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Handhelds Hardware

New Palm V and IIIx arrived in the stores! 60

Arrigo writes "Several people reported that the new Palm V and IIIx are available at some CompUSA stores. More details (and pictures!) at: Palmstation. Should I go get one? hmmmm... " Methinks my trusty old PalmPro is officially due to be replaced by a Palm V. Just gotta find one of these buggers now.
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New Palm V and IIIx arrived in the stores!

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  • It's not really a wast of screen space - the writing area is completely below the screen. There are no LCD elements under the writing area, only the touch membrane.
  • I still think having a space just to write in is a complete waste of valuable screen real-estate. I've heard they do it because writing directly on the screen will wear it out. There are plenty of palm-sized computing devices which you write directly on the screen... seems like a big waste :)
  • While I certainly do like my PalmPilot Pro, and have used Palm products since they were first released, I've been sitting here thinking about these new Pilots this evening.

    The decision I've been trying to make is whether or not to upgrade to a Palm V/IIIx, or to wait until the rumoured 'color' Pilots are released later in the year.

    I'm essentially not happy with these new product offerings from 3COM. From my perspective, they are basically the same old thing, repackaged and made more 'sellable' from the same perspective as car manufacturers - in other words, they're using the same basic guts, but with 'luxury' accessories such as a metal case, rechargeable battery, or 'convenience' accessories such as extra RAM and expansion capabilities -but being produced and delivered in a MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE fashion! ARRRGGH!!

    I've even thought about going over to the dark side and getting a WinCE machine. I could really use color for some of the applications I'm developing. WinCE just doesn't do it for me though, because I'd have to use more of the Win32 API than my decision at the beginning of the year to leave Win32 programming behind would allow.

    I've been watching the Itsy stuff in hopes that it'll come out of the Digital/Compaq woodwork and be released as a product, but alas that's not looking like its going to happen any time soon.

    So what we need is an OPEN DESIGN (software/hardware) project to develop a palm-held computer with *real* features. Make the *DESIGN* available, and let people pick their own part, based on rough guidelines.

    This sort of concept has worked well in the past, and I have experienced it - I develop music software and run my own little studio, and last year I built an ASM1 analog synthesizer based on an Open Design, picking my own parts and getting it all working in just a few weeks. More info about the ASM1 can be found here, if any slashdott'ers are interested: []

    Click the "Front Panel Design" link to get to the main info.

    The point I'm making with the ASM1 project is that it *worked* as a fundamental OPEN project - Gene opened up his design for people to use in building an Analog Modular synthesizer, and many people have made them - some have contributed back to the design in area's that were lacking such as the front panel implementation, or additions/modifications that can be made to various modules to make interesting features available to the end-musician.

    So why not something like this for a palm-based computing platform? People (such as a core section of the slashdot demographic) are getting more and more willing to deal with technology at a more intense level - though this project certainly wouldn't be for *everyone* - and as such, we could end up designing a more satisfactory platform for the end-user/hacker.

    Anyway, I am personally willing to devote resources and time to a project with the goal to build the ultimate palm-based computer system for use by the hacking community to build and refine.

    I know that there are some projects out there already that have started to get the Linux kernel running on interesting small, low-power platforms, and I will dig through my bookmarks and make a page of links to those projects.

    These projects are useful and interesting - but what I foresee is a central site that someone could come to, download the plans, read the FAQ, get a shopping list of parts together, get it all together, build the system, and get help from a DIY-type community to get the final thing debugged and running.

    Is this of *any* use at all? I know there are already sites out there that do this, but what we need is a central one that has links to all the references.

    If you'd like to help, or have suggestions, send me e-mail with your advice/comments and I will pool it all together and get a basic web page running with the details... (use
  • see above =]
  • Posted by Assmodeus:

    i want one!
  • I have mixed feelings about buycomp. I, too, had to suffer a wait as they delayed my Hauppauge TV card. However, they sent me a giant mouse pad to make up for it. Of course, I use a Wacom tablet for input so this was a useless gift, but their heart was in the right place :) And their prices sure are nice...
  • I've never had any problems either accessing their web site (although I prefer the text only version...the other one has too many images) or in their customer service. I will buy from them again and will recommend others to do so if that's where they can find the best price.

  • seems Palm have refined the standard apps as well...(appUsage et.,al. if the shots are stock standard P4) notice the batttery now has a voltage reading (3.95v, my Palm3 runs at 2.83V when fully charged)...pity P4 mem cant be upgraded :(
  • Palm IIIx is more expandable. IIIx gives you all the advancements of the V except the Li-ION rechargeable battery and small size.

