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Power Science The 2000 Beanies

Solar-Powered Desalination Device Wins MIT $100K Competition ( 77

The winner of this year's MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition is commercializing a new water desalination technology. MIT News reports: Nona Desalination says it has developed a device capable of producing enough drinking water for 10 people at half the cost and with 1/10th the power of other water desalination devices. The device is roughly the size and weight of a case of bottled water and is powered by a small solar panel. The traditional approach for water desalination relies on a power-intensive process called reverse osmosis. In contrast, Nona uses a technology developed in MIT's Research Laboratory of Electronics that removes salt and bacteria from seawater using an electrical current.

"Because we can do all this at super low pressure, we don't need the high-pressure pump [used in reverse osmosis], so we don't need a lot of electricity," says Crawford, who co-founded the company with MIT Research Scientist Junghyo Yoon. "Our device runs on less power than a cell phone charger." The company has already developed a small prototype that produces clean drinking water. With its winnings, Nona will build more prototypes to give to early customers. The company plans to sell its first units to sailors before moving into the emergency preparedness space in the U.S., which it estimates to be a $5 billion industry. From there, it hopes to scale globally to help with disaster relief. The technology could also possibly be used for hydrogen production, oil and gas separation, and more.

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Solar-Powered Desalination Device Wins MIT $100K Competition

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  • The video is great. []

  • Article link (Score:5, Informative)

    by Tim the Gecko ( 745081 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @09:20PM (#62547816)

    Here [] is a more informative article.

    Instead, their unit relies on a technique called ion concentration polarization (ICP), which was pioneered by Han’s group more than 10 years ago. Rather than filtering water, the ICP process applies an electrical field to membranes placed above and below a channel of water. The membranes repel positively or negatively charged particles - including salt molecules, bacteria, and viruses - as they flow past. The charged particles are funneled into a second stream of water that is eventually discharged.

    There's then something called electrodialysis to remove any remaining salt ions.

    • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @09:37PM (#62547852) Homepage

      The only downside to the ICP process is that the water comes out tasting a bit like Faygo.

    • Re:Article link (Score:5, Informative)

      by crunchygranola ( 1954152 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @11:47PM (#62548076)

      The MIT article provides some actual metrics about how much energy is consumed by this process. It states that:

      Their prototype generates drinking water at a rate of 0.3 liters per hour, and requires only 20 watt-hours per liter.

      When I read TFA and encountered the claim "with 1/10th the power of other water desalination devices" and "Because we can do all this at super low pressure, we don’t need the high-pressure pump [used in reverse osmosis], so we don’t need a lot of electricity" my hype-hackles went up because reverse osmosis is approaching the thermodynamic limit of efficiency. No process can be invented that uses "1/10 the power" of reverse osmosis at scale.

      The power consumption of reverse osmosis at scale is as low as 2.5 KWH per cubic meter which is 2.5 watt-hours per liter. In other words this unit is eight times more energy consuming than reverse osmosis, not ten times more efficient.

      The advantage of this device is that it does not need the expensive and heavy high pressure pump and so can be made smaller and lighter and cheaper and have a lower power (but much less efficient) operating mode. It is okay to have an inefficient but small cheap solar powered personal water producer, not everything has to be efficient especially if free energy is used. But you should be honest about the advantages the technology has, not imply advantages that it does not.

      Another thing about the technology is that makes water that is less pure than reverse osmosis -- again, this okay but it should be stated. The device works until it gets the purity down to acceptable consumption standards, but it does not produce nearly pure water like reverse osmosis.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        They are comparing it to other small scale desalination methods, which it is considerably more efficient than.

        For large scale desalination, as you say a large, heavy and expensive system is more efficient.

      • my hype-hackles went up because reverse osmosis is approaching the thermodynamic limit of efficiency.
        Reverse osmosis has nothing to do with thermodynamics.
        Perhaps you wanted to say "is at its theoretical maximum efficiency" or something like that.

        What irked me in the summary is: The traditional approach for water desalination relies on a power-intensive process called reverse osmosis.
        Which is simply plain wrong. Reverse osmosis is not power intensive, it is actually pretty cheap. Does not mean that this

        • Reverse osmosis has everything to do with thermodynamics. You are decreasing entropy by separating the salt from the water, and that requires energy.

