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China Power

World's Biggest Wind Turbine Shows the Disproportionate Power of Scale ( 201

China's MingYang Smart Energy has announced an offshore wind turbine even bigger than GE's monstrous Haliade-X. From a report: The MySE 16.0-242 is a 16-megawatt, 242-meter-tall (794-ft) behemoth capable of powering 20,000 homes per unit over a 25-year service life. The stats on these renewable-energy colossi are getting pretty crazy. When MingYang's new turbine first spins up in prototype form next year, its three 118-m (387-ft) blades will sweep a 46,000-sq-m (495,140-sq-ft) area bigger than six soccer fields. Every year, each one expected to generate 80 GWh of electricity. That's 45 percent more than the company's MySE 11.0-203, from just a 19 percent increase in diameter. No wonder these things keep getting bigger; the bigger they get, the better they seem to work, and the fewer expensive installation projects need to be undertaken to develop the same capacity.
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World's Biggest Wind Turbine Shows the Disproportionate Power of Scale

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  • by rossdee ( 243626 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:28PM (#61721229)

    is that the tips will be exceeding the speed of sound at any decent speed

    • by willy_me ( 212994 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:36PM (#61721287)
      With a circumference of 741.2 meters and the speed of sound at 343 meters / second - we are still a ways off. I doubt something like this will turn at a rate greater then 0.1 Hz. But it is crazy to think that at 0.5 Hz it is supersonic so you bring up a great point.
    • by BytePusher ( 209961 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:51PM (#61721359) Homepage
      They can spin slower the larger they get while pushing a gearbox with higher gear ratios. So they really do not need to spin faster than 343 m/s, which for this turbine would be approximately 0.5 rotations per second. More likely this is spinning sub 10 rpm.
      • by ytene ( 4376651 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @01:14PM (#61721507)
        Just like hydro-electric... Turbines in hydro-electric dams run at circa 35-75rpm... The don't need to go faster and the sheer pressure of water behind them means that they can still generate a stupendous amount of power.
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by cayenne8 ( 626475 )
        While I know in China, they will place these wherever the "party" damn well decides to.

        But in the US, with private property, property values and well, just people enjoying the scenery of many places they build dwellings....where realistically would we put such behemoth wind turbines if we were to do them here?

        I mean I have to guess there is a LOT of NIMBY factor to be overcome with these.

        • by HiThere ( 15173 ) <charleshixsn @ e a r t h l i> on Monday August 23, 2021 @03:07PM (#61722185)

          Well, there are lots of farms in the country where the land prices are rather low, and zoning requirements are rather minimal. I doubt they'd want to rent the land this was built on, but lots of farmers would be willing to sell a chunk of land, or perhaps give a 99 year lease. It might make the difference between being able to continue and going bankrupt.

          Now along the shoreline is a different matter. In that case it might need to be far enough off-shore to be out of sight, and THAT would make power transmission expensive.

        • by Socguy ( 933973 )
          The biggest wind turbines tend to go far off shore.
    • by DeathToBill ( 601486 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @01:23PM (#61721565) Journal
      It is a standard result in turbine engineering that the optimum power extraction happens at a ratio between the blade tip speed and the wind speed that depends only on the number of blades. For a three-bladed rotor, the optimum ratio is about 5. So as rotors get bigger, they turn more slowly and the tip speed remains about the same.
    • The bigger the propeller, the slower the rotation rate, to keep the tip speed fairly constant. If the tip speed were to get anywhere near the speed of sound the efficiency would decrease. I'm sure there is a design optimum tip speed as a function of wind speed.
  • by Alain Williams ( 2972 ) <> on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:30PM (#61721249) Homepage

    the area swept is proportional to the square of the length of the blades - see the Wind energy formula []

    • Re: (Score:2, Redundant)

      by burtosis ( 1124179 )
      Screw the wind area formula, the area of a circle is pi^2 * r this is grade school math these days. It would be surprising if 1.19^2 wasn’t 1.42. People who are suprised by this are also the ones suprised when a 1/12th scale model weighs about 1,728 times less and not 12 times.
    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      I think you're assuming that the shape of the blades remains constant, but that can't quite be true. As you scale up you need stronger blades, and you probably don't want to replace them as often either, so that means stronger yet. It's also likely to mean heavier, which will change the way it responds to quick changes in wind velocity and direction.

