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Robotics Television Technology

Russian State TV Shows Off 'Robot' That's Actually a Man In a Robot Suit (gizmodo.com) 120

A "hi-tech robot" shown on Russian state television turns out to be a man in a suit. While airing footage of a technology forum aimed at kids, a Russian state TV reporter proclaimed that Boris the robot "has already learned to dance and he's not that bad." Gizmodo reports: This "robot" actually retails for 250,000 rubles (about $3,770), as first reported by the Guardian, and is made by a company called Show Robots. "Boris" features glowing eyes, and plastic parts -- and shockingly human-like movements. Probably because he needs a human inside to operate properly. This faux-robot (fauxbot?) mystery was actually first unraveled when some eagled-eyed Russian viewers on the internet noticed that a suspiciously human-like neck was showing in the video. The report notes that "there's no indication" that there was intent to deceive anyone. Instead, it "appears to be a case of a TV presenter getting confused with what he believed to be 'modern robots.'" You can watch the broadcast on Russia-24's YouTube channel.
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Russian State TV Shows Off 'Robot' That's Actually a Man In a Robot Suit

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  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @02:16AM (#57796562) Journal

    We are now living in an Andy Kaufman sketch.

    • "The report notes that "there's no indication" that there was intent to deceive anyone. Instead, it "appears to be a case of a TV presenter getting confused with what he believed to be 'modern robots.'""

      let me get this straight, this story is nothing more than a tv presenter getting confused at a kids tech forum?

      why is it on slashdot? because the guardian got confused at 2nd hand, thinking it was an actual deception by those evil russian? the guardian do seem to be getting confused a lot about russians.

      • let me get this straight, this story is nothing more than a tv presenter getting confused at a kids tech forum?
        why is it on slashdot?

        Because the denials of the intent to deceive are just as ridiculously fake as most of the rest of what's on Russia's state-owned TV.

        If it comes from a Russian — especially, a government-connected Russian — it is more likely to be false than true and any presumptions and doubt ought to be in that direction.

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @07:26AM (#57797132)

      I can't help but it feels more like the world is turning into a Monty Python skit, complete with Terry Gilliam's art. I'm honestly waiting for a large, naked foot to stomp me.

    • People always said Heartbeeps was the worst sci-fi movie ever. And while it is one of my favorite movies, I always agreed; it was one of the best Romantic Comedies ever, but it would really suck if viewed as sci-fi.

      I'm now coming to understand that it was really a documentary about the future. And the lesson is, if you want to find happiness in the future, plan to recycle it at the dump while hiding from the authoritays.

    • Or a Simpsons episode.

  • But (Score:5, Funny)

    by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Thursday December 13, 2018 @02:16AM (#57796564)

    Can he spread fake news, like a real Russian bot?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Wow, next you'll tell me that yellow bird from Sesame street is not actually a bird but a man in costume?
    How is this news?

    • If all the major news outlets had run stories about "big yellow talking bird discovered", it would be news that it was just a guy in a costume. Russian Government TV claimed it was a robot filmed at some big robot showcase.

      For what it's worth, the robot showcase was real.

  • by sheramil ( 921315 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @02:39AM (#57796596)

    This "robot" actually retails for 250,000 rubles (about $3,770), as first reported by the Guardian, and is made by a company called Show Robots.

    Does it come with a human inside? This might be the only employment open to anyone in the future.

    • This "robot" actually retails for 250,000 rubles (about $3,770), as first reported by the Guardian, and is made by a company called Show Robots.

      Does it come with a human inside? This might be the only employment open to anyone in the future.

      Funny. That was my first thought too. $3,770 for my own personal Russian slave sounds pretty cheap.

      • by Type44Q ( 1233630 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @09:45AM (#57797686)

        $3,770 for my own personal Russian slave sounds pretty cheap.

        Until you open it up for service and discover an angry, thick-ankled babushka with a vodka habit...

        • $3,770 for my own personal Russian slave sounds pretty cheap.

          Until you open it up for service and discover an angry, thick-ankled babushka with a vodka habit...

          Who says that wasn't what I was hoping for?

      • by q4Fry ( 1322209 )

        Funny. That was my first thought too. $3,770 for my own personal Russian slave sounds pretty cheap.

        Would you say that it's the droid you were looking for?

    • Heh came to say the same thing. Make a "service dock" that the robot needs to be in for 8 hours a night (for sleeping and dumping human waste), and request to be paid in lithium batteries (which you resell for a wage).

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Pelevin did it.


  • by grep -v '.*' * ( 780312 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @03:17AM (#57796658)
    Link [wikipedia.org]

    Been there, done that. (Well, read about it anyway.)

    "The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player was a fake chess-playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854 ... the mechanism appeared to be able to play a strong game of chess against a human opponent

    The Turk was in fact a mechanical illusion that allowed a human chess master hiding inside to operate the machine."

    But I bet he couldn't dance worth a Pawn.
  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @03:34AM (#57796694)

    Where the Soviets showcase the glorious developments of Russian ingenuity in an international display of new appliances, where they demo a potato peeling machine. Demonstrating it to the politburo, the inventor picks up a potato from a bucket, throws it into the machine and a few seconds of working very quietly later, a peeled potato is thrown out of the machine. An apparatchik is overwhelmed with joy, takes the bucket and dumps it into the machine, which prompts a rustling and a small door opens where an old babushka looks out and cries "Please, not so many, I'm alone this week".

