Cody Wilson, 3D-Printed Gun Pioneer, Arrested In Taiwan (reason.com) 476
Cody Wilson, maker of the first 3D-printed plastic gun, has been arrested in Taiwan. Long-time Slashdot reader SonicSpike quotes Reason:
Earlier this week, Texas police issued a warrant for his arrest. Wilson, they claimed, found a woman on sugardaddymeet.com, a website that requires all users to assert they are 18 or over, then met her and paid for sex with her. Police say the woman was actually 16, which made that act a violation of Texas penal code 22.011 (A)(2)(a), regarding sex with a minor, which is legally considered sexual assault regardless of consent or payment.
While Taiwan has no formal extradition treaty with the U.S., and Wilson was not said to have been doing anything directly criminal in Taiwan, the press there reports that he was arrested without incident because the U.S. had revoked his passport, making his mere presence in Taiwan illegal. (The U.S. government has the power to revoke the passports of people facing felony arrest warrants.) Wilson was then, according to The New York Times, "delivered...to the National Immigration Agency" in Taiwan. It is expected to deport him to the U.S. to face those charges, which carry a potential 2 to 20 years in prison and $10,000 fine.
A reporter for Ars Technica visited Wilson's home weapons printing company, and was told that "A management restructuring is coming." But they also contacted Adam Bhala Lough, who directed and wrote a documentary film about Wilson. Prior to Wilson's arrest, Lough argued that "Without Cody, it can't last. It's like Tesla and Elon Musk, you can't separate the two.
"If he comes home and faces the music, there is a chance Defense Distributed will survive because it is a totally independent company without a board or any regulatory body. And the buyers of these products -- not to generalize, but at least the ones I met while doing the documentary -- they won't care about buying a product from an [accused] pedophile. In fact they may be even more emboldened by the idea that Cody was 'set-up' or that it is a 'deep-state conspiracy' against him, even if (or when) he admits to it."
While Taiwan has no formal extradition treaty with the U.S., and Wilson was not said to have been doing anything directly criminal in Taiwan, the press there reports that he was arrested without incident because the U.S. had revoked his passport, making his mere presence in Taiwan illegal. (The U.S. government has the power to revoke the passports of people facing felony arrest warrants.) Wilson was then, according to The New York Times, "delivered...to the National Immigration Agency" in Taiwan. It is expected to deport him to the U.S. to face those charges, which carry a potential 2 to 20 years in prison and $10,000 fine.
A reporter for Ars Technica visited Wilson's home weapons printing company, and was told that "A management restructuring is coming." But they also contacted Adam Bhala Lough, who directed and wrote a documentary film about Wilson. Prior to Wilson's arrest, Lough argued that "Without Cody, it can't last. It's like Tesla and Elon Musk, you can't separate the two.
"If he comes home and faces the music, there is a chance Defense Distributed will survive because it is a totally independent company without a board or any regulatory body. And the buyers of these products -- not to generalize, but at least the ones I met while doing the documentary -- they won't care about buying a product from an [accused] pedophile. In fact they may be even more emboldened by the idea that Cody was 'set-up' or that it is a 'deep-state conspiracy' against him, even if (or when) he admits to it."
Does anyone really believe the government here? (Score:2, Interesting)
This absolutely doesn't smell right. And governments have been known for "setting examples" and taking out vendettas against those who would challenge them.
Yes (Score:3, Interesting)
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Um... where I'm from (Score:2)
Re:Yes (Score:5, Insightful)
A 16 year old isn't a child? What the heck are you talking about? Literally and legally, a 16 year old is a child. That's why we imprison people who fuck 16 year olds.
No, biologically and by the standards of the past few thousand or so years of human society, a 16 year old is an adult. Treating them like a child is an extremely recent cultural development due to the increased length of education typically required to get a job rather than any actual biological or physiological reason. In fact, many/most places in the US (and across the world, for that matter, including most of Europe) actually have the age of consent at 16, not 18. It's also certainly not pedophilia: by definition, pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent individuals. Any 16 year old who is still pre-pubescent has a rather extreme developmental disorder, which I suspect is not the case here.
