Building a Teraflop Donated Beowulf Cluster 118
A number of people have written in about the new Teraflop Project aka Project Übermensch. It's an interesting idea-these folks want to get essentially the equivalent of 10757 AMD KII 350s, and turn it into a monster Beowulf cluster. In exchange for donating a machine to the project, you get a month of full bore processing power from your old machine, as well as a for-life e-mail address. They've got an address on the site to send machines to-but how often do you think one of these things is gonna break? I'd hate to sys-admin thousands of old boxen.
MOSIX is better. (Score:1)
Re:Different Network (Score:1)
Then the presure on the machines on top gets less, and the preasure on the Network gets much smaller.
I got no solutin for the place to put it up, but a big Gym like The vikingship could hold that many. (The site for TG (Worlds greatest temporary LAN)).
Kids these days... (Score:2)
Sheesh, hardware scammers have it way too easy these days. Young punks. Hmmph.
some detective work. Summary: why is this news? (Score:3)
www.teraflop.org =
If you open up, you see an offer for free business website hosting. If you open up http://www.teraflop.org/ you see their page. Clearly, they're using HTTP/1.1 - too cheap to use an IP address per virtual host.
TERAFLOP.ORG was registered 5 days ago. I'd bet they haven't even paid for the domain yet.
As noted, their POC is a hotmail address.
Uh, guys???? Do you think this could possibly be a um, SCAM???
Sheeeit. Their total outlay is $0. If even one person is stupid enough to send them a computer, that's a pretty hefty profit margin. Why is this on slashdot?
Re:Godwin's law. (Score:1)
I was wondering that, too. Then I thought maybe I was being over-sensitive, I dunno.
BTW, I think the reason it reminds use of Nazi terminology is that it *was* (or, unfortunately, still is).
I'd like to... (Score:1)
I'd like to get a beowulf cluster of those...
HEAT dissipation. (Score:1)
I only have 4 machines in my bedroom and it gets freaking HOT. With the air conditioner in the next room running at full blast and a big ass box fan blowing cool air into the bed room it's still this how.
Imagine my problem multiplied by 2500. It might even be worth their while to explore the possibility of recapturing this heat for other uses.
(in some cities large building's air conditioning units run on steam power)
What's the point? (Score:1)
As far as a permanent address, I'd rather not. I like to get a new one every now and again to keep undesirables confused.
Been there, done that (Score:1)
With our cluster, we attained speeds of around 1.7x faster than a dual pentium II 450. We did some rc5 cracking, beta testing for mathematica, and are looking into investigating parallel povray rendering. Once the machines are running, I have to say, it is quite a pleasure to work with!
ps. right now, our cluster is offline, but it should be back online soon at amc.faceprint.com
pps. if any of you want to donate some *fast* machines, (and by fast I mean above a pentium 100), email me, chris, at axion@faceprint.com thanks!
Re:Pipe dream? (Score:1)
More info later...
Re:Been there, done that (Score:1)
It has been done. Many times. Look at pvmpov for a good example. I have heard of other places doing much better in scalability. Like linear.
Re:Godwin's law. (Score:1)
Re:better incentive system, an economy of beowulfs (Score:1)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Sad (Score:1)
the Mississippi? Rent out space for the cluster in the old Heileman six pack?
I am sure there are a lot of Ueberdoods just waiting for these machines so they can have shell accounts and crack password files in record time.
From the account given, it doesn't appear that anyone has given much thought as to what one would do with over 10,000 machines. I doubt they have the physical space, much less the administration resources.
Keep your computer and install a nice bathroom terminal. If you use it at all it will have been a better investment.
Re:Some Things are Legit... (Score:1)
goes. How a company of that size can continue
making money while maintaining 10,000 machines,
I am not sure.
Re:well I made the roadtrip ... (Score:1)
if they don't get all 10,000, maybe they can
just put a "Superior Systems" label on them and
sell them for $500 apiece.
