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Portables (Apple) Apple Hardware Technology

Apple Stops Selling 2015 MacBook Pro With Old-Style Keyboard, Legacy Ports ( 114

After announcing new MacBook Pro models today, Apple has removed the 2015 MacBook Pro from the Mac section of its website. Ars Technica reports: Beloved by many, the 2015 MacBook Pro had a number of features that have since been changed or have disappeared entirely from new MacBook Pro models. Arguably the most polarizing among these tweaks is the butterfly keyboard -- the 2015 MacBook Pro predates that mechanism, making its traditional keyboard a preferred alternative for many users. The 2015 MacBook Pro also contained legacy ports that Apple has since abandoned in the newest models: USB-A, HDMI, and Thunderbolt 2 ports, and an SD card slot. All of the newest MacBook Pros exclusively feature Thunderbolt 3 ports, which some will appreciate but all will scowl at when they're forced to buy multiple dongles to connect legacy accessories. Currently, Apple has a few 2015 MacBook Pro models listed in its online clearance section, but it's likely that Apple will not have more to sell after those are gone.
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Apple Stops Selling 2015 MacBook Pro With Old-Style Keyboard, Legacy Ports

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  • Courageous (Score:5, Funny)

    by cinghiale ( 2269602 ) on Thursday July 12, 2018 @05:47PM (#56937440)
    It's courageous of them to stop selling products for which there is continuing demand.
    • Was there continuing demand, or just left over inventory? I'm sure there's still a little bit of demand for a Plymouth Barracuda, but I doubt that Chrysler (or whoever owns that brand now) is going to devote a production line to making any more.
      • Fiat. Fiat owns that brand.

        (Greasy haired musclebound moron drivers grit their teeth)

      • Damned straight there was demand. Their 2015 unit was the last one that was actually suitable for general use. Whenever we needed to get a MBP, that's what I would buy. I bought one 2016 model and the person was seriously unimpressed with it.

        In fact, I don't know one single person that is actually happy with the 2016+ models. One person I know bought one, and then sold it again 3 months later cause they couldn't stand it anymore.

        The lack of useful ports is infuriating. Whoever came up with that idiotic key

    • It's courageous of them to stop selling products for which there is continuing demand.

      While Slashdot bitches about them never introducing anything new.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 12, 2018 @05:48PM (#56937446)

    They are "current" ports.
    USB-C ports are "ports of the future."

    Now, VGA video would be a "legacy" port.

    • Now, VGA video would be a "legacy" port.

      Or for a Macintosh, DB15 RGB video, or for that matter, ADB. Or an external floppy connector.

  • by yuriklastalov ( 4536597 ) on Thursday July 12, 2018 @05:50PM (#56937448)

    How long until the keyboard is just a giant touch pad with courageous gestures to enter text?

    All text entry will be done with swiping. You'll thank us later.

    • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Thursday July 12, 2018 @06:11PM (#56937560)
      The Onion [] beat you to that punchline almost a decade ago.
    • Also...
    • by cyn1c77 ( 928549 )

      How long until the keyboard is just a giant touch pad with courageous gestures to enter text?

      All text entry will be done with swiping. You'll thank us later.


      They are going to jump straight to the anal probe. You have to squeeze it in different ways to get different gestures and keystrokes. Emphasis on strokes.

      I know it seems scary, but courage.

    • If I could use the Swype update where they fixed the annoying problem where swiping "me" resulted in "née" all the fucking time, I'd actually be okay with that. Touch typing with one hand - I never looked at the keyboard except to enter numbers. It went downhill pretty fast after that, though.

      Besides, unless you spend a bunch of money, modern keyboards are all crap. The wireless one I'm using on my Mac right now... it looks great, which is its intended purpose (and why the iMac replaced a PC with a Ch
  • We should add those back as well.

    • by guygo ( 894298 )
      and a paper-tape reader.
    • Are you from the future where all your daily-usage peripherals have USB-C connectors?

    • well they'd go well with having a not shit keyboard and ports that most people still use.

      I remember when apple dropped the floppy drive way back when. Everyone I knew who had a mac bought an external floppy drive because apple mindlessly dropped it before there was actually a replacement.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by blindseer ( 891256 )

        well they'd go well with having a not shit keyboard and ports that most people still use.

        People have been predicting Apple would go out of business since 1984. They've survived this long and with much bigger mistakes, they'll be fine.

        I remember when apple dropped the floppy drive way back when. Everyone I knew who had a mac bought an external floppy drive because apple mindlessly dropped it before there was actually a replacement.

        There was a replacement, CD-RW. A CD-RW drive was standard equipment on all Apple computers of the era except the lowest end iMac desktops. Also at the time I remember floppy disks being notoriously unreliable and too small to store the growing size of files. A floppy drive was fine for text, simple HTML, and such but worthless for people that were wanting to p

        • A CD-RW drive was standard equipment on all Apple computers of the era except the lowest end iMac desktops.


          My $2,000 Blue & White G3 from May 1999 came with a DVD/CD reader only, and that was an extra hundred bucks over the basic CD drive. I had to spend an extra $250 for a firewire CD burner.

          It did have a built-in Zip drive though. What a joke!

          BONUS ROUND: The built-in hard disk controller would cause data corruption if anything bigger than a 6GB drive was plugged into it. I had to spend another $100 for a hard disk controller with Mac firmware that wouldn't fuck everything up, when similar part

          • Bullshit.

            Um... okay. Was that necessary? A simple, "I believe you were mistaken" would have sufficed.