Re:We treat them like children (Score:5, Insightful)
because a) their reasoning abilities aren't fully developed
Look around you. How many people do you actually believe have fully developed reasoning abilities?
Fully Developed means something else (Score:3)
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Re:We treat them like children (Score:4, Insightful)
An older adult that's trying to hook up with 16 year olds is a sleaze-ball regardless of whether it's legal or not. However, there are a lot of problems if you try to base adulthood around reasoning abilities. It's as arbitrary as age and there's likely going to be some people who never make the cut. Who is responsible for those people who are stuck being "children' for the rest of their lives?
Personally I think if you want to have a fair and useful measure, don't grant someone legal adulthood status until they can show they can be self-sufficient. If a person can't handle that, they probably can't handle the legal or other responsibilities (selective service) that come along with it. Even then, I don't know if I would want to go around telling people who are biologically adults that they're not allowed to have sex because they can't reach some arbitrary threshold. Similarly, there are some kids who had to grow up fast and can support themselves at 17, and at that point I can't see why I should have any right to tell them (in a legal sense, not as a matter of opinion or general speech) what they can or can't do with their body.
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I remember being 16, and fucking 16 year olds. 16 year olds, can, and do, fuck. With gusto. Damn you bet.
Re:Yes (Score:5, Informative)
Wrong, in plenty of states in the USA young women can get married at 16. As is true in many countries.
16 is not a child, female would be sexually mature then.
Pedophile means attraction to child that is not sexually mature.
Ephebophilia is sexual attraction to adolescents, could say in many places this would be the crime he is guilty of... but depends on region.
You're confused.
Sure, 16 is too young I think, but the law says otherwise in half the earth including your country.
Re:Yes (Score:5, Informative)
Who is "we"?
About half the US population live in states where they do not, in fact, imprison people who fuck 16 year old - 31 states set the age of consent at 16.
14 isn't uncommon in South America and Europe.
Unsurprisingly, your "we" doesn't actually run the entire world.
Re:Yes (Score:5, Insightful)
Nope, you are FUCKING (pardon the term) WRONG.
Age of consent is 16 in MOST states -- 31 of 50, and D.C. It's 17 in 8 states and 18 in just 11.
https://www.ageofconsent.net/s... [ageofconsent.net]
And it's not like he nabbed her off the street. He met her BECAUSE SHE SIGNED UP ON A HOOKUP SITE. So don't give me any "innocent victim" shit. She wasn't sold into slavery and she wasn't abducted. SHE WENT AND SIGNED UP ON A SITE SO SHE COULD FUCK OLD GUYS AND GET MONEY FOR IT.
Re:Yes (Score:5, Insightful)
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And we should. We should also severely punish legal guardians who let their children engage in dangerous and/or illegal activities, like signing up for prostitution web sites and meeting clients (as in this case), or commit felonies (in other cases).
The legal guardian is, and should be, responsible for the actions of the child.
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No, not even in USA. Have a look at how many states a female can get married at 16. Apparently, it's legal to fuck a 16 year old in half the USA, if married.
Taiwan has nothing to do with this. (Score:2)
The (alleged) sex happened in Texas. He was traveling on business (after the (alleged) sex) when the State Dept revoked his passport. Taiwan is simply deporting a foreign national with revoked documentation.
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Legal age for marriage for female in Texas is 16.
"Pedophile", ha nope.
Yes... (Score:2)
I forgot that I read that, dammit. Thanks.
But the trip had already been scheduled.
Re: Yes (Score:2)
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What did he do to anger you so much?
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Re:Does anyone really believe the government here? (Score:4, Insightful)
Yep, it smells like the "rape" accusations against Julian Assange... Neither Wilson's "assault", which allegedly consisted of a consensual sex with a 16 y/o prostitute, nor Assange's "rape", which was alleged to have consisted of not using protection in an otherwise consensual encounter — were anything close to what's normally associated with the highly loaded terms used to describe the actions ("sexual assault", "rape").
Both men have greatly inconvenienced the US government shortly before these allegations came to light, however...
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Except for the part where both acts were illegal on the jurisdiction where they were committed. Maybe she shouldn't have pulled his cock out on Sweden and stuck to screwing sleeping American women instead. Maybe Wilson should have had sex with a 16 year old prostitute in Sweden instead.
