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Power Science

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Confirmed: California Team Achieved Ignition. Research Continues ( 157

"A major breakthrough in nuclear fusion has been confirmed a year after it was achieved at a laboratory in California," reports Newsweek: Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility (NIF) recorded the first case of ignition on August 8, 2021, the results of which have now been published in three peer-reviewed papers....

Ignition during a fusion reaction essentially means that the reaction itself produced enough energy to be self-sustaining, which would be necessary in the use of fusion to generate electricity. If we could harness this reaction to generate electricity, it would be one of the most efficient and least polluting sources of energy possible. No fossil fuels would be required as the only fuel would be hydrogen, and the only by-product would be helium, which we use in industry and are actually in short supply of....

This landmark result comes after years of research and thousands of man hours dedicated to improving and perfecting the process: over 1,000 authors are included in the Physical Review Letters paper.

This week the laboratory said that breakthrough now puts researchers "at the threshold of fusion gain and achieving scientific ignition," with the program's chief scientist calling it "a major scientific advance in fusion research, which establishes that fusion ignition in the lab is possible at the National Ignition Facility."

More news from this week's announcement by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: Since the experiment last August, the team has been executing a series of experiments to attempt to repeat the performance and to understand the experimental sensitivities in this new regime. "Many variables can impact each experiment," Kritcher said. "The 192 laser beams do not perform exactly the same from shot to shot, the quality of targets varies and the ice layer grows at differing roughness on each target...."

While the repeat attempts have not reached the same level of fusion yield as the August 2021 experiment, all of them demonstrated capsule gain greater than unity with yields in the 430-700 kJ range, significantly higher than the previous highest yield of 170 kJ from February 2021. The data gained from these and other experiments are providing crucial clues as to what went right and what changes are needed in order to repeat that experiment and exceed its performance in the future. The team also is utilizing the experimental data to further understanding of the fundamental processes of fusion ignition and burn and to enhance simulation tools in support of stockpile stewardship.

Looking ahead, the team is working to leverage the accumulated experimental data and simulations to move toward a more robust regime — further beyond the ignition cliff — where general trends found in this new experimental regime can be better separated from variability in targets and laser performance. Efforts to increase fusion performance and robustness are underway via improvements to the laser, improvements to the targets and modifications to the design that further improve energy delivery to the hotspot while maintaining or even increasing the hot-spot pressure. This includes improving the compression of the fusion fuel, increasing the amount of fuel and other avenues.

"It is extremely exciting to have an 'existence proof' of ignition in the lab," said Omar Hurricane, chief scientist for the lab's inertial confinement fusion program. "We're operating in a regime that no researchers have accessed since the end of nuclear testing, and it's an incredible opportunity to expand our knowledge as we continue to make progress."

Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader hesdeadjim99 for sharing the news.
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Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Confirmed: California Team Achieved Ignition. Research Continues

Comments Filter:
  • "Unity" (Score:5, Interesting)

    by doug141 ( 863552 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @08:45PM (#62787318)

    There's many kinds of unity, I suspect they are using the simplest one for this. There's greater than the input power to the 192 complicated lasers, there's greater than the input power to the facility, and there's greater than the power needed to fabricate targets and replacement laser parts, from mining raw materials to landing finished parts at NIF. Does anyone have that last number?

    • Not even that (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      While reading TFSes from these "editors" is generally futile, there is the abstract of the paper:

      While “scientific breakeven” (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion. -- abstract []


      • It totally could be a boondoggle with "coastline paradox" fractal complexities, suitable only for pork-barrel spending and thinly-veiled weapons research...but who's to say the opposite couldn't be true? Maybe the "terrain" they're exploring gets easier at some point and the advance in yields accelerates until some point past whole-system net gain.

        I don't buy the hype about replacing the whole energy system: Fusion is way too complex for that. But it'll open up some exciting possibilities.
        • by GBH ( 142968 ) on Sunday August 14, 2022 @07:39AM (#62788096)

          While I agree with the sentiment it could absolutely replace everything. It's complex NOW but doesn't mean to say it will remain complex. Thousands of technologies have started off as complicated messes that required hugely complex engineering but are now ubiquitous and well understood (not by the masses but by those that matter).

