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Blackberry Android Hardware

BlackBerry Returns With 3 Possible New Phones in 2017, But Do You Care? ( 92

The BlackBerry KeyOne, which the company unveiled at MWC, may soon see some siblings. From a report on CNET: TCL isn't wasting time building up its portfolio of phones using the BlackBerry name. The company plans to release as many as three phones this year, TCL Communications Nicolas Zibell said in an interview on Saturday. The company is working on an all-touchscreen version, a spiritual successor to the DTEK 50 and DTEK 60 phones, which it also built for BlackBerry itself, according to a source familiar with the rollout plans. TCL will likely get rid of the DTEK branding, the source said.
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BlackBerry Returns With 3 Possible New Phones in 2017, But Do You Care?

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  • by TWX ( 665546 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @12:51PM (#53946405)
    I started out with the HTC Dream, sold as the T-Mobile G1 in the United States. The physical keyboard was incredibly useful.

    Among other uses, I can do device management with the phone. USB-OTG via USB-serial adapter sort of thing, or SSH. It allows me to be able to handle simple emergencies without having to drag my laptop around with me. Even the best on-screen keyboard on a phablet phone is not as good as a physical keyboard.

    Obviously the vast majority of phone users do not do this, so I understand why the onscreen keyboard has won-out, but it would be nice if a single manufacturer made a ruggedized phone with a good physical keyboard. Even still though, users that want to do a lot of forums or instant messaging could probably benefit from a physical keyboard over an onscreen one, simply to reduce the error-rate.
    • It must be a pain to type RegEx on that keyboard.
      • by TWX ( 665546 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @01:12PM (#53946553)
        I use Hacker's Keyboard. If the phone is in portrait mode the keys are too close together and it's easy to get the wrong one, and if the phone is in landscape then I can't see enough of the screen. Still better than dragging a laptop around when there's no immediate expectation of needing it.
      • My layout [] for N900 is pretty convenient for typing regexps and coding in general, especially compared to Nokia's anti-genious default where to type most symbols you need to press a key combination to pull up an on-screen menu, shift your fingers, navigate the menu (as terrible as the typical Android/iPhone on-screen "keyboard") and select something. All while there's a crapload of unbound shift/Fn combinations.

        A physical keyboard is so massively superior to an on-screen one that I wonder why anyone would u

        • Most people just use their phones for those instant messages, short status updates or blog posts, and short emails. A physical keyboard may not be superior in this case; a "smart" virtual keyboard like Swype can be more convenient for short messages without a lot of special characters or unusual words. And a physical keyboard makes the phone bulkier. That's why most people prefer a virtual keyboard. It has nothing to do with advertising, it's about what people actually use their phones for.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Blackberrys are for cows. Cows say moo. MOOOO! MOOOO! Moo cows MOOOO! Moo say the cows. YOU physical keyboard-loving COWS!!

    • Obviously the vast majority of phone users do not do this, so I understand why the onscreen keyboard has won-out, but it would be nice if a single manufacturer made a ruggedized phone with a good physical keyboard.

      Or at least leave enough access (pogo pin contacts, etc.) so 3rd party can easily manufacture after-market keyboards.
      e.g.: TOHKBD (the other half - keyboard) back cover with magnetically sliding keyboard for the Jolla phone.

      Same should also be possible for Fairphone 2 (has USB pogo pins available under the back cover for the exact purpose of this kind of extensions).

      • by TWX ( 665546 )
        I was thinking about this in the context of this discussion.

        A third-party keyboard and a means to connect it similarly to how Microsoft and HP have created keyboards for their tablet models would be handy, and it could double as a screen protector when in one's pocket.
    • Even the best on-screen keyboard on a phablet phone is not as good as a physical keyboard.

      You might want to look into something like this: []

      Probably not as convenient, nor as good, as a keyboard built into the phone, and there may be security issues as well. But it might be worth considering for those times when only a physical keyboard will do. Plus you also have the option of using it with a tablet if the need arises. Sucks to have to charge it separately though.

  • I have to admit, their TVs catch my attention when I'm shopping, but then I go look up what consumers who've actually bought the things have to say about them, built in Roku or not, no way.

    If they put that sort of build quality into a phone it will quickly earn the Dingleberry nick-name and have little to entice a consumer away from the OTHER fruit phone.

  • Seriously, blackberry? Even stuffy old executive types have switched over to iPhone or Android. I can't see BB ever getting their mojo back, they are ancient history, the app ecosystem, if it exists, is far too behind, their designs are tired, their tech is old... good NIGHT.
  • by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @01:02PM (#53946487)
    Slide out keyboard, decent android phone, good internal storage and SD card slot, 1080p screen all for a decent price and I'd take one.
    • Few are considering the Blackberry's $549 price to be reasonable though, especially when the phone is clearly within it's competitors mid-range offerings. A $200 - $300 premium for a keyboard with a near square screen and sub-par hardware isn't overly appealing.
  • "BlackBerry Returns With 3 Possible New Phones in 2017, But Do You Care?"

    Not really.

    I have nothing against Blackberry per se but the cost of a Crackberry is more than what I'd normally be inclined to spend on a phone.

    • I guess you didn't know all the other message services were already under surveillance. The only reason you heard about BB giving in was because they fought for years against it. So you want to punish the only company that actually cared enough to try and protect your rights. Besides BBM is part of BlackBerry. This phone is built by TCL for the newly created BlacBerry Mobile company which is not part of BlackBerry.
      • I guess you didn't know iMessage uses end-to-end encryption [] so Apple cannot be compelled to let anyone monitor it.

        BlackBerry even goes so far as to host message servers in other countries - while that makes sense from a technical performance standpoint it makes it super easy for foreign governments to monitor communications.

