MIT-Designed Project Achieves Major Advance Toward Fusion Energy (mit.edu) 148
David Chandler writes via MIT News: It was a moment three years in the making, based on intensive research and design work: On Sept. 5, for the first time, a large high-temperature superconducting electromagnet was ramped up to a field strength of 20 tesla, the most powerful magnetic field of its kind ever created on Earth. That successful demonstration helps resolve the greatest uncertainty in the quest to build the world's first fusion power plant that can produce more power than it consumes, according to the project's leaders at MIT and startup company Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS). That advance paves the way, they say, for the long-sought creation of practical, inexpensive, carbon-free power plants that could make a major contribution to limiting the effects of global climate change.
Developing the new magnet is seen as the greatest technological hurdle to making that happen; its successful operation now opens the door to demonstrating fusion in a lab on Earth, which has been pursued for decades with limited progress. With the magnet technology now successfully demonstrated, the MIT-CFS collaboration is on track to build the world's first fusion device that can create and confine a plasma that produces more energy than it consumes. That demonstration device, called SPARC, is targeted for completion in 2025.
Developing the new magnet is seen as the greatest technological hurdle to making that happen; its successful operation now opens the door to demonstrating fusion in a lab on Earth, which has been pursued for decades with limited progress. With the magnet technology now successfully demonstrated, the MIT-CFS collaboration is on track to build the world's first fusion device that can create and confine a plasma that produces more energy than it consumes. That demonstration device, called SPARC, is targeted for completion in 2025.
Progress (Score:2)
Progress happens.
Re: Progress (Score:3)
Re:Progress (Score:5, Interesting)
Progress happens.
Progress happens when people are putting an effort into making progress. I'm seeing far too many people assume that progress happens only because time has passed.
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I have a pretty decent job but for the last several years the growth in my 401k has dwarfed my take-home pay - the one for which I grind away hour after hour, day after day. What's up with that? Of course there are no miracles - such a v
Re: Progress (Score:2)
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Throwing money at fusion doesn't make it happen, we've been doing that for decades.
Here is the reason:
https://commons.wikimedia.org/... [wikimedia.org]
That funding has been significantly below the bare minimum to make headway. Until people get serious about funding for fusion, you will be right. It will always be decades away or impossible, until the funding gets to where it needs to be to make it happen.
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You only post U.S. funds and make up a notion of "bare minimum to make headway", based on exactly nothing. Throwing money at a problem doesn't solve it, throwing more money at things that don't and won't work won't solve a problem. Globally we've spent over 50 billion dollars on fusion with no commercial power plant in sight. It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of insufficient ability to confine a fusing plasma, and there is no solution in sight as no extant nor planned device can solve that.
The mo
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That fails basic napkin math. Global energy consumption is measured in terawatts; laser output power is measured in 10s - 100s of watts. Variance between baseload and peak is measured in hundreds of gigawatts. Exactly where do you plan to source and place these literally billions of lasers t
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You missed the fundamental problem with his reasoning: Heat from solar energy production can't possibly contribute to warming. The actual energy is here whether we capture it or not!
Also, the heat from energy production isn't significant, at all, and certainly not what we're worried about when we talk about how various energy sources contribute to global warming.
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Fusion! (Score:3, Funny)
John McLaughlin has been producing fusion for decades.
How many years away from breakeven? (Score:2)
According to one of my professors, in 1960 we were thought to be 30 years away from breakeven. When I toured the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab in 1990, they said we were still 30 years away from breakeven. Buy hey,
SPARC is targeted for completion in 2025
now we're only four years away!
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Exactly! Isn't science great?!!1
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If you really have such a book, which I doubt, it was likely based on the assumption that ITER would receive funding and get built. Unfortunately, ITER never got the go-ahead until around 2010, and even then a much scaled-down version from the 1984 proposal. Also, yes some predictions based on computer modeling in the 1980s and 1990s .. particular for ICF were bad .. but the models have been improved and are showing much better alignment with reality now.
Anyway, which book from the 2000s stated that the fi
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Fusion, always just around the corner (Score:2)
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That corner does keep getting closer. That they have a plausible path to a demonstration in 5 years is a big improvement from the "maybe in 30 years" that fusion was stuck in for decades! Mega-projects like ITER have the problem that by the time it's built the design will be 30 years out of date. This project takes advantage of more modern technology to allow faster development at a smaller scale. This has of course been the story with every fusion startup that's made a splash in the news over the last few
technical details? (Score:2)
What exactly did they do with these 'high temperature superconductor' magnets? Which material is being used? What was the breakthrough? These pop-science articles are fun and all, but if someone doesn't know what a fusion reactor is, they can look it up on Wikipedia.