Hrm, Is this for fun or profit? (Score:1)
Almost anyone can call themselfs "non-proft" these days and get away with anything short of murder. (For that you have to work for a place like Microsoft)
Re:Question (Score:1)
Re:Different Network (Score:1)
HTML Leaching (Score:1)
Wow, they sure didn't take much time to cover up that RC5 related site they leached their HTML from did they. I take this just a little bit personally... *sigh*
better incentive system, an economy of beowulfs (Score:2)
Here's a better approach. You donate a 100-bogomip machine, they knock off 15 bogomips for networking overhead, claim 40 bogomips for their own use in exchange for the trouble of building and maintaining the system, and you get to keep 45 bogomips. That is, you get the right to use 45 bogomips-worth of the system's cpu load, forever if you so choose. (Assuming Beowulf system administration allows this kind of control...)
You can buy, sell, rent or barter your bogomips. You can donate fixed time periods of your bogomips to worthy causes (seti@home, the mersenne guys, the rc5-cow guys, whoever).
Several shared beowulfs might come into existence and there could be a whole beowulf-share economy with cryptographic protocols for electronic bogomip transfers. It would be cute.
Godwin's law. (Score:1)
very bad choice. The word reminds me too much
of Nazi terminology.
Re:Godwin's law. (Score:1)
>>very very bad choice. The word reminds me
>>too much of Nazi terminology.
>I hope that not too many decisions in
>the world will be based on what your
>anti-German racism "reminds" you of.
>Not everything German is about Nazis.
Well, Mr. Anonymous Coward: I, the original poster of the comment above, *am* German.
I am quite sure that being a German, I have a pretty good perspective on when the use of a word from my language is inappropriate or not. The words "Übermensch" (human above the standard) and "Untermensch" (human below the standard) *were* used by the Nazis to describe their ideas of arian and non-arian "races".
Others already pointed out that the original use of the word "Übermensch" was not coined by the Nazis. Yet still, using this word in this context of a "superiour computer system" *will* raise a few eyebrows over here.
There are several words and symbols that were innocent in their original sense of meaning, but that have a terrible historical burden today. And "Übermensch" is one of these words.
(And no, this is not a question of political correctness. I hate PC, but I know my first language. See my other post in this thread.)
TeraFLOPing their way to the poorhouse (Score:1)
By my exceedingly rough calculations, a 400-MHz Celeron can crank out about 36 times the work of a 40-MHz 486 at roughly double the electric consumption. The way I figure it, you charge users the same amount of money per work unit, at a 20% markup over the electricity consumed by the 486 processor to do the work. If you purchase a Celeron, it will pay for itself in about 21 weeks compared to the free 486, from reduced electrical cost and greater earnings produced. By the same measure, I estimate that a 400-MHz G3 Macintosh laptop would pay for itself over the 486 in 70 weeks, and over the Celeron in 100 weeks.
Re:1 GigaFLOPS (Score:1)
A better name (Score:1)
yeah right (Score:1)
space admin it all requires money and they dont have it
good luck but without a backer they just wont get off the floor
350MHz is old boxs ?? not where I come from
john jones
a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
Yay, 4 minutes of free processing time! (Score:2)
So, if you donate a K6 II 350 box, you'd get about 4 minutes of time. Of course, most people would plan on donating much weaker PC's... Granted, it would have a LOT of RAM if you needed it for some project, but you could just leave you box running for a for a month yourself at least a dozen times over before they could ever complete this thing...
Darth Vader? (Score:1)
"Scamming" Machines (Score:1)
WTF is this? Was there even *one* person who didn't believe this was a scam? This is total bullshit; they don't even give you a physical location (that I saw).
The post about "scamming" NeXT cubes made me crack up though, as I used to do something similar (minus the scam). Key up a USENET session and say something to the effect of:
"I'm a student and I enjoy working with old computer hardware and software. Please get in touch with me via e-mail to get rid of that old box, and I would be more than happy to pay S&H."
That sure doesn't seem like to much of a scam to me. I've gotten 4 386's about 7 286's a TRS-80, a NeXT slab, two Mac Pluses ( one piece, B&W screen), and a top-of-the-line Pentium III machine that was throw out as *defective* at CompUSA. I got it home and found out the IDE cable on the hard drive was backward.
