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MIT Boffins Build Battery Alternative Out of Cement, Carbon Black, and Water ( 78

Long-time Slashdot reader KindMind shares a report from The Register: Researchers at MIT claim to have found a novel new way to store energy using nothing but cement, a bit of water, and powdered carbon black -- a crystalline form of the element. The materials can be cleverly combined to create supercapacitors, which could in turn be used to build power-storing foundations of houses, roadways that could wirelessly charge vehicles, and serve as the foundation of wind turbines and other renewable energy systems -- all while holding a surprising amount of energy, the team claims. According to a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 45 cubic meters of the carbon-black-doped cement could have enough capacity to store 10 kilowatt-hours of energy -- roughly the amount an average household uses in a day. A block of cement that size would measure about 3.5 meters per side and, depending on the size of the house, the block could theoretically store all the energy an off-grid home using renewables would need." [...]

Just three percent of the mixture has to be carbon black for the hardened cement to act as a supercapacitor, but the researchers found that a 10 percent carbon black mixture appears to be ideal. Beyond that ratio, the cement becomes less stable -- not something you want in a building or foundation. The team notes that non-structural use could allow higher concentrations of carbon black, and thus higher energy storage capacity. The team has only built a tiny one-volt test platform using its carbon black mix, but has plans to scale up to supercapacitors the same size as a 12-volt automobile battery -- and eventually to the 45 cubic meter block. Along with being used for energy storage, the mix could also be used to provide heat -- by applying electricity to the conductive carbon network encased in the cement, MIT noted.

As Science magazine puts it, "Tesla's Powerwall, a boxy, wall-mounted, lithium-ion battery, can power your home for half a day or so. But what if your home was the battery?"
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MIT Boffins Build Battery Alternative Out of Cement, Carbon Black, and Water

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  • Next level (Score:5, Funny)

    by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @08:33PM (#63741610)

    Can you combine this with the ancient Roman recipe for self-healing waterproof concrete?

    Because it then becomes a great building material for slab foundations or basements. And hell, 3D print the thing and build the whole home that way - one giant super capacitor / heating system.

    The future is very weird sometimes.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by colonel.sys ( 525119 )

      Until you accidentally touch the wall...

      • Re:Next level (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Saturday August 05, 2023 @06:42AM (#63742196)

        Taking the concept seriously for a moment... you could use this capacitive concrete as a core and sheath it in standard concrete. To charge or discharge would require creating deliberate access ports through that exterior sheathing.

        Then there's the issue of controlling it all. Maybe you'd do something like divide it up into segments bridged with circuit breakers to ensure the entire building couldn't short and rapidly discharge due to damage at a single point. Since this stuff can also be used for heating, you might want to have segments that have ducts or pipes passing through to heat air or water.

        Turning a bulk power system into your building structure would mean a lot of space saving - at least compared to having a giant block of the stuff within the living area.

        • Of course you are completely right. Every new technology initially looks like it will open a tunnel straight to hell. Until it doesn't. In the 1800s people thought they would die from inner bleedings going 20 mph with those new trains.

          This new concrete could turn out a pretty cool technology but of course there are some issues to be thought about. Encasing, safety in general and also recycling should not (any probably will not) be an afterthought.

          • by Z80a ( 971949 )

            Every new technology IS a tunnel straight to hell. Then you create all sort of small technologies around it to make it safe.

          • Those 19th C. people talking about how dangerous 20mph is to the human body were misinterpreting a paper that was a first approximation of what would happen to a human body if it came to a sudden stop from those speeds. In fact, that paper was rather correct. Coming to a sudden stop from 25mph is effectively the same as hitting the ground after dropping from two stories up. It is in fact enough force to overcome the tensile strength of the connective tissue holding your organs in place. But the "sudden stop

  • 45 cubic meters? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by whoever57 ( 658626 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @08:38PM (#63741618) Journal

    That's huge: imagine a cube 11 ft on a side. And 10kWh may be the average in the UK, but it's not much at all. The UK is pushing people to dump gas and install air-source heat pumps which will dramatically increase electricity use.

    Put this in the category of: that's interesting, but not useful until there is a huge improvement in performance.