          As a (somewhat trite) example think of the complexity of something like a modern CPU and how advanced and small they've become. Back then they were room filling, slow complicated messes of valves and wires. Only a handful of people in the world understood them and fewer still could build one. I bet if you went back 80 years ago and suggested something as powerful and complex as the CPU in your phone existed in 80 years they'd laugh at you. More so if you told them there were literally BILLIONS of these chips and everyone was carrying them around in their pocket for $200.

          Now fusion is way more complex than those early computers, of course, but complexity often becomes normality over time.

          • Holding up a CPU as a technology that used to be giant and clunky that is now "everyday", as an analogy to what fusion plants could become, is horribly wrong.

            First, CPUs are still supremely complex, difficult machines that require tremendous alliances of multiple industries to build. The current complexity of a CPU far exceeds that of the mainframe computer of yesterday.

            The only reason that CPUs are economical AT ALL is that once built, they are then replicated in thousands or millions or billions--as you pointed out.

            You will *never* get that kind of economy of scale going for fusion plants based on lasers.

            You know what does scale though? Solar panels and batteries.

            A better analogy would be the initial research fission plants compared vs. the commercial nuclear plants producing power today. And you'll notice that even today the commercial nuclear plant is an expensive, somewhat rare, and complicated beast.

          • IT is just an extension of language. Symbols have no inherent form in the physical universe, so the cost and scale of the hardware on either end evolves rapidly. Can't say the same about a wheel, a fan, a motor, a heat sink, or a power supply, or anything else with a comparable purpose. So you can go from a room full of vacuum tubes down to a toy in your pocket in a single lifetime for IT while increasing capability zillions of times over, but doing the work of a Victorian locomotive with a microscopic c
        • Fusion is way too complex for that

          I'm sure everyone's grandfather said that about these fangled "chip" things replacing their vacuum tubes, to say nothing of the insane complexity of the automobile compared to attaching a piece of wood to a horse and slapping it on the backside.

          • See my response to GBH below about the invalidity of comparing IT with tech designed for mechanical purposes.
    • it's "7".
    • Re:"Unity" (Score:5, Informative)

      by hey! ( 33014 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:43PM (#62787402) Homepage Journal

      Yeah; the days where major newspapers had science bureaus to cover this kind of thing are long past; clearly the reporters covering this are starting from near ignorance on the topic. You pretty much have to *guess* what's actually been achieved.

      I'm guessing they managed to reach "scientific breakeven", which is when the power released by fusion for some period equals or exceeds the power being used to heat the fuel. This is a somewhat arbitrary milestone, because most of that energy is, at present, impossible to capture for useful purposes. Q >=1 is really no practically different than the old record of Q=0.7. 1.0 here is just an arbitrary higher number.

      The real practical breakthrough will be "engineering breakeven", which is when a facility produces enough *usable* power to run itself.

    • Does anyone have that last number?

      A suffusion of yellow.

    • There's many kinds of EROEI, I suspect they are using the simplest one for this. There's greater than the input power to the 192 complicated lasers, there's greater than the input power to the facility, and there's greater than the power needed to fabricate targets and replacement laser parts, from mining raw materials to landing finished parts at NIF. Does anyone have that last number?

      By your specification "Unity" is the same as Energy Return On Energy Invested. There is Nuclear Energy and the Second Law [] which is an end to end study of Fission base Nuclear Power answering the criteria you specify to a similar complexity. IIRC CERN, amongst other recognized institutions, is one of the peer reviewers of this study and it is used by the European parliament to frame energy policy.

