datasuite for Nokia cellphones (Score:1)
Nokia Mobile Phones
Re:the questions we are all asking... (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Actually, 0 Fahrenheit is when mercury freezes and 100 Fahrenheit is the temperature of your blood. So it's based on two different things, one of them not even really precise.
(on-topic) ;-) but it's useless for any other purpose. And don't tell me that you can hook up a laptop to it because that's not exactly something new.
Like all good stuff this will be totally over-prized for a long time. And I still doubt the usability. Nobody ever liked watching TV on one of those small LCD screens. And Internet? It might be handy for e-mail, instant messaging and perhaps a stripped down version of Lynx
Looks to me this thing is just a smaller version of Nokia's Communicator or the Philips Velo.
Re:This reminds me of railroads (Score:1)
Basically it worked, so nobody ever changed it, and every new technology simply inherited it to ensure some compatibility. Sounds like ASCII to me.. if it aint broke, don't fix it. Unless you're M$oft.
More Info (Score:2)
Re:the questions we are all asking... (Score:1)
Simon, off to have a cold shower.
Re:Vauge.. (Score:1)
It sure is (Score:1)
Sometimes I really like living in Europe...
Re:long history of non standards (Score:2)
Are you referring (for the "analog" part) to NTSC vs. PAL? If so, are you saying then that mean that PAL came out first, and the US developed NTSC instead of adopting PAL? If so, the Why Do Different TV Standards Exist? [surrey.ac.uk] page on the Worldwide TV Standards - A Web Guide [surrey.ac.uk] site seems to disagree - it says
Or are you saying that the US "went their own way" because they didn't dump NTSC in favor of PAL?
(That page also says
for those curious about PAL vs. SECAM.)
Re:The US chose a GOOD standard! (Score:1)
Re:... (Score:1)
Re:This reminds me of railroads (Score:1)
265 Million Americans can't all be wrong (Score:1)
I mean, we still deal with 7-bit transmissions and that hasn't slowed anyone down. With 265 million people with money burning a hole in their pocket, standards won't matter that much. The tech will come to the US, it'll just take a while.
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Re:long history of non standards (Score:1)
Re:long history of non standards (Score:1)
Re:Let's criticize US today. (Score:1)
What are the figures for Europe? (Probably better, but are they enough better, or is the European way of life still a threat to mankind's future on earth, just a less serious one?)
examples would help... (Score:1)
americans.... (This is very Possible) (Score:1)
But I think it is a major mistake for one to assume that we all lack common sense. Question. If the people of the US lack common sense then how did we become the greatest super power in the world? It takes a lot more than genius, good looks, and a Hiroshima&/Nagasaki to win that title of respect. What it takes is a great deal of common sense.
I would think the greatest display for a lack of common sense might lie in a place that was the focal point of two world wars. Wars that in which caused the loss of millions of Allied, Russian, and German lives. Huh... now there's something to think about.
"The Patriotic Hacker"
Re: Thats the problem with the US (off-topic) (Score:1)
Or kilowatts; for example, this page on the BMW 320Ci at BMW France [www.bmw.fr] lists the engine's power both in "ch" ("chevaux", presumably, although I don't know what relationship "ch" has to "horsepower") and kW.
Cellphone web browsing already available (Score:1)
Re:This reminds me of railroads (Score:1)
How about PAL vs NTSC? PAL has higher resolution and is used nearly everywhere else on the planet (that doesn't have HDTV already).
Imperial vs. Metric? Heck, even the Brits have abandoned their own system.
Letter size vs A-4?
120V vs 240V?
Why should we expect anything more tha a second-best solution to come out of the lobbying process in the US, have we been brought up to think anything else?
Re:The US chose a GOOD standard! (Score:1)
I wasn't aware that the US was demanding a different cell phone standard. I thought that GSM-3 and Wide-CDMA were still on track. AT&T was clinging to their current system, but it is easy enough to change to another provider; afterall, I have 7 different providers to choose from.
Not quite right. (Score:1)
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:2)
Put another way: "the problem with the metric system is that you always have these strange formulas to remember when you have to convert to regular numbers."
The advantage some of the pre-metric systems have is that they're better for mental arithmetic with common quantities. For example, there were twelve pennies in the English shilling rather than ten because twelve has more divisors than 10, and a shilling was a lot of money when it was invented, so dividing it up was common. Calculators and decimal places have changed the environment somewhat. The other benefits of metric (compatibility between weight and volume for some substances, for example) have relatively limited practical merit outside the technical disciplines.
The reason that America and the UK never switched to the metric system was that it was invented by the french ...
The UK has been switching for a generation, and is nearly done, despite the continental origin of the system.
Here in the UK, for example, I buy my petrol and milk in litres, my sugar in kilogrammes, my wine in centilitres and my paper weighed in grammes per square centimetre. Everything in the supermarket has a metric size, although people often still ask for pounds and pints. Only really hard-to-change things (like road signs and bar maids) still routinely use Imperial units, and there are plans to change those too.
I think the european [digital TV] standard only exists on paper.