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Re:technical details? (Score:4, Interesting)
Without even looking it up I can tell you it is a hybrid of a Bitter and superconducting electromagnets.
From the headline and summary it is also clear that there is no "breakthrough," this is an "advance" that was a matter of engineering and implementing something that is difficult and expensive to realize.
Superconducting electromagnets usually are limited to 10-20T. A Bitter electromagnet is limited to about 2T. But the biggest hybrid in the world is 45T. This is basically the only game in town for a 20T+ electromagnet.
The point is certainly that it is shaped correctly for some known fusion reactor design.
24.4T field HTS magnet from 2019 (Score:2)
There is a competing fusion startup called "Tokamak Energy", aiming to produce a similar high-temperature superconductor small Tokamak (but using a spherical tokamak geometry). The company is a de-facto spin-off from the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (Oxfordshire, UK).
Tokamak Energy announced a 24.4T field at 21K with a REBCO HTS engineering test magnet during September 2019.
They have some technical detail available in various videos on their YouTube channel.
Announcement video was titled "HTS progress an
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at temperatures the conductors you mentioned are even superconductors
Bait, switch. LOL Hybrid
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What exactly did they do with these 'high temperature superconductor' magnets? Which material is being used? What was the breakthrough?
If memory serves they're using ReBCO Tape [fusionenergybase.com] wound / layered back on itself many times over.
Don't they also have to shape the magnetic field? (Score:2)
Re:Don't they also have to shape the magnetic fiel (Score:5, Funny)
Or was it a magnetic field of 20 Teslas?
Sheesh. Some people are just hellbent to work Elon Musk into any story
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there's a video, with title that starts with "Unlocking SPARC" near the bottom of the article's linked page that answers your question, 18 such 20 Telsla magnets will be arranged around a toroid
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"Peoples fillings" are made from lead/mercury amalgam or gold.
-> no magnet effects it.
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False, they are diamagnetic. So are you, and for more fun you can look up frog being levitated by 16 T magnetic field for same reason. With strong enough field you could levitate human, or even kill one.
Get educated, most things ARE affected by magnets.
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Neither gold not lead is diamagnetic.
Yes, you can levitate a frog. Not sure if a human would die in a field with the strength to levitate him. (Actually the same field levitating as frog should also levitate a human, so I guess: he survives. The levitating is based on the diamagnetic water, not on his tooth fillings).
Re: Don't they also have to shape the magnetic fie (Score:2)
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Though the magnetics I work with fit on a tabletop, I can tell you, the only way to shape a strong magnetic field is with an array of magnets. It doesn't matter how your generate the field. Each field has 2 poles, you can you can only shape the field from each source in minor ways by making it lopsided. Think ellipses. To make another shape, you need an array of sources.
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
A torus is just a cylinder wrapped into a circle.
any hint of the real story? (Score:2)
Re: any hint of the real story? (Score:2)
My understanding it is the physical size that is the break through. Basically toroids are used because it was not possible to get magnets to do something spherical which has long been known to be more efficient, simpler and compact. Put simply it got too crowded in the centre for it to work. More compact magnets make that a real possibility and its a huge leap forward as you could get the same power output as ITER from something a fraction of its size.
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The Sun (Score:3)
But we already have a SPARC, it comes from The Sun!
One minor problem (Score:2)
One Day... (Score:5, Insightful)
Many [if not most] slashdot readers are either professional technologists or people who spend a lot of their time working with technology - most of us have come across project plans and understand not only how they work, but how they allow us to estimate delivery times.
Where's the project plan for fusion power?
Some of it we hear about as researchers make related breakthroughs - here, for example, is an achievement related to magnetic field strength. We've seen other attempts achieve plasma, if only for brief periods. Seems to me that there should be some sort of basic checklist involved here:-
1. Achieve plasma - recreate conditions needed for fusion to occur
2. Develop containment - produce a magnetic field capable of safely holding fusing nuclei
3. Energy transfer - develop the means to extract the heat energy to be used for electricity generation
4. Fueling - Build a mechanism to allow more fuel to be added to the fusion chamber while it is running
5. Exhaust - Design a way to get fused nuclei out of the fusion chamber while it is running
6. Control - Figure out how to control the rate of fusion [see 4] like the control rods of a fission reactor
7. etc.