      However for Fusion base Nuclear power it's unlikely because the energy system is still a prototype and the va

  • by Waffle Iron ( 339739 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @08:46PM (#62787320)

    They're either going to have to make a much bigger bang:

    $ units
    You have: 700kJ / gasoline
    You want: teaspoon
        * 4.0763719

    And/or they're going to have to make each shot a whole lot cheaper:

    You have: 700kJ / gasoline * 4$/gallon
    You want: cent
        * 2.1231103

  • cold Fussion (Score:3, Interesting)

    by bloodhawk ( 813939 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:19PM (#62787364)
    Whatever happened to the scammer Rossi that supposedly had invented and was selling cold fusion, at the time even many on here were supporting him. Did he end up in Jail or is he still running that grift?
    • Chief Scientist Omar Hurricane ? You must be shitting me.

    • The true believers are still out there circle-jerking: []
      • Not that surprising: remember how many people here were wild gems of the EM drive despite it being a perpetual motion machine in all but name. No reasoning could get through to them because they desperately wanted to believe.

        You know Newton was wrong therefore all of modern physics is wrong in just the right way for the thing I want to be true. Never mind that physics had a decent track record of actually working, including Newtonian mechanics.

        • including Newtonian mechanics.

          Newtonian mechanics are excellent at explaining things in the scale and scope of Newtonian mechanics, and is worthless beyond that. I remind you that a grand unifying theory hasn't been found so all physics is still "wrong" to a certain extent.

          There's a reason the EM drive was actually replicated and tested by scientists rather than just being fobbed off as nonsense like cold fusion and normal perpetual motion machines are. It was ultimately determined to be a perpetual motion machine in all but name, but t

          • It was ultimately determined to be a perpetual motion machine in all but name, but the actual proof for that took months.

            EM drive was most certainly a classic example of pathological science yet it was never a perpetual motion machine. It required energy to operate and pushed magical aether in an equal and opposite direction.

            • Thing is it was a perpetual motion machine, but a hidden one.

              Most perpetual motion machines require energy and are so described as"over unity", as in they need energy in, but give back more. If they worked. Which they don't.

              The EM drive wasn't supposed to be, but if you hooked up something to turn some of its kinetic energy back into electrical energy you get enough to run it with plenty to spare. That makes it a perpetual motion machine.

              • The EM drive wasn't supposed to be, but if you hooked up something to turn some of its kinetic energy back into electrical energy you get enough to run it with plenty to spare. That makes it a perpetual motion machine.

                EM drive is no more a perpetual motion machine than an amplified photon thruster. The only way one can fool themselves into thinking energy is being created is by failing to draw a big enough box to account for the magical aether.

                • amplified photon thruster[...]magical aether.

                  I am seriously confused as to what your point is now and I honestly can't tell if you're criticising my reasoning or the reasoning behind the EM drive. So, let me wind back to the beginning and state my argument, which is a proof by contradiction:

                  1. An working EM drive produces more thrust than a photon thruster
                  2. Therefore one can build an energy harvesting device and it would yield energy over unity
                  3. That's a perpetual motion machine/violation of thermodynamic

                  • I am seriously confused as to what your point is now and I honestly can't tell if you're criticising my reasoning or the reasoning behind the EM drive. So, let me wind back to the beginning and state my argument, which is a proof by contradiction:

                    1. An working EM drive produces more thrust than a photon thruster
                    2. Therefore one can build an energy harvesting device and it would yield energy over unity

                    You appear to be claiming producing more thrust than a photon thruster violates conservation of energy however exactly this has been demonstrated many times over in the real world.

                    "For example, 10,000 times recycling of photons with 15 kilo-watt input laser power, which can be delivered by a 100 kW solar panel would produce up to 1 N of photon thrust"


                    Interplanetary photonic railways:

                    3. That's a perpetual motion machine/violation of thermodynamics/violation of the symmetry of physics.

                    4. Since 3 is impossible it therefore follows that a working EM drive is impossible.

                    So if you build an amplifi

                    • You appear to be claiming producing more thrust than a photon thruster violates conservation of energy

                      Without reaction mass, just to clarify. Otherwise that would rule out chemical rockets, which would be absurd.

                      however exactly this has been demonstrated many times over in the real world.

