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VR Tested by NFL To Confront Sexism and Racism ( 178

More than $8 billion a year is spent on diversity training which a Harvard professor believes is largely ineffective. So later this year the NFL will also try using new VR scenarios from Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Lab. "We want to be known as the best place to work," says NFL vice president Troy Vincent," while Dropbox's head of diversity says she's also had conversations about eliminating bias in job interviews by conducting "blind" interviews using avatars. The Stanford lab's scenarios place users in unsettling situations -- for example, angry harassment by white avatars while the user's avatar is black. "I'm not saying, 'Put on a VR goggle and you've solved racism'," says the Stanford lab's director. "But I'm optimistic it can help."
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VR Tested by NFL To Confront Sexism and Racism

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  • tl;dr (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:06AM (#51879185)

    "I'm not saying, 'Find a topic that's fashionable if you want a lot of grant money'," says the Stanford lab's director. "But I'm optimistic it can help."

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I'm surprised it hasn't been done before. VR has been used to help with PTSD for years now. Before headsets, when it was just FPV on a screen.

      Helping to put yourself in the shoes of others seems like a good way to increase understanding. I just hope it's done well, otherwise people will react angrily.

      • They'll probably do it so you aren't understood when you aren't racist. I heard of a roleplay that went like this once: Q. Alright, do you walk into the seedy bar or the seedier bar? A. I don't drink. Why am I going into a bar? I think I'm going down the street. After that the actor was baffled by the fact that a large number of the people there couldn't act like they were supposed to.
    • +1 up for accuracy. This VR hype is complete bullshit. VR causes motion sickness so is going to fail just as it always has. This problem cannot be overcome. It will be thrown into the junkheap in a couple of years with 3d television and the companies with too much cash (Facebook, Google, et al) will move on to the next thing.
    • If VR can cure anything as ingrained as Sexsim then why settle for that. We need mandatory worldwide mind programming to instill world peace. Facebook can do this for us using a combination of their Oculus and their walled internet garden of eden, while turning a profit on subliminal advertisements.

  • by ITRambo ( 1467509 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:12AM (#51879213)
    The NFL is using new tech to do the same training that they've always tried, which fails. Making it better looking isn't going to alter the personality of an individual trained to be on-alert and aggressive to order to win. Good luck with your new PR stunt.
    • They, like many others, have figured out that you don't actually have to fix anything as long as you just appear to be doing something even if that something isn't likely to work or has been shown not to work having been tried dozens of times before. It's why we still have politicians that promise to be "tough on crime" or who want to continue the failed policy that is the war on drugs.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        Perhaps if there is no quick fix that actually works particularly well, and it's not acceptable to simply give up, then the best you can do is keep trying things and hope that they at least help a little.

        Racism and sexism (and other social biases) are deeply rooted things; by and large, people who grow up exposed to racist and sexist attitudes in their family and community for their whole lives will end up having racist and sexist attitudes deeply embedded enough that no practical amount of training is goin

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:14AM (#51879219)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • We're not all the same but deserve the same opportunities, nothing more, nothing less.

      You do realize that that is an extremely strong statement? I mean, giving me the same opportunities as, say, Steven Hawkings would require inventing a brain augmenter of some kind, and giving Mr. Hawkings the same opportunities as me would require curing his paralysis. And of course, even then, he'd be several decades older than me...

      Heck, taken seriously, your statement makes you a ultra-hardline communist, in the orig

      • by khallow ( 566160 )

        We're not all the same but deserve the same opportunities, nothing more, nothing less.

        You do realize that that is an extremely strong statement?

        No, I don't. And you don't either. It's quite clear that the original poster didn't advocate making everyone equally competent in all endeavors. Opportunity doesn't mean competence, training, ability, etc.

        • Opportunity doesn't mean competence, training, ability, etc.

          It does in the world of democrats. Thats why he went there in spite of all the obvious reasons why he shouldn't.

        • It's quite clear that the original poster didn't advocate making everyone equally competent in all endeavors.