God, I love America.
--Dr. Ian
Top of the seti charts... (Score:1)
Wow, with a month of teraFLOP I could... (Score:1)
Pengiun porn! (With cameos by the BSD Daemon)
email address? (Score:1)
"there once was a big guy named lou
Huh?? (Score:1)
To think someone would actually donate a 350MHz(?!) machine to this just makes me ill. Chances of this project ever even getting off the ground are slim and none, these guys are probably going to end up just using the for gaming boxes or something worthless when the project fails.
Really, if you have a computer you don't want, donate it to a school. I work/volunteer at an elementary school, and we wouldn't have literally 70% of what we have if it wasn't for hardware donations, and another 10% of what we have can be attributed to monetary contributions towards technology.
Donate it to a local school and write it off, and if you can't find a local school, we're always open to donations, working or otherwise. :)
Computer stuff we need [k12.ca.us]
Just my two cents.
Re:Huh?? (Score:1)
I agree that there is a ton of useless bureaucracy in public education, and some systems are corrupt as well - especially in the larger districts. However, I can't think of any way an elementary school could find anything corrupt to do with such a donation. Perhaps you could reveal yourself and explain how an elementary school could do anything that you could classify as 'corrupt' with donated hardware.
If the system is indeed corrupt, then that would mean the students aren't getting what they should be getting - the technology necessary to learn skills that will be required of them when they become part of the real world. It goes without saying that this is really wrong. However, I think it is even worse if somebody has the means to help the kids by donating 'useless' hardware and helping and not doing it. That's just ignoring the problem, hoping it will go away as it just continues to get worse.
It is one thing to sit around and bitch about things, it is another to shut up and actually do something positive about them. Personally I don't have any extra hardware laying around to donate. Instead, I donate my time to make a difference. Maybe I'm making up for something someone else is paid to do and isn't doing it. Or maybe I'm doing something that would have otherwise never have been done. Either way, I'm not sitting around bitching about the situation.
FYI there have been a couple Slashdotters who have helped us out in the [recent] past. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have our caching proxy server or our file server, or some parts that are going to make it possible to put a couple linux machines into classrooms for a test run.
Giving children access to technology... what a horrible thing to do. I would hate to see them learn any of this stuff. Instead we should let them suffer for the fact that they are involuntarily a part of a corrupt system. I mean come on, think about this for a minute...
If you don't want to post a reply here here, maybe you could e-mail me, paul.levitz@hbcsd.k12.ca.us - feel free to use your hotmail account... I'm sure you would hate to find yourself accountable for anything you might say. I will be interested to hear what you come up with.
Re:Hrm, Is this for fun or profit? (Score:1)
it won't work (Score:3)
say right now with confidence that hacking together 10000+ odd intel systems simply won't work.
First, I worked on the QCD Teraflop system http://www.ccd.bnl.gov/RIKEN_BNL/riken.html
It consumes a substantial amount of power, generates a lot of heat and has a lot of components. Component reliability is a major issue. We don't have 10000 disk drives, 10000 network cards, 10000 power supplies, 10000 everything.
Keeping all the pieces up and running requires careful engineering, checkpointing results at intermediate steps (the checkpoints can be BIG), etc, etc.
It won't be done with el-cheapo PC hardware.
from there ligal page: (Score:1)
well, I don't think this is a scam per se, but I don't think these guys are going to be able to pull it off ether
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
nazis (Score:1)
if it would have ment "super machine" or somthing, It would be beter, but "Übermensch" was what hitler called the white race, it was a lot more then just technology to him, "Übermensch" was what he was striving for, with things like the Hitler Youth, etc.
he wanted to bring about "Übermensch" through ugenics, and of course, mass murder
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
your emal.......? (Score:1)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:Road Trip!!! (Score:1)
Beware- 10000 386s = Top Secret! (Score:1)
Synopsis: This project is so secret that a donor can't come see where his machine will go.