    IIIx has an expansion slot. V can not be upgraded, or at least that's the official party line... ;-)
  • I just bought a Palm III and a Palm III Upgrade from them. I ordered after 5pm on Monday, they shipped them tuesday UPS ground ($12). UPS screwed up and delivered them to the wrong address on Wednesday then discovered the mistake on their own and delivered the package to me on Friday. It wasn't the absolute lowest price, but $219 and $50 plus $12 dollars shipping isn't bad.
  • I agree that I won't be buying a Palm IIIx or a Palm V, but just last week I upgraded my Palm Pro with the Palm III upgrade card for $50. There will probably be a Palm IIIx upgrade card, but it will probably be over $100. Just think of these new models as an opportunity to buy the older models cheap.
  • Anyone know it is possible for a trade in on the PalmPro or other palm pilot models?
  • Why did they skip 4 ?
  • I got my Palm III from and saved myself some money compared to Office Depot or similar stores. For example, they currently have the Palm III for $217.95. I don't see the Palm IIIx or Palm V listed yet, but they will be cheaper than the local electronics store when they get 'em.
  • I got an LG Phenom H/PC (RRP 499UKP) for 230UKP a couple of days ago at Tottenham Court Road, London. That's roughly 300 dollars, give or take a bit. How do Palmpilots compare against WinCE2, 8Mb RAM, 16Mb ROM, built in software modem, pre-installed 3rd party fax & comms software, and a keyboard? I was considering getting a palm-like device (Nino? Palm V? Still undecided.)

    Can anyone offer advice on this who has used a number of different H/PCs and P/PCs?
  • Does anyone know which one is best. I mean they
    must be aimed at diffrent types of user. Is the plam V just really slimed down to look flash and the palm IIIx more "useful" so to speak..??
  • Just got my Palm III last week....$149!!!!
    What do these new models do? I can't find any description or mention of it on the Palm Site...
  • ClubComputer []. I t was $199...then i had a nifty $50 rebate from 3com. one answered my question....What do the new models do? Is there some reference to them on that i missed?
  • i've gotten like five emails about i'll explain:

    I got it for $199 from ClubComputer []. I also got a $50 rebate from 3com for buy $100 worth of networking stuffs.

    () You must join the Club at Cluubcomputer ($1 for 45 day)
    () i think the price is now $219, but check back often
    ()as i said, you must buy other stuff for the rebate

    Hope this clears everything up

  • Ummm.... Any PCI PowerMac can run LinuxPPC, and MkLinux can run on those as well as on many pre-PCI systems. I have LinuxPPC installed on my PowerCenter Pro right now, though I'm not actually running it at the moment. Linux isn't just x86, you know....
  • I agree - comparing the Palm V with my trusty Palm Pro doesn't show enough of an improvement for me to want to spend $440 to upgrade. A new case, slightly better screen, rechargeable battery and extra 1Mb RAM (swoon!) just doesn't cut it for me.

    Just my opinion (yeah, like anybody is listening anyway ;-)
  • Where are you seeing these amazingly cheap laptops, if I may ask.
  • Its the Form factor and the UI/apps you are paying for. If price were the only issue, I would say that I could get an emachine for $500.
  • Once again, it isn't screen real estate. It is the text input area. It can't display anything.
  • They bring down prices on old models to the point where you can get them for $149.
  • You forgot your trailing curly brace. You
    will never be able to compile your code
    without it. You should also change the
    exit condition to a less than of equal to.
    Presumably you would want to buy a PDA if
    the price were less than $80.

    It should read :
    do {
    } until (price = 80);

    In fact you might be better off with a while
    loop. The do loop presupposes that no PDAs
    currently exist at a price of $80. If you
    executed your code you might find yourself
    sleeping needlessly (I wonder if that is my
    problem). Anyway you should try something like this:

    while (price sleep(1);

    P.S. I have assumed that you were meaning $80.
    you should add some comments to remove confusion
    over currency type. You may even want to go so
    far as to define a "LegalTender" object to take
    care of all monetary conversion.

  • Several people have asked why the Palm V is interesting.
    I want one, and I want it for one reason: it'll actually fit
    in my shirt pocket. I probably won't use it for anything
    that my old PPP ro won't do, but it'll actually fit in my
    shirt pocket.

    (Hey, I just lost my /. virginity. First post, of a sort.)

  • I want a Palm V!
  • This also looks interesting, it's a "disk on chip" thing:
  • I too have had a terrible experience with Buycomp with an order as simple as a null ethernet cable. I'm at school and away from most of the world and nowhere near any sort of computer store. My attempt to crimp a crossover cable failed, so I turned to buycomp - the prices were very low. I placed my order, and was told it would ship in 2-3 days. I didn't get it. About three WEEKS later I got an email saying that the cables were backordered - what?!?! I emailed asking to cancel the order, and then they told me that they couldn't, because it had ALREADY shipped!! I called up customer support and was greeted hostily. I finally got my cable about a month and a half after I ordered it. I would not be surprised if the "happy customer" who started this thread is actually affiliated with Buycomp. Don't order from Buycomp - It's just not worth the hassle. On the other hand,'s atCost seems like a pretty good deal, though I've never ordered from them.

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
