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Oculus Rift Users Angered By Pre-Order Snafu (roadtovr.com) 70

fluor2 writes: In April, Oculus announced that many of the Oculus Rift CV1 pre-orders were getting bumped from March to early May or even June...but they're still finding CV1's for supplying Rift+PC bundles. The solution for some has now been to cancel their order, order Rift+PC bundles...and cancel the PC portion.
This tactic appears to have mixed results, and those Rift+PC bundles have now also sold out, adds the Road To VR site, which reports that some of the original pre-orders "are now shipping out significantly ahead of the initial delay estimates provided by Oculus." For one customer, "Oculus estimated the Rift wouldn't ship until sometime between May 23 and June 2, around two months after the official launch date. However, the customer tells us that their Rift was shipped today, about one month ahead of the delay estimate, and about one month after the official launch date."
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Oculus Rift Users Angered By Pre-Order Snafu

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  • by Spad ( 470073 ) <slashdotNO@SPAMspad.co.uk> on Sunday April 24, 2016 @11:40AM (#51977897) Homepage

    some of the original pre-orders "are now shipping out significantly ahead of the initial delay estimates provided by Oculus."

    Presumably because of all the cancelled pre-orders from people trying to jump the queue.

    • by frovingslosh ( 582462 ) on Sunday April 24, 2016 @12:01PM (#51977995)
      " trying to jump the queue ." is harsh. These marks, I mean people, ordered first. Oculus decided that they already had their money and would sell their devices to other marks who were also willing to buy a PC. Some learned that they could reduce the already too long wait by playing some games with the Oculus order department. Who do you feel they are jumping the queue on? They are still behind the people who ordered a device and a PC yesterday. They may be getting ahead of the people who ordered the device only yesterday, but since they ordered months ago they certainly should be. The only people who they are jumping ahead of are the marks that Oculus told they were getting screwed and said they were OK with that.
      • When will people learn that pre orders are complete garbage and stop falling for them? Companies have shown time and time again that they are willing to screw over pre order customers for either other money, promotion or convenience and that doesn't even include when the delivered product is garbage and you can't back out of the sale.

        • Except if you haven't pre-ordered the Rift, you know you won't have at by the end of the year... There is a difference with pre-ordering some game or pre-ordering a device which is send in order of ordering..
      • by Namarrgon ( 105036 ) on Sunday April 24, 2016 @06:05PM (#51979809) Homepage

        Oculus decided that they already had their money and would sell their devices

        Except of course, Oculus hasn't charged them anything yet, and the devices are not "theirs" in any sense.

        All these preorders are is a place in a queue. You don't know which place, and it isn't even the only queue. If you want to try your luck with a different queue, then go right ahead, but feeling anger that "your" device isn't in your hands yet just sounds whiney to me. (Disclosure: am also somewhere in an Oculus queue)

      • Oculus decided that they already had their money and would sell their devices to other marks who were also willing to buy a PC.

        Or they pre-sold a number of items to PC retailers in exchange for cross-promotion deals. It's a bit like being mad that you pre-ordered from Amazon but Best Buy still has inventory.

        • It's a bit like being mad that you pre-ordered from Amazon but Best Buy still has inventory.

          No, it's like pre-ordering from Oculus and having Oculus ship to others first because they can get more sales that way. And your theory about selling to PC retailers is complete bullshit.

          • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

            No, it's like pre-ordering from Oculus and having Oculus ship to others first because they can get more sales that way. And your theory about selling to PC retailers is complete bullshit.

            Well, perhaps they're just selling to those who pre-ordered first... the retailers. You think you were the first to pre-order? Hell no, retailers often get first dibs long before the pre-orders were opened to everyone. The order lead times can be quite long and retailers often get their orders in long before production is e

    • Re:Duh (Score:4, Funny)

      by Big Hairy Ian ( 1155547 ) on Monday April 25, 2016 @08:07AM (#51981929)
      Perhaps they should rename the product "Oculus Grift"
  • I'm shaking my virtual first at you Facebook!
  • why? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by JustNiz ( 692889 ) on Sunday April 24, 2016 @11:49AM (#51977927)

    >>> The solution for some has now been to cancel their order, order Rift+PC bundles...and cancel the PC portion.

    Seems to me the far better move would be to just order a Vive instead. You'd not only get it sooner but you'd also get room-scale VR, a front camera and hand controllers immediately instead of still having to wait for Touch to come out even after you finally received your Rift.

    • Re:why? (Score:5, Funny)

      by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Sunday April 24, 2016 @12:01PM (#51977993) Homepage Journal
      Or you could just spin around until you throw up. That way you can get the whole VR "experience" for free.
      • I'm beginning to wish I hadn't spent all my mod-points before this thread filled in....

      • I know that's meant to be funny, but the Vive seems really good in this regard - I occasionally get sick with long FPS sessions but I didn't even get a win of sickness with the Vive when I tried it. With the head tracking being very good and being abele to move a bit with movement tracked perfectly, I get zero sense of disorientation...

        The Oculus from all reports is just as good, I don't have mine up and running yet to say.

      • Nice. :)
      • Already got me a pair of these http://www.cnet.com/au/news/ha... [cnet.com] I'm fine with it but it makes my 8yr old nephew want to throw up so finally I have a piece of tech kit that he doesn't want to borrow every time he's around :D
    • by Anonymous Coward

      The best move is to order no VR equipment and let the early adapters uncover all the bugs. Sit and wait for version 2.

