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New Material Could Up Efficiency of Concentrated Solar Power ( 80

An anonymous reader shares new work that could allow us to generate electricity using supercritical carbon dioxide. Ars Technica reports: The researchers involved in the new work, a large U.S.-based collaboration, focus on a composite material: tungsten and zirconium carbide. These have extremely high melting points: 3,700K for both materials. Both of them conduct heat extremely well, and neither of them expands or softens much under these conditions, meaning they would hold up better to the mechanical stresses. While the stats are impressive, the amazing part of this is how the material is fabricated. The researchers started with tungsten carbide, a ceramic that can be formed into a porous material simply by pouring it as a powder into a mold and heating it. At this point, the ceramic can be further machined to produce a final shape. Once in its final form, the ceramic was placed in a bath of a molten mixture of copper and zirconium. The molten mixture filled the pores, and the zirconium reacted with the tungsten carbide, replacing the tungsten. The copper in the molten material formed a thin film on the surface of the solid.

The tungsten then filled the pores in the resulting material, allowing it to retain the same shape and size despite the chemical changes. The zircon carbide ends up providing the material with a stiffness even at high temperatures, while the tungsten is flexible enough to keep the whole thing from being brittle. And the whole thing conducted heat better than the metals currently in use. The remaining issue is that, at the conditions involved in solar thermal plants, the copper on the material would react with the carbon dioxide, forming a copper oxide and releasing carbon monoxide. But the researchers determined that adding a small amount of carbon monoxide to the supercritical CO2 would suppress this reaction, something that they confirmed experimentally. Because the material holds up to these conditions so much better than the metals currently in use, it's possible to use much less of it to build a heat exchanger. This is great economically (since you need fewer raw materials), and the small size increases the power density and efficiency of the heat exchanger.

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New Material Could Up Efficiency of Concentrated Solar Power

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  • With this stuff you could make a really hot solar oven.

    But what are you going to cook in it?

    • Re:Then what (Score:4, Interesting)

      by blindseer ( 891256 ) <blindseer.earthlink@net> on Sunday October 21, 2018 @12:11PM (#57513120)

      With this stuff you could make a really hot solar oven.

      But what are you going to cook in it?

      Carbon dioxide. It says so in the article.

      My guess though is that they'll "cook" salts, melt some salts to the point they flow like water and they make very nice heat transfer materials for running brayton cycle turbines. These turbines can react quickly to changing power output demands, are quite small for the power output compared to other heat engines, and the salt works well for thermal storage over many hours if kept in a proper storage tank. All good stuff for replacing natural gas and oil to make electricity.

      Another application I can think of is to make hydrogen from the water for synthesizing fuels and fertilizers, as well as make some desalinated water as a byproduct for use in municipal water supplies.

      Also in the article is the potential use in making better natural gas and nuclear power plants. This is good stuff for energy production, finding something to "cook" is the least of the problems.

      • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

        Also in the article is the potential use in making better natural gas and nuclear power plants.

        Also, as more and more nuclear reactors are retired converting them to natural gas as their turbine and grid infrastructure is already built. That's a huge amount of embedded energy invested in concrete and construction logistics building that infrastructure. There is a huge opportunity for climate wins by re-using this infrastructure and converting it to natural gas.

        Plus operators or former nuclear plant can still generate profit on sites where they store nuclear material. You may even be in a positi

    • This material's strength at high temperatures allow it to be used as the "boiler" for a solar steam turbine.

      For a boiler like this you want the material as thin as possible to allow heat to flow through it rapidly, but it also needs to withstand an internal pressure of many atmospheres*. You also don't want it to melt through and fail if there is an interruption of flow in the heat transfer liquid.

      *73 atmospheres for CO2, 225 atmospheres for water.

      As an aside, it could also be used for the hot end of a Sti

      • It won't necessarily be at many atmospheres in liquid form. Sure CO2/water would need to be at high pressure, but you would use other molten materials that would not be near their boiling point which flow to a separate heat exchanger to heat the working fluid (probably water/steam) like the hot side of the Stirling engine you mentioned. To control power level and heat storage you just bypass part of the flow around the heat exchanger to an insulated supply tank. The place where you would need this materi
  • by Anonymous Coward

    This has much more applications than simply solar: Jet turbine blades, valves, piston and cylinder head coating for internal combustion engines. If this has the same tensile strength as Inconel at 3 times the temperature we can have 64% efficient engines.

  • One problem here is that both natural gas and nuclear plants also rely on heat exchangers, and there's no reason this material can't be used to boost their efficiency, too.

    I don't see a problem here.

    In fact such materials with such varied uses should be seen as a very good thing. Right now solar is the new pink... or something. Solar is fashionable. Solar power is getting a lot of backing right now from government funding, private funding, and just general popularity. With that there is leverage to divert some of that funding to this materials research. If they can get the people in natural gas and nuclear convinced it will help them too then they can secure more funding

    • One problem here is that both natural gas and nuclear plants also rely on heat exchangers, and there's no reason this material can't be used to boost their efficiency, too.