    • by sonlas ( 10282912 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @08:50PM (#63741634)

      That's huge: imagine a cube 11 ft on a side

      That's a cube with a side length of ~3.5 meters. Given that there are ~28000 households in the UK, and that an olympic swimming pool is 2500 cubic meters, the end result is that we would need the equivalent of ~504000 olympic swimming pools of this new cement.

      That's a lot of cement. The main question I have is how much are the CO2 emissions needed to manufacture that cement, knowing that cement production already generates a lot of CO2 (contributes for 7% of the total, more than aviation for instance). I didn't find that information in the paper, but I may have missed it.

      • by Martin Blank ( 154261 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @10:37PM (#63741748) Homepage Journal

        I think there are more than 28,000 households in the UK, because otherwise, there are about 2,400 people per household. Given the average size of a British flat, that seems excessive. I think you meant 28 million, which seems more reasonable.

        As much as Slashdot loves using Olympic swimming pools for volumetric comparisons, I feel that it is sometimes more useful to look at national consumption rates instead. The UK used about 15 million metric tons of cement in 2021. The most commonly used amount of cement was 0.80 g/cubic cm, so for 45 cubic meters, that would be 36 metric tons of cement for one of these batteries. To retrofit every household with one of these batteries would be about a billion metric tons of cement, or about 67 years of cement production. Ouch. But maybe it wouldn't make such a big dent if applied only to new builds, or maybe it would make more sense for grid-scale storage. Perhaps they'll find improvements over time that allow them to use less environmentally expensive materials, too.

        They acknowledge the environmental cost of cement production, but believe that, tied with renewable energy sources, the production would be offset over time. I don't see anything in the article about the normal factors involved in recharging the battery including loss of capacity over number of recharges, though maybe that will be explored in future papers.

        • by HiThere ( 15173 ) <> on Friday August 04, 2023 @11:18PM (#63741790)

          Note that they called it a (super)capacitor, not a battery. I think the problems with capacitors are different from those with batteries. E.g. the charge tends to leak away more quickly. OTOH, you can charge (and discharge) them faster.

          • Some capacitors have high leak rates and others are actually quite small (like 30+ days to run out). Not sure how long this would take. BUT, the capacitor does not get worn out. This could be used X MILLIONS of cycles where X is from 1 to 100.
            So, for putting in industry, recharge sites, and yes, even in homes with basements, this would make sense. It will at least deal nicely with smoothing out supply/demand issues.
          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            One the things that makes caps "super" is having a low leakage rate. Otherwise they are just normal high capacity capacitors. Certainly in the timescales that a home use one would cover, basically 24 hours max, self discharge is not going to be a major issue. The main use would be gathering excess solar energy during the day, and cheap grid energy at night.

            I don't think they are suggesting that every house be retrofitted with one of these things, but for example one could be use as the foundation of a new h

            • Pricing could be something of an issue. They mention 0.18 g/cc of carbon black getting used at the high end, so about 8.1 metric tons of carbon black. Pricing seems to be about $1.75/kg in Europe, so (not factoring in demand changes) a little over $14,000 of CB, plus whatever the 36 tons of concrete costs. But if it doesn't leak or degrade significantly, maybe that will be worth it over time.

        • To retrofit every household with one of these batteries would be about a billion metric tons of cement, or about 67 years of cement production. Ouch. But maybe it wouldn't make such a big dent if applied only to new builds, or maybe it would make more sense for grid-scale storage

          Indeed, house turnover here is low. We like to hold on to them for a while rather than rebuild. My house is 109 years old which is regarded as utterly unremarkable for its age. The older Victorian stock is considered pretty normal.

          • Even in the US, there is a lot of older housing stock. The median house age here is 39 years, and it's not all that uncommon for houses to be 80+ years old. If you look at the DIY subreddits, there are more than a few people working on 100+ year old houses.

            • As a Londoner, it's possible that my view is a bit skewed. Turns out London has on average older housing than most of the rest of the country. With that said it's also got a lot more of it and this graph isn't weighted by population:


              Looks like ~22% of the houses are pre 1900 round here and a whopping ~38% are older than 93 years old.

              I like old houses. Being a bit of a caveman apparently, one thing I particularly like is how the temperature drops fast in the evening/at night

              • The median age of houses in Washington, DC, is 80 years, and the median in all of the state of New York (even with NYC growing over the last half-century) is 62 years. For the long-established cities, there be a lot of old houses.