                      What your links show is a system with a spacecraft and a much larger reaction mass coupled by lasers. Still an interesting idea, but it isn't related to the EM drive because the EM drive has no reaction mass.

                      So if you build

          • Sigh.

            Newtonian mechanics isn't wrong, it's incomplete. It's right enough that it's used for pretty much all human endeavours except pretty much GPS and semiconductors. It's never going to be overturned at human sales and energy levels.

            It was trivial to show the EM dive was a perpetual motion machine. The authors missed that, but given their tenuous grasp of physics, that's not surprising.

            It was also trivial to show the maths was wrong because the theory used to derive it had already been proven mathematical

  • by Eunomion ( 8640039 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:33PM (#62787386)
    By far the most likely to go anywhere. Although I'm skeptical that any functional fusion system will be the panacea it's touted as.
    • By far the most likely to go anywhere.

      Not many people agree with you. Power generation is not part of NIF's mission. It is a weapons research facility.

      How could this possibly scale? They needed billions of dollars of equipment and infrastructure and days of setup time, resulting in the energy output of two teaspoons of gasoline.

      • Apparently a lot of people agree with me. A laser is much easier to control and rapidly evolve than a crazy-intense magnetic field.

        NIF's mission is ICF, and ICF is one of the methods being pursued for power generation, ergo NIF is part of that arena even if the source of funding is military.

        How could this possibly scale? They needed billions of dollars of equipment and infrastructure and days of setup time, resulting in the energy output of two teaspoons of gasoline.

        NIF is a scientific apparatus, not

    • Wait—why wouldn't a functional fusion system be the end to all energy problems? Scalability? Meddlesome oil execs? Overly-broad definition of "functional" that includes extremely low-yield systems? Last I checked, getting a (harvestable) net positive output was the hard part.
      • by jd ( 1658 )

        You'll observe that opponents to fusion have no problem moving a few goalposts when objectives are actually reached. I agree, Q>=1 was long-touted as an impossible dream by skeptics. Now it has been achieved, those same skeptics are saying it doesn't matter anyway.

        Of course working fusion will be the end of all energy problems, although you ideally want a nearby fission reactor to be able to jump-start the damn thing if you need to power it down for any reason.

        • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

          Why does the backup to a fusion reactor need to be fission? Why can it not be another fusion reactor, similar to how fission plants have multiple reactors operating at the same time? Or pumped hydro? Or a flywheel?

          • by jd ( 1658 )

            If a fusion reactor is down, it's likely because the grid can't handle that much power, and the most common causes will be line failure, followed by lack of demand. In that case, the backup fusion reactor would be shut down as well.

            Flywheel won't generate enough power, you need a huge initial input for mag fields, computers, and cooling system. Even a single hydro dam is unlikely to generate enough. A fission reactor - perhaps a mini nuke - could be shut down the rest of the time, only running for restart o

            • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

              It sounds like we're always going to need a backup source of power then, to bootstrap the fusion reactors when they get taken down for any reason -- capacity, maintenance, errors, what have you. I am slightly reminded of diesel fuel vs. gasoline. There's more energy in the diesel fuel, but it's a lot harder to get it to ignite.

      • Because solar power is already fusion, but just the easiest and cheapest part of it: Passively harvesting energy that natural fusion already generated. An artificial fusion reactor, on the other hand, internalizes the costs of the entire process, so it's thermodynamically impossible to have lower whole-system costs than solar. But it would be a superior energy source under some conditions, and would be a superior storage system as well. So, useful but not magical.
        • None of that really amounts to a downside for fusion; unless you're trying to say "solar is cheaper and has failed to be the end to all energy problems, so a more expensive solution doesn't stand a chance," you haven't really dismissed fusion. I'm sure there were coal execs making the same sorts of claims about fission seventy years ago.

