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BuzzFeed and Washington Post To Use Robots For RNC Coverage ( 80

An anonymous reader writes from a report via Engadget: The Washington Post and Buzzfeed have sent robots to cover the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. The Washington Post is using a telepresence robot from Double Robotics that consists of an iPad mounted on a Segway-like base. It's objective: to roam around the convention, streaming live on Periscope. Those viewing the stream will be able to ask questions of delegates, politicians and other figures who stumble upon the robot. BuzzFeed is using a robot called 'BuzzBot.' It's a Facebook chat bot that collects and caters news from the convention to users' messaging feeds. All you have to do is add the channel to your Messenger app and it will deliver news updates from BuzzFeed reporters. Specifically, it will collect reports from delegates, protesters and others in Cleveland. You have the option to send pictures and other info to BuzzBot, but it may ask you questions about your experience. The questions it asks will be different depending on your location. For example, if you live in Cleveland it will want to know what kind of impact the RNC is having on your daily life. Meanwhile, with roughly 50,000 attendees and likely millions of viewers watching across the country and abroad, the RNC is preparing for cyberattacks that aim to disrupt the network.
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BuzzFeed and Washington Post To Use Robots For RNC Coverage

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    All you have to do is add the channel to your Messenger app and it will deliver news updates from BuzzFeed reporters

    I'd rather get a root canal while simultaneously undergoing a cacti-rectal exam.

  • "You have 10 seconds to comply"...... /seriously, what could possibly go wrong?
  • for putting poor interns out of work, and endangering baby Republicans.

  • Good way to be there and not risk getting shot

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Good point, the Democrats are surprisingly willing to shoot people they don't like given their stance on gun control.

      Or is that the new way to sell it? Give us your guns or we'll shoot you?

    • I figured it would save the reporters hours of scrubbing the crazy off at the end of each day.

    • Good way to be there and not risk getting shot

      How many people were shot yesterday at the RNC? I mean, with all those guns around, somebody had to have gotten shot, right?

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @09:40PM (#52538377)

    ... we can send them in to the Fukushima plant next. Should be a cake walk by comparison.

  • ...and watching a few minutes confirms it. Bummer.
    • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Tuesday July 19, 2016 @12:52AM (#52539037) Journal

      Well, when your party is just about to nominate a man who has very little chance of actually becoming President, and worse, is likely to drive a wedge so deep between the major factions of the Republican party that it could deny the party the White House for several elections to come, yeah, I think that makes you bitter.

      Everyone but the swirly eyed Trump supporters knows he can't beat Clinton. It's not clear that if the Dems had the love child of Pol Pot and Kim Jong-Il as their candidate that Trump could beat them. The likelihood of him closing the substantial electoral college lead Clinton enjoys is extremely small, and if some of the swing states that went to Obama in 2012 wouldn't stick with Mitt Romney, what in the name of holy fuck do you think they're going to do with Trump?

      About the only thing to look forward to now is the concession speech, which, I'm sure, will involve Trump making absurd threats, demanding recounts and committing to being back in four years to try again.

      • Everyone but the swirly eyed Trump supporters knows he can't beat Clinton.

        They also said Bush Sr. couldn't beat Dukakis. The July polls were 37% for Bush vs 54% for Dukakis. The popular vote went 53% Bush 46% Dukakis. In terms of the electoral college it was a landslide, Bush getting 426 vs Dukakis 111.

        What matters is not whether or not you are leading in July. What matters is whether or not your campaign arguments have legs. In the case of Dukakis, Bush kept hammering home that he is soft on crime. Dukakis had no defense. The arguments against him had legs and there was nothi

        • And what the fuck do you think Donald Trump is, a modern day Ghandi? The man is a real estate scam artist who very likely massively overstated his wealth and business acumen.

          Clinton will win. The GOP knows it, but it no longer has the will power to prevent his nomination.

          • And what the fuck do you think Donald Trump is, a modern day Ghandi?

            I said nothing of the sort, but apparently in your black-and-white-world, if you dont support Hillary you must support Trump......

            Trump is someone that will take the fight to Hillary. Its over for her.

            • ", if you dont support Hillary you must support Trump": My daughter has a bumper sticker on her car with three check boxes: Democrat, Republican, and Awake. Awake is checked.

  • by Rujiel ( 1632063 ) on Tuesday July 19, 2016 @04:18AM (#52539455)
    Quick, send in Wolf Blitzer while there's still time!
  • What's new? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by some old guy ( 674482 ) on Tuesday July 19, 2016 @05:32AM (#52539561)

    Considering the repetitive, scripted coverage of "news" by the media, I would assert that most journalists have practiced robotic performance for a long time.

    Get $narrative
        go to
    Print %story

  • If they sent some robots to speak as well, perhaps we could all just ignore the car crashes. Maybe someone could have a quick word with Elon...
  • I'm pretty sure Buzzbot is Light Years ahead

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