I'm sure the above is largely wrong, but hopefully it is close enough to illustrate my point. I'm also not suggesting that the research teams currently working on fusion don't have all this very clearly mapped out.
My issue lies mainly with the reporting on developments in this field, which all tend to be breathtaking, gushing, puff pieces telling us what wonderful progress is happening... and while that may be true, the needle on the dial doesn't even blip.
This is just a wild guess, but do you suppose that articles like this are necessary to the projects, which rely so heavily on public funding for their funds? Do you suppose that in order to get lawmakers to agree to budgets, they have to come up with creative ways to demonstrate progress?
If so, I'd worry that pieces like this might end up having the opposite effect - lots of talk, no measurable progress.
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Welcome to the world, it is messy and things often happen out of order.
FWIW on your chart we are working on step 2, it doesn't matter if the other steps are out of order because 1 and 2 aren't
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Could you explain or maybe link to explanation of how they plan to/do extract energy from the fusion reaction? This has always seemed like a big question mark to me.
Re:One Day... (Score:4, Insightful)
Approximated, his explanation was something along these lines: "First we need to achieve sustainable, containable fusion. Those are two very significant milestones to reach, but once we accomplish this, we hope and believe that we will be able to run a thin fluid jacket between the inner walls of the toroid and the actual plasma chamber, one that is physically connected via a thermally conductive compound. We will then simply circulate a thermal transfer fluid through the jacket - pump it in cold and pump it out hot, transferring that thermal energy to generators."
I asked if their calculations had given any insight as to things like operational temperatures or estimates of energy transfer. Apparently they had, but this individual was not at liberty to discuss that publicly. However, it's probably also important that I point out the conversation took place just under 35 years ago, so I'm guessing that designs will have been adjusted since then, perhaps in several key ways. For one, it is starting to look as though the largely uniform original toroid design [researchgate.net] is now being challenged, using results from practical experiments and calculations, with more exotic designs such as the Stellerator [wikipedia.org].
Trying to compare the original ITER toroid and the Stellerator from the perspective of understanding thermal transfer is difficult - especially as the entire reason for looking at the Stellerator over the original toroid was the concern that the toroid model would be insufficient to raise the temperature of the fuel to fusion temperatures - 100 million degrees - and then safely maintain it there.
Not least among the challenges just lining up to be tackled... how do you keep all your superconducting magnets cooled to operationally efficient temperatures when the plasma you're trying to contain needs to exist at 100 million centigrade? Perhaps - and I'm guessing here - the temperature gradient is *so* intense that the energy transfer process doesn't really have to be remotely efficient, it just needs to be able to 1) survive; and 2) function.
Part of the challenge is that a workable fusion reactor looks like it is going to need a successive chain of "moonshot results" to be viable.
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Re:One Day... (Score:4, Informative)
For example, the US fusion community has produced several reports (2018 [nap.edu], 2019 [nationalacademies.org], 2020 [arxiv.org]). The US Department of Energy is one key player in this space (here are the reports for various sub-topics [osti.gov]). A key aspect of the current fusion strategy is ITER [wikipedia.org], which has a set of concrete milestones [iter.org].
If you glance through those reports, you will see they are more focused on fundamental science aspects, rather than the more practical milestones you mentioned. This is in part because these public reports are issued by organizations whose mission is to pursue fundamental research (and then pass those results onto industry for commercialization), and partly because there are indeed many fundamental science and engineering questions that need to be resolved.
The EUROfusion roadmap [euro-fusion.org] (2018 [euro-fusion.org]) provides a plan for successive projects (ITER and beyond) in a transition to viable power plants.
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So I do understan
The got one section of toroid demoed. thats all. (Score:3)
They plan to arrange 16 or 32 of these coils to form a torus.
Then cool all of them and energize all the coils.
At the center line they will get 20 tesla magnetic field.
From there they hope that is enough to contain a plasma, which will be introduced somehow into the center line without disrupting the toroidal field
Then the plasma will undergo fusion, release energy. They hope.
Then they will extract the energy, without disrupting the field, and without heating the coils above 20 K.
What happens if the cooling is disrupted?