I was interested in the project before - but now it just sounds like a scam.
see the whole email [dhs.org] (kinda interesting which questions he answers (hah!) and which he doesn't)
Re:I see your point (Score:1)
Cost of a 386 cluster? (Score:1)
Not to mention heat. At my former workplace [psc.edu], they got 10 rack-mounted quad-processor Xeons with the intention of clustering them. They were planning on testing the cluster in a small room in the basement before moving them to the main machine room. Plans had to be changed because of the amount of heat that 10 machines put out. The heat produced by 10000 machines would be truly phenominal.
Average user gets 4 minutes (Score:2)
so, a month of an average AMD350 is
30*24*60 = 43,200 AMDMinutes
which is worth
So, the proud donater of a 386SX25, could get of the magnitude of 1 second
Re:it won't work (Score:1)
This is NOT how supercomputers are run, and with good reason. There is simply no easy way to cut corners.
Re:Different Network (Score:1)
Then you pile on a handful or more of control nodes to monitor and steer the system.
The Illustrated Beowulf (Score:1)
President Bill Clinton as Beowulf
Danish Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (and Pope John Paul II) as Hrothgar
Cookie Monster as Grendel
Michelle Pfeiffer as Grendel's mother
Boris Yeltsin as Wiglaf
Godzilla as the Fire Dragon
Hillary Clinton as Wealhtheow
The A-Team as Beowulf's thanes
David Letterman as the guys in the Geat castle
Where are they going to put this thing? (Score:4)
Let's have a show of hands: how many of you have actually seen a Beowulf cluster? Where I work (Caltech's CACR [caltech.edu]), we have a 114-node system, and it's pretty damn big. You can't just have all of the nodes packed densly: you need to be able to access the backs for networking, power, etc. It takes up a pretty sizeable amount of floor, and reaches up to the (rather high) ceiling.
Here's a couple of pictures [caltech.edu]. The one up top is just one side of it.
These guys want to make one that's over 100 times as big! Can you imagine the network cable nightmare? Not to mention the power requirements. Makes you feel sorry for the technician that has to set it up.
The other big problem with a large cluster is network latency. You can reduce the effects of this by passing larger packets of info, but there's still a limit that you reach. Just because you make something 100 times bigger doesn't mean it'll be 100 times better.
I also think that the software configuration would play a major role in the efficiency. I'd rather trust trained scientist (not me; I'm just a student), who's been working with large-scale parallel machines for years to set this up, not some tech guys who thought it'd be a neat idea. But maybe I'm just pessimistic.
Still perfectly happy with my 1-node PII... -ElJefe
Definitely A Scam (Score:1)
Somebody post this up!
Re:some detective work. Summary: why is this news? (Score:2)
Road Trip!!! (Score:1)
If you see a house with a rusty front door, run. If you see a multi-block warehouse with an air conditioner the size of a couple Mack trucks, then there might be some truth to the whole thing...
Re:Where are they going to put this thing? (Score:5)
Assuming they can get the networking and power resources and have the warehouse necessary to house all of these computers, there's very little you can actually do in such a massively parallel system. The hardest part would be simply feeding it enough data to keep all the nodes processing concurrently.
A much more efficient use of such massive resources would be to split them into smaller clusters of 50-100 computers in size, and allocate time individually. Then when a really large project comes along you can merge a few of the smaller clusters together.
IMHO, if this project is for real, it's still a pretty shabby deal. Granted that old 386 box you have is pretty near worthless in today's sub $500 market, but email addresses are cheap too. Donate that box to Goodwill and give some poor child the chance to familiarize himself with the technology necessary to succeed in the next millennium.
A Month of processing time? I don't think so... (Score:2)
Re:What's the point? (Score:1)
But if you do, then there is suddenly a great deal of point. Unfortunately I don't think the machine they are proposing is very useful - it certainly wouldn't run any of my jobs, which will require a lot of work to migrate from vector supercomputers to any sort of parallel machine.
Even for jobs which can be massively parallelised, there is always the problem of compiling the results. Even for very simple tasks like searching for primes or crypto keys this becomes a headache with so many machines. For anything more complex, it will require a supercomputer with multiple fibre channels just to combine the results.