          Yes, he did. He probably didn't mean to, which is why I pointed this out to him.

          Opportunity doesn't mean competence, training, ability, etc.

          See, that's the problem: I don't think "equal opportunity" means anything in conservative rhetoric. It's simply a way to handwave away the problems inherent in the conservative value system by claiming you support equality in some abstract sense which has no ef

          • by khallow ( 566160 )

            See, that's the problem: I don't think "equal opportunity" means anything in conservative rhetoric. It's simply a way to handwave away the problems inherent in the conservative value system by claiming you support equality in some abstract sense which has no effect on the actual, extremely inequal outcomes. That would be fine if this was just some philosophical debate, but people have to live with those outcomes.

            Look, your argument is stupid. Words have meaning and in this case opportunity != outcome. I find it interesting how you have this considerable willful misunderstanding of someone's argument while this AC summed you up quite well.

            The current push amongst the "social justice" left is equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.

            It reminds me of Vox Day's three laws of the Social Justice Warrior []: always lie, always double down, and always project. You willfully misinterpret someone's words in order to make an embarrassing terrible rhetorical argument and then double down through your above rationalization.

      • by Mr.CRC ( 2330444 )

        It's nice to see someone trying to follow things through to their logical conclusions--to discover the problems in ideas that haven't been carefully scrutinized.

        Hardly anyone really questions: "what does this *really* mean?"

        I notice people regurgitating the same sound bites all the time, believing they have some sort of independent mind, yet never straying from the obvious dogmas of their in-group, and having "debates" in which the boundaries of thought are pre-constrained.

        It's no wonder we are going ar

    • Re:Sexism and Racism (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @11:24AM (#51879535) Homepage Journal

      Calling an opponent a sexist or a racist are sure fire ways to ostracize them and shut them up. Ironic the left is so opposed to bullying then bullies people it disagrees with and calls them names. We're not all the same but deserve the same opportunities, nothing more, nothing less. Stop with the name-calling.

      As a clear example of the OP's point, one need only look to how the media covers the Trump campaign.

      Trump notes that a portion (a subset) of illegal (intersect another subset) immigrants (intersect yet another subset) as rapists and murderers, and this is somehow interpreted to mean that he's a racist.

      He fails to remember who David Duke is (temporarily, I might add), and suddenly he's a KKK member.

      He insults a man and a woman in one breath, and since one of them was a woman, he's suddenly got a "war on women".

      He insults individuals he doesn't like. The women insults are selected, distilled, and made into a campaign ad [].

      A quick google of "Donald Trump's war on *" shows he has a:
      . war on women
      . war on Megyn Kelley
      . war on the media
      . war on Chivalry (wtf?)
      . war on people with disabilities
      . war on comedy (wtf?)
      . war on Muslims
      . war on anchor babies

      And these are only the first 2 pages! The list is endless!

      Googling "Donald Trump is *" shows that he is:
      . Satan
      . Hitler
      . crazier than April Fools' Day
      . the most dangerous man in the world
      . the next Barack Obama (wtf?)
      . Stalin
      . Mussolini

      ...the list goes on.

      All this completely ridiculous rhetoric, people are falling over themselves to paint Trump in the most possible bad way.

      (After writing that last line, I had a thought and... yep, Cthulhu [] supports Donald Trump. And this came from the Washington Post! WTF?)

      And the worst part of all is this: I don't have the first idea how well Trumps position stacks up against those of Cruz, Clinton, or Sanders.

      In fact, I don't know even *what* the other candidates even stand for.

      Trump: We'll bomb the shit out of ISIS and torture their families

      Clinton: "Today’s attacks will only strengthen our resolve to stand together as allies and defeat terrorism and radical jihadism around the world"

      What will Clinton do if elected? I haven't the first idea. ...all I know is that she doesn't have a war on women.