Just because something doesn't fit your definition doesn't make it legal.
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My norms are based on the English language — where the word "rape" has a particular definition [princeton.edu]. Declaring other things equivalent to it does not make them so — meatless meatballs aren't magically turned into meatballs by a declaration.
Breaking the partner's trust, as Assange is alleged to have done, is wrong. And it may be illegal. But it does not make him a rapist.
And that's all assuming, these things have rally happened too...
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Re:Does anyone really believe the government here? (Score:4, Insightful)
Both men have greatly inconvenienced the US government shortly before these allegations came to light, however...
And what?
The US government got a 16 year old to join sugardaddy.com and manipulated Wilson into messaging and arranging an encounter with her?
The US government got Assange to play fast and loose with a couple sexual liaisons, then convinced the women to file complaints?
Here's another theory, people with huge egos who play loose with the law in one area tend to do the same in other areas as well.
It's also true that making yourself notorious might cause people to walk by your closets to see if any skeletons are peaking out. We don't know the details of the case against Wilson to know if that was the situation here but it's certainly possible Wilson was only caught because he was already under scrutiny.
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It's far more likely that she was caught for a minor offense, marijuana possession over some arbitrary limit being a very real possibility, and offered up her sugar daddy to get out of the charges. That would look bad if the DA had to disclose it, so the caring and compassionate police officers referred her to counseling in another jurisdiction. The counselor has mandatory r
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For what it's worth, I think I remember hearing that it went something like this (not sure though, could be wrong):
Assange pretended to put on a condom to get one woman to agree to sex with him, and after having protected sex with another woman (who presumably insisted on checking that he had put on a condom), initiated further unprotected sex while she was asleep. Neither woman i
The government isn't particularly concerned with.. (Score:2)
... plastic zip guns that are as dangerous to the wielder as anybody else. If this guy had a machine shop cranking out ARs, that would raise an eyebrow.
But if it's fun to think that, carry on.
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Not really. Uncle Sam doesn't like to lose a fight and will resort to dirty tactics. This isn't even a second amendment issue this is a freedom of speech issue. All he did was distribute a file containing 3d models of parts. And yes it is perfectly legal to manufacture a firearm for personal use as long as it follows guidelines like barrel length and ammo capacity.
Re: Does anyone really believe the government here (Score:4, Insightful)
First off as a veteran of the Vietnam conflict I do not believe you understand what communism is.
Second, Cody Wilson is not the father of 3D do it yourself gun projects.
Third what the hell is with you crazy people blaming a child???? I am now 74. Someone of the age of 16 is not fully developed.
it is absolutely disgusting that anyone who considers them self a conservative nor libertarian would result into such hideous victim-blaming of a child.
Re: Does anyone really believe the government here (Score:5, Informative)
No, someone IN THE STATE OF TEXAS of the age of 16 is not fully developed. FIFY.
In the United States, every state has it's own age of consent [wikipedia.org], with the most common being age 16. Yes, that's right, 16. Unfortunately for Cody, his love making was done in the state of Texas, where the legal age of consent is 18. If he had simply been living up north by one state, he might not be in such hot water.
Re: Does anyone really believe the government her (Score:4, Insightful)
Unfortunately for Cody, his love making was done in the state of Texas, where the legal age of consent is 18. If he had simply been living up north by one state, he might not be in such hot water.
Incorrect. Regardless of the age of consent, BUYING sex from someone under 18 is generally very illegal.
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Found the ad hominem fallacy.
But I guess it is easier to ignore the fact that the age of consent varies from state to state, country to country and try to trivialize the issue with a flippant sound bite then have a rational discussion if it is too low or too high.
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Might as well treat all consensual sexual encounters as pedophilia.
That's the point of so many laws, many of them conflicting. So many Federal laws alone that they've been unable to count them. It's been said that the average person commits three felonies a day..
"You're all criminals, but we'll generously choose to not prosecute you for now, as long as you stay in line, keep your mouth shut, and obey."
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Strat, it was a Texas law that got Cody Wilson in trouble. Conservative, freedom-loving, libertarian, come-and-take-it Texas. I know you have an axe to grind, but this wasn't the federal government to blame.