          But I think the key to this invention is in the headline. It can use solar electricity. Whereas presumably reverse osmosis requires a different type of electricity? :(

          • Reverse osmosis has everything to do with thermodynamics. You are decreasing entropy by separating the salt from the water, and that requires energy.
            And that involves which law of thermodynamics?

            Oh ... none. So, problems like this can not be calculated by "calling on laws of thermodynamics".

        • Maybe in small scale? There is a minimum barrier of entry to run the pump and that barrier sets the bar at a power consumption that requires a bigger scale to make the liters per watt ratio on par? Could that be the poorly worded implication?
        • Reverse osmosis is not power intensive, it is actually pretty cheap. Does not mean that this way is even cheaper.

          Literally every single time I've heard of a major desalinization plant being proposed the very first thing that comes up is the huge amount of electricity it will consume and how expensive they are to operate. Every single time and I've never heard the claim in response until just now that these systems are not actually power intensive and by extension "cheap". And by "heard" I don't mean just on the evening news, I also mean the official government reports on the subject.

          Obviously you're making a claim tha

          • Operating a huge plant (regardless what it does) obviously consumes an appropriated huge amount of electricity.

            However you have to put that into context.

            a) a Aluminium plant producing Aluminium from Bauxite (the raw mineral) - versus -
            b) an Aluminium plant producing fresh Aluminium by recycling old ones

            The energy difference is gigantic.

            Regarding reverse osmosis and water, it costs more to transport a ton of water to the local super market than it costs to desalinate it.

            • by skam240 ( 789197 )

              The only comparison I think that would be meaningful in this context would be comparing the cost desalinated water versus the cost of other means of obtaining water.

              In that vein, []

              "A thousand gallons of freshwater from a desalination plant costs the average US consumer $2.50 to $5, Pankratz says, compared to $2 for conventional freshwater"

              That's a 25% to 100% price difference. At scale that that seems like it would be quite a bit more expensive to me.

              • by skam240 ( 789197 )

                Hahaha, sorry I'm pretty tired right now. 100% = 125%

              • The amount of water a standard person uses is not enough that 2x or 10x the price makes any difference.

                So (pro)claiming that some way of desalination is "super power hungry" does not make any sense. And we talked about "energy intensive". Reverse Osmosis is not really energy intensive. Even mediocre Spanish hotels at the coast have Reverse Osmosis fresh water plants as it is cheaper than getting the water trucked in.

                • by skam240 ( 789197 )

                  Even mediocre Spanish hotels at the coast have Reverse Osmosis fresh water plants as it is cheaper than getting the water trucked in.

                  Of course its cheaper than trucking the water in. Trucking water in is hardly the standard means of delivery water to anywhere in first world countries though. All you're doing here is cherry picking a piece of outlier data and claiming because desalinization is cheaper then that (literally the least efficient means of water delivery), that means it's no expensive.

                  A proper comparison would be comparing desalinization to the traditional forms of first world water delivery to homes, business', and farms. I've

                  • that means it's no expensive.
                    Because it is not expensive.

                    Seriously? Look up how cheap it is ...

                    Why do I need to cite something you can google? Sorry, learn how to use a computer.

        • by narcc ( 412956 )

          Reverse osmosis is not power intensive

          What is and is not "power intensive" is relative to the task and amount of power you have available. Internet claims that reverse osmosis uses 3 to 10 kWh / m^2 That may be good when comparing it to other desalination methods, but it's a lot worse than the system described in the article.

          • m^2, or m^3?

            m^2 is not actually a meaningful measure of the amount of water processed, so I'm assuming m^3. And 1 m^3 = 1000L, so your numbers translate to 3 to 10 Wh/L. Considerably less than the 15.6 to 26.6 Wh/L they're claiming for this process in their paper ( )

            Granted, that's for seawater - they're claiming only 0.4-4Wh/L for merely brackish water. I'm not sure how reverse osmosis compares for that, so there could be a sizable niche where this tech

          • I simply have a problem with people claiming "X is power intensive" when X is actually pretty common/economic/low power solution.

