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Transparency Activists Dump 1.8 Terabytes of Police Helicopter Surveillance Footage ( 64

On Friday, a transparency activist group known as Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) posted a 1.8-terabyte trove of police helicopter footage to its website. "DDoSecrets cofounder Emma Best says that her group doesn't know the identity of the source who shared the data and that no affiliation or motivation for leaking the files was given," reports Wired. "The source simply said that the two police departments were storing the data in unsecured cloud infrastructure." Techdirt reports: The DDoS release shows law enforcement agencies aren't just deploying choppers to keep an eye on suspects in motion. They're also using them to engage in extended surveillance of people suspected of nothing, hovering over large gatherings and deploying infrared cameras to peer inside of buildings just for the fuck of it. Putting your stuff in the cloud means opening up additional attack vectors for those seeking your secrets. That appears to be the root source of this new leak. What a time to be alive!
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Transparency Activists Dump 1.8 Terabytes of Police Helicopter Surveillance Footage

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  • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Monday November 08, 2021 @08:34PM (#61970125)

    Then what the hell are they doing including footage that's not looking through windows?

    • "Then what the hell are they doing including footage that's not looking through windows?" - It should work on Linux too, but helicoper feet are very boring things to look at.
  • They're also using them to engage in extended surveillance of people suspected of nothing, hovering over large gatherings and deploying infrared cameras to peer inside of buildings just for the fuck of it.

    So there is no oversight on police actions at all? A group of cops taking a helicopter out, burning tax funded fuel, can just do whatever they like?

    How is that different from a police state?

    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      Why do people believe things they read on the Internet? These are just random people and blogs (like Slashdot) making unfounded claims. So why do people instantly believe it? Because it is posted on a website?
      • The data speaks for itself. It exists, and is acknowledged as legitimate, albeit obtained through purportedly illegitimate means. The data would seem to imply that it was gathered without specific identified targets or crimes in mind... So, it becomes: did the cops generate the data or was it someone else, and was the data in any way tampered with or manipulated such as removing data to craft a false narrative?
    • The cops are more like a gang (a gang of gangs, actually) than that this is an actual police state. It's not well-coordinated from above, although one could easily imagine that at least some congresscreeps are deliberately sowing chaos for profit.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      There really isn’t much oversight. The DA has to stay in their good graces or they turn on him. The cops really are the biggest criminal gang in the country. Supported by unions, lobbying, and boot lickers.

      • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Maybe in your country. Have you ever lived in, or next to, housing projects? Or next to a gang? Or attended an urban (i.e. black) high school with gangs? There's a reason a culture with 75% of the children raised by single mothers has so many of its young men in jail or engaged in gang violence until they reach 18 and can be tried as adults.

        And yes, I'm half-black and see what happens to my girl cousins who breed before they're 18 just to get a housing check and move out of their momma's house, and what hap

        • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

          What really amazes me is when so-called Conservatives blame the entire mess on welfare. As if blacks have the same opportunities as everyone else, with no bias in hiring. As if good-paying jobs are just growing on trees, and the economy is booming along, like it's 1960 all over again. IMHO the Conservatives have a *huge* blind spot somewhere in their ideology.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            At the moment it appears that conservatives don't really have an ideology to speak of. Pissing people off, owning the libs, and stopping progress at all costs, even if it hurts themselves, seems to be their entire motivation for existing. I gotta think that's a really hollow existence, but hey, it seems to be appealing to almost fifty percent of the country on some level.

            • At the moment it appears that conservatives don't really have an ideology to speak of. Pissing people off, owning the libs, and stopping progress at all costs, even if it hurts themselves, seems to be their entire motivation for existing. I gotta think that's a really hollow existence, but hey, it seems to be appealing to almost fifty percent of the country on some level.

              Actually their leadership does. It's "get reelected no matter what." Those actions are manifestations of that ideology; it's principles many, but not all, lack.

            • I think they succeed because the American people are almost illiterate when it comes to things like politics, world history, and macro economics.

              For example, what is called a "conservative" in the US is flaming liberal everywhere else. Our media has gladly assisted the power-hungry in twisting the language into uselessness.

        • raised by single mothers has so many of its young men in jail or engaged in gang violence until they reach 18 and can be tried as adults.

          Sorry to break it to you, but this only seems to be such a massive problem where you live - I'm guessing USA? Other countries have single mothers, too; they occasionally also have gangs, violence, jail and crime, but mostly it's being handled just like everything else. Kinda works. Not better and not worse than the rest of the non-single-mother crime.