      IIRC, there are good reasons why extremely large wind turbines weren't built in the past, having to do with engineering problems. And that implies that desig

    • by Bengie ( 1121981 )
      And the velocity of the wind is a somewhat linear increase as they get taller. And energy increases with the cube of velocity. Energy extraction is closer to the cube than square.
  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:31PM (#61721253) Journal
    1.19 squared is 1.416 OMG Stop the presses! Just 19% increase in diameter increases the area of the circle by a whopping 41%

    Wait till the hear about increase in the amount of hot air in a sphere for a mere 19% increase in diameter!

    • Funny, but to be fair it does not look like the radius equals the blade length. So there is an undefined length from the centre (of the plane over which the blades travel) to the inside edge of the blade. Presumably this is where the blade connects to the rotor. And as one would expect, it only has a minor impact on the numbers (41% vs 45%).

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      a = pi * r^2 is apparently an advanced concept.

      • Personally I understand that the energy of the wind is proportional to the swept area, or radius squared. But it's less intuitive to me that the wind turbine captures energy in proportion to the swept area rather than the area of the blades. After all, out near the tips, the blades are only present in any one point for a vanishingly small fraction of the time.

        Imagine if you could harvest a constant fraction of the sun's energy in the "swept area" of a rotating strip of solar panels, instead of having t

        • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

          I'm not an expert and I suspect the actual situation is pretty complicated when you get into the details; I think the swept area rule is a pretty good approximation rather than a fundamental law.

          Decreasing the chord of a wing decreases the lift it generates, but decreasing the aspect ratio (increasing the chord, decreasing the span) also increases drag, so long skinny wings are more efficient. As you increase the span of the blades you either keep the aspect ratio the same, increasing the area, or you incre

      • It’s fifth grade math these days, that’s a bit too advanced for most science news sites.
    • .. when one of your input value is squared, increasing this variable to achieve higher results from the associated calculation is a very very good point to start optimizing. .. Damn you were faster ;)

  • The way it is written, it looks like it will power 3200 homes per year, and about 9 homes a day.

    What they really mean is, when it is running at full speed, it can power 80,000 homes. And the structure has an estimated life of 25 years.

    • by e3m4n ( 947977 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:48PM (#61721341)
      you have to take the number of homes rating with a grain of salt. The number of homes it can provide power to depends on two things.. peak production and peak load. If these 'homes' barely have 4 lightbulbs and a mini-fridge, thats going to result in a larger boast than say something with as much carbon footprint as say Al Gore's mansion. Then there is the difference between KW and KWh. One is a realtime load, and the other is total energy consumed. Peak load often happens during the day when AC units are under the biggest loads. Now if wind turbine is merely supplementing the power grid and not sustaining it, then other power sources can step in to fill the demand. In that scenario its really hard to say how many homes it really 'powers' but one could say that it meets the average energy consumption of X number of homes as measured in KWh. Its like saying this main water pump is capable of delivering water to 20,000 homes based on the average daily water consumption of every home. But if everyone of those homes gets up at 0600 on mon-fri and takes their showers between 0630 - 0730, you will find that pump, in fact, cannot provide any sort of meaningful water pressure to supply those 20,000 homes. Not without more of these pumps online to deal with the demand increase.
      • They mention the power rating, 16 MW. So 16000 kW for 20,000 homes. That is 800 Watts. Works out to 20 kWh per day, which is a decent estimate of energy use per smallish home per day. But since this is not going to be running 24/7 at full speed, it is a muddled best case scenario.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      when it is running at full speed, it can power 80,000 homes.

      80k American homes. Or 200k European homes.