            E.g. hydrolysis: 70% effective, minimum calling that power intensive is just stupid.
            Desalination, what can you do? Hu? You can evapour (no idea why that word is red underlined, how do you spell it?) water, and have the slat left. THAT is energy intensive. Or you can use reverse osmosis. Which nearly costs no energy at all. It is just not feasible in small plants, so you have to bu

      • RO isnt drinkable if it makes pure water. Drinking pure water, or feedwater, strips your body of minerals. If RO is used for desalination are they adding things like morpholine to the effluent? And since this process makes less pure water, is its effluent safe to drink?
      • That is a great logical analysis, thanks. You are a breath of fresh air here!

        I miss the old slashdot

  • Evaporation? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by fermion ( 181285 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @09:31PM (#62547838) Homepage Journal
    100 liters of sea water in container. Heat to promote evaporation. Run through a heat exchanger. Harvest the water. Harvest the salt that is left over and sell it to the yahoos who will pay huge sums for artisanal sea salt. A 1 kw solar panel should do the trick for heater. Or just use the sun directly. $1000 for the whole setup. I suppose one could used a sealed apparatus and reduce the pressure. But I think boiling to 70c or so is good enough, and kills most bacteria.
    • Re: Evaporation? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @09:43PM (#62547876)

      Most is good enough for you? You want to take that risk, knowing pathogenic bacteria such as those of the species actinomycetes and maybe even campylobacter can survive at that temperature?

    • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @10:36PM (#62547984) Journal

      > Heat to promote evaporation

      Water has a high specific heat capacity. In other words, it takes a lot of power to heat it up just a bit.

      Perhaps more to the point here, it also has a high latent heat of vaporization. That is, the amount of energy you have to input to evaporate it. That's actually much higher than you'd expect from multiplying the (already high) specific heat capacity (because vaporization causes cooling, undoing the work you did heating it - note how a mist of water cools you off on a hot day). The latent heat is 40.65 kJ/mol, This is due to the strong bonds between hydrogen.

      • You distill water at low pressure. So it boils at room temperature. So better than just boiling it in a kettle.

    • Re: Evaporation? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by AvitarX ( 172628 ) <[gro.derdnuheniwydnarb] [ta] [em]> on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @10:48PM (#62548008) Journal

      If distilling the water was the cheapest way to desalinate, we wouldn't be using reverse osmosis.

      • It is effective when reusing otherwise waste heat or an abundance of steam. We use it shipboard because of its large volumetric ability and an abundance of ship steam from the reactor. In that case it makes great sense.
        • Definitely of you're using waste heat it works real efficiently.

          I think for large scale desalination they do vacuum distilling sometimes, as it's more energy efficient than using heat.

          • Re: Evaporation? (Score:5, Informative)

            by e3m4n ( 947977 ) on Thursday May 19, 2022 @11:03AM (#62549462)
            well we had 4 on the nimitz class aircraft carrier that each did 100,000 gallons per day. But considering the catapult system on nimitz class was purely steam driven, we had to make a lot of reserve feed. Its very common to use steam through an eductor to draw a vacuum inside the distillation plant, but at the same time its a low vacuum in order to ensure that it heats to a temp > 180F to kill all the organisms. On the Virginia class cruiser I was assigned to, each plant had a 20,000 gal/day distillation unit that was tasked between making reserve feed, and potable water. but 400,000gal/day on the nimitz class is pretty impressive. Another way to regain waste heat is to use the sea water effluent from the main condenser, a heat exchanger that is used to cool the turbine exhaust steam and condense it using sea water. That would essentially preheat the sea water headed to the distillation plant so less heat is required to bring it to a low vacuum boil. When Mt Pinatubo erupted, we were part of the relief and evacuation assist. We were making potable water with no flight ops for a couple weeks. Aside from their ability to make war, they are floating cities that come in pretty amazingly handy when providing things like power and water. We would ferry a hangar full of civilians to a different location, and while away from shore we were filling up every container we could with potable water plus topping off our own tanks. Then we would pull back in and start pushing power to the peer facility and offload the water we made.
            • by AvitarX ( 172628 )

              Wouldn't distillation manage to remove any organisms?

