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Truely Flat CRTs 47

Josh Baugher writes "Big Monitors Go Flat Mitsubishi and Viewsonic offer big-screen monitors with truly flat CRTs. Finally vendors have truely flat screens. (and they mention a nifty 18" lcd display at bottom of article)." CRT won't be dead any time soon at this rate- the prices are reasonable for the 22" screen.
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Truely Flat CRTs

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  • Posted by Mephie:

    Only the 17"+ have '*two*' wires, anthing smaller just has the 1.
  • I'm pretty sure that the Mitsubishi is 20" viewable even though they call it a 22" monitor, which puts it in the same category with other 21" monitors. There seems to be a trend in the monitor industry to play games with the specs. Even dot pitch is being flubbed with, Hitachi states the horizontal dot pitch (which is often .21 or .22 mm instead of the diagonal dot pitch that most other companys state (which, for a monitor with a horizontal dot pitch of .22 mm would be about .26 mm) Also the maximum resolution on that Viewsonic monitor is 1920 x 1440, not 1600 x 1200. see http://www.viewsonic.com/prod/DATA SHTS/PT795.HTM [viewsonic.com]
  • Their website states:

    "Mitsubishi Electronics is 'changing the face' of desktop computing with announcement of the world's first truly Flat-Screen CRT monitor."

    Hmm.. if Zenith's monitor was a truly flat-screen CRT, then methinks Mitsubishi's marketing department is getting lazy. Time for them to do some research.

  • I can't find the article at the moment, but I remember a slashdot article about scientists being able to grow (I believe) a carbon crystal latice onto the surface of glass. What I understood this was supposed to be for was to build walls an array of micro-mini (single pixel) CRTs each with its own electron gun. This was supposed to produce a real FLAT and THIN CRT display. Now they did also say that this was several years from shipping, but just so you know.

    Loren Osborn

  • Seems to me that this is more the last gasp from the CRT technology. In a year or two's time, we should be seeing field emitter display (FED) and light emitting plastic (LEP) come out- these technologies look to change the landscape dramatically. LEP displays should be cheap and easy to make. FED displays are on a par with CRTs in complexity, consume less power and look as good if not better than CRTs. CRTs aren't dead- yet. They look to be on their way out though.
  • For a moment I thought this article was about really flat monitors. But no, it's about monitors with a flat surface. This is nice of course, but I don't think they will be any competition for LCD monitors once they come down in price. It's about time we can get our non-virtual desk real estate back!
  • Don't Trinitrons have a shadow image of a wire going across the screen because of the way they're built? Others may be able to ignore such a "feature", but it would drive me up a creek!

    Please, correct me if I'm wrong, I've never actually seen a Trinitron so I may very well not know what I'm talking about.

  • I find it hard to believe that you have never seen a trinitron display as they are fairly common, especially on Macs and Sun workstations.

    The issue with the two shadows appearing on the screen is not as bad as one would expect. Personally, I never noticed those lines until I knew about this issue, and started looking for the lines. They tend to be almost invisible unless you have a flat white background.

    -- Elflord

  • Don't Trinitrons have a shadow image of a wire going across the screen because of the way they're built? Others may be able to ignore such a "feature", but it would drive me up a creek!

    You are correct. This is also true for the Mitsubishi appeture(sp?) grill which I prefer to the Trinitron (perhaps because Sony is switching to cheaper electronics in many models?). However, you should check it out. The mind quickly learns to ignore those two horizontal lines. It will probably take a day until you would have to actually look for them to see them. At least that's been my experience.

    BTW, I love my Cybervision 0.25AG monitor. It's a 17" running at 1024x768 at 100Hz refresh using a 8M Matrox Millenium AGP under X.

  • I checked for this on my Sony MultiScan 400PS 19" monitor. It's there; you'll only see it when you're looking for it on a white-backgrounded page.

    I still swear by my Sony. I have a 21" NEC I bought some years ago, and I now do all my work on the Trinitron. Unfortunately, I think the quality of NEC monitors hasn't kept pace with technology; I used to be an enormous fan of them.

  • I recently bought a 19" Hitatchi. With an excellent dot pitch (0.23), very high scan rates, and a reasonable price, I thought it as a dream come true. However, even with all it had going for it, the display is still not as clear as a Trinitron monitor. If I were an IT manager who was assigned the task of standardizing on one type of monitor for my company, I would go with Trinitron-based monitors no matter what else was going on in the industry (unless those goings on meant an equally high-quality display).
  • The grill on the Trinitron is so fine that it needs extra support, thus the two wires. This is what makes it so high-quality.
  • The quicker CRT technology dies a death, the better. In 50 years time our grandchildren will
    be amazed that we sat all day long in front of the dirty end of a particle accelerator.

    That's assuming the radiation allows us to have grandchildren ... :)
  • Don't Trinitrons have a shadow image of a wire going across the screen because of the way they're built? Others may be able to ignore such a "feature", but it would drive me up a creek!

    Yes, there are *two* wires. As everybody will tell you, one can get used to them. Personnally, I can't get use to a screen which doesn't show theses wires...

    After getting a taste of numerous monitors, I have found the Trinitron monitors as the only ones I would bear. (I recently turned down a brand new 19" non-Trinitron monitor just to keep my aging 17" Sony :)

  • Only the 17"+ have '*two*' wires, anthing smaller just has the 1.

    Ouch! I forgot about this one...

    However, a quick check at Sony shows that only monitors smaller that 14" have ONE wire

    Here is an extract:

    one or two horizontal damper wires are required. A 14-inch or smaller Sony computer monitor employs one such wire. It is located about one-third of the way from the bottom of the screen. Sony computer monitors larger than 14 inches use two horizontal damper wires. These wires are located roughly one-third of the way from the top and bottom of the screen.


  • It was flat on the front, but it was concave on the inside. The new flat screens are TRUELY flat, you'd think you were looking at an lcd, except you can change resolutions.
  • Hmm.. mere pedantry here, but wouldn't curved screens be better? Curved, that is, towards the viewer to minimize distortion...

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
