Teens Make a Wearable WebCam 62
boinger writes
"Wired is reporting about some high school kid who made
a wearable PC with webcam as a school project. The
designed was blessed by MIT, and it brodcasts the captured
images via wireless LAN which are then published to a web
site. It runs Linux, too, but sadly runs Win98 as well."
Imagine what this will do for those obnoxious "Worlds Funniest"
TV shows that churn my stomach as I dive for the remote.
Yes (Score:1)
On the other hand, it does sound like they did a reasonably good job with off-the-shelf parts. Which, although not thrilling, is at least a decent accomplishment on their part.
Either that, or the article was completely incoherent, and the kids really DID do something nifty. I just don't think so . . .
Webcam hardware (Score:1)
Finally, please, if any of you HAVE run a web cam off a linux box, please, do email. Any other questions, comments, suggestions, whatever, just send 'em my way.
I use QuickCam [fhttpd.org], and it works through parallel port, however the speed is limited to about 1fps at 320x240 24bpp resolution AND it takes a lot of processor time because of stupid parallel port interface design. Still it should be usable on a box like that.
Nope... (Score:1)
Poor journalism (Score:1)
1) The story implies that these guys INVENTED wearable computers--but all they did was build one (and it sounded pretty big, BTW).
2) The story fails to mention how much money it took to build this thing.
Teens! (Score:1)
Those crazy teens, what will they come up with next?!
how about . . . (Score:1)
we see if Al Gore would start wearing one of these during his "open source" presidential campaign?
How can it run Linux and Win98? (Score:1)
Timur Tabi
Remove "nospam_" from email address
very cool website... (Score:1)
i guess lightness and durability of the HUD come with extra bucks..is there any way to grab the image (i couldn't find descriptions of how u capture the optics, private eye?) fm the machine using 'optic fibre' and projecting this on the glasses?
getting the interface right is the 'spit 'n polish' of the project, getting to this level is an achievement yr average '/.'ers should be applauding!
hey i aint no 'Bigoted Linux goon'! (Score:1)
as for running more os's, the more the merrier
so take that back you swine!
Pentium??? (Score:1)
I'll tell you what would be innovative- use something other than x86. Why do we insist on this dinosaur?
Clarifiation (Score:1)
"The Constitution admittedly has a few defects and blemishes, but it still seems a hell of a lot better than the system we have now."
RE: "Only" 18?? (Score:1)
I wholeheartedly agree with BigZaphod on this one. When I was between 16 and 18, I was trying to do things the "adult world" just wasn't ready for me to try yet, like getting a motorcycle endorsement and going to a local college for my senior year studies. This meant that I was out in public during normal school hours, for which I got a lot of hassle from shopkeepers and the local law enforcement. "Hey kid, shouldn't you be in school?"
I started in my real college at 18, and I still had problems with parental consent forms and curfews. It was only at 19 that things started to settle down so I could go about my business without getting hassled.
To bring this back on topic, I hope the media exposure of these young men will show society that we aren't just a bunch of dope fiends bent on self destruction. We need more examples of geeks doing their thing, so everybody: GET TO IT. Do something spectacular to show the world you're not worthless.
Unfortunately, it's too late for me now. I'll be graduating in a couple of months, and I'll be expected to do this sort of thing on a daily basis. Yah, right.
Nope (Score:1)
Answering Questions (Score:1)
But I would assume practical reasons for using Linux - certainly you don't want to go off rebooting your computer all the time, especially since the whole idea behind the wearable is more cinema verte [sp?] than anything else. So I, for one, hope your adoption of Linux is successful.
Finally, a lot of people seem to be unfairly criticising you for merely creating a wearable computer. I think th marketing aspects of this - the sale of the idea to the media lab - show real promise. I've certainly never heard of someone wanting to do live broadcasts from high school, as you filter through corridors and what-not. I'm not sure how many people want to see them, but at least it's a creative idea.
I, for one, hope it will be the first of many.
"Only" 18?? (Score:1)
I think that age discrimination is a double edged sword. While you might have certain limits applied to you, you are also granted liberties that elders (age 21 and up) dont have being legal citizens.
I'm 19 now and for some reason it seems to make a huge difference in public perception. I look the same, talk the same, etc. But for some reason I am now somehow better being 19 instead of 18.
I totally agree with you here. Being different ages can have different things expected from you. I'm 16, and being 17 seems infinatley older.