              • Re: Evaporation? (Score:5, Informative)

                by e3m4n ( 947977 ) on Thursday May 19, 2022 @12:07PM (#62549742)
                To kill all types of bacteria, etc, you must maintain a temp > 180F. Its the same standard they put on restaurants for sanitizing plates, silverware, and glasses. The scrubbers and condensate filters are great at particulate but bacterium and single celled organisms can be smaller than the filters. Bacterium are anywhere from 1 to 10 micron in length and 0.2 to 1 micron in width. Marine bacteria come in at the small end of that scale. Single celled algae are 5 microns in size. But when the temperature exceeds 180F for 30 seconds to 1 min nothing is still alive to harm you, even if it is technically still present in the water. So the bacteria get killed before the water flashes to steam. As the water flashes to steam, some wet vapor is carried along and this gets scrubbed with those large steel wool scrubbers, but its not guaranteed to be 100%, nothing ever really is. So the temp is the first line of defense. If the distillation was 100% perfect we wouldnt have to take turbidity samples every 2hrs to check for any chlorides. If chlorides have a chance of getting through, then so would bacterium. The biggest risk to potable water, though, is later on when its sitting in tanks. So we treat the water headed to the potable tanks with morpholine which prevents new growth and inhibits corrosion.
    • Re: Evaporation? (Score:5, Informative)

      by e3m4n ( 947977 ) on Thursday May 19, 2022 @08:15AM (#62548804)
      Most evaporative distillation designs run the incoming seawater at a vacuum in order to flash off to steam at lower temperatures. The wet vapor evaporate is the scrubbed by running it through a mess of what looks like large brillo pads (very coarse steel wool). This treacherous path removes the entrained droplets before the dry steam advances toward the condenser where the condensate is collected. If the water is to be potable, morpholine is added to the condensate to kill off any microorganisms.

      In these designs, the brine effluent that is returned to sea has had roughly 50% of the water removed. In a scenario like yours with a fixed basin for evaporate, you are not accounting for the large scale formation and chloride pitting from much higher concentration of chloride. This will, at the very least, require a lot of NiCu and CuNi alloys that are resistant to chloride corrosion. The sodium scaling will continue to be a maintenance nightmare.
  • It does not specifically mention parasites, but I suppose they are easily filtered out or maybe meet the same fate as bacteria. Or maybe they are not prevalent in salt water
  • by edi_guy ( 2225738 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @09:48PM (#62547890)

    I was curious why there was no mention of this technology being used on large-scale desalinization, found this link from 2010

    "While the amount of electricity required by this method is actually slightly more than for present large-scale methods such as reverse osmosis, there is no other method that can produce small-scale desalination with anywhere near this level of efficiency, the researchers say. " []

      Civilization needs something better than reverse osmosis / solar stills, so I appreciate their new way of thinking. It would be nice if some aspect of this tech could be scaled up.

    • Thanks for looking that up, I was wondering the same thing....

      But if electricity used at scale is the only factor, maybe this would be the perfect technology to pair with small modular reactors to provide desalination stations along the coast - the fact pressure is not involved makes it seem like it would be cheaper to build out, and less maintenance would be involved. Also without high pressure perhaps intakes could be simpler so as to not harm sea life (the sticking point for current declination efforts

      • Possible idea, except that the reactors would have to be located in Arizona.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

            It sounds funny, but having some land you don't care about right next to a bunch of big desalination plants would be a great idea. That's how we get lithium deposits, after all.

          • Too salty to just put it back in the ocean;

            I have some news for you about what ocean water has in it...

            Seriously though, brine dumped back into the ocean would disperse rapidly.

            Or you just pile it up somewhere in the Mojave.

            • Except that, as we can see from many desalination plants around the world, it doesn't. You tend to get large dead zones around the outlets where the salinity is too high for most ocean life to survive.

              That's fine if you don't care about sterilizing a chunk of the ocean's most limited and fertile coastal regions - but rather more concerning if you're environmentally conscious.

              And spreading out the outflow to mitigate the damage requires lots of expensive undersea plumbing that requires constant maintenance

      • I think the kind of scale where this makes sense is producing enough water to keep a few people alive; as soon as you've built a nuclear reactor, an RO unit to go with it is small change.

      • If you've got an SMR, you're already talking a scale (multiple MW) where reverse osmosis probably makes more sense.

        This seems better suited to small applications like villages or individual households, where a few solar panels can provide more than enough power.

