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After 18 Years, Europe's Largest Nuclear Reactor Starts Regular Output ( 129

Finland finally began regular output Sunday from its first new nuclear power plant in more than four decades. Reuters reports that the Olkiluoto 3 (OL3) nuclear reactor is also Europe's first new nuclear plant in 16 years. Construction started in 2005, with the plant due to open four years later — but it was then "plagued by technical issues" which continued to the very end. OL3 first supplied test production to Finland's national power grid in March last year and was expected at the time to begin regular output four months later, but instead suffered a string of breakdowns and outages that took months to fix.
The reactor will be Europe's largest, the article points out: OL3's operator Teollisuuden Voima (TVO), which is owned by Finnish utility Fortum and a consortium of energy and industrial companies, has said the unit is expected to meet around 14% of Finland's electricity demand, reducing the need for imports from Sweden and Norway. The new reactor is expected to produce for at least 60 years, TVO said in a statement on Sunday after completing the transition from testing to regular output. "The production of Olkiluoto 3 stabilises the price of electricity and plays an important role in the Finnish green transition," TVO Chief Executive Jarmo Tanhua said in the statement.
"News of OL3's start-up comes as Germany on Saturday switches off its last three remaining reactors, while Sweden, France, Britain and others plan new developments."
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After 18 Years, Europe's Largest Nuclear Reactor Starts Regular Output

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  • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Sunday April 16, 2023 @04:33PM (#63454386) Journal

    Saturday Germany retired their last three fission plants. Sunday Finland puts a new one online. No matter which said is looking at it, it's been a "win some, lose some" weekend.

    • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Sunday April 16, 2023 @05:02PM (#63454444) Homepage Journal

      Germany would rather buy power from Finland than deal with domestic politics surrounding nuclear energy.

      • Construction started in 2005, with the plant due to open four years later — but it was then "plagued by technical issues" which continued to the very end.

        Saturday Germany retired their last three fission plants. Sunday Finland puts a new one online. No matter which said is looking at it, it's been a "win some, lose some" weekend.

        Germany would rather buy power from Finland than deal with domestic politics surrounding nuclear energy.

        After a watching Finnland spend 4 years constructing this thing and then another 14 years weeding out 'technical issues' I can't really blame the Germans for taking a closer look at practically any other method of generating electricity on time and in a cost effective manner.

        • Except that Germany's plants were already running and producing electricity. Nobody is suggesting that they build new ones. But to shut down one that is working well and not at the end of it's life is bonkers.
          • Except that Germany's plants were already running and producing electricity. Nobody is suggesting that they build new ones. But to shut down one that is working well and not at the end of it's life is bonkers.

            Except I wasn't talking about Germany's worn out and dilapidated legacy nuclear plants which, incidentally, have their own history of cost overruns and subsidies. I was commenting on why the Germans weren't building new ones and why Olkiluoto 3 isn't exactly a shining triumph of nuclear technology and a vindication of the business case behind it that is likely to encourage Germany to build more of the damn things (hint: 4 years in construction, then another 14 years weeding out 'technical issues' and a 11 b

            • . I was commenting on why the Germans weren't building new ones

              Nuclear plants being hard to build is not why they don't build new one in Germany. Also you can expect, next plants being built in a more effective way. 75% of Germany's energy comes from fossil fuel which is not great especially when you are the land of the so called Green party.

              • . I was commenting on why the Germans weren't building new ones

                Nuclear plants being hard to build is not why they don't build new one in Germany. Also you can expect, next plants being built in a more effective way. 75% of Germany's energy comes from fossil fuel which is not great especially when you are the land of the so called Green party.