      • by Kohath ( 38547 )

        That stuff is to justify doing things that everyone acknowledges are evil. They want to lie, and bully people, and hurt people, and take money from people. How do you get away with that? Claim there's "a war on [whomever] and you're fighting for [whomever] against HitlerSatan". Problem solved; now anything goes!

      • by antdude ( 79039 )

        He needs a war on chickens and monkeys. :P

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Exactly, you have a right to enter the competition, but you don't have the right to expect the prize to be shared.
  • by sbaker ( 47485 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:19AM (#51879241) Homepage

    VR Researcher: We need money to carry on making pretty 3D environments.
    Other VR Researcher: If only we could find a big organization with lots of money.
    All together: THE NFL!! Yeaaaahhhh!

    Judge: You evil NFL guys are racist.
    NFL: No we're not, we're spending a ton of money to combat racism using cutting edge VR technology.
    Judge: Oh - OK then. Carry on.

    Nobody actually knows whether this approach will work in actually combating racism - but nobody involved cares about that part.

    IMHO, putting on VR goggles and seeing the person you're interacting with in 3D graphics is no better than seeing it on a 2D screen - and decidedly inferior to doing role-play with an actor. Which do you think is cheaper? VR research or a bunch of unemployed actors?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      There has been some research into having people exist in a virtual body that is opposite their own gender, and it has led to those people identifying better with the opposite sex. The technology could reasonably be used to help different races identify with one another. However, that's not what the NFL is trying to do, what they're doing is more insidious. They're giving a new coach or staff "interviews" where they're in a virtual reality scenario in which they are suddenly yelled at by a minority. Then, if

      • There has been some research into having people exist in a virtual body that is opposite their own gender, and it has led to those people identifying better with the opposite sex.

        When I worked at Accolade/Infogrames/Atari (same company, different owners, multiple personality disorders), the entire QA department tested multiplayer on Unreal Tournament 2004. Everone — including the few female testers — had male avatars in the game. I went with a female avatar to standout from the pack. I would camp with the sniper rifle. When everyone got tired of the head shots and flushed my avatar out into the open, I alternated between the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher while on

    • Nobody actually knows whether this approach will work in actually combating racism - but nobody involved cares about that part.

      If the problem perceveres, then at some point the public/law is going to decide they aren't doing enough to combat it, at which point they have to increase the anti-racism budget. Assuming these are somewhat rational businessmen, it would seem to be in their best interests to care.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    They still haven't figured out that "racism" is a lot more about behavior than just skin color? The skin color is often incidental. The behavior is usually stereotyped but many people insist on behaving just like their stereotype...and there are plenty of white people who "act black", for example. I judge a man by his behavior, his attitude, his intelligence and his ethics. Skin color has nothing to do with any of that. So "getting rid" of skin color won't stop people from acting the way they do.
  • by Z80a ( 971949 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:24AM (#51879279)

    Is not being racist yourself, which you are if you support the so called "social justice", given the fact the thing basically make you segregate the general population by gender, race and sexuality, instead of taking care of actual individual problems like poverty, lack of education and oppression by governments and big corporations etc..
    There is no such thing as "positive racism".

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The goal of the social justice movement is to break down barriers and segregation. I think where you may be confused is that occasionally it is necessary to segregate in a non-discriminatory, fair way, e.g. girl's and boy's locker rooms. The social justice movement is pragmatic about it.

      • The goal of the social justice movement is to break down barriers and segregation by labeling everybody who disagrees that this is the social justice goal as racists, sexists, or homophobes.

        Fixed that for you, douchebag.

  • head of diversity? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:29AM (#51879303)

    if you are seeking to have diversity occur then you are actively discriminating based on a prejudice which results in racism, sexism, ageism, etc. everyone needs to stop this "diversity" bullshit and hire people based on their qualifications.

    • You will never fix this as long as our society is based on greed. When 1 person, or a group of people, has more than another and then it gets rubbed in their face, then there will always be angst and division. A functioning community has a diversity of skills, ages, sizes, colors etc. But that all gets lost when the number one goal of a society is "Whoever dies with the most, WINS". Just because you have a particular skill doesn't mean you are worth more. Taking profits from a company and giving it to 3 ass
      • You will never fix this as long as our society is based on greed.