When someone breaks a state law and then flees, the state sends a request to the state department to extrad
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Strat, it was a Texas law that got Cody Wilson in trouble. Conservative, freedom-loving, libertarian, come-and-take-it Texas. I know you have an axe to grind, but this wasn't the federal government to blame.
That'[s why I'm a small-"L" libertarian, and not a Christian-Right conservative. I know it was Texas State law, not Federal law. That was not the point and you well know it. Don't be deliberately obtuse.
The point was that this was a use of selective enforcement at the very least, and quite likely judging from past government behaviors, that it was a deliberate, orchestrated setup from the beginning to take down someone they considered a "problem".
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But this is where your logic breaks down. Why would the attorney general of the state of Texas think Cody Wilson was a problem? Why would they target him.
Because the Texas AG first off likely had little to do with a local prosecutor's decision to prosecute, and that local prosecutor likely had significant pressure applied by the Federal government and many others who don't want to see the Liberator 3D printer files be posted to the internet, and the prosecutor may even be a Democrat, IDK. Heck, he may have simply received an "anonymous tip" from an FBI agent and was just doing his job. Also, since this "technically" is not about the 2A, not sure how that wou
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There is also the possibility that the local prosecutor found out about an alleged rape and is doing his duty, just like he or she would do in any other case of alleged rape.
Yep, he got right on it after receiving that "anonymous tip" from the FBI who illegally had Wilson under heavy electronic surveillance. After all, Wilson's 3D Liberator files were an existential threat to those more-authoritarian regimes we have a cozy intelligence relationship with.
If the Deep State will illegally surveil Congressmen, journalists, and POTUS candidates, it's rather a given they'd have Wilson under a microscope. Anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or hopelessly blind and naive.
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Its. "Spouting". Stupid beta male retard motherfucker.
Hey - he's an amoeba, you insensitive clod!
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Wtf? Being attracted to a female with a body capable of bearing a child is not paedophilia.
Society determines an arbitrary cut-off at which women are considered old enough to consent to sex. That cut-off varies by jurisdiction but doesn't change the fact that men are attracted to the fully physically developed female form.
Re: Does anyone really believe the government here (Score:5, Insightful)
> Someone of the age of 16 is not fully developed.
Devils advocate: /sarcasm As opposed to someone who is 18 years old?
Who determines what this "magic age" is? Because it certainly varies from female to female.
Define "fully developed". Do you mean biologically? Mentally? Emotionally? Because female teenagers mature faster then male teenagers.
In my limited experience I've known some teeagers who wise WELL beyond their years (behaved like a 40 year old), and known 30 year olds who behaved like dumb teenagers.
History and numerous civilizations has shown that "if she is old enough to bleed then she is old enough to breed" -- and while we can criticize this past mentality I'm not so sure there is an EXACT "magic" age that determines when a girl becomes a young woman and is fully cognant of the consequences of her choices. Hell, some *adults* aren't even!
This mentality of equating "16 years old female teenager is a child" depends LARGELY on social norms and subjective judgements. There is no "absolute" test you can do to determine if a female is a woman; it is a gradient.
That said, probably the *best* way to determine is to ask the father or mother: At what age of your daughter would you feel comfortable knowing she is having sex?
I'm willing to bet most would say late 20s.
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I don't see the historic acceptability of marrying off young women as being exculpatory. For the vast majority of human history, the strong took what they wanted. That worked great for the strong, so it persisted, but I wouldn't claim that robbery should be tolerated because it was once the modus vivendi.
The guy is alleged to have solicited a 16-year old for sex. She wasn't legally old enough to consent to the sex or the contracted exchange. So no magic number is required.
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I don't see the historic acceptability of marrying off young women as being exculpatory.
A lot of men are not seeing the acceptability of marrying a woman at any age now.
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> Someone of the age of 16 is not fully developed.
Devils advocate: /sarcasm As opposed to someone who is 18 years old?
Who determines what this "magic age" is?
Young people will become mature at the age they are allowed to become mature. My grandparents were married at 13. My wife and I married shortly after she turned 18. Today, marriage is pressing the limits of female fertility.