      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        Really now? Do tell me how that math works for Central US vs Northern Sweden.

        It's almost like it's not about "what continent it's on" but "what latitude and climate it's in".

        • Math doesn't work in Central US; unless your an immigrant. Americans think a 1/4 burger is a better deal than a 1/3 burger. Not joking!

      • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )
        Not 200k Norwegian homes during winter at least, we are rather good wit insulation here ( dependent on buildings age etc) but most homes outside the larger cities ( and quite a few in them as well) are heated electrically that quickly adds up wne the temperature drops below 0C, and no unlike what some people belive, polar bears in the streets are not a common accurance anywhere ( whits the possible exception of Logjerbyen on Svalbard and they are not thst common their either)
  • How many we need? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:44PM (#61721321) Journal

    Every year, each one expected to generate 80 GWh of electricity.

    USA energy consumption is 5000 TWh per year. We need 62500 of these to power the country with these windmills alone. And also long term storage to make energy when the wind blows and then dribble it out as the demand arises.

    Promising technologies like compressed air energy storage, pumped hydro, hydrogen stored in the form of ammonia etc are on the horizon.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      People said the same thing when the push to get everyone on the grid was made. Think how many pylons (transmission towers) would be needed! So much steel!

      Same with the phone network, imagine all the copper and telegraph poles! You would have to cut down several large forests to supply all those.

    • We need 62500 of these to power the country with these windmills alone.
      And you have 400 million cars on the road. What actually is your problem with numbers?

    • by burni2 ( 1643061 )

      Just some numbers:

      In 2020 - 122 GW of electrical wind turbine power were already installed in the U.S.A.

      and contributed roughly 300 TWh (5,5%)
      hydro contributed 273 TWh
      solar contributed 107 TWh
      bio methane 58 TWh
      geo-thermal 16 TWh []

      • In the USA nuclear power produced 9% of all energy consumed, not just electricity but all energy, and we effectively stopped adding new nuclear power capacity in 1980. []

        We closed plants, built some new ones, upgraded some, derated others, but for the most part nuclear power in the USA ran rather steady at about 100 GW of generating capacity and about 90% capacity factor for the last 20 years or so. In spite of so few new power plants built in the last 40 years output increase

    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 )

      USA energy consumption is 5000 TWh per year. We need 62500 of these to power the country with these windmills alone.

      Gosh. That's a surprisingly low number. The US currently has 23,000 electric generators at 10,000 utility-scale power plants [], so the numbers for say 30% wind are the same order of magnitude.

      The cost per MW of generating capacity is currently about twice that for wind as it is for natural gas [], although I assume these mega-turbines will make them closer in cost. Once they're constructed, natural gas and wind will have about the same expected

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Clouseau2 ( 1215588 )

      62,500 sounds like a scary, big unachievable number until you realize that the US already has 57,000 wind turbines.

      In the not too distant future, a significant percentage of Americans will own an 80 kWh battery parked 23 hours a day and capable of storing almost 3 days of their home electrical needs. I'm being conservative here since multi vehicle households are common.

    • by tragedy ( 27079 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @11:16PM (#61723551)

      I can't find a cost for this, but an average price for utility scale wind is about $1.75 million per MW. At that price, this would cost about $28 million, but it might very well be considerably less (economy of scale again). So, $28 million times 62500 would be work out to about $1.75 trillion. Amortized over 25 years, that would be $70 billion per year and works out to about $213.29 per year per person in the US. Man that's cheap!

      Of course, you seem to be off on US energy consumption. I think maybe you're only counting electrical power. Total consumption appears to be more like 29,000 TWh. So about 6 times more than you say. So that would be more like $1,280 per person. Unless I've made a mistake somewhere, that's still pretty cheap, even if people had to pay it directly. Since a good portion of it is paid simply as part of the price of products and services, it stays pretty low. Obviously there's storage costs too, but numbers like this make it all seem pretty manageable.