            My $2,000 Blue & White G3 from May 1999 came with a DVD/CD reader only, and that was an extra hundred bucks over the basic CD drive. I had to spend an extra $250 for a firewire CD burner.

            My mistake. I must have missed that. I remember having a debate with my siblings on buying an iMac for Mom. I wanted her to have the iMac with Firewire, a VGA port, and CD-RW, while my siblings thought the cheaper one without VGA or Firewire and only CD-ROM was enough. We were both kind of right. She never had a desire to burn a CD but when the screen went on the blink (bad capacitors were common among all com

        • People have been predicting Apple would go out of business since 1984. They've survived this long and with much bigger mistakes, they'll be fine.

          What on earth has that got to do with this thread? The presence or absence of those predictions won't make my work macbook pro any less crap.

          There was a replacement, CD-RW. A CD-RW drive was standard equipment on all Apple computers of the era except the lowest end iMac desktops

          No. I was there and you're mistaken.

          Firstly, look here:


    • Macs never had 25 pin parallel ports, or any other kind of Centronics interface. They did have 25 pin SCSI ports, though, which meant they were noisy and thus problematic in the later years. They also had crappy termination (and at least one machine with nonstandard termination, the IIfx.)

      • They had 25 pin SCSI ports, which people destroyed by hooking up their Centronics printers.

        Centronics printer ports were common addon cards for the Apple 2.

    • We should add those back as well.

      Why Apple pulls this shit is beyond me - All PC laptops still have serial ports, amirite?

      And apparently no PC user has ever used an adapter - not one! Only Apple uses adapters.

    • You're implying that people have unreasonable requirements. Nobody is asking for anything unreasonable.

      USB are still actively used. Hell, Apple still includes USB3 with their own iPhones for Pete's sake! Apple themselves are literally selling flagship products that cannot be connected to other flagship products Apple sells, unless you buy additional accessories.

      HDMI is still an active standard that is being updated. Hell, HDMI will long outlive the next several generations of laptops. I don't know abou

  • by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Thursday July 12, 2018 @06:09PM (#56937544)

    I for one welcome our new USB-C overlords.

  • from my dead, cold fucking hands.

    When this one dies, if Apple hasn't fixed their fuckup, I'm moving to a System76 Linux laptop.
  • by ruddk ( 5153113 ) on Thursday July 12, 2018 @06:52PM (#56937792)

    I wonder why Tim Cook is so crazy about dongles.

  • Mag Safe, a good keyboard, twin video ports and the light up apple logo on the lid. Yeah, I'm shallow. I like the log that I can lay stickers over so that they light up.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I like the log that I can lay stickers over so that they light up.

      I like the log that I drop in the toilet, which is where Apple's USB-C-only plan belongs.

  • by sit1963nz ( 934837 ) on Thursday July 12, 2018 @11:54PM (#56939046)
    Apple now has nothing I want to buy.

    I have been a Mac user since the 1980's. My 2011MBP has died, I went looking and came away with the realisation that Apple does not produce anything that I would pay for, nothing!

    Sorry Apple, I want Ethernet, USB-A, Audio, Thunderbolt 2 as well as 3, I want an SD card reader, I want a real keyboard with no wank bar at the top, I want a Mag-safe connector. I want to be able to upgrade the RAM myself, as well as the SSD storage, I have no intention of paying your "retail + 200%" prices.

    I want better battery life, do I care if it will be thicker than last years model...hell no, that would actually be appreciated as the extra weight means it will not feel like its about to flip over on its back

    Will it happen, I doubt it. Apple is like a teenager, so bloody busy looking at their small screen they can not see or hear what is happening around them.

    So... the next mission is to figure out what a reasonable laptop with Linux on it will be....

    And for all the Mac developers I had bought software off over the last 30+ years.... cheers, thanks, but I have to leave now.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      You might try the Dell XPS developer edition. I've read nice reviews. I have a Dell laptop at work and I find it pretty good for a PC, checks the boxes I care about.

      At home now I have a stack of PC parts on the floor that arrived today (funny oh look there's Apple's hardware refresh announcement ahead of September) to make a new desktop machine. I'm sick of the fan in my 2013 MBP whirring away. If I miss OSX too much there's always old tonymacx86 w/ clover to the rescue and I will still keep my MBP for now.

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      Yup. This. My 2011 mbp got handed down, and i've got a 2015 mbp now. I miss the ethernet, but its overall been a decent unit.

      But im not seeing anything from apple i'd buy as a replacement. Its just useless garbage.

      Perhaps ironically, the surface laptop from microsoft is looking pretty good these days; and a number of my peers are getting those now.

      I've also had a couple standing offers on my 2015 mbp whenever i let it go; not because these people can't afford a new one, but because they don't want apple's l

  • I don't think that word means what you think it means...
  • by MichaelJ ( 140077 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @06:29AM (#56939914)

    In the last year I've bought several new devices with USB connectors. In all cases the computer-end of the included cable was USB-A, and in all but one case (the GoPro) the device end was micro USB-B. These are not only currently shipping products, but one of them is brand-new to the market two months ago. I *might* have considered one of these MacBook Pros to replace my 2012 11" MacBook (an excellent form factor for travel but a lousy screen resolution for FCPX or Lightroom) if they'd gone back to a decent keyboard, but I'm not going to use something where I can't even tell if the keystroke registered or not. And no, I don't want haptic feedback, I want key travel.

Quark! Quark! Beware the quantum duck!