The whole concept of teenagers was an invention. http://www.ushistory.org/us/46... [ushistory.org] It did make sense, but introduced a lot of complexities. Whereas once the evolution and survival of the species provided puberty and adulthood in the early teens, we sensibly stretched it some to allow
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"I even saw a Ted talk by a woman claiming that women were biologically designed to start having children after 35 years old"
That's crazy talk.
At the age of 31, 50% of women are subfertile!
Between the ages of 30 and 40, live birth rates from a conception almost halves!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
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The whole concept of teenagers was an invention. http://www.ushistory.org/us/46 [ushistory.org]...
No, it's not. I take your article and raise you "Northanger Abbey", a book published in 1817 which more or less has the plot (heavily summarised) "teenagers are a bit silly". Now how on earth could that be a thing if teenagers didn't even exist then?
Maybe the word teenager wasn't used, but adolescents exist, always have and always will. There are even scientifically measurable brain changes that happen during adolescence.
Re: Does anyone really believe the government here (Score:5, Insightful)
Should a 17 year be banned from federal positions for life due to an an alleged wrestling match with a female peer?
Only if male. If female, it was her choice.
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Gee, someone dumb enough to fight another man's rich war pretends that this gives him a special privilege of understanding systems of government and the rest of the civilians are unable to understand this insight. Maybe you study history to understand WHY "The pen is mightier than the sword."
All you have done is traded one form of propaganda for another. But keep trying to justify that your immoral killing and archaic violence "magically" gives you a leg up to understand morality. What a fucking hypocrite.
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Someone of the age of 16 is not fully developed.
By what criterion? In history, countries had regents of that age - see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] - and quite obviously a lot of humans have sex at that age, also in current time - see e.g. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p... [nih.gov]
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> First off as a veteran of the Vietnam conflict I do not believe you understand what communism is.
Same goes for you. You don't even understand what MIGHT give you some standing to preach to someone else about their ignorance of communism.
This is ironic because I was just discussing this very topic with an actual ex-Soviet today.
The Soviets didn't even bother with the pretense of a legit looking prosecution. The coffee klatch at your office could rat you out and get you sent to a gulag.
I bet you will loo
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Didn't happen in Taiwan (Score:2)
It happened in Texas. He left for Taiwan on a previously scheduled business trip after the encounter before the cops could arrest him. It seems to be unknown if he was aware the cops were after him when he got on the plane.
However, he missed his scheduled return flight, which seems mighty similar to avoiding prosecution.
The US Dept of State reserves the right to revoke AmCit passports for fugitives. They did so in this case, which dodges the entire extradition issue. Taiwan simply arrests him for illega
Oops (Score:2)
I was just reminded that he WAS told by a friend of the victim that the police were looking for him.
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I'll add that it is absolutely disgusting that anyone who considers them self a liberal would result into such hideous victim-blaming of a child. Basically, no one should victim-blame a child.
You need to do some web research on Asia Argento. Anthony Bourdain's ex girlfriend, and one of the founders of the #metoo movement.
She carried on an affair with an underage male - indeed getting nude images of him starting when he was 12. First she denied it, then the pictures of her enjoying a nice post priandal nsp with the boy surfaced. Then she claimed the child forced himself on her. Then after paying the child a settlement, she claimed that Bourdain forced her ot pay the settlement. Then she decide
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No. Bogus sex charges are used BY the new communists in the US.
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How exactly is going to a web site to purchase a prostitute, then bringing that prostitute (who must have looked quite young) to a hotel, fucking said prostitute, then paying prostitute in cash "a set up", exactly? Do you know what "a set up" means in this context?
Not the prostitution (Score:3)
I think he means the suspicious part is that she was underaged. There is a vast difference between solicitation and statutory rape. A solicitation charge will generally result in a fine or a very short stint in jail. Stat. rape is a felony and you will probably wind up in actual prison (not merely jail).
I think the idea seems plausible at least in part because the website supposedly screens everyone to be over 18. However, I really doubt they are trying that hard.
On the other hand, the setup theory impl
Re:Does anyone really believe the government here? (Score:5, Interesting)
Well I don't disagree with what you're saying, but ultimately Cody did do something really stupid and put himself out there.