Coils carrying several kilo amperes of current will suddenly have a non-zero resistance. The joule heating will melt all the coils in an instant. That much of heat could vaporize the cooling fluid, and the containment vessel can explode.
So most likely they will have material already in the ring, run the fusion reaction, show some calculations and estimates that it produced more energy than consumed for a few milli seconds. Thats the best you can expect in 2025.
What else could be happening in 2025 in power sector?
In 2025 the lithium ion battery is likely to be cheaper than 100 $ / kWh. Even in 2018 price of 150 $/kWh many retiring peaker power plants were being replaced by battery packs. At 100 $/kWh existing gas powered peaker plants will start being moth balled and replaced by battery packs. With 30 minutes of emergency power available in the batteries, all surge pricing will be gone from the power generation market.
Its like the solid state drive vs spinning magnets. SSD never beat magnetic discs in price ever. Eventually some features of SSD made it worth while to pay the higher price. Fusion is unlikely to beat solar/wind + batteries in price ever. May be it will have features and applications that solar+wind+batteries can't do. May be some time in the next century.
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At 100 $/kWh existing gas powered peaker plants will start being moth balled and replaced by battery packs. With 30 minutes of emergency power available in the batteries, all surge pricing will be gone from the power generation market.
Good thing peaker plants only need to run for 30 minutes at a time. /s
How it ACTUALLY works is that the big baseline (coal/nuclear/hydro*) plants operate at essentially a steady state, with very little headroom to increase capacity, and can't/don't change their output that much. Smaller (generally coal or gas boilers) plants are able to be brought online and offline as-needed, but this still takes hours to days to accomplish, and is generally planned well in advance. They can vary their output, but this s
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Solid 350 MW x 4 hours. That is the size. New peaker plant permit application backlog/pipeline is gone. Existing approved and funded plants nearing completion will be finished. Some will be finished and kept as reserve. Plants that have not reached point of no return are likely to be put on hold. Plants with permits but without actual investment are likely to be canceled.
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New peaker plant permit application backlog/pipeline is gone. Existing approved and funded plants nearing completion will be finished. Some will be finished and kept as reserve. Plants that have not reached point of no return are likely to be put on hold. Plants with permits but without actual investment are likely to be canceled.
Would love to see sources on that. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can't find any reliable information.
Solid 350 MW x 4 hours.
Good, now build 50 of them, that'll handle California's current peaker needs. Like I said in a different comment, I'm not saying it can't be done, but that just seems like a tremendous waste of resources. And it neglects the environmental damage done by the mining and processing of the raw materials needed. I'm on board with getting rid of fossil fuels, I just don't think mega-batteries is a drop-in
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It is a question of cost. Nothing else matters to the utilities. Batteries are cheaper than gas peaker plants. They will switch.
If you have the patience trudge through the full report: https://www.lazard.com/media/4... [lazard.com]
Or more readable version. https://www.nrel.gov/news/vide... [nrel.gov]
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Worldwide battery production capacity is at around 300 GWh. We need 700 GWh for USA, and 3.5 TWh for the whole world to retire all the peaker plants. That is 12 years
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A coal plant went off line at around 2PM in Australia, just ahead of evening peak hour. Had it happened a few years ago, grid would have collapsed and taken several hours to restore. Affected cities would have faced traffic chaos and worse.
But Tesla was working on a "virtual powerplant", 50,000 home power walls networked and under the control of Tesla. It was only 2% complete and Tesla had just 1000 home power walls. Those 1000 powe
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Yes, I've heard of the Megapacks. Some clarification on your units, first, though. VA isn't a capacity, it's an instantaneous power rating. You need to include Watt-Hours (WH) capacity in your napkin estimates.
Their Megapacks store 3MWH and can discharge at a rate of 1.5MW (so 1.5MW for 2 hours before it's flat-dead). Your 7.1GW number is incomplete as well, that's just their gas turbines or internal combustion sources. There is 10.2 GW additional need that is currently being filled by underutilized co
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What they have done is to take a small stack of 16 layers of coils, cooled it down to below 20 Kelvin, sent current and produced a magnetic field of 20 tesla at the peak.
Incorrect. They cooled the coils down to 92 K. These are YBCO high temperature superconducting coils, which can operate well above liquid nitrogen temperatures. That was the whole point of this construction effort. ITER uses liquid helium. SPARC uses liquid nitrogen, making the coils far more compact for the same magnetic field strength.