                I did not say nuclear plants are hard to build you can build them quite easily if you don't care about economics, don't give a shit about safety and pollution and are willing to dump the radioactive waste in the nearest body of water like they did in the USSR. I said that Germany isn't building new nuclear plants because they take a long time to build, very few of them seem to get into operations without significant delays and massive cost overruns, they are expensive to run, cannot produce electricity at c

                • I literally disagree on everything: nuclear plants are hard to build because the know how has been lost, nuclear electricity is cheap on the long run (not as cheap as german coal or ligniite obviously) and nuclear waste disposal is an easy problem. I also don't know why we should be more scared by nuclear pollution than by all the other kind of chemicals pollution which are a lot more frequent.
                • Also keep in mind that I haven't even opened the can of worms otherwise known as 'nuclear waste disposal'.

                  The Finns have. They have been very forward-thinking about the issue: []

              • > Also you can expect, next plants being built in a more effective way

                Can we?

                OL3 was the first EPR to start construction. The second, Flamanville, is even further behind and over budget. The third, Hinckley, is about the same price as OL3, but it still has some time to go so who knows what is left to occur.

                It would indeed be nice if they did get cheaper every time, but history shows rather clearly that this is not the case in this market. I will let you select the reason why.

              • 75% of Germany's energy comes from fossil fuel
                If you mean "electricity" the. simply: nope!

                If you mean "energy" in making Germany look bad, as in needing gas for heating houses, then you are lying to yourself. There are not many countries that have an over all -- electricity + industrial use of fossile fules + household use of fossile -- better performance than Germany. Because: everyone else -- except a few selected examples -- is worse, and is using the same or more energy based on fossile fuels for indus

                • Not sure what you imagine. I mean energy because that's the thing which matters, doesn't matter if it's for heating or playing video games. The point is: closing nuclear plants and ending development of nuclear electricity is stupid since it will only need to more co2 emission , energy shortage and inflation.
          • But to shut down one that is working well and not at the end of it's life is bonkers.
            Only if you ignore the democratic will of the voters, it is bonkers.

            You know nothing abut Germany, why give your stupid opinion about our exit from nuclear power?

            Hint: where is our nuclear waste? Any idea?

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Finland made a decision to spend 18 years and three times initial cost, 11 billions Euros, to make this work. Given their lack or land, resources, etc this might be a good deal for them, if the plant can be kept running and at reasonable costs.

      One reactor is 12% of the power for 5 million people. It is a very rich country that is the definition of the welfare state. It has probably the highest per capita oil consumption in Europe. 20% more than Germany.

      In the US and other places there are simply better

      • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Sunday April 16, 2023 @07:10PM (#63454628)

        Certainly in free markets there is simply no capital for returns 20 years out.

        As it is in space, so shall it be in nuclear energy. The US private sector is redesigning plants so they can be mass produced to type approvals in factories, like airplanes, rather than one at a time, like airports.

        • by fermion ( 181285 )
          And as soon as they come in on time under budget it will be a success

          Not that for space none of new players are producing other than for themselves. SoaceX, unlike traditional aerospace, is not selling rockets, they are selling cargo space. It is completely different.

          • I'd suggest that that is semantics. Rockets before SpaceX were disposable. You'd buy your rocket on the basis of what you wanted to launch to space.

            SpaceX lowering costs and increasing capacity enough that they could sell fractional shares of rockets, along with the reusability, is a game changer, but not a context changer.

            • > I'd suggest that that is semantics. Rockets before SpaceX were
              > disposable. You'd buy your rocket on the basis of what you wanted
              > to launch to space.

              I would suggest this does not match what actually happened in the nuclear market.

              SpaceX put a new product in the market, take it or leave it. That would seem to be the way it should work.

              The nuclear industry pretended much the same, but unfortunately, there were terrific amounts of nationalistic protectionism at every level. Every country made their

        • And they've been doing that for at least twenty years so far. In the meantime China, which only started on this relatively recently, is already putting the first unit into production [].

          My prediction: China will be selling finished units around the globe while the US is still re-re-re-re-redrawing their plans.

        • The US private sector is redesigning plants so they can be mass produced to type approvals in factories

          Except they won't be. The myth of the small modular reactor is just that. To get economies of scale you need ... scale. Scale does not come in the form of building hundreds. It comes in the form of building 10s of thousands.