I'm a pretty solid constitutional, so I do support his case. But Wilson's always had a somewhat well deserved reputation for having a real big ego. And in doing so he left himself open for this kind of attack, not to mention that he was on a rather scuzzy looking website to begin with. That was just flat out a damn stupid thing that he did.
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> Yeah, cause we know how anti-gun the government in Texas is.
Depends on who they work for. Feds in Texas will happily do their best to fuck over our local health care providers by trying to criminalize billing errors that Blue Cross wouldn't blink at.
Beware character assasinations (Score:5, Insightful)
Any time a person in the government's crosshairs gets arrested on a sex crime or pedophilia charge, be VERY wary of believing it.
Anyone remember what happened to the IMF Director who was stupid enough to challenge [theguardian.com] the supremacy of the U.S. dollar?
Re:Beware character assasinations (Score:5, Informative)
Why? What evidence do you have?
" In a TV interview in September, Strauss-Kahn admitted that his liaison with Diallo was a moral fault and described it as "inappropriate""
"According to a report in L'Express Strauss-Kahn admitted to attempting to kiss Banon."
Your example is a guy who admits that he cheats on his wife and admits that he at least tries to sexually assault women. I don't think you know how this whole "argument" thing is supposed to work.
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Well, that's the reason there is a presumption of innocence. They've got to bring this guy before a Texas jury and make a case beyond a reasonable doubt.
That's a pretty high bar to hit.
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of prosecutorial abuse, but mostly it targets people who can't afford to defend themselves. Texas is one of the worst states in the country in terms of spending on and independence of public defenders. So if this guy can scrape together enough money to hire his own lawyer, the prosecutor
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No they don't. They only have charge him publicly and get it in all the newspapers. Then his reputation is destroyed, he's kicked out of any positions of authority or power he's currently in, and no one will associate with him or support him ever again. No one will give a shit when the charges are dropped months later or he's later found innocent.
You think the IMF gave Strauss-Kahn his job back when the sex assault c
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"Without Cody, it can't last." I highly doubt that (Score:2)
While the person the interviewed for this article is right in saying that Cody Wilson is the 'face' of his group, he was far from the driving force behind it. In fact Defense Distributed wasn't really even the driving force behind his recent judicial win against the DOJ. He had major backing from multiple pro second amendment groups, most notifiable the Second Amendment Foundation. Which is the same advocacy group that provided a lot of the legal aid legal muscle behind both the Heller and McDonald SCOTU
Re:"Without Cody, it can't last." I highly doubt t (Score:5, Insightful)
Not really known to be totalitarian anti gun anti second amendment state.
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The arrest warrant was issued by Texas.
Not really known to be totalitarian anti gun anti second amendment state.
As I suspect you actually understand, Texas isn't even close to a monoculture. The affidavit [documentcloud.org] leading to the arrest warrant was issued by the police department of the well-known liberal hotbed of Austin. The application for warrant was signed by magistrate judge Tamara Needles [ballotpedia.org], a Democrat.
Other than all that, spot on.
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What am I missing on this 3D printed gun thing? (Score:4, Informative)
I'd be much better of using my drill press, saw, dremel, files, etc. if I really wanted to make a gun.
Really well made guns are way cheaper and easier than a homebrew, and unfortunately getting them illegally is all too easy here in Chicago from what I can tell.
What am I missing in this debate about 3D printed guns?
Re:What am I missing on this 3D printed gun thing? (Score:4, Insightful)
The media is doing its usual job of scaring the low intelligence crowd with headlines like "untraceable" and "undetectable" guns will kill you at any moment. You get rid of the serial numbers on any gun and scratch up the firing pin and its also untraceable.
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Wait till they find out you can buy an untraceable 3D printed gun in the parking lot of a gun show. The shit's really gonna hit the fan then.
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The barrel, springs, and bullets are all still metal.
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What am I missing in this debate about 3D printed guns?
Right now? Not much.
In 10 years... maybe quite a bit.
I think the idea is to try and get the 3d printed gun community under control as much as possible before the tech really matures.
Not a pedophile (Score:5, Insightful)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
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He should have 3D printed a VPN.
There is no such thing as "Taiwan/China" (Score:2)
1) You're stupid.
