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Where Art Meets Hardware 23

cowboy_6th writes "It's far from anything the impressionists did, but their paintings didn't make a whirling noise or violate FCC regulations... check out eMonet . " Nice. Looks like most of my old sculpture projects.
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Where Art Meets Hardware

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  • Computer art on the wall - and it is in service too! My kinda art. :)
  • That is sooooo cool. Lesse, I do have an old mobo doing nothing. Hmmmmm.... I'm inspired!
  • That's pretty sweet. Looks more interesting than the Lego Mac (which was cute).

    You could always throw an LCD on the wall next to it with pen recognition... Have it randomly change your artwork like one dork we all know...

    Sweet. I like it. It's unique - with it's wooden frame.

  • And to think that I had an old Seagate HD spindle which I used as a stress relief toy... well, not everyone is as creative, methinks.
  • Hit the back button.
    Then select the wooden lady there
    you can see his log files today...
    which suddenly have a huge upsurge of X11/Linux systems.

    Visual demonstration of the slashdot effect.
  • I got the whole log joke.. I just was describing it to point out to people.

    On the other hand, i didn't realise it was from ren and stimpy. I've heard about the sketch, but never actually seen it. It popped into my head at the time, but i never realised log was dressed like that in the cartoon.
  • Well, I think there's a LOT of people on this site who don't use Linux, and are just reading the articles because they're interested.

    I don't run Linux personally, but I've set up a quite a few systems running it and do like the system--I just don't mess with my computer enough at home to warrant the time expenditure which Linux requires.

    This site has a large Linux focus, but it's not JUST a Linux site.
  • Am I the only one who has a problem with running a system with the power supply cover off? Maybe the rest of you think I'm just being a wus, but one time I *was* running my power supply coverless, and I got a nasty shock when I accidentally touched one of the heatsinks. And this is hanging on a wall... imagine a party where someone leans against it unknowing, or splashes some wine. I hope there's plexiglass in *front* too... That'd also have the added benefit of protecting the other components as well.

    In the meantime, I have a Proxima LCD panel without a power supply. Does anyone know the power supply pinout? (I don't want to spend $220 for a new supply - hell, I only paid $150 for the panel itself! - , and Proxima's mailserver has been FUBAR for as long as I can remember so I can't ask them.) It'd be cool to make art out of my 486-based proxy and also have a visual display on it (make a pulse-like demoish thing which lets me know when various things happen and the like).

    I'd considered reworking my workstation's case to being nice and artistic, but I don't have the time or inclination to do what I wanted.
  • Interesting.. I have a Tyan Tomcat IV Dual board I can try this with. It's be cool.. But all I can say is why didn't I think of this..
  • I don't have pictures of it (unfortunately), but I took pieces of an old Seagate ST-235 (I think), and trimmed 'em down, and used stiffened wire to link everything together... when I finished, it was an articulated hand reaching up out of a base composed of random geek-cruft (a few crushed Jolt cans, random printouts, etc.)

    It was a fun project that I did in my junior year of high school... I just wish I still had it somewhere. The other kids liked to take pieces of it and generally cause damage. *sigh*
  • it's his proxy server.

    gives a new meaning to 'frame relay', hm?
  • I have collected about 300 old 'free' CDs (from AOL to MSN to crap given out at shows to archived newsweeklies to fucked up CD-Rs), and I plan to tile an entire room in my house with them... perhaps the bathroom? :)
  • Hey I've got enough old gear laying around to try this. Maybe it will be my 15 minutes of fame.

  • Too cool! Let's see what it looks like. I just made a mobile out of 50 or so. It casts nice little rainbows.

  • 60-90 KHz? Suuure...

    Try 48.0-49.8 MHz or so.
    I'm not sure about the 900 SSM units, but I think that they are in the 902-928.
  • Hey! I do have a Linux box, it's just that the computer I'm on is elsewhere on the LAN here. The Linux one is connected to the cable modem and acts as the proxy server for the house. It's much more stable than that god-awful excuse for a proxy MS makes.

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