The UK has had digital TV via cable, satellite dish and ordinary, boring antenna for a year. All five broadcast networks offer digital versions of their programming, and many programmes are also shown in widescreen format. There is an unreasonable quantity of channels already, mostly via set-top boxes (given away free), but some TVs have built-in decoders for major players, such as Sky. Of course, this may well be Yet Another Incompatible System, but I hope not -- I'd like to play with one of these Nokia gadgets myself (he said, veering in a topic-heavy direction).
Re:The US chose a GOOD standard! (Score:1)
It's the like the GSM vs US hodge podge (CDMA, GSM, Satellite, AMPS, etc, etc, etc) again. Political porkbarrelling matters much more than the consumer. Again.
Compatibility - there's a major amount of computing power in the set. They can have a analog and digital tuner to allow existing signals to be processed. If you want digitial reception for old equipment, I'm sure someone will build a set top box to convert the digital signal to NTSC, like when UHF became more common.
A large TV I'm looking at has a slot for a digital tuner card. Since it already does 100 Hz progressive scan, it'll cope with HD Digital TV as going to be found in Europe and Australia.
gnokii isn't *solely* for Linux (Score:1)
...and I noticed that the gnokii project home page [gnokii.org] says
so it's "for Linux", but not exclusively for Linux.
In fact, that page seems to indicate that it's not even exclusively for Linux and FreeBSD, as it says
so, whilst "The development sources are currently targeted towards Linux systems", that doesn't mean it's a Linux-only project, it may just mean the developers currently have only Linux boxes, or haven't cleaned up non-portable code yet, or haven't written for other OSes versions of whatever OS-dependent code exists, or something such as that.
Re:This is just what the US needs... (Score:1)
http://www.qualcomm.com/phones/pro ducts/pdq_phone/ [qualcomm.com]
Drive to the corner postbox? (Score:1)
mail slot for the postman to pickup. We don't have a corner mailbox, so when I need something deliveried timely, I'll stick in the mailbox at our local post-office on my way to work (I drive 7 minutes to the train station, so you got me there). That box is picked up earlier than when my postman shows up.
Has anyone noticed that there are less and less corner mailboxes these days in the States?
Oldish News (Score:1)
Article was nearly as skimpy as this one , something along the lines of it's just a prototype piece and initial rollout is only being considered for Germany , as its a joint venture with a German television company
Don't seem to be able to find the link now , maybe it was a different site
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
All measurment scales are based on something. No one scale really is better than the other. They just all have their uses. I mean common if we all used the same measuring scale then a light bulb would produce X hp, or cars producing Y watts. It sounds silly off hand.
Oh well like this was just meant as an opposing view and not meant to be taken too seriously.
Re:This reminds me of railroads (Score:1)
The problem is dealt with using "Talgo" trains that can swizzle their wheels around to change guages at the border (or by humping all the passengers out of the train). It can be lived with.
Lessons for mobile phones: They'll never manage to agree on a standard. People with continue with the existing trend of using multi-standard handsets. This won't upset anyone much except those who cross international borders a lot. Once the different regional standards are locked in, they are near-impossible to change.
Re:Open-Source enables crypto cellphones? (Score:1)
Would you have any grey poupon? Oh poupon this.
americans... (Score:1)
-From New Scientist, 11 September 1999
About the '...drive to the corner postbox...' bit; technology is nothing without common sense of which America/Americans lack.
Cell phone & web browser (Score:1)
Re:No Mobile Reception = good idea!!! (Score:1)
Seems like the Chairman of Nokia should be moderated down (flamebait) for his comment.
Personally I think the whole concept of a DTV handheld is questionable. I mean, what is the point of delivering 5000 lines of resolution to a 3" screen? Hasn't anybody seen what a Watchman looks like? Even with a good clear signal the tiny screen makes the whole experience laughable.
I also have to wonder about the practicality of multiple DTV channels? Aren't you going to chew up a HELL of a lot of precious broadcast bandwidth with that? In a big city with a lot of stations it seems to me that this would be VERY impractical. Myself, I'd MUCH rather devote that bandwidth to wireless networks than a broadcast media like DTV. Just think - high resolution DTV crowding out wireless networks, giving you 57 channels of High-Res Married With Children Reruns!!! I can't wait to expeerience the thrill of watching I Dream of Genie on my portable phone!!!!! Just imagine catching Jerry Springer on your cross town Taxi ride during Lunch!!!!!!! Or better yet, Melrose Place!!! What next, DTV with a tiny TiVo built in to a handset so you don't have to miss General Hospital on your 2" screen?????????
To me this sounds like a technology whose time has NOT come.
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Re:har-har, nice try (Score:1)
The US is a large enough market to go it's
own way pretty much anytime it wants too. As
it has countless times. See the cell phone
situation as an example.
This isn't the US being a bully either. We
didn't mandate that anyone else follow the
standard, only US broadcasters are required
too(FCC doesn't have extra-territorial
authority last time I looked..) I don't see
what's wrong with the US looking after it's
own interests in it's own way? What nation
state doesn't do that? There was both a
political and economic arguement to maintain
backwards compatibility since EVERYONE will
have to be broadcasting digitally fairly soon.