      • Problem with "silver bullet" calculations like this is that the assumption being made is wind power will be the only source of power whereas in reality, its just one of a number of solutions
        • by tragedy ( 27079 )

          Oh sure, absolutely. I was really just replying to the GP who seemed to be implying that the number of wind turbines they were suggesting was somehow extreme when it actually seems pretty mild compared to existing energy exploitation infrastructure.

  • Curious (Score:4, Interesting)

    by pdfsmail ( 2423750 ) on Monday August 23, 2021 @12:54PM (#61721377) Homepage

    I wonder how much more material is needed to support those blades? A 19% increase in size would probably require a much stronger support tower. It will be interesting to see how it does once installed.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      It does seem to me installation and maintenance would overpower any scaling-based collection efficiency advantage. If you have just a few big units, what if you need to take 2 down after a big storm or what-not? Smaller ones would spread the risk out more, and be quicker to fix.

      • When you take down part of your power generating system you buy from the rest of the grid to make up the difference. It helps to plan these out so that demand doesn't spike due to some pathological case where everybody wants to do their maintenance on the first day of the quarter.

        When dealing with weather, you can't make it 100% reliable. Stuff is going to get flooded, winds are going to be too high in a region, or whatever. During an emergency, prioritize power and repairs to those with the most need.

        For t

      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        It's true that smaller ones allow you to spread the risk but they're also less efficient.

        Overall, it's actually very similar to most power generation. Smaller plants are better for overall reliability of the grid, because any of them going offline takes less capacity with them. But at the same time, they're less economical to run, resulting in worse economies of scale.

        Overall, healthy grids usually consist of both big and small in a careful balance, regardless of generators being nuclear, natural gas, hydro

      • Smaller ones simply fly away in a big storm.
        Big ones can weather a big storm.

        Or do your sky scrapers in the US fly away after each storm?

        • by HiThere ( 15173 )

          You might need to secure the blades during the storm. And tornadoes can be incredibly damaging to even large building. They may not fly away, but this doesn't mean they're usable afterwards.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      That has been one of the key technological breakthroughs. We're getting a lot better at making those tower structures stronger with novel materials and shaping them correctly to take the loads.

    • It’s a 19% increase in length. Thus all else equal, a 1.685x increase in volume and therefore in mass. Material cost is roughly equal to mass so the blades would cost roughly 1.685x more. This would be for a 41% increase in power, they don’t make it clear in the articles that bigger towers are a better cost per kWh long term but that has been the long running assumption.
  • I wonder if these could soak up enough energy out of storms to weaken them in sufficient quantities?

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Probably, but the places that you'd need to site them are largely open ocean. You need to extract the energy from the hurricane before it hits land.

  • You still need multiple turbines to have a reliable power.

    • Wow, you better tell them. I'm sure they're only planning on 1 big fan to power the whole planet, and that won't work at night or something.

  • At least all those windmills will keep them cool.
  • by Toad-san ( 64810 )

    at what point will all these windmills start impeding the rotation of the Earth?

    • I'm going to confidently say never. The earth and its atmosphere are a closed system floating around attached to nothing. The wind got its speed by pushing off something, so when it is slowed by pushing on something else, it cancels out. Nothing is being expelled from the planet at escape velocity so the net impact on the earth's motion is zero based on Newton's 3rd law.
      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        Actually, I don't think it's that simple. IIUC a lot of the basic wind energy comes from the Coriolis force. Still, conservation of momentum says that the momentum in the system should remain constant. Perhaps it would slow down the rotation of the moon via an interaction with the tides. There are so many layers of indirection here that I can't figure it out, but I can't imagine a noticeable effect within the lifetimes of the human species. (The moon's pretty heavy, and it's at the end of a long lever