I hope they have thought of... (Score:2)
Clearly the networking of this many machines will be impractical for most mathematical problems, I guess this will only be good for problems which could already be tackled by d.net or seti.
Pipe dream? (Score:1)
Pipe dream anyone?
Re:Kids these days... (Score:1)
A thought. (Score:2)
We'd all be happy if...
(wishes here)
or if we had a bunch of media attention so we could get all these things, that would be nice too.
i guess they got the media attention?
Re:Question (Score:1)
Re:Where are they going to put this thing? (Score:1)
Last time I checked, Goodwill is pretty snitty about what they will even accept, hardware-wise. I can't blame them, as they have to pay by the ton to dispose of junk they can't sell. I remember that they refused a few boxes I had to donate because I couldn't swear it was 100% operational hardware.
There really should be some form of a "People's Computer Recycling Center" in all sizeable communities where people could come to give and get old-but-still-usable computer hardware. Kind of a "Computer Renaissance" store but with no cash registers. It could turn into a hub of Linux and other free OS distribution. (DR-DOS for the really old hardware, and slower-modems and Freenet accounts for all who want them)
Could keep a lot of kids off the street if they had access to some of the hardware sitting idle with capacitors drying out and EPROMs loosing their memory in warehouses around the world.
Re:it won't work (Score:1)
Re:Some Things are Legit... (Score:1)
The "ideas" link still doesn't work, but now gives a 404 instead of the default ad for click2site.com.
The hotmail contact and the yahoo contact are however explainable. Superior systems may have said "Do this on your own time." So they had to use external email, rather than business email. But then how can they receive all these boxes that are (not) going to be streaming in at that work place. And why does the web site for their "workplace" refuse connections?
The logistics behind this project would not be feasible. According to them, they want the equivalent power of 10757 K6-2 350s. How many of those do they think they'll get? Based off of distributed.net's client speeds for rc5, k6-2 350s crack at (avg for linux) ~590000 Kkeys/sec. The high end 386dx/40 gets ~20558 Kkeys/sec. This is approximately 28.7x slower. This would mean that if they get a large portion of 386s, they could end up with as many as (rounding down to 28x) 301,196 machines. If they get to an average speed of a 486dx4/100, they would still have about 100,000 machines. I don't know of many people who would part with even a low speed pentium. They still work sufficiently even with M$ Windoze.
Setting up 100,000 machines? Most users don't have networks at home so they would have to purchase say, 50,000 network cards. Even at the low cost of $5 per machine for a NIC, cabling and a share of the hub, that's $250,000. Since they're mainly asking for machines, they would need to invest a considerable amount. And can you imagine setting up the IP addresses, host tables,
Power? According to PG&E (my local electric utiltity) at http://www.pge.com, a PC uses
Maintenance. With 100,000 machines and 99% uptime (1% downtime is not really reasonable given the hardware) is 87.6 hours per year of maintenance per machine. Multiplied by 100,000 machines and you need to have 8,760,000 hours a year to fix them. Well, you would need 4211 technicians, working 40 hour weeks to fix it. And this is only the routine maintainence. Not counting unplanned hardware failures. Remember, this isn't high quality stuff. And how long would it take to find the right machine if you have to open the case or find the console (i.e. crashed)?
And space requirements. Even if all the boxes are those compact 18" x 18" x 4" boxes, if you set up a row of these, if you put it in a room seven-feet high, you would have 4761 stacks 21 boxes high, which in a line would stretch 7142.85 feet, or approximately a mile and a half. "Machine Z434 is not responding!" "Damn, that one's on the end!" Since you need access to the backs, if you put them front to front with aisles in the back (say 3 feet wide) in rows, you would need 32,142 sq. feet, approximately 3/4 of an acre.
My vote? Either a scam or a not-well-thought-out project.
Re:Security??? (Score:1)
Re:Beowulf, Schmeowulf (Score:1)
This guy should be doing spin for Clinton. I hope he doesn't go into politics. Everybody else would fall for it.