2) You've fallen for China's argument that Taiwan is part of China, which means go back to #1.
Taiwan can do whatever it wants with a foreign citizen. The fact that the US invalidated his passport means he shouldn't, in theory, be able to travel away from Taiwan, and indeed he didn't. It's not like you are implying, which apparently you think means "Wilson now isn't a citizen of any country so nobody can send him
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A) same way they always do
B) presumably they were on the other side of the link
C) where does it say the sex act was in Taiwan. I mean I jumped to that conclusion too, but all that is said is he was arrested in Taiwan after his passport was revoked. Nothing about why he was there.
D) by asking. Passports get revoked for all sorts of reasons by all sorts of sources, usually not due to a federal case
E) he had formal documented, his passport. The revoked status doesn't make him stateless, it makes him unable to
Re:Who made those accusations? (Score:5, Informative)
Wilson was on SugarDaddyMeet, which is a male version of Cougars. The girl told her counselor who then told police. [wikipedia.org]
By the time that police found out, he was in Taiwan, so, they were waiting for him to come back. However, he was told by somebody that he would be arrested for pedophilia as soon as he got off the plane in America, so he drop his flight home. [arstechnica.com] City Police notified FBI, who then had his passport canceled so that he could not leave Taiwan and go other places. He apparently TRIED to go to another nation, and was caught because of that.
BTW, nothing says that he asked for a 16 y.o. girl. Supposedly, he wanted a just turned 17 y.o. to play sugar daddy to.
My loss of trust in law enforcement (Score:5, Informative)
I got through 43 years without ever being in trouble with the police. Then I got on the wrong side of one police officer, and next time I encountered him he walked over to me and arrested me. Him and a colleague gave written statements that Iâ(TM)d assaulted them. Fortunately there was a recording of my arrest and the prosecution was dropped.
Itâ(TM)s hard to go through an experience like that, and still take this story at face value. I just donâ(TM)t trust law enforcement anymore.
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He's not a pedophile (Score:3)
It sounds like he is guilty of having sex with an under-age minor.
However if he really thought she was 18, then he's not a pedophile.
That's an important distinction in terms of others doing business with someone - many people would be horrified at having anything to do with a true pedophile, while being OK with someone that had questionable but legal sexual tastes otherwise. Just paying for sex is a whole different kind of deal morally speaking.
Even if it was not a setup, he was pretty stupid to do anything even close to illegal when it was very probable everything he did was being tracked by the government (probably more than one).
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Sorry, but he is a pedophile.
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In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often applied to any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse.[1][2][7] This use conflates the sexual attraction to prepubescent children with the act of child sexual abuse, and fails to distinguish between attraction to prepubescent and pubescent or post-pubescent minors.[8][9] Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided, because although people who commit child sexual abuse are sometimes pedophiles,[7][10] child sexual abuse offenders are not pedophiles unless they have a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children,[8][11][12] and some pedophiles do not molest children.[13]
Many ppl see pedophiles as those who would pursue and underage child.
The fact that she told him that she was 17 (i.e. just barely legal), and that he paid her $500 speaks more about him, than my assuming the common usage of pedophilia, does about me.
BTW, since he was going to go so close to the line, I would have thought that he would at least check her drivers license. The fact that he did not care, again, speaks volumes.
And yes, we all make mistakes. WHen I was 21, working as a doorman, I met a fr
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
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>Lie about age when signing up to prostitution website >Lie about age to man to get money and sex >Willingly have sex >Willingly take money for that sex >Admit to doing all of this, WILLINGLY >Claim this was "assault" >People actually take your side
I think that you misunderstand the charges. From a legal point of view, even when consensual, having sex with someone underage is considered statutory sexual assault.
I don't get it (Score:2)
I'm a complete CAD/CAM, or whatever is being used now-a-days, idiot and I am 100% confident I could design a plastic pistol to be made on a 3d printer.
Mr design my not be pretty but there is zero reason I could not make one.
And I believe a vast majority of any competent people capable of some design could do the same.
So, what is the big deal? It certainly isn't a challenge...
What about the 16 year old? (Score:3)
This entire story stinks of victim blaming and bullshit.
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On the website that was named, there's a pulldown menu to select your age. It doesn't go below 18.