          • Other countries do not have a 'minority' that makes up 15% of the nation's population (at least not many)
            Other countries do not tailor social services to ensure that it's financially advantageous to *not* get married, *and* simultaneaously have children.
            Other countries do not have massively influental media organizations glorifying Gangster behavior.
            And more

            You're absolutely correct, many other countries are handling this problem much more successfully by not allowing or encouraging any of the above.
            It's ti

            • Oh, what rose tinted glasses you have. Apparently you have never heard of 'Gypsies', 'Travellers' or 'Sigeuners' before, but Europe has a huge minority (which in some places is almost a majority) problem.
              • Nonsense.

                Gypsies ???

                Are you serious ? There's about 1 million of them spread all over Europe. They are a tiny fraction of the population. When you do see then in a group, it's noteworthy. You're obviously delusional about something. No idea what.

            • by spitzak ( 4019 )

              The level of willful ignorance demonstrated by this post is staggering! Every single one of the sentences is false.

        • This has nothing to do with what I said.

    • by brunes69 ( 86786 ) <slashdot.keirstead@org> on Tuesday November 09, 2021 @01:14AM (#61970515)

      To be fair, helicopter pilots would require a certain number of training hours per month to maintain their license. They also would need to run drills. Some of this could be from said drills or training. These things have to be run regardless if something is actually happening or not.

      • by CaptQuark ( 2706165 ) on Tuesday November 09, 2021 @02:03AM (#61970545)

        Good point. The police department might also have certain hours that they want a helicopter in the air rather than on the ground where it might take 30 minutes to get the helicopter ready for flight, pre-flight check done, pilot geared up, and the helicopter in the air. After flying for two hours, perhaps they land and leave the helicopter in a "ready" state for the remainder of the shift. But this doesn't mean they have to record video on every flight and store it forever.


      • To be fair, helicopter pilots would require a certain number of training hours per month to maintain their license. They also would need to run drills. Some of this could be from said drills or training. These things have to be run regardless if something is actually happening or not.

        Exactly. Practicing in down time is a way to stay proficient. We used to run mock attacks on surface ships to keep our tactical skills sharp; although they never new we did that and "sank" them.

  • While using choppers to conduct 'extended surveillance of people suspected of nothing' is disturbing and staring through people's windows with FLIR cameras 'just for the fuck of it' is downright perverse, I don't really blame them for spending time observing large gatherings after that mass shooting in Las Vegas.
    • In public, ok .. but through windows?

    • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

      The shooter wasn't even in the crowd dumbass. He was in his hotel room just like every other hotel guest. And infrared (aka the I in FLIR) doesn't really help until AFTER the guns start generating heat from firing.

      Benjamin Spanklin mocked losers "who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety" but in your case you would give up liberty... for nothing.

      • Do some research on that B. Franklin quote. Think youll find it doesnt mean what you think it does....
      • The shooter wasn't even in the crowd dumbass. He was in his hotel room just like every other hotel guest. And infrared (aka the I in FLIR) doesn't really help until AFTER the guns start generating heat from firing.

        Benjamin Spanklin mocked losers "who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety" but in your case you would give up liberty... for nothing.

        For one thing, you have clearly never heard of muzzle flashes, secondly, even if you can't spot those with IR or high res cameras (you can), when somebody starts laying down sustained automatic weapons fire the gun will heat up really quickly and the muzzle flashes will be way, way more visible. Spotting that shooter early using sophisticated surveillance gear to pin point where the hell he was would have been pretty critical to get Swat teams to the scene even faster. Finally, please spare me the flag waiv

        • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

          > muzzle flashes

          So even you're admitting there was NOTHING proactive this would accomplish. No indication until he is actually firing as per my original post.

          He opened fire into a crowd for 10 minutes and then killed himself.

          I'm not sure what your crack squad would have accomplished but you seem to be living out some theoretical fantasy scenario.

          "At 10:05 pm, Paddock began firing hundreds of rounds in rapid succession at the crowd below. He initially started off with a few single gunshots before firing

    • Do the cameras record all the time whenever they are active or are they like typical camera where you have to start recording, although you can view from the camera as long as you want?

      And if they have a start / stop record function, why are they recording stuff going on in a building or other random stuff?