Sorry. (Again, nothing against you.
Its cool man.
remember, they are 18 (Score:1)
WIRED = non-news (Score:1)
many people that dont know what a wearable is let alone what a webcam is will read it and get the wrong idea. (I know this as my boss who is the equivilant of a salad bar in the IQ arena) I think it was great that they did this. It's the fact that the media makes it sound like they came up with this on their own, while there are alot of people that have been working on wearables, and wearcams for years! Look at how the media makes it sound like IBM invented the wearable, HA! IBM copied the ideas of some very creative people.
media = non-news (Score:1)
in fact these kids did nothing but assemble hardware and take current ideas. Great for teenagers, but hardly news-worthy. everything they have done has been done by Prof. Mann a long time ago, and is probably his design anyways.
Gotta love the media...
"FLASH! 31 year old man builds a PC from component parts and runs a non-microsoft Operating system in his basement!!! along with a networked house he also built a router out of spare outdated parts!!"
Wow I just invented the computing,networking,and router industries!!!!!
Choice of hardware (Score:1)
Cool that you did this, un-cool that the media mis-represented what actually happened.
Where can I get one? (Score:1)
be ready to spend gobs of money, you cant get a PII yet, and a typical wearable is a 486 class computer. (Gasp! that means I cant run NT!!!
It's bleeding edge.... but I like to bleed.
"Only" 18?? (Score:1)
Sorry, just had to rant. Age discrimination is one of the worst out there. It limits us, forces us to shut up and sit in the corner, and it destroys our minds when we are most able to learn and innovate.
Society sucks.
Sorry. (Again, nothing against you.
Why is this 'news'? (Score:1)
All that's needed is a notebook PC in a backpack, with a wireless LAN card and a PC cam. Hell, gimme $2000 and a CompUSA and I'll walk out of the store with a working one of these 'news-worthy' items.
Now, if someone were to.. Oh nevermind!
Certainly not right (Score:1)
Actually, it's a 32 bit chip, with 32 bit registers, so it can address (grind, grind, grind) 4294967295 bytes - 4 GB.
The mainboard most likely has a 64MB limit, but that sounds low for a P5 board...
NT imposes a 2GB limit on address space for the system, and 2GB for an application - but that's a different ball of wax entirely (virch mem issues)
Poor journalism, yeah right (Score:1)
I think you're reading things into the article that aren't there.
Where can I get one? (Score:1)
Industry uses camera/glasses already to take pics of stuff that they shouldn't. It's no big deal to ad a pc to the system.
BTW- From the sounds of it... they pretty much just built from the directions over at Steves site. !=big deal
"Sadly" runs Win98? (Score:1)
Wear one? (Score:1)
Nope... (Score:1)
Answering Questions (Score:1)
Where can I get one? (Score:1)
Seriously though, this sounds like it could have incredible ramifications, and a lot of great uses. Think of the applications... in the workplace, bodycams could get and process images before sending them to controllers, who could give instructions to the workers on how to do their tasks more effeciently, more successfully (in a factory-type environment that is).
With more miniaturization, of course, this could be abused, used by spies or governments to track the people, to know what you are doing all the time. HIDE! Big Brother really COULD be watching you at all times.
Tim Wilde
Sysadmin, Dynamic DNS Network Services
Not quite... (Score:1)
Tim Wilde
Sysadmin, Dynamic DNS Network Services
this reminds me (Score:1)
is talking about a high-school aged girl putting
on a live webcam show of her daily life.
Bizarre, but real
Re: Poor journalism (Score:1)
By definition: "Pretty big".
Speaking of poor journalism:
When I was at CMU, a pissant snotnosed freshman in an introductory programming class wrote a shell script to endlessly append a file to itself. Two line freeking shell script. (The year was 1981 BTW, oops... just dated myself.)
Anyway, it filled up the entire file system and caused big trouble (early UNIX, no disk quotas).
The instructor called the kid into his office, and pointed out to him that "malicious or destructive use of computing resources" was an expelable offense. He let him off with a verbal warning not to do it again.
The kid does it again the next day.
He is expelled.
He runs to a local TV station. The entire news media in Pittsburgh (TV stations and newspaper) spin the story so as to paint the little snot as an unbelievable computer super-genius who developed an amazing hitherto unconcived computer alogrithm and Carnegie-Mellon expelled him because his godlike intellect embarrased its faculty.