What happens if the cooling is disrupted?
Coils carrying several kilo amperes of current will suddenly have a non-zero resistance. The joule heating will melt all the coils in an instant.
It is considerably easier to maintain liquid nitrogen temperatures than it is to maintain liquid helium temperatures. Overclocker kids on YouTube do it routinely on th
Major advance (Score:2)
I'm pretty sure the major advance is a general delusion. We have been 99% of the way to practical fusion 99% of the time.
Oracle lawsuit in 3... 2... (Score:2)
SPARC? Really?
That's just asking for a litigious organization known for suing the shit out of anyone and everyone that gets remotely close to anything they own, and also known for having very deep pockets, to file "injunctive relief" against you.
Neutrons (Score:2)
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Like Thorium.
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Like Thorium.
Yes, exactly. And also practical (read: economically feasible) SMRs.
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Like Thorium.
The first nuclear power plant in Shippingsport PA used Thorium in the 1950s. The reason it wasn't used later on is that it doesn't make Pu and now that's what we like about it (proliferation resistant technology). But do go on telling us how technology we could make work in the 1960's doesn't work. The most expensive thing about nuclear fission are the lawsuits. As soon as we can legally get nuclear technology in a country without misled and ignorant anti-nuke types, it will be very cheap. Until then,
Re: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know... (Score:2)
Re: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know... (Score:2)
Re:I built a Fusion Generator (Score:5, Funny)
True story. I once had a somewhat gullible and eccentric friend who was a true believer of many Fortean phenomena -- pyramid power, cryptids, and most especially UFOs. He once built a UFO detector using plans he sent away for from an address advertised in the back of a ufology magazine; he assured me that this detector worked very well.
"How do you know it works?" I asked him.
"It goes off all the time!" he replied.
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Fortean? I haven't seen that word in a very long time. Is it the 1970's over here? I understand that it's the 1940's down in Texas. Time zones are amazing. East to west changes in hours. North to south changes in decades.
"How do you know it works?" I asked him.
How do you know that it doesn't?
Anyhow, I wanted to say something about pseudo-skepticism. You know, when people reject non-controversial science because it reminds them of something a magician once told them was silly nonsense.
You've seen it before. The guys who insist that quantum
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I think there's no neutrons expected for aneutronic fusion (lithium + deuterium to alpha particles). One US researcher even detected the expected helium, proportional to the heat generated. The problems, IIRC, are:
1) the lack of repeatability suggested there's unknown metallurgical defects in the palladium which are playing an important part,
2) no other metal ever worked
3) there's not enough palladium in the world make a significant amount of power.
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4) No evidence of fusion. This last one is the issue.
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The helium would be evidence of fusion, if corroborated.
Repeatability is indeed the issue.
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Amazing, unrepeatable fusion without neutrons or radiation, where do I sent my money?
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I think there's no neutrons expected for aneutronic fusion (lithium + deuterium to alpha particles).
That is only true if you use pure Li6.
Natural lithium is 92% Li7.
Re:I built a Fusion Generator (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem with cold fusion was the lack of any understandable mechanism, and the production of only a tiny fraction if any, of the neutrons expected for the heat reported. It wasn't nearly as bad as the EM drive, but still pretty embarrassing.
The lack of any understandable mechanism wouldn't be a problem if you could replicate the experiment and the alleged result. If you could do that, then there would be a lot of research and eventually understanding of the process.
The main problem with cold fusion was that noone was able to replicate the result, including the scientists making the initial claim.
This is just as medicine... Alternative medicine isn't medicine that works even though we don't understand how, it's medicine that can't be demonstrated to actually work in a controlled test.
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This talk covers the ability to replicate the result, including newer experiments that show time correlation between energy generation and helium generation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
The mechanism appears to be coupling between nuclear states and terahertz phonons.
Re: I built a Fusion Generator (Score:2)
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I understand that it's the 1940's down in Texas.
No, it's 632 AD there.
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You may have moved on past it, but the rabbit hole is still there to fall into. In fact it's bigger than ever thanks to the Internet.
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I would hope that the solar/wind advocates would be very happy about fusion power. Well, the investor class might not be too keen on it, but that's because their green and our green aren't quite the same.
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Don't count on it. If you've been pushing solar for 40+ years and finally have your place at the trough in Washington, you won't want to give it up so easily.