        I don't think the pressures required for RO would have any impact on intakes - by their nature intakes can only operate at ambient water pressures - the high pressures exist within the processing plant, where most life already has to have been remove

    • This is a more accurate (or honest) statement than TFS which seems to claim "ten times more efficiency" than reverse osmosis, but if the TFS claim of 20 watt-hour per liter is generally true for this technology, then it is way more than "slightly more" - it is eight times more energy consuming.

      But small commercial reverse osmosis units with their own driving pumps (not water main pressure driven) start at a few hundred gallons a day, and the pump pressure required is 200 PSI, which is not all that high real

      • RO in fact is approaching the thermodynamic limits of efficiency for separating salt from water in the best plants.
        RO, aka Reverse Osmosis, has nothing to do with thermodynamics. Hence there is no thermodynamic limit. No idea why people come up with this nonsense.

        • by jbengt ( 874751 )

          RO, aka Reverse Osmosis, has nothing to do with thermodynamics. Hence there is no thermodynamic limit. No idea why people come up with this nonsense.

          So, you have no idea why thermodynamics [] has anything to do with diffusion or pressure? []

          • Exactly, you need to find niche cases.

            In general thermodynamics has absolutely nothing to do with reverse osmosis, and pressure of liquids.

            But thanks for playing.

            If you like to comment on your two links, I'm open to listen.

            I guess you did not read either of them, lol. Otherwise you had realized: it is the same paper published on two different web sites - you are such an idiot, unbelievable.

    • Good old Star Wars moisture vaporators?
  • capable of producing enough drinking water for 10 people at half the cost and with 1/10th the power

    How much water do 10 people drink? What's the cost? How much power? Without real numbers it's gibberish

  • by metrix007 ( 200091 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 @11:02PM (#62548018)

    I always figured desalination would become cheaper/more efficient the closer it came to being necessary.

    You can't have water shortages on a planet that is more than 70% water.

    It's just that no one cared enough to put resources toward solving the issue to make it more efficient until recently.

    Efficient and inexpensive desalination will be a game changer for places like Australia.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Can't have water shortages when it's the most abundant resource on the planet. The only issue is finding a way to purify it, and as this article shows we are well on the way to finding a way for that to be efficient.

      • And what have rounded corners to do with anything?
        Is that a stupid american myth?

        You by a phone because you need a phone.
        Then you look for features.
        Then you look for budget.

        What the fuck have corners, rounded or not, to do with anything about a phone?

        And as: every damn phone has rounded corners - your comment makes no sense at all.

        • And as: every damn phone has rounded corners - your comment makes no sense at all.

          How easily people forget their own history, let alone sacrifices of others so they could casually enjoy the privileges they're not even aware of any more. []

        • by skam240 ( 789197 )

          "You by a phone because you need a phone.
          Then you look for features.
          Then you look for budget."

          So you buy a phone and then look for features and your budget? Is that upside down Australian logic there?

          Maybe get your posts straight before you start throwing stones at other people's countries. The above poster was a twit, that doesn't mean you have to be one

          • That is my line of priorities, no idea what yours are :P
            And round corners on a phone are a must, or do you want to poke your fingers all the time when you grab into your trousers pockets? No idea why anyone would object against rounded corners or even make that an issue. Never had a phone where the corners where nor rounded.

  • The problem with this, and any desalination technique, is what to do with the waste ? For sea water, 3.5% of it is salts and other dissolved solids. The average water use is about 100 gallons per person per day. That's about 28 pounds of salt per day. Now scale that up to a small coastal town of say 1,000 people. Where do you put 14 tons of salt every day ? And that's just a small town, if you want to scale to a real city, you would be building mountains of salt.
  • About 10 years ago, Dean Kamen (inventor of the Segway), was working on a project to create a highly efficient water purifying system []. The Wikipedia article on it is really out of date. Does anyone know what happened to it?

    • Doesn't sound any better, efficiency wise, than existing large-scale options. 1kW for 1000L/day is still 24Wh/L - at the high end for this process (15.6-26.6Wh/L), and much higher than the 3Wh/L typical of reverse osmosis desalination []

      The fact that it supposedly produces water pure enough to be suitable for medical injection is interesting though, as is the fact that it apparently does so at small scales.

      The fact that the prototype apparently cost $100,000 to build is less

  • How is this fundamentally better than a solar still coupled with running through a ceramic filter after the fresh water is collected?

There are running jobs. Why don't you go chase them?