      • Re:why? (Score:4, Insightful)

        by spire3661 ( 1038968 ) on Sunday April 24, 2016 @01:53PM (#51978553) Journal
        This is like saying 'Dont play Asteroids, wait for Pac-Man'.......
        • This is like saying 'Dont play Asteroids, wait for Pac-Man'.......

          No, it's more like "don't spend $500 for Asteroids on a monitor at 800x600 with a joystick that only goes left and down, wait for next year's version that supports double the resolution and adds right and up and costs $300". Suggesting that waiting for v2 of the various VR gear is waiting for some completely different thing makes no sense at all. This tech stuff is iterative. Quality, capability, applicability and availability go up while price goes down. Sure, in the meantime you're stuck with 2D gamin

          • After playing on my Vive for the past 3 weeks, 'flat-games' are kind of tame. There is a LOT of fun to be had in VR right now. Cockpit games alone are worth it, not to mention Room Scale is awesome. There wont be a v2 for at least 2 years.
        • Functional analogies require logic.
      • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

        Yeah damn those new things to try. Everything is a lot easier if you just stay in bed all day and never move out of your parents basement.

    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      Yep, very disappointed by the not exactly $350 Oculus Rift.
      OTOH, the HTC Vive may be a bit more expensive but according to someone who develops for the DK2 and who has tried the Vive, the additional controls and awareness makes a world of difference. On the DK2, he completely abandoned any attempt to use external controllers, too awkward, his game is almost entirely controlled by head motion.
      It is something I noticed too when I tried the DK2 : I couldn't see my hands, which is a bit disturbing, and more imp

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Yep, very disappointed by the not exactly $350 Oculus Rift.

        That early estimate didn't include the cost of the server infrastructure needed to harvest all the data from it being used, and forward it live to its users, and feed back some advertisements.

        A prefect win-win situation. You have to pay to be the product.

      • The Oculus is supposed to have similar hand controllers shipping later this year. I agree the Vive controllers are amazing and I don't think now you could really do VR without hands you can "see"... I'm also not sure you can do VR at all well without roomscale features as it adds so much to the immersion.

        • And the Rift was supposed to ship last year or at least in March. I wouldn't consider the Touch controllers until you can actually... touch them.

    • I don't want touch controllers. I want to play racing and flight sims. Why spend $200 more to get some extra controllers I'll use maybe a handful of times before putting them away for good?

      If some non-gimmicky room-scale game eventually comes out that gets me excited, I'll buy the touch controllers then. Why do it before?

      • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

        Cool you have a solid reason thats great. It sounds like you haven't tried Vive yet. You need to before you write off "gimmicky" room-scale though. I kinda thought the same but after I tried a Vive my mind has very definitely been opened.

        • Cool you have a solid reason thats great. It sounds like you haven't tried Vive yet. You need to before you write off "gimmicky" room-scale though. I kinda thought the same but after I tried a Vive my mind has very definitely been opened.

          I've used both, actually.

          The problem I've got with room-scale isn't the tech so much as the games, which from the ones I've seen are very reminiscent of the Wii: fun if you've only got a short time, good to quickly wow a guest, but ultimately not very fulfilling gameplay. Gimmicky.

          I like to think I'm pretty creative when it comes to imagining uses for new technology and I've been a gamer ever since my hands met a keyboard, but I just can't think of a compelling mechanic that could fit a 5'x5' square. Myst m

          • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

            >> The problem I've got with room-scale isn't the tech so much as the games,

            Jeez its hardly out yet give it a chance. With any new gaming device hitting the market the first games it ships with are always mostly crap. Exactly the same has happened so far with every version of Xbox and Playstation launch too.

  • If you can't screw your customers, who can you screw?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Who can else can you screw? Really??

      How's this for starters:

      Your investors.
      Your suppliers.
      Your neighbors (by destroying the environment).

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Investors? They're owned by Facebook. The entire O.R. bandwagon was hot-air and retarded "gaming" rag reporters. Now the truth is out how power the tech actually is, the original investors are laughing and long gone thanks to FB's stock exchange. All that's left is zealots that have bought into the dead product and the poor that believe they're going into the bloody matrix with it, if only they could get within 100' of a unit.

    • Technically, if you're hiring hookers then you're the customer doing the screwing.....

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 24, 2016 @12:24PM (#51978113)

    What's the M$ angle on this? I'm sure they are responsible, somehow...

    • What's the M$ angle on this? I'm sure they are responsible, somehow...

      Oculus --> Facebook --> Microsoft, if memory serves...

  • People on the Internet are angry about something? Amazing.

  • Hey, I'm happy to receive my Oculus a few weeks late in exchange for the free shipping they've offered delayed orders.

    • That must've saved you quite a bit; don't they have to deliver that thing on a truck?
      • by AC-x ( 735297 )

        Yeah it's a pretty hefty box, but the Vive (as it comes with more parts to support room scale VR) is even bigger

  • Waaahhhhhhh my bleeding edge hardware pre-order was bumped a month or two waaaahhhhhhh! They sound like crying children.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've been waiting years for CV1, I built a high end gaming machine for it last fall.

    I cancelled my order when they extent of spyware became known. Zuckerberg can stick Oculus Rift up his ass.

    I'll buy a VR headset in a year or 2, but I'm 100% sure it won't be Oculus.

    A VR headset spying on me is no different from my computer monitor spying on me. They're just simple displays.

Why did the Roman Empire collapse? What is the Latin for office automation?