Research finds..... (Score:1)
From an altavista search of "eric sayward", we found one link to http://www.moneysearch.com/cgi/message.cgi/view/1
1) mailto:way@lacrosse-inter.net
I wonder why he didn't use that email address?
maybe because the site is down?
2) He owns lacrosse-inter.net. Kinda makes you
wonder why he has to get a "free hosting".
Again. His site is down. Kinda makes you
wonder if he can keep 10,000 working. This in
turn leads to the internic listing. Shows that
Superior Systems owns lacrosse-inter.net and
that Eric Sayward is its contact.
sayward, eric (ES3891) t1-spsys@EXECPC.COM
608 779 4249 (FAX) 608 782 1331
3) This also yields another phone number 608-386-4298 in addition to his posted 608-782-3006.
4) According to the DNS records, it doesn't maintain its own records, but granitecanyon.com
does for them. Searching the records reveals...
just about nothing. a MX to the system named MAIL, which, like all the other hosts is a CNAME to the main system. Nice ISP. This equipment seems like it could be housed in that little shack from the pictures. Easily.
I wonder how his "customers" use the ISP.
Re:Research finds..... (Score:1)
Access to Network Solutions' WHOIS information is provided to assist persons in
determining the contents of a domain name registration record in NSI's
registrar database. The data in this record is provided by NSI for
informational purposes only, and NSI does not guarantee its accuracy.
Compilation, repackaging, dissemination, or other use of the WHOIS database
in its entirety, or a substantial portion thereof, is not allowed without NSI's
prior written permission. By submitting this query, you agree to abide by
this policy. All rights reserved.
Teraflop Communications (TERAFLOP3-DOM)
611 Main St.
LaCrosse, WI 54601
Administrative Contact:
Administrator (AD8172-ORG) roark@WHITEHOUSE.COM
(530) 690-8876
Fax- (530) 706-9490
Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
sayward, eric (ES3891) t1-spsys@EXECPC.COM
608 779 4249 (FAX) 608 782 1331
Billing Contact:
sayward, eric (ES3891) t1-spsys@EXECPC.COM
608 779 4249 (FAX) 608 782 1331
Record last updated on 15-Jul-99.
Record created on 15-Jul-99.
Database last updated on 19-Jul-99 09:13:25 EDT.
Domain servers in listed order:
Notice who the administrative contact is. If I'm not mistaken, the whitehouse.com domain name is owned by a porn site. Fits well with the picture of the adult store next door.
Re:it won't work (Score:1)
- Eric J Sayward
- Eric J Sayward
roadtrip my ass.. (Score:1)
Eric J Sayward
Re:Beowulf, Schmeowulf (Score:1)
p.s. brian, remember what happened last time?
Re:Beowulf, Schmeowulf (Score:1)
Our group has been doing odd projects of all sorts over the years and have had many people come and go. Brian was one of our best linux guys who turned on us and cost us alot of time and money along with a network that was donated by our then financial backer after he lied about us to gain the network for himself after he became greedy and wanted it all for himself and didn't think we were giving him any credit. needless to say the poor guy ended up with nothing while we continue on in our quest to build our network.
mailing list (Score:1)
I would lilke to be able to speak to everyone at the same time and answer all questions or concerns.
Re:Hrm, Is this for fun or profit? (Score:1)
Re:What's the point? (Score:1)
Re:Where are they going to put this thing? (Score:2)
- Eric J Sayward
Re:Kids these days... (Score:2)
_Eric J Sayward
Re:Road Trip!!! (Score:2)
- Eric J Sayward
Re:Some Things are Legit... (Score:2)
Re:well I made the roadtrip ... (Score:2)
Eric J Sayward
P.S. note that said person did not speak with us personally... and on top of that posted anonamously.... Pictures of the system will be up soon.. and also if said person had half a brain the would have taken pictures of our building not the one next to it.. the airconditioner is not ours with the bag on it.. ce ce ce some people I tell ya
Teraflop my ass... (Score:1)
Oh yes, the reason, I believe, that their other site is down is because their T1 was cut off for nonpayment of the bill for a few months.
Re:Top of the seti charts... (Score:1)