                On the other hand, there are quiet communities like that. My wife's family has a lake cabin an hour from the nearest decent size community and two hours from the nearest real city, where the core of the cabin was built around 1920. Her grandfather extended it in I think the 1950s,

      • ... an olympic swimming pool is 2500 cubic meters, the end result is that we would need the equivalent of ~504000 olympic swimming pools of this new cement.

        You need to re-state that in units of Libraries of Congress.

      • by vlad30 ( 44644 ) on Saturday August 05, 2023 @01:00AM (#63741892)
        Thats not a lot of cement Just the foundation of a house I was recently was on at a building site had 45 cubic meters, the small pool had 13.5 cubic meters. And there is still the driveway and support pads for other bits so if it could be turned into a battery there is an easy 10kwH right there.

        The only question would be the additional cost to turn it into a battery and is it structural enough to be used as building material.

        Then can I get the kind of workers that normally lay concrete to build this battery. I barely trust qualified electricians I would not trust these workers and that is the real problem.

        BTW carbon battery tech is old replacing the zinc with cement is novel []–carbon_battery

        • by hawk ( 1151 )

          >the small pool had 13.5 cubic meters.

          build the swimming pool casing with a capacitor. What could possibly go wrong???


      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

      Yeah, 10 kWh is a joke. My commuter e-bike as 1 kWh, two people couldn't do laundry with 10 kWh.

      • If it's common enough, it mitigates a good amount of the load on the grid particularly if the user has solar as well. Daytime usage would mostly be covered through solar and some of the evening / night through the battery.
      • by RandomUsername99 ( 574692 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @10:49PM (#63741754)
        Yeah what is wrong with those fucking assholes making incredible discoveries with cheap materials when it's not optimally useful for my use case. Didn't they think about me and my electricity needs before arrogantly flaunting their discovery in a peer-reviewed journal? How can they be so self-absorbed.
      • A washing machine uses less than 1kWh per hour, depends basically on how hot you wash and if you have an hot water intake or not.
        With 10kWh you can wash 10 hours long. That is quite a bit of laundry.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Saturday August 05, 2023 @09:01AM (#63742326) Homepage Journal

        For reference the Passiv Haus standard requires that the building consume no more than 4.5kWh per day for heating and cooling, to maintain a pleasant internal temperature. So in a well designed house it's over 2 days of HVAC.

    • by Bolkar ( 939958 )
      It is clear that you do not in anyway know anything about construction. 45 cubic meter is nothing. I finished a student dormitory building, where I used a total of 22,790.5 cubic meters (yes, 22 thousand+) of concrete. It was a two block, 13 stories high, total of 3,000 student capacity structure. A regular concrete mixer hold 12 cubic meter of concrete (they can actually carry 13+, but regulations prevent them). I had 2,109 mixers worth of cement. Now think about the immense potential of that...
      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        I don't really think you could use it in the same way. Concrete it usually just slopped into place in forms, but if they want this to be a capacitor you're going to need to worry about conduction paths. This probably means 3d printing with reasonably fine controls over where the carbon is laid down.

    • I'd do it .. I'd make it in the form factor of a pyramid.

    • Fixing that for you:
      10 kilowatt-hours of energy -- roughly the amount an average^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hamerican household uses in a day.

      And 10kWh may be the average in the UK, but it's not much at all. Most likely not even half.

      Put this in the category of: that's interesting, but not useful until there is a huge improvement in performance.
      It actually is super useful, as we have concrete constructions everywhere. And e.g. a wind mill put up on such a base, can just store the surplus on site.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • That's huge: imagine a cube 11 ft on a side.

      Yep, and cement is one of the least carbon-neutral things imaginable.

      Currently: 8% of global CO2 emissions come from cement, that's three times more than aviation.

    • "enough capacity to store 10 kilowatt-hours of energy -- roughly the amount an average household uses in a day. "

      What tropical paradise is that? My all-electric house with two people uses 20 kWh a day in the summer and 60 in the winter. One particularly cold and windy month it used 80 kWh/day.

      And yes I have a heat pump. The house is 1400 sq ft, so not an Al Gore rated mansion either.