  • What were they looking for? Hot chicks? I don not get why they wasted time on all that surveillance. Are they waiting around hoping they do something that can be taken on of context? Actions and words can be interpreted 10 different ways. I mean, I know nonracist people who might for example say things that can be interpreted as racist. I bet if we recorded any person for long enough there will eventually be enough there to cherrypick twist and show that it meant they would commit any given crime. A lot of

    • At first they were only spying on me, then they had to spy on a bunch of other people to cover it up.

    • They have all these fancy taxpayer funded toys and who can resist an expensive toy?

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Law enforcement, for better or worse, tends to set the standard on acceptable behavior. There is always the tension between privacy and protection. So, for instance, stop light cameras are universally decried as over reach even though the likely do help protect us by keeping people from running lights. However law enforcement still pushes for mass surveillance which open the door for private citizens to do the same. So we have rich people who are monitoring all the vehicles that enter their neighborhood, an
      • by cb88 ( 1410145 )
        If you are running lights you are going to get caught doing other things also... people that obey stop lights are most likely at worst going to speed a little... so yeah they are a complete waste.
  • by bev_tech_rob ( 313485 ) on Monday November 08, 2021 @08:58PM (#61970169)

    Sounds a lot like what happens in that movie. []

  • by Slashythenkilly ( 7027842 ) on Monday November 08, 2021 @09:05PM (#61970183)
    Blue Thunder is now a documentary
  • by GPS Pilot ( 3683 ) on Monday November 08, 2021 @09:06PM (#61970185)

    They got hold of a lot of video. But there's no evidence they got hold of other documentation that backs up their assertion that "people suspected of nothing" are specifically targeted for surveillance.

    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      It's going to take a while for people to look through all that video, but you can tell the difference based on what they focus on. A bunch of footage of one person, probably surveillance. Pan around, hold on the hot girl, pan some more, oh look, another hot girl, etc tells another story.

  • []

    "This mother hears through walls, fires 4,000 rounds a minute, peaks down dresses at 1,000 feet."

  • Can't anyone figure out AWS settings? I ran cloud object store infrastructure - not one account, but the systems every customer used in data centers around the world. Security by default isn't difficult at all. Or at least not hanging-your-face-out-there secure. (OpenStack SWIFT)

  • by Impy the Impiuos Imp ( 442658 ) on Monday November 08, 2021 @10:12PM (#61970297) Journal

    and deploying infrared cameras to peer inside of buildings

    The SC ruled you need a warrant to do this. Into jail with them.

    • and deploying infrared cameras to peer inside of buildings

      The SC ruled you need a warrant to do this. Into jail with them.

      As I understand it, SCOTUS ruled it was a search (Kyllo v. U.S.), but that doesn't make the actions in this case illegal, just it can't be used as evidence or to obtain a search warrant or for other actions since the underlying search in that case would be a violation of the 4th. Interestingly, if thermal imaging has become in general public use, in the ensuing 20 years, it would appear to no longer require a warrant.

    • by cepler ( 21753 )

      Have you ever used thermal imaging? It will view windows like mirrors, it'll show a reflected view of thermal outside, not be able to see inside.

  • by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Monday November 08, 2021 @10:59PM (#61970351)

    Well at least they weren't using those evil baby-killing spy drones that the public needs to be protected against at all costs.

    Yes, we must villify Joe Citizen's use of a drone for getting wonderful pictures of the landscape, sunsets and other non-invading images -- whilst allowing "authorities" to continue their nefarious activities using helicopters -- the crash of which has already cost many lives over the years.

  • Does it include (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ravenshrike ( 808508 ) on Tuesday November 09, 2021 @01:26AM (#61970521)

    The FBI's HD and color video of the Rittenhouse altercation that those loveable scamps at the FBI somehow managed to lose?

  • by oldgraybeard ( 2939809 ) on Tuesday November 09, 2021 @01:58AM (#61970541)
    surveillance abilities they have. The government is made up of humans who view themselves as the most important and essential individuals on the planet and they will act accordingly.
    With the goal of keeping power and destroying those who could threaten that power, so they can continue to enrich themselves from tax funds and inside knowledge.
    Rules for thee, but but not for me is their guiding principle. And they do not care about anyone except themselves. Any supposed good emanating from government is just an illusion.
    Just keep track of the bill because that is all the middle class will get from those in government.
  • Seriously, has no one watched that movie? You really think they're not doing this? []
  • FLIR will view windows like mirrors and not reveal thermal images from the interior of those windows. Go get a FLIR camera and try for yourself.

New York... when civilization falls apart, remember, we were way ahead of you. - David Letterman