        Bullshit! If society were actually based on greed, there would be no racism, sexism or anything else like it because businesses only care about one color, green! You need to check your premises somewhere.

      • by Mr.CRC ( 2330444 )
        Greed is good.
  • by zenlessyank ( 748553 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @10:34AM (#51879321)
    does anyone spend over 8 billion dollars on diversity training. Let me see the bills. Someone is lying through their fucking teeth. And if they DID spend that much then whoever authorized it is a scam artist. Someone in charge of finances and laws need to investigate this group.
  • by martinux ( 1742570 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @11:22AM (#51879521)

    A researcher has previously investigated controller-avatar interactions, specifically, if the player (this is video-games related) identifies with their avatar:

    "Players do not automatically take on the role of characters/avatars. Playing as a character that is ostensibly “other” to you (in terms of gender, race, or sexuality) is not necessarily transgressive or perspective-altering. Playing as a character that is like you (in terms of demographic categories) does not necessarily engender identification."
    "This calls into question both the educative benefits and the marketing benefits of playing as a main video game character that is a member of a marginalized group."

    Limitations: Note that the sample for this paper did not involve what the researcher describes as "White male gamer", the researcher draws conclusions from a small sample. Also note that the paper does not seem to be peer reviewed.

    Source: []

    It's not *proof* of anything but it may suggest that VR interactions, like games, do not guarantee any identification between the subject and their avatar. In fact, it may be counter-productive; those who are asked to take part in the intervention/training may ask why it is that they're assumed to be racist.

  • by ooloorie ( 4394035 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @11:23AM (#51879523)

    You can already experience 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Man [] ("Hey, Harvard, wanna network?"), Walking in NYC as a Homosexual! [] ("Pants a little too tight homie"), 10 HRS Walking While Black in NYC [] ("Call me Cruella, I like my black on white."), and 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Puppy [] ("Come back to my house, I got some good meat for you."). FYI, the puppy experienced by far the most numerous and most vile forms of verbal harassment, plus "numerous winks, unsolicited tummy rubs, and non-consensual tug-of-war games."

  • by __aaclcg7560 ( 824291 ) on Sunday April 10, 2016 @11:54AM (#51879655)
    My company is having sensitivity training this week. As I told my manager, I haven't taken a sensitivity class in the 1990's.
    • by Kohath ( 38547 )

      Ask when you can expect someone to be sensitive to you and your culture and your situation.

      • Ask when you can expect someone to be sensitive to you and your culture and your situation.

        As a fat conservative white male, I can't and don't expect that. I just check my white privilege at door and give everyone the same respect. I haven't had an issue with anyone in years.

        • by Kohath ( 38547 )

          Why shouldn't you expect it? Because person A is worthy of respect and sensitivity and person B isn't? Is person B subhuman and not worthy of respect and sensitivity? Are fat conservative white males subhuman? Because ... wrong gender, wrong skin color?

          • Why shouldn't you expect it?

            Because white privilege is no longer the social norm it used to be. I live in California where white people are a minority in a minority-majority state. If I get on the bus, I may be the only white person, four or five languages other than English are being spoken, and some are born outside of the United States. I find this perfectly normal.

            My extended family in Idaho are horrified by this. They expect everyone to speak English, they expect minorities to know their place (i.e., Chinese in Chinese restaurant

  • by onyxruby ( 118189 ) <onyxruby@comcast . n et> on Sunday April 10, 2016 @12:30PM (#51879777)

    The concept of approving the right mixture of racism, sexism and bigotry to gain moral superiority.

  • When the players thought it was a dating Sim.
  • You select people based on their level of aggression, and then you are surprised when they act within their nature, and behave aggressively?
    Now, you want to try to change their nature?

    And where are the Geek Stadiums?

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