His amazing algorithm?
Something along the lines of:
while [ 1 ]
cat flip >>flop
cat flop >>flip
18 years later and the news media can STILL be rather clueless about computers.
Re: Poor journalism (Score:1)
It's a helluva High School Project.
I'd have definately given them an "A".
It's just that Wired DID gush like this was completely unheard of technology. Wired should be a little more cluefull, especially since these guys got their idea from WIRED in the first place!
Agreed... not a big deal. (Score:1)
His *ideas* will exist even when all the equipment is inside our eyes or our brains, long after the idea of wearable's has become passé.
PS> I'm not denying the fact that these guys did some good work, just saying that it's not something that should be hyped to death. I also haven't read the article, so I may be completely off base. I'm only going on what it sounds like from what I've read here.
media = non-news (Score:1)
Why is this 'news'? (Score:1)
media = non-news (Score:1)
As for the design, it is based loosely around the Lizzy design from MIT.
And as for the media, we know perfectly well that we in no way invented wearable computing, and have NEVER made claims otherwise. We have always taken the utmost care to give credit exactly where it it due, and in this case, I believe that most of the inspiration would go to the MIT Media Lab group.
However, having little or no control over the finished, published product, we can never guarantee that exactly what we emphasize is included.
In defense, let's say that wired approaches you and says, "Hey, we wanna do an article." What do you think is the correct thing to say? It is in no way our fault/responsibility that this is news to the general public. Hell, even if it is the "Awww... isn't that cute. Look honey! These kids built a small computer!" factor, why should that matter? Publicity is publicity, and being a privately funded program, WDHS needs the evidence (read; media mentions, television spots, newspaper articles, awards) it can get that the students are working on "cool", "noteworthy" "educational" projects. This way we say, "Look, see what we've done?" and whammo! We have the money to expand, and create a better program and learning environment for the students.
questions? comments?
What hardware? (Score:1)
And where and when did you buy it?
If i'm not mistaken, I believe a number of manufacturers use the wavelan architecture, including Digital and Lucent Technology.
However, when we went to order, they told us that there was currently an extreme shortage of cards and we could have ended up waiting anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for them to become available again.
Seeing as that did not fit into our timeline, we went with a Proxim Rangelan/2 card and access point.
As for the wintv board, Aitech makes it correct?
If i am not mistaken, it is not of the PC/104 form factor, effectively canceling that one out right away.
Detroit (Score:1)
Yup, we sold dope to raise the cash.
Actually, we got the money from the Dearborn Cable Communications fund, a business venture set up by Mr. Gibb (our instructor) and a partner of his 17 years ago when WDHS first started.
better way to do it (Score:1)
Rather cheap, and simple.
Isn't the Pentium 1's max ram (Score:1)
There is a max, but that's not it. (Score:2)
And yeah... the 286 was limited, too - something like 12M - I forget exactly, and it's not as straightforward to calculate as the [3456]86's 2^32, because of the 286's weird memory segmentation model...
There is a max, but that's not it. (Score:2)
I might be wrong. But your supposition that the CPU cannot limit the amount of RAM is wrong. 8088s and 8086s can only address 1M of RAM. That's it, nothing more.
Pentium??? (Score:2)
Well for one thing, its rather inexpensive, it has a LOT of software for it, hardware for it, and makes the software side of the device easier by not forcing them to code anything themselves.
Stan "Myconid" Brinkerhoff
Answering Questions (Score:3)
Now about those questions.
Cost; approximately $5800. Yeah, i know, it's steep, and a wearable can be made for much less. But what can i say? Wireless LAN equipment is
!?#@*ing expensive.
The amount of RAM was a misquote. It really has 128MB. Yes, windows can only cache the first 64MB, but Linux works beautifully with all the supported hardware.
This leads me to the OS choice(s).
It was with a heavy heart, (and not a small number of expletives) that we decided to run Linux and Win98. The original plan was Linux only, but when confronted with what we wanted to do, and the hardware needed to do it, we were forced to run 98 also. Linux just did not have the drivers necessary for all our hardware. Yet.
But you should all be please to know that bit by bit, as Linux support grows, we will completely phase microsoft out of the picture altogether.
Finally, please, if any of you HAVE run a web cam off a linux box, please, do email. Any other questions, comments, suggestions, whatever, just send 'em my way.
Mike Sassak