Tell me - which makes more sense. Designing
for compatibility or causing the 250 million
people in this country who own NTSC TV's to
junk their hardware? Boy- now that WOULD be
a boon to the industry, and do the consumer
no good at all.
They're also using Mozilla. (Score:1)
Linux + Moz sounds pretty cool to me. :-)
Zontar The Mindless,
Re:The US chose a GOOD standard! NOT! (Score:1)
Basic cable service is really cheap and available almost anywhere whereas picture quality and the number of channels available without cable or satellite is pathetic. Where I live they're introducing digital cable right now and digital satellite's been around for many years. These are all compatible with the existing tv's through the use of set top boxes. Why not get one of those for your old analog tv if you so dearly whish to stick to it.
And why is it that everytime when europe(or rest of the world) creates something technically or practically superior americans can't accept it. This is what happened with digital mobile phones and now its happening with digital tv. I mean look at yourselves, there are more digital mobile phones in china than in usa.
The only reasonable application of airwave reception in such a cable oriented country as usa is mobile reception. If your standard doesn't allow it then what good is it?
Duh? (Score:1)
265 Million Americans can't all be wrong? (Score:1)
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
Just when he did that, the boiling point of water (or another body) screwed with his calculation, forcing him to rescale it yet again.
I like metric. I use it. But I like imperial for some things too (basically, for any measurement that has traditionally been done in imperial - people heights in ft/in, people weights in lbs). Also, it's a lot easier to say "1 foot" when estimating something that's around ~30 cm or so. I really hate, though, converting between units in imperial (miles to inches? uhh... 5280 ft/mi, 12 in/ft... bit inconvenient).
Re:i think it's a volkswagen commercial... (Score:1)
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:1)
I live in sweden and being dutch i hardly watch Swedish television. I completely depend on my internet connection to hear important news. And I must say it's a pretty efficient way to spread news. I heard about both events you mentioned through the internet (very early by the way).
I sometimes watch CNN live over my internet connection. Quality sucks of course (56 kbps) but that can be improved by throwing more bandwidth at it.
As I see it that bandwidth is coming (soon) and there will be a market for streamed video. Bye bye TV.
nokia != nokia != nokia (Score:2)
(cell phones, monitors, phone exchanges, misc r&d etc.) and the different units do things very differently.
Some use VMS as a development platform (or did atleast a few years ago), some think NT is the solution to everything including world hunger
and others (generally the ones that don't do
end-user products) use whatever does the job best. Linux has increasingly been just that thing for quite a lot of stuff.
If I understood correctly this was done by the
multimedia terminal people whereas the information the gnokii people want is from the cell phone
people and they seem to want to keep their stuff pretty secret.
Compatible with Nokia 9110 series? (Score:2)
But if I understand correctly, the Nokia 9110 has a special operating system that allows third-party companies to write wireless applications that use the cellular connection (sorta like the PalmVII in the states but billed by minute per your cell phone contrct and not by KB).
So if they now have this thing...does that mean they are scrapping plans for continuation of 9110 or can the new device also run the programs developed for the 9110?
I doubt anyone here can answer but I thought I would ask. =)
Also...in reference to this "smug superiority" of Europeans for having a better system than US, it is my belief that if you check the dates you'll probably find that development of the digital TV standard in the US began before the EU started investigating their own. So of course whoever is later is going to have the technical advantage. I doubt that anyone working on the digital TV standard back when it was created could have anticipated the boom in wireless activity.
Personally, I think the EU approach is pointless. We are quickly moving to a point where ALL audio and video traffic happens over TCP/IP (like Voice over IP for phone traffic and video conferencing for video traffic). Making a specialized wireless system for JUST digital TV is a waste. Spend the money on improving wireless bandwidths and then you can just broadcast the MPEG-2 video streams from your DVD directly to the wireless devices.
Data is data and I think if that you get broadbast wireless up and running (like the lucky folks in Tuscon, AZ have wireless T1s) the rest of the stuff...like broadcast of digital TV... will be simple.
My $0.02 and not necessarily yours...
- JoeShmoe
Re:This reminds me of railroads (Score:2)
> Russia pulled a similar egotistical maneuver and selected a railroad "gauge"
There were some reasons behind this. When lots of space is available and building is cheap, a wider track means wider cars means more cargo on the train means cheaper transport. This was an important consideration in Russia.
On the other hand lot of railroads in the alps (Austria and Switzerland mainly) use narrow to ultra-narrow tracks. Every inch that had to be carved out of a mountain, mostly by hand, was expensive. Doubling the with of the bed for the tracks quadruples the amount of rock they had to move. Ergo: They build single track narrow gauge railroads there.
Re:Duh? (Score:2)
I've been waiting for this for years (Score:3)
And there's my PDA, phone, watch, and many other things I need. If I had such a thing, I might even leave the house from time to time!
Re: Thats the problem with the US (Score:2)
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but it is something like that.
The Imperial system is useful. Before the decimal point was generally understood and when times tables were more readily taught,maths was done in fractions. The imperial system was designed so that you could do the sums in your head. Though for some reason the Yanks don't seem to use stone, everyone quotes weight in pounds (?)