          As I understand it, solar power does pose some problems of its own. Panel manufacture requires a lot of very... rapacious mineral extraction that isn't doing the environment

          • I'm not dismissing fusion at all, I'm just saying it won't be the default energy-generating system. Solar will. For a truly massive number of reasons:

            * Passive rather than active.
            * Smaller unit cost.
            * Radically simpler unit technology.
            * Quicker to make a complete system.
            * Far more practical diversity in approaches.
            * Far more scalable, both up and down, in both individual unit dimensions and whole systems, fitting more spaces and applications.
            * Faster evolutionary feedback.
            * Quicker to sca
      • One key question is capital cost. Even if the fuel is free, its possible the capital costs of a fusion reactor would be too high for it to make economic sense - this is largely the problem with fission. I'm not saying that is the case, but its a concern, since so far fusion reactor designs look a lot more complex than do fission reactors
  • So ... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:33PM (#62787388) Homepage
    20 years away then?
  • Science Expirement (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Penty ( 3722 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:47PM (#62787406) Homepage

    Laser fusion is not a viable path to the sustained fusion we will need for a working reactor. The NIF is a physics experimental platform on the same scale as a super collider. It is important research project because we need to understand what happens at the moment of fusion but it will not lead to a practical reactor.

    • This will be extremely useful for the creation of more maintainable fusion bombs. Ignition is pretty useless for fusion power generation. It takes more than spark plugs to make an ICE work...
    • I'm no physicist, but does the output of these experiments give the boys at ITER more information in order to be successful in their endeavors? Seems like people are quick to shit on this, rather than accept that some gained knowledge from these efforts may apply to other designs meant to be more applicable to energy production...

      • My understanding is that the national ignition facility has a lot more to do with research related to (thermo)nuclear weapons. They can't test above ground anymore, so they simulate things in supercomputers and run dedicated experiments of parts of the processes that would occur inside these bombs. This is one of those experiments that provides new data as to how fusion starts and progresses.

        As for practical fusion, I think Commonwealth Fusion Systems is among the contenders more likely to reach practical

  • The whole project was often seen as as way to keep some very, very useful nuclear engineers and scientists from getting bored and leaving the lab. The chosen site (dry, windy, dusty) and initial build plan was just a nightmare. Optic components arriving way before there was a place to even store them, long arguments about what needed to be in house and what didn't (hint, leave control systems to professionals) and so on. Still a way better use of money than most military projects, though. Funny how that nev

    • Still a way better use of money than most military projects, though.

      You know you have a boondoggle when the main justification is pointing at other expenditures that are even stupider.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @10:01PM (#62787442)

    Practical fusion energy is only 10-15 years away now!!

    • by jd ( 1658 )

      I'd say more like 5-10 years away. We need to be building the infrastructure that can handle the kind of power output expected from a fusion reactor as it's going to be a bit late to start AFTER we have such reactors.

  • by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Saturday August 13, 2022 @10:17PM (#62787464) Homepage
    We all start sounding like Mickey Mouse?
  • Ignition definition (Score:5, Interesting)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Sunday August 14, 2022 @12:34AM (#62787644)

    They keep changing the definition of ignition. First, When the NIF got funded, ignition was projected as when the reaction produced more energy than the lasers consume from the power plant. When the realization dawned that that was hard,, ignition was redefined as when the energy produced from fusion exceeds the energy of the UV lasers (1.9 megajoules). Now they made the definition to be exceeding the x-ray energy (250kJ) deposit on the target pellet by the hohlraum.

    Everyone agrees: Ignition occurs when the energy deposited by products of the thermonuclear burn during one confinement time equals the energy required to heat the plasma to thermonuclear burn temperatures.

    To me, that sounds like the energy needed to vaporize the hohlraum into plasma.
    Now they finagled it to mean the energy of the X-rays wtf?

    Reference: https://www.physics.utoronto.c... []

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by vivian ( 156520 )

      There's basically three "break even" levels to consider:
      1) Physics breakeven - when the reaction releases more energy than was absorbed by the fuel to make it fuse - that's what they seem to have done here.