        • I don't think so. Conservation of energy. No matter how much energy you extract from the wind or a storm, it's all going to be returned to the atmosphere as transmission losses ( heat ) and as heat as a result of doing work. Even the light from led bulbs will eventually be turned into heat when it is absorbed by your eyeballs or the walls of your room.
        • by bsharma ( 577257 )
          Coriolis force is a fictitious force (like Centrifugal force). Anyway, force has to move a distance to create work (energy). Wind energy is the result of wind, which results from large convection currents due to temperature differences on earth, both due to latitude (tilt of earth) and difference in specific heat (thermal capacity) between land and sea. Since these uneven temperatures are caused by sun's radiation, wind energy is just solar energy. Wind mills are parts of a giant heat engine (just as a tur
          • by HiThere ( 15173 )

            Being a "fictitious force" doesn't mean it describes a real effect, it means the main model describes it differently. And I'm not at all sure that tidal action isn't involved in powering the winds. Yeah, you've got the spinning earth, and this means that rising/sinking air tends to flow in a different path than straight up/down, but the tidal bulge is also involved there. Perhaps it cancels out in the equations, but I'm not sure.

            OTOH, it sure couldn't be a very large effect. Air isn't that massive compa

    • At None?
      Wow that was so easy ...

  • There have been experiments with such large wind power systems going on since about 40 years. In the 1980ies, the Germans built the Growian [] (Grosswindenergieanlage, Large wind turbine). It was rated at 3 MW installed power or 12 GWh output per year.

    At the time, Growian was a failure due to insuperable structural load and material problems. On the other hand, Growian had a two blade rotor, which is much more prone to them as even a small aberration from a straight line causes mounting second-order forces.

  • Wow! Look at all the additional energy the larger size turbine delivers. Energy, per turbine, goes up with size.

    But they offer no news of the relative cost, per kilowatt hour, of the larger size?

    Hmmm. Maybe the energy cost doesn't go down with the larger size? Maybe "economy of scale" isn't applicable here? (If the cost was lower, I'd expect that to be a near-the-top point in a puff piece like that. The absence of disclosure of relative cost looks telling to me.)

    • by burni2 ( 1643061 )

      Basically with such turbines and the mentioned 57% usage
      (80 GWh -=> constant power production of 9,1 MW and 0,57 = 9,1/16)

      Side note: even for offshore and such a big rotor 57% is a really really good site.

      Your cost per kWh will be below 0,045 USD because the 0,045 was reached for an offshore tender in the UK in 2019, and the cost reduction in wind power and especially for offshore wind power over the last 10 yrs. was dramatic in 2013 it was around 0,12,8 â/kWh - 0,142 â/kWh - so basically it h

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      I'd be really surprised if the first one had a lower cost/KWh. The second one might. And the third one likely would. The fourth one would only be built if it produced power more cheaply.

      You've got huge development costs embedded in the first one. For the second one you have the costs of developing the needed improvements you detected. For the third one you have the costs of developing the desirable improvements you detected. The fourth one should be able to just copy the third.

  • its three 118-m (387-ft) blades will sweep a 46,000-sq-m (495,140-sq-ft) area bigger than six soccer fields

    But will they win the World Cup?

  • 16MW? 20,000 homes? You sure? 1.25KW/home?
    • I think you divided that backwards, 800w average per home.

      That's just enough to power my 1500ft^2 townhouse (monthly average draw). But definitely not a more typical American single family home.

  • For those of us who have no idea how big a soccer field is (i.e., Americans), that sweep is 11.3 acres. Which is fucking crazy.

  • Yes larger turbines can extract more energy from the wind per turbine, but they also have to be spaced further apart so they don't "shade" each other. Even smaller, current sized terrestrial turbines have this concern.
  • Is it just me or does this seem a bit stingy 16MW /20k homes = 800W/ home, I can tell you something 800W is not enough for a moderen household, at least not one where cooling/heating is electric or cooking for that matter. Oh china, yea there usage/household mighypt be in that range but i doubt a lot in Europe/north America are, but hay it's nice to see developments
    • 800W times 24 hours a day times 30 days a month = 576kWh per month.

      The average US home is 877kWh, so yes, it is a low estimate for the US. For everywhere ELSE in the world, it's not a bad benchmark.

Seen on a button at an SF Convention: Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force. 1990-1951.