          The US private sector is hitting the market with their designs. They are currently proposing plants 3-4x more expensive per MWh than conventional nuclear. This industry is a stillbirth.

          • It's not about making thousands for economies of scale, but rather building the reactors in a factory as a standardized process rather than one-offs every ten years where you lose the expertise in the meantime.

            Everyone estimates all sorts of numbers but what will be the reality is another matter and the best way to find out is to try it.

            • > Everyone estimates all sorts of numbers but what will be the reality is another matter and the best way to find out is to try it.

              Unfortunately, there is a downside to this. If the FOAK goes high, there is no confidence that the subsequent plants will scale down as stated. The only way to demonstrate THAT is to do THAT. And so the line moves. It's like they have to demonstrate the production before they have production. It's not an enviable position.

            • than one-offs every ten years

              No one is building one-offs every ten years. There are only a couple of nuclear contractors in the world and despite the west's disinterest these contractors have been busy continuously constantly building reactors, for (and let me very clear about this) what is *ALREADY* a standard design.

              Everyone estimates all sorts of numbers but what will be the reality is another matter

              I'm not estimating anything. The first contracts have already been awarded. The money has been signed. And it's fucking expensive.

          • Except they won't be. The myth of the small modular reactor is just that. To get economies of scale you need ... scale. Scale does not come in the form of building hundreds. It comes in the form of building 10s of thousands.

            Anything. that is site-built becomes orders of magnitude more economical hen it can be mass produced in factories. If aircraft were built one by one on site, would anyone be able to afford to fly?

            • by jbengt ( 874751 )

              Anything. that is site-built becomes orders of magnitude more economical hen it can be mass produced in factories.

              If that were true, buildings would typically be mass produced in factories.
              There's a point where shipping is impractical and building on site becomes necessary.

              • Buildings by their very nature are differentiated and matched to particular sites - except for low-cost mass housing units, which we can and do build in factories.

            • Anything. that is site-built becomes orders of magnitude more economical

              False. There's a reason oil fired powerplants aren't simply made of 10000 car engines next to each other. There is far more to this equation than just the ability to produce something in a factory.

              Critically: Economies of scale is not there. Efficiency of production is well and truly offset by efficiency of scale. And above all you don't get away from any site based building. You don't get away from local regulatory requirements. You don't get away from the handling of fissionable material.

              Nuclear is not ex

      • Given their lack or land

        WTH are you talking about ? Its one of the least dense countries

      • Finland EPR was the first one of its kind, so a lot of experiences and feedback were taken from it. Which is why the one put in production in China in 2019 was built in a shorter timeframe, despite starting later: it learned from OL3.

        It is interesting to note that even at 3 times the cost (11b euros total), it is expected to generate between 6 to 8 times more in revenue over its lifespan (which might be extended once you retrofit new security features during the life of the plant). With an LCOE per MWh at 4

        • Also the first time Areva built a whole nuclear plant, before that, and also in China, Areva only built the reactor, if I've understood correctly.

        • > Which is why the one put in production in China in 2019 was built in a shorter timeframe

          Nine years is hardly impressive, especially in China.

          Hinkley will be the real litmus test I think.

      • In the US and other places there are simply better solutions. Certainly in free markets there is simply no capital for returns 20 years out.

        Like what? Finland brought the CO2 emissions per kWh down to about 100g, the US is around 400 and Germany even higher. So where are these great options? Why hasn't the free market fixed it yet? []

        • > Finland brought the CO2 emissions per kWh down to about 100g

          Actually, it's down even more now, around 70 for the last couple of years.

          But most of that is new wind, which went from 0.2% of their supply in 2005, to 14% last year. Every new watt from wind replaced one from natural gas, pretty much 1:1.

          Nuclear only went up 3% during this period and is not the reason for their numbers. Hydro is actually *down* over the last two years, with the new wind coming online they're using it as a hot backup.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        In fact Finland cancelled the planned Unit 4 reactor at the same site. They initially issues a licence, but it expired because of delays and declined to renew it. The reasons cited included the massive delays and cost overruns on Unit 3.

