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PlayStation VR Pre-Orders Sell Out In Minutes At Amazon (roadtovr.com) 92

An anonymous reader writes: Once seen as the underdog, Sony's PlayStation VR headset continues to hold its own against PC-based competitors Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The company announced last week that they won't ship the PSVR headset until October, but they also announced an attractive $399 price compared to the Rift at $599 and Vive at $799. And it appears the company's existing addressable market of 36 million PS4 owners are ready to get on board; Amazon U.S. opened pre-orders for the PSVR Launch Bundle this morning and sold out of its stock allocation in less than 10 minutes. Walmart befell the same fate quickly thereafter, though several other retailers in the U.S. are still showing pre-order stock.
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PlayStation VR Pre-Orders Sell Out In Minutes At Amazon

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  • by GoodNewsJimDotCom ( 2244874 ) on Tuesday March 22, 2016 @08:23PM (#51758173)
    I wonder what degree of motion sickness a vr helmet would do. One idea i had for a vr game was being suspended by a 3drange of motion harness. Do movements like you're in space in an iron man suit playing a game of soccer... The queasiness of vr and being spun around would probably outweigh the coolness factor.
    • I thought that was where all the research goes into -- making it motion sickness-free and intuitive to use. Otherwise its just a phone display glued to your face.

      The only application I have in mind is to be immersed in 360 panoramas (ideally 360x180 actually), from my own albums, or from other people being on mountains, in the ocean, from the ISS, all-sky surveys of the galaxy.

    • I wonder what degree of motion sickness a vr helmet would do. One idea i had for a vr game was being suspended by a 3drange of motion harness. Do movements like you're in space in an iron man suit playing a game of soccer... The queasiness of vr and being spun around would probably outweigh the coolness factor.

      I had an idea for that, and even set one up in my basement.

      It was two parallel lines of square stock, and two more in a "cross" formation, hung parallel to the floor from 4 cables. Each cable went up to the ceiling, right angle through a pulley, around a motorized pulley, out to another pulley further out, and down to the opposite arm of the cross.

      The user lies on the cross face down, and the motors running the pulleys can tilt the cross left/right and up/down. An LCD mounts below the user, so that he can s

    • Actually, properly done a motion harness -should- decrease motion sickness in most cases. VR motion sickness tends to be caused by your eyes disagreeing with your inner ear with respect to motion and orientation and such. As a result a 3-degrees of motion or 6-degree of motion harness has a strong potential to reduce the motion sickness.

      I use terms like 'should' and 'strong potential' because this assumes that the software is all doing its job properly. Obviously if when you turn right in VR the harness lag

    • Jeebus can fix that, Jim.
    • by elrous0 ( 869638 )

      Well, I've already patented my VR Vomit-Inducer. I'll make millions!

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      That was common in the early 1990's. Now some of the reviews of todays VR devices like to push just how well they felt and how they had no physical issues.
      Lets hope the gpu, cpu, "4k ready" as computer hardware and VR 90 fps can keep up and most users feel ok due to advances in hardware and software :)
      As a wider selection of users report in with different VR designs and support it will be interesting reading about the more common physical reactions to the VR again :)
    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      Motion sickness would add an extra layer of realism in games where you're storming the beaches of Normandy. You can hurl your guts up like you're in a real landing craft!
    • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

      It depends, if you use a very low processing power computer like a PS4.... pretty bad.

    • It depends on your genes, I guess.
      I've tried "roller coaster" in Oculus Rift (first version).
      It was fine and quite fun.
      Then colleague started another demo without stopping previous one (which kept holding control) so that when I was rotating my head "world" was rotating with it.
      I got VERY strong nausea which lasted for several hours (although, that kind of environment is probably irrelevant in normal conditions).

      One of my colleagues who tried VR felt sick for about 2 weeks (!!!). Although that was one out o

  • We all know that video game addiction can reach some pretty amazing levels. Even way back in the early days of Multi-User-Dungeons (MUDs) I knew some people who were so addicted to these games that they wouldn't leave the house for weeks just to play them non-stop. With VR entering the picture how deep will the addiction and weirdness go?

    Right now for any reasonably popular multi-user game there are huge subcultures on youtube, reddit and elsewhere dedicated to the finest intricacies of the game and liter

  • no. really. Jim, he's REALLY Dead.
  • Augmented (Score:5, Funny)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Tuesday March 22, 2016 @09:48PM (#51758539) Journal

    I'm saving my money for a Sybian VR.

  • It's actually 499 (Score:4, Informative)

    by NotSoHeavyD3 ( 1400425 ) on Tuesday March 22, 2016 @11:49PM (#51758881) Journal
    It's 399 if you already have the required camera and move controllers.(Which a lot of people don't have.) There is a package deal with those included for 499.
  • Missing Info (Score:5, Insightful)

    by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Tuesday March 22, 2016 @11:54PM (#51758899)

    This article would be infinity more informative if we were told what Amazon's allotment was. Selling 100 units of VR equipment on a major console in a short amount of time would be completely unimpressive. Selling 100k would be very impressive. Without the numbers the only thing this tells us is we can't buy the VR gear from Amazon.

    • by deek ( 22697 )

      Nobody would know, except for Sony and Amazon.

      Though I do know that Sony initially intended a June/July release. When they realised the demand, though, they decided to release in October so they can manufacture more units. Now, knowing Sony's experience in tech manufacturing, I guess we can reasonably assume they'll have 500k units available by October. Perhaps 200k of those assigned to the US, and, I don't know, 20-40k for Amazon? It's a rough guesstimate.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      This article would be infinity more informative if we were told what Amazon's allotment was. Selling 100 units of VR equipment on a major console in a short amount of time would be completely unimpressive. Selling 100k would be very impressive. Without the numbers the only thing this tells us is we can't buy the VR gear from Amazon.


      I'm thinking that Sony did it's old trick of only releasing 20 units then claiming "sold out in record time".

    • It's currently the number 4 seller on Amazon in the video games category, ahead of The Division and No Man's Sky. Unless they're gaming their system I'd say they sold a pretty significant number of them. Also, this was apparently the significantly more expensive launch bundle that comes with 2 move controllers and a PlayStation Camera; I'm not sure how valid the "but it's cheaper" argument the summary makes is. The real answer is probably one that PC gamers will hate to hear: there are many, many more PS4s

      • by aliquis ( 678370 )

        many more PS4s in the wild than there are PCs that meet the minimum specs of the Rift.

        Then again none of those Playstation 4s reach it either .. So.. Guess the PC players got that covered anyway.

        Now if we talk PCs who reach the computing performance of the Playstation 4 there will at-least be more of them (than the better performing ones), whatever that's more than the PS4s I don't know, possibly? Likely? I don't know what the sales are of the graphics cards, could likely rather easily find some.

        I'm not sure how valid the "but it's cheaper" argument the summary makes is.

        It is very valid.
        $399 doesn't include camera and move controllers but $550 does. The PS4 is $350

  • There will be no boycott this year? Is this thing going to be safer than a Sony CD [trekcore.com]?

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