      2) Engineering break even - when the reactor generates more energy than was used to power it, including the power needed for ignition and confinement, and conversion losses to convert the resulting heat to electricity. They are still far from this, probably a decade or more.

      3) Economic break even - when t

      • Physics breakeven is nonsensical. If you want to play that game, physics breakeven has been achieved for decades as there are hotspots within any ICF plasma where fusion is occurring. For example in laser fusion, it happens due to diffraction. You can claim the energy released within the hotspot is greater than the energy directly compressing the hotspot. In fact everywhere fusion occurs can be faux-claimed as physics breakeven. In 1997, when the NIF was funded, the National Academy of Science defined igni

  • Two things we need (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak&yahoo,com> on Sunday August 14, 2022 @02:25AM (#62787828) Homepage Journal

    First, there's almost no funding of fusion research. The sum total of all that governments of the world have put into fusion since the 1960s is equal to how much they put into fossil fuels every 3 days. Fossil fuels can spare 3 days' of subsidies, given their profit margins, which would more than double the available money in fusion research. This may be sufficient to push fusion over the line.

    Second, there's the infrastructure. No country has a grid capable of handling the kind of power levels fusion is likely to produce and substations take time to build. We need to be building out the infrastructure now and upgrading what exists to be able to support this new technology, or we'll acquire fusion but be unable to use it for 10-20 years.

    Better infrastructure won't hurt, anyway. It'll make the grid more resilient to terror attacks and extreme weather. (Most here remember when the entire northeast of the US suffered a three day blackout due to a single branch on the wires. The changes since then have been minimal and aren't adequate for the world we live in today. The grid simply isn't currently capable of handling both the modern political atmosphere and the sort of weather that we are now very likely to get on an annual basis.)

  • "Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility (NIF) recorded the first case of ignition"

    They call themselves an 'Ignition Facility' and never had an ignition before?

  • There have been fusion milestones seemingly every few months for years, so I tend to lump them in with "battery breakthroughs", where "scalable technology is only X years away!"

    But this actually does seem like major milestone/breakthrough. I wouldn't go as far as predicting when we'll have commercial power generation, but kudos to these scientists for getting ignition.

  • What will be consequences of Helium overproduction acknowledging that there is a limit of Helium that we can absorbe/use.
    • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

      No, helium overproduction isn't an issue. First, it's useful for more purposes that we're currently putting it to, because other gases are more common and can do the job -- like argon for welding. Argon, being 1% or so of the atmosphere, is probably always going to be popular as an inert gas, but helium works too. Helium can also be stored in the same reservoirs currently used to hold natural gas. That's where a lot of our helium supply comes from anyhow -- they're alpha particles from radioactive decay tha

    • No. The amount of helium produced by fusion in any foreseeable future is not going to be enough to solve the global helium shortage.

  • Can't be bothered to read TFA.

    But I thought tokamaks were already igniting, for decades, and so were fusors. The latter were capable even of sustaining. And the TFA design still hasn't proved sustained reaction at break-even so... impressive, but hardly a "breakthrough"?

    Can someone clarify?

    • Not sure about today's achievement, but at least for tokamak, I know they ignite but have the problem is neutron confinement.

      Awaiting the time here is enough energy for aneutronic fusion like Boron+Hydrogen, the Tokamak produce high energy neutrons. They do not care about electromagnetic confinement. and will hammer the device to death. That is a no-go for actual electricity production.

  • To make nuclear fusion a viable technology for commercial power generation, continuous operation is the much more important step than demonstrating yet another way to ignite a tiny fusion for a tiny fraction of a second, with no plausible perspective on how to scale this up.

    Therefore, I consider the Wendelstein 7-X [] experiment much more interesting - their Stellarator has progressed to almost continuous confinement of plasma that reaches the relevant temperatures.
  • I wonder if the process is to separate Hydrogen from water... but that's doubtful because the separation would emit Oxygen, not Helium. If the process is to extract Hydrogen from the air, then that leaves me to worry that massive use of this process will change the balance of air mixture making it a centuries long process to annihilate humankind.

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