        Areva took on construction at a fixed price of â3bn, but it quickly spiralled out to â11bn. They tried to sue the operator TVO, and it was eventually settled out of court. Exact details are unclear but clearly someone lost out big time.

      • by flink ( 18449 )

        Certainly in free markets there is simply no capital for returns 20 years out.

        Utilities don't belong solely in the free market. They represent basic human needs and should be guaranteed by government whatever the market cost might be.

    • Saturday Germany retired their last three fission plants. Sunday Finland puts a new one online. No matter which said is looking at it, it's been a "win some, lose some" weekend.

      Sounds like a win some win some. We should not be running old decrepit nuclear facilities 40 years past their design life. That is a recipe for literal disaster. We should have been doing what we did this weekend for the past 40 years, building new reactors while decommissioning old ones.

  • 1.6GW (Score:5, Informative)

    by Kunedog ( 1033226 ) on Sunday April 16, 2023 @04:37PM (#63454394)
    If anyone was wondering, from TFA:

    Construction of the 1.6 gigawatt (GW) reactor, Finland's first new nuclear plant in more than four decades and Europe's first in 16 years, began in 2005.

    • And it sounds like the utility got it for "half price" due to a fixed price contract. Total cost $11B, but they paid about $6B and the contractor took a loss on the rest.

      It will be interesting if they pursue the 4th unit again. It has been a long process, but it does a lot to improve grid stability for Finland and Scandinavia.

      • Total cost $11B, but they paid about $6B and the contractor took a loss on the rest.

        Not quite. The French government paid for the rest. This is Areva we're talking about. The company went bankrupt and was absorbed (bailed out via acquisition) by the government owned EDF.

  • It took 18 years to complete that power plant. It seems some countries lack practice when it comes to build nuclear power plants, and technical know-how was lost. France seems to be in the same situation.
    • by test321 ( 8891681 ) on Sunday April 16, 2023 @06:16PM (#63454548)

      It's the same company Framatome. Olkiluoto 3 FInland 2005-2023 then Flamanville 3 France 2007-2024 (projected) are both built by the French consortium . Hopefully they now got the soldering process right and they'll be able to build Hickley Point C UK without such delays.

      • Hopefully they now got the soldering process right and they'll be able to build Hickley Point C UK without such delays.

        They are now government owned. Areva went bankrupt and was bought by EDF which also went bankrupt and was nationalised.
        Add to that EDF has said they can't even find enough nuclear experts to keep their existing plants up and running when their own owners (French government) gave them projects to build more reactors in France, I wouldn't hold my breath for Hickley Point C.

        If everything went well you could have expected that project to be a disaster, and things are not going well already.

    • In that 18 years solar panels went for 13% efficient to 22.5% efficient currently improving at 0.06% per year so in another 12 years sokar will be at 44% efficiency with even less energy to produce the same solar panel aperture. So if solar is in the money or almost in the money now then it will be totally in the money in all markets in a decade
      • In that 18 years solar panels went for 13% efficient to 22.5% efficient currently improving at 0.06% per year so in another 12 years sokar will be at 44% efficiency

        In 50 years, efficiency will be over 100%, at which point they will be able to reach super-criticality, and generate power without solar energy at all. Profit!

      • Efficiency doesn't seem very relevant fÃr Finland, since there's nearly infinite amounts of land available, so one might just as well use the cheapest available panels, efficiency damned when you can spam alot of them.

        However the utility of solar is somewhat limited to the summer season, when there's actually 24 hours of sunlight in parts of the country. On the other hand, there's almost no summer AC power use. Overall electricity use during the summer season is around half that of winter. Solar gives

      • With that math, if you wait long enough, PV panels will be 300% efficient! ;)
    • I agree.