    • Where the Soviets showcase the glorious developments of Russian ingenuity in an international display of new appliances, where they demo a potato peeling machine. Demonstrating it to the politburo, the inventor picks up a potato from a bucket, throws it into the machine and a few seconds of working very quietly later, a peeled potato is thrown out of the machine. An apparatchik is overwhelmed with joy, takes the bucket and dumps it into the machine, which prompts a rustling and a small door opens where an old babushka looks out and cries "Please, not so many, I'm alone this week".

      There's lots of jokes like that: A Russian goes to a watchmaker and hands him a broken pocket watch. The watchmaker opens it up, peers into the watch with a magnifier and then pulls a dead flea out of the mechanism. The Russian lights up and says: "Ah! I understand, the engineer is dead!"

      • Soviet Russia created a lot of great jokes. Like the one about the Samovar.

        (should be read with original heavy Russian accent)
        Babushka working long time already in glorious Soviet factory producing samovar, working hard on conveyor putting together piece and piece of samovar. But alas, never had earned enough money for buying samovar. So went to leader from combine and pleaded case. Said "Dear comrade combine leader, I work many years already in glorious Soviet factory for samovar, but never have money for

        • So the Americans decide they need to steal the blueprints of the new advanced fighter jet from the Russians, build it, and learn all its secrets. They send their best spies and they manage to steal a set of blueprints. The best minds get to work, study the blueprints, manufacture all the parts, and assemble them, producing a bulldozer. They scratch their heads, disassemble the thing, check all the parts, measurements and instructions. They reassemble everything again and get a bulldozer. So they figure they

          • Glorious Soviet chemical engineering development plant made great plan to produce butter out of shit to once and for all eliminate world hunger, proving superiority of Soviet system for all humankind. Success rate so far is 50%. Spreads well already, taste still slightly off.

  • Seriously (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dunbal ( 464142 ) * on Thursday December 13, 2018 @03:36AM (#57796702)
    It's a kids show. Here's a spoiler for you - the big purple dinosaur called Barney is also (gasp!) a dude in a suit.
    • by aquabat ( 724032 )

      the big purple dinosaur called Barney is also (gasp!) a dude in a suit.

      Wait, what? Barney isn't a six foot penis? How can a dinosaur be purple or your best friend? That makes absolutely no sense.

    • Oh. Really?

      Umm.. you think I could get away claiming I didn't know? *hides gun behind back*

    • My friend was Barney at the carnival for 3 years.

      She wasn't a dude, she was an employee. But she did enjoy rounding up teenagers to visit the BB-gun booth, and gave them all Barney pictures to shoot up, and then autographed them.

  • Interesting, if anyone was fooled by that they kind of deserves it. Like reading an Onion news article and falling for it, you ought to know better.

    • Interesting, if anyone was fooled by that they kind of deserves it. Like reading an Onion news article and falling for it, you ought to know better.

      What about someone who may have signed up for dancing lessons from the robot?

      Asking for a friend.

    • Yeah, who would ever believe in razors with 5 or 6 blades! Obviously Onion. Also, Orange Man Bad; obviously Onion. Wake me up when the lizard people are on TV invading Earth.

  • Bet them Russian spies worked on that idea for 20 years when they stole that idea from the Beastie Boys : https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
  • by monkeyxpress ( 4016725 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @04:24AM (#57796810)

    How is this a news story? It needs to be put through the hype distortion machine first:

    In breaking news, the Russians have HACKED a robotics conference to plant FAKE robots. At a time when western nations faces the grave threat of EXTINCTION by the rise of machines, this sort of DECEPTION could only mean we have entered a dangerous new period of RUSSIAN artificial INTELLIGENCE operations.

    There, fixed.

  • by Plus1Entropy ( 4481723 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @05:24AM (#57796908)

    Humans pretending to be Russian robots?

    What's next, Russian bots pretending to be human?

  • the company never claimed that they are going to demonstrate a robot, the TV journalist claimed it.
    This is not a case of a corporate scum, but a stupid journalist.

  • Reminds of the book Amon Ra, where (spoiler below)
    the twist is that russians are dressing humans as robots to hide the fact that they are using them in suicide missions.

  • Yeah right. Next they'll be trying to get you to believe that Daft Punk are just two dudes in motorcycle helmets.
  • Maybe the guy just came back from planet Chapek 9.
    https://comedycentral.mtvnimag... [mtvnimages.com]

  • Does it suggest ideas for movies staring Adam Sandler?

  • That robot was another in along line of men in robot suits.
  • In Soviet Russia:

    Tech journalists do as little research as they do anywhere else before writing an article!


  • Next you'll be telling me that The Sniffer [wikipedia.org] isn't real either :(

  • All will soon be required to wear this suit and be directed by the government.
  • ZED [youtube.com] was a "robot" that made stand-up comey and singed italo disco song in the Italian thelevision during the '80s. Mr.ZED is still making stand-up comedy, in USA and Europe by the way. If you want to see a show with real robots... COMRESSORHEAD ROCKS [www.compressorhead.rocks]

Take an astronaut to launch.