Re: I built a Fusion Generator (Score:2)
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There are many, many lobbyists in the "advocate" category. Non-profits, not-for-profits, push groups, PACs, etc.
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Fortunately, this article is related to hot fusion. The cold fusion fiasco has no bearing on it whatsoever. And the current efforts seem well-funded enough that skeptics will have little bearing on its success or failure.
The greatest roadblock to nuclear fusion will be the soon-to-be-entrenched solar/wind power interests. Well them and the oil industry, but I think even the oil industry knows that they could go the way of the coal industry very soon if they aren't careful. It's the "green" solar/wind crew that doesn't seem to understand that they, too, may soon be rendered obsolete.
I hope so. Don't get me wrong, I'm a proponent of wind and solar energy for several use cases and situations. But the near religious dogma that the greenies toss around about would have you believe windmills are fairy wings and solar panels are dragon turds. It's not fucking magic, people. It's tech. Good tech, but still just tech.e
Re: I built a Fusion Generator (Score:2)
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Really? On what do you base that? Once hot fusion is working, what possible value is there to ANY other power source?
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Solar is still useful for low cost moderate power remote deployments. Even now it can be cheaper than running power lines.
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The goal is to build small-scale fusion reactors. Lockheed is working on one for the military that will fit in the back of a truck. You can deploy and wire up a fusor pretty much anywhere.
Re: I built a Fusion Generator (Score:2)
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The whole point of nuclear fusion is insanely low cost. Think less than a penny per kW/h. Aneutrotic fusion produces no radiactive isotopes. Neutrotic fusion will slowly foul the reactor with neuton emissions, though it won't produce radioactive waste in the way we're used to from fissile reactors.
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I'll give BeauHD shit when he endlessly posts social justice posts, but this is entirely unnecessary. This is an interesting article.
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On Sept. 5, for the first time, a large high-temperature superconducting electromagnet was ramped up to a field strength of 20 tesla
Is the 45.5 Tesla magnet at the National High Magnetic Field lab made with high-temperature superconductors? I think that's the big deal here. 20 Tesla with a magnet made of high temperature superconductors.
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Is the 45.5 Tesla magnet at the National High Magnetic Field lab made with high-temperature superconductors?
Yes. The Florida MagLab magnet was made with REBCO [wikipedia.org], which is a high-temperature semiconductor.
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Re:lol @ you stupid pessimistic fools (Score:4, Insightful)
So, I think you read the wrong thing into that.
Fusion being 50 years away just means "we have no idea how to get there yet". The joke, which you've obviously heard, is that fusion used to be 50 years away in the 1950s, and it's still 50 years away in 2021. It's used to mean that "we don't know how to achieve it yet".
Something being 10 years away, on the other hand, means that "we know everything we need to know to get there, now it's just a matter of funding and construction".
It's not about optimism or pessimism, really. And it's not really about the actual time needed neither. In the 1940s, going to the moon was way "more than 50 years away". Then it happened at breathtaking speed.
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And I am saying that it ain't gonna happen. Fusion will never be cheaper than solar. Period. Solar has some deficiency which can be overcome mostly by storage and that combination will always be cheaper for 80% use cases. So the fusion power will have to compete with more expensive (but where solar is not suitable) 20% use cases.
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And fusion takes more energy than it produces, so the fusion is also "against laws of physics"? You don't understand the difference between physics and technology. There is nothing in physics which says roundtrip efficiency is limited to 25% (50% in each direction). But here is a link for you:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/... [sciencedirect.com]
This gives roundtrip efficiency for up to 66% for Hydrogen. According to eia.gov, 2 weeks of storage will be commercially economical by 2050. You can levelize winter/summer solar electr
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Re:Entrophy (Score:5, Informative)
> The problem with unlimited carbon-free energy is that eventually it gets turned into heat and we still warm the planet up
All of human civilization produces just under 168,000 Terawatt-hours of energy per year. Averaging that out and rounding off, that's 20 terawatts of power continuously.
The amount of solar energy hitting the Earth is about 173,000 terawatts.
So the whole of human activity represents just ~1/9000th of the total energy being added to the Earth. The problem is, with increasing atmospheric CO2, more of that 173,000 terawatts of solar energy is being trapped. An increase in capture of just 0.01% of that is roughly equal to the total energy production of mankind.
So yeah, don't worry about the heat rejection of powerplants warming up the planet. That's at worst a local problem, not a global one.