      Personal plan for the USA:
      1. I'd like around 240GW of nuclear power (note, I used to use 200GW, might still do so in order to emphasize single digit accuracy). This is ~20% of the production in the USA. So it's not like I'm hostile to renewables or anything, it's just that I want a properly diversified grid and believe that nuclear should be part of it.
      2. I'd like to see all the old nuclear plants retired.
      3. AFTER all the coal plants are shut down
      4. Natural gas/Oil plants are right after the c

    • It's a French company so it's their fault :)

      We haven't been building any new plants in decades so it's hardly surprising that a huge project like that goes over time and budget. Hopefully lessons can be learned from it and we go back to building a plant in five to six years.

  • And how much more expensive than projected? Seriously. The only reason this project did not get scrapped is politics. Any other industrial installation would not survive such a massive overrun.

    • The only reason this project did not get scrapped is politics.

      Yeah but politics in the good sense of the term. This is infrastructure of public interest, why would anyone scrap it? Delays are not uncommon in complex infrastructure (like airports). Also technology does not progress fast enough to obsolete the project in 14 years, nor the needs have evolved to make the investment unnecessary. This just made it clear that Finnish politicians were clever to make a decision 18 years ago, knowing that such things take time and can suffer delays for unforeseen reasons.

    • Any other industrial installation would not survive such a massive overrun.

      Unless you want to argue about semantics: []
      https://www.airport-technology... [] []

    • I laugh at your Finnish nuclear plant and raise you California high speed rail. Approved in 2008, not one train running.
  • It's not surprising Finland supports nuclear. They have one of the best educational systems in the world. The smarter you are the more likely you are to support nuclear energy.
    • by sonlas ( 10282912 ) on Monday April 17, 2023 @03:33AM (#63455248)

      Why did parent get moderated as troll?

      It is true that Finland has one of the best educational system in the world []. Also the difference between the low-end and the high-end in Finland is amongst the lowest too, which means they don't have a lot of dropouts for instance.

      Parent was saying "The smarter you are the more likely you are to support nuclear energy.". This is similar to saying that the more you base your decisions on science, and not on wishful thinking or beliefs, the more likely you are to support nuclear energy.

      This doesn't mean you can't at the same time support renewables... All low-carbon energy sources (solar/wind and hydro/nuclear for baseload) are needed in a future functional energy grid.

      • by Ormy ( 1430821 )
        Agreed. The level of anti-nuclear propaganda on slashdot is quite high and this is obvious in modding decisions too. Many pro-nuclear posts get modded down by anti-nuclear trolls, i.e. shills for the fossil fuel industry or just gullible morons who've bought the rhetoric of the anti-nuclear shills.
  • I thought that Europes largest reactor was in Ukraine. Of course since it was in the middle of a war zone and the russians were shooting at it, it was shut down for safety a few months ago...

  • by anorlunda ( 311253 ) on Monday April 17, 2023 @08:01AM (#63455692) Homepage

    ASEA ATOM (later ABB ATOM) was the supplier for units 1 and 2. Both of those units were delivered under budget and ahead of schedule; a very proud history.

    In the 90s, ABB ATOM bid for the 3rd unit, but lost to AREVA. If I remember right, the year was 1992. The loss was the death knell for ABB ATOM. ABB ATOM went out of business, and I left the company and the industry.

    But Wikipedia says that OLKI-3's history started in 2005in the Finnish government. What happened between 1992 and 2005?

    p.s. As a side story, ASEA ATOM also designed SECURE. SECURE was an intrinsically safe reactor designed to make hot water (PIUS was the name for the sister design that made electricity.) They signed a contract to put a SECURE reactor in downtown Helsinki Finland for district heating. It would have heated the whole city in winter. But the final contract signing ceremony was scheduled for April 27, 1986, one day after Chernobyl blew up; very unfortunate timing. That was the death of the SECURE concept.

  • SL-1, Three-Mile-Island, Kyshtym disaster, Sodium Reactor Experiment made interesting topics. Small things like the Demon Core held a good amount of irony. Nuclear accidents made Chernobyl, Fukushima Firefox's spellcheck, too.

"The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray." -- Robert G. Ingersoll