    • Okâ(TM)d letâ(TM)s consider it. Thatâ(TM)s 1331 ft^3.

      Letâ(TM)s assume they can make this a foot thick. Thatâ(TM)s a top surface of 1331 ft^2. My house is 1670. Again, assuming they can make one foot thick, I can see this being used as a foundation for houses

  • by Gabest ( 852807 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @08:52PM (#63741642)

    Literally. No electric airplanes with this much cement.

  • Would be great if they can scale this up. I suspect they have made some hockey-puck sized prototypes or maybe a little bigger. They have "plans to scale up to supercapacitors the same size as a 12-volt automobile battery" after several months, I will be more interested if they can do that.

  • Even at the lowest consumption periods of the year, my household is using nearly 30kW per day. In the heat of the summer, it's about 100kW/day.
  • by algaeman ( 600564 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @09:12PM (#63741658)
    Are you going to get an arc across your driveway when it rains?
  • "45 cubic meters of the carbon-black-doped cement could have enough capacity to store 10 kilowatt-hours of energy -- roughly the amount an average household uses in a day."

    Where? US average is 30kWh.

    Cool regardless.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Yup The 2023 annual US average is 10,632 kWh, but it varies slightly depending on location. Divided by 365 is 29.1kWh. []

    • "45 cubic meters of the carbon-black-doped cement could have enough capacity to store 10 kilowatt-hours of energy


      Except that producing 1 cubic meter of concrete creates over 400kg of CO2.

  • I hope this gets worked on. I wonder which other catalysts and conductors would have to be mixed with this to improve device longevity and prevent storage leak. What common-outdoors temperatures can and can't it withstand? If it's made of carbon, how long until it burns out? For how long will it be a viable el. storage? In other possibilities, sacred carp doesn't this make it a dry-cell capacitor?! "All batteries are wet batteries." and all that?
    • The paper states that they add a bit of excess water that forms micro-pores, allowing charge transfer. It's cold weather performance is unknown, but probably impared when below freezing.

      • Increased porosity would increase damage from freeze thaw cycles any way.

        You'd want to use this with below slab insulation, the slab would never freeze.

  • by kmoser ( 1469707 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @10:24PM (#63741740)
    Trust me, no verification needed.
  • ...Won't get off the ground. It's too heavy,
  • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @10:56PM (#63741768)

    Haven't had to get an estimate for this exact sort of problem, but I'm fairly certain that the excavation and site prep necessary to install a 200 ton brick is going to cost more than a 10 kWh lithium battery.

    • Haven't had to get an estimate for this exact sort of problem, but I'm fairly certain that the excavation and site prep necessary to install a 200 ton brick is going to cost more than a 10 kWh lithium battery.

      The cost of lithium isn't going to be static. Should demand for lithium batteries spike then so would the price for lithium. The prices for cement and carbon black would also go up if there's a large demand for these capacitors but there is a much larger existing market for cement and carbon to draw from to mitigate pricing spikes.

      I read somewhere that it takes ten years to open up a new mine so it is not like we'd see price increases bring a rapid increase in supply. There's already considerable price p

    • by vlad30 ( 44644 )

      Haven't had to get an estimate for this exact sort of problem, but I'm fairly certain that the excavation and site prep necessary to install a 200 ton brick is going to cost more than a 10 kWh lithium battery.

      If you are already doing a concrete foundation with easily that amount of concrete its only the additional cost to turn it into a battery likely less than a lithium battery but there are many other issues that would be of concern the workers that are doing first the lifespan of the batteryIt would be rubbish if you had to rip up the house when the battery needed changing

  • Disregarding everything else, back in Virginia my electric was about 750 KwH per month with my Geothermal system simply heating. Here in Texas, its closer to 950 KwH per month for my heat pump fighting the furnace of 105 degrees every day. Neither of those numbers equals 10 KwH per day. Just sayin'...

    Building new place. The insulation installation is going to be... expensive... but I can pay for that over 30 years, rather than the stupendous electric bills every month if I didn't buy the insulation.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Clearly you need better insulation. And probably should use solar panels to shade your roof with air circulation between the two.
      But their estimate is rather absurdly low.