        • You didn't read the article did you? iMessage is just as vulnerable as BBM when using Apple's server. But with BBM you can add your own BES and BB doesn't have access to the keys.
          • What does "end to end" mean to you? Not much it would seem.

            Messages go through Apple's servers BUT THEY ARE ENCRYPTED YOU BLITHERING MORON. As Apple has stated they have no way to decrypt the messages, only the devices do.

            When you have your own BES server the CIA actually smiles a big, wide grin. So nice of you to hold everything where they can access it in one place!

            Sorry to yell but your level of ignorance is dangerous to the universe. I hope you feel shamed, but I don't intend to read any response fro

    • i never trust anything the xenophobic dailymail says so i'd never read that article
  • And here I thought the poll had moved again to the story feed.

  • by snarfies ( 115214 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @01:41PM (#53946771) Homepage

    I care VERY MUCH. I am willing to pay a permium - a hundreds of dollars premium - for a physical keyboard.

    But if they are completely unrootable, like the Priv? No sale, at any price.

  • I don't give a shit. But that's true for any famous brand. All I want is a dual-sim phone, and if it has a minimum of smartphone features, all the better.

  • Only when they sell one with a landscape mode physical keyboard

  • Betteridge's Law applies again!

    • Yeah, what's the deal with all of the posts that are titled with a question lately? That's starting to get annoying, especially since the answer for everyone has been some variation of "No" "Hell No" or (in this case) "Why in the hell are you even bothering to ask?"

  • by DatbeDank ( 4580343 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @02:14PM (#53947083)

    I own a Blackberry Priv and absolutely love it. It's a solid phone that was hampered by rough software at launch which has been fixed. I absolutely enjoy using the phone. Not to mention, I typed up this post using the physical keyboard!

    I'll be the first to admit the Priv was over priced at launch. I bought mine used on eBay as I don't like getting locked into a contract to get a new phone. It's a solid phone and the slider reminds me of the really old Tungsten T3, XDA win mobile phones, and my personal favorite the Droid 4.

    I absolutely refuse to use on-screen keyboards. They're easily the worst for writing anything worthwhile. Seriously, i've been out in the field and had to write lengthy emails. No way in hell i'd do that with an on-screen keyboard.

    Physical keyboards were the first thing they happily gutted from phones. Ironically, I think consumers prefer physical keyboards but the money saved and consumer apathy meant that manufacturers could continue eliminating feautures without complaint much to the chagrin of mobile tech nerds like myself. Now that they've finally hit the headphone jack, manufacturers are rightfully getting push back from consumers.

    One day I hope for a mobile phone renassaince that brings back creative designs of the old days. One can only dream!

    • > It's a solid phone that was hampered by rough software at launch which has been fixed.

      I have a Classic. Buggy browser, OS patching seems to have stopped, nobody's developing apps anymore (but at least it's Android-based now so you can side load many apps if you want to).

      They hamstrung the Blackberry Bridge and then dropped the Playbook platform altogether after swearing up and down they wouldn't.

      I like the sandboxed work and personal modes. I like the secure link to a private server (though poorly im

  • I like physical keyboards and it would be nice if Blackberry could continue producing them. The Keyone has me curious and an updated Passport with Android as OS would be interesting too.

    Blackberry deserves to live on at least as much as Apple does.

    And throughout the years their phones have gotten less uglier too. I remember my 8130 and 8310. Both very ugly and cheapy plastic all over. Not nice.
    If they continue to build good phones with good keyboards, I'll always look into BlackBerry aswell when a new phone is due.

    My 2 cents.

  • I now have had the same phone for 5 years. And it is still working and perfectly fine for my needs.

    I am not in the market for a new phone.

    If my phone still works and I can still call gramma every sunday after church, then I am happy.

  • Yes I have a BB Priv and I can tell you it was the best choice I could make! Priv is a great phone and BB made a great job leaving all the annoying and frustrating things of Android behind. But also BB made some little changes to the stock android. Yes I switched from Nexus 5 (with Android 6) to BB Priv (Android 6) and it's the same thing but with all the annoying features of Android like the "swipe again and again to unlock the phone are left behind. Obviously BB made a great effort to setup a good phone
  • If they are making three new phones, that will be one model, right? Or one each of three models?
  • by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @07:22PM (#53949869)
    I miss my Google G1 phone which had a flip out mechanical keyboard, because I think I can type faster and more accurately on a mechanical keyboard than a touchscreen. So, while I'm not interested in a Blackberry, I am interested in phones with real keyboards and phones that can't be butt-dialed. e.g. the old flip phones.
  • by wjcofkc ( 964165 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @07:35PM (#53949981)
    I am still rocking the Priv and love it for the slide out keyboard. The phone still manages to be thin with great battery life. The two things I do not like about it are that the keyboard does not have the raised bumps, nor does it have the tool belt which I insist they could have integrated, albeit in a miniature fashion.

    The KeyOne interests me greatly, but again no tool belt. I realize the tool belt makes most sense with a BB10 phone, but they should be able to put some software together to give it meaningful and similar functionality. The absolute deal breaker for me on that phone is the fixed keyboard which means VR is out of the question. We will see how the other phones look. The bottom line is that if you are looking for a BB phone with a keyboard, the tool belt is an essential component. Otherwise it's just not the same. A pity this was not understood.
  • Blackberry stands for bad interface design, bad user experience, poor build quality, poor application quality and an over all lacking phone experience. If they want back into the phone market, they need to deliver a great phone, not a bad phone over hyped and drastically under delivered.

    For instance, the passport has got to be, one of the worst concept phones of all time, hands down. It's size made it unusable in any efficient manor, it's software stack was buggy and crashed. It's included applications

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