      I don't see a problem here.

      In fact such materials with such varied uses should be seen as a very good thing. Right now solar is the new pink... or something. Solar is fashionable. Solar power is getting a lot of backing right now from government funding, private funding, and just general popularity. With that there is leverage to divert some of that funding to this materials research. If they can get the people in natural gas and nuclear convinced it will help them too then they can secure more funding.

      Solar is in the news a lot because it's easy to implement on a personal scale. I think that you'll see a lot more articles over the next 5 to 10 years concerning the development of tidal and wave powered generators. These would be particularly beneficial in North-East US/Canada where NIMBY is stalling the installation/expansion of offshore wind farms.

      • Solar is in the news a lot because it's easy to implement on a personal scale.

        Maybe I'm nit picking here but this is not the kind of solar that can be implemented on a personal scale. This new material is only helpful on solar thermal systems, and not the kind used for household water heaters either.

        I think that you'll see a lot more articles over the next 5 to 10 years concerning the development of tidal and wave powered generators. These would be particularly beneficial in North-East US/Canada where NIMBY is stalling the installation/expansion of offshore wind farms.

        Tidal and wave power have problems with silt in the water causing incredible wear on systems. If it's not the technical problems that sink tidal and wave power then it will be a different kind of NIMBY that don't want to see fish habitats getting disturbed or something.

        Another thing is

        • Tidal and wave power have problems with silt in the water causing incredible wear on systems.
          Strange that neither the power plants nor the power plant operators know that.

          Tidal, wave, solar, and whatever else they are working on, won't come to market for at least a decade.
          Well, if you start building a nuclear power plant now, I guess it will be online in 20 years.

          Wave power plants work like wind plants. You can put one online every few days ...

          And I don't get what you mean with "market" ... you can buy the

        • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

          Another thing is that if global warming is a problem that needs a solution RIGHT NOW then we need nuclear power.

          I think the main problem with your argument is that you don't have all the facts and refuse any given to you. Therefore your statements don't have any credibility.

    • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

      One problem here is that both natural gas and nuclear plants also rely on heat exchangers, and there's no reason this material can't be used to boost their efficiency, too.

      I don't see a problem here.

      The material would have to be tested for how it behaves under Neutron bombardment.. That's the thing that limits the life of all nuclear reactors to a few decades. The older they get the more brittle the reactor vessel becomes and the more likely they will have a Loss Of Cooling Accident or LOCA. That the reason a lot of utilities opt to shut them down early.

      Solar is fashionable.

      The sun is always stylish, I've noticed it's always so radiant.

      Solar power is getting a lot of backing right now from government funding, private funding, and just general popularity.

      Not according to the 2005 US Energy Act. Solar can't access any funding through it

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Sunday October 21, 2018 @12:36PM (#57513276)

    ... if the best source for supercritical carbon dioxide turns out to be burning coal.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      supercritical co2 just means normal co2 under very high pressures. It is the best way known to move heat from one place to another for a long list of reasons including: it absorbs heat very quickly, it has high heat capacity, it moves like a liquid, it can be easily pumped, and can be forced to quickly give up/release heat (by lowering pressure), it has a relatively low operating pressure/temp compared to other gas supercritical points, and finally it is just harmless, abundant, non-corrosive, non-toxic co2

      • Sounds like a replacement for Freon.

        • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

          by Anonymous Coward

          and indeed it is. The reason I suspect it isn't more popular is that 1500+ psi valves/etc. tend to cost about 10x as much as their 200-300psi counterparts.

  • I'm sure someone already thought of this but (3700K 273.15) × 9/5 + 32 = 6200.33F --> maybe this stuff could be used on hypersonic aircraft or spacecraft heat shields.

    • maybe this stuff could be used on hypersonic aircraft or spacecraft heat shields.The material is a mix of tungsten metal, tungsten and zirconium carbides and zirconium metal, with minor copper. Densities of 19.3 - 17.6 (g/cc ~= Mg/m^3, room temperature to melting point, W), 15.6 to 6.7 (WC to ZrC, proportions unclear) and 6.5 - 5.8 (Zr). Those densities are not good for flying anything. Indeed, if possible, for moving at all.

      Back in the early 1980s, I had an exam exercise to work out whether aluminium or c

  • by slashmydots ( 2189826 ) on Sunday October 21, 2018 @06:45PM (#57514682)
    Fun fact: if you look at the last 10 years of slashdot stories about miracle efficiency improvements, they're now around 570% efficient.
  • Here we've got this new composite material that's a superb thermal conductor at high temperatures. No, we can't be bothered to tell you what the thermal conductivity is.

    Read the Nature article and the best they can do is say it's 2 to 3 times better than existing materials, iron and nickel. That means its thermal conductivity is somewhere near 220 (metric units). Copper is about 400, so we're not going to be using this stuff in computer heat sinks.

  • Most of the 3d printed "metals" these days are a matrix that requires further processing. Something like this could enable _real_ 3D metal printing.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