  • by joe_frisch ( 1366229 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @11:29PM (#63741806)
    So, 45 cubic meters is about 100 tons. 10% is carbon black, so 10 tons of carbon black. Looks like that costs about $1000/ton so $10,000 for the carbon black. Concrete is about $50/ton, so another $5K. So raw materials are $15,000 for 10KWh. A random web search suggest Li-Ion is about $150/KWH. or $1500 for 10 KWH. and would weigh about 50 Kg

    The concrete battery seems at least 10X more expensive and about 1000X as heavy as the conventional solution.

    What is the efficiency, power density, and cycle life?

    As others have said, 10KWH is pretty low as well. I have about 35 KWH of battery for my condo - enough to last about a day or so of normal usage.
  • In every article on some new battery or capacitor they make a big deal about how this would make renewable energy cheaper. That's true, but then energy storage would make most any form of electric generation cheaper.

    Large steam power plants, like coal power plants, don't react well to changing demand. Once these big steam engines get running they like to stay where they are on power output. Utilities put up with this limitation because steam power plants are cheap to run. To manage the changing demand t

    • Large steam power plants, like coal power plants, don't react well to changing demand.
      That is nonsense. No longer true since roughly 100 years.

      Once these big steam engines get running they like to stay where they are on power output.
      For a base load plant, yes. Because it is intentionally build to do that.
      Not correct for a load following plant.

      Utilities put up with this limitation because steam power plants are cheap to run. To manage the changing demand through the day the utilities will throttle other pow

  • by Anonymous Coward

    British slang for Scientist. []
    Not to be confused with Boffing someone. []
    This why I don't watch British television. I need British to English subtitles.

  • There are much more interesting energy storage technologies out there, this doesn't look even remotely competitive with flow cell batteries (for example).
    • by MrL0G1C ( 867445 )

      There are so many battery types out there there needs to be a chart like this following them like the one for solar here: []

      Ideally the line colour for each tech' could go from red to green corresponding to how far the tech has progressed from research paper through to mass produced products.

  • Upon constructing the prototype in a pit behind the Sttatton Student Center, the scientists charged the black monolith . The transformers produced a painful high-pitched noise for about a minute. Then all the laptops and phones within 500 meters suddenly blanked out, and the screens then showed the following message:


  • I see carbon black selling for about 25 bucks for 500 grams. I wonder how much that would add up to, with a 10% mix? Those are artists' rates too, I suspect; might be cheaper in industrial quantities.

  • TFA seems to conflate cement and concrete. Nobody is going to make a 200 ton block of cement, because the main point of the cement is to bind aggregate. Will these carbon fractal wires still form when mixed with gravel?

  • The idea of making it a structural component is silly. If you're building a new house you probably already have enough extra space and soil support somewhere for this as a separate item. The only reason to make this as part of the structure is to say "See! Look how eco I am!!" Concrete in the house should be designed for structural support. The question is whether the capacitor will last a hundred years or so. Because swapping out that much concrete every 20 years would get old the first time it needs to be
  • I scanned the page for the word "dollar" and nobody seems to have gone there, so to point out the obvious:

    * Concrete runs over $200/cu.m. so 45 cu.m. is $9000.

    * Alas, "concrete" is about 25% "cement" and 75% "rocks", and rocks aren't much of the $200.

    * If you were to make cubic metres of pure cement, with no aggregate (nobody in construction does) then the 45cu.m. would probably run you $35,000

    * Whatever turns it into a battery would add to that, in manufacture cost if not materials, so it's hard to cost th

  • This would likely be only usable for temporary storage as the stored energy potential would leak due to the conductivity of water plus natural salts and impurities in the concrete mix. Could it store energy from your solar panels for nighttime use? Sure, but its not going to last very long due to leakage. Drier climates would likely be better.
  • What's the round-trip efficiency and self-discharge rate?

    The material won't be too useful if it heats a house more than the power delivered can air-condition it.

  • The average American household uses ~30kWh of energy a day. European countries range from ~20-25kWh a day. Only if you include all the households using effectively 0kWh/day in the world could you get an average of 10kWh/day. This seems like a small error but it's very glaring. It means you can't trust anything else said in this article.

Man will never fly. Space travel is merely a dream. All aspirin is alike.
