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Power Technology

How Tesla Batteries Will Force Home Wiring To Go Low Voltage 597

CIStud writes with a story at CEPro suggesting that solar power and home batteries like Tesla's PowerWall "will force the reinvention of home wiring from primarily AC high voltage to DC home-run low voltage to reduce power conversion loss," writing "To avoid the 20% to 40% power loss when converting from DC to AC, home wiring will have to convert to home-run low-voltage, and eventually eliminate the need for high-voltage 110V electrical wiring." As a former full-time Airstream dweller, I can attest to the importance of DC appliances when dealing with batteries.
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How Tesla Batteries Will Force Home Wiring To Go Low Voltage

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  • by pollarda ( 632730 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @10:56AM (#49790903)
    You'd think the fight between Edison and Tesla would have ended long after their deaths. Clearly not. It is a good thing their graves aren't near each other, if they were, there would surely be lighting bolts going back and forth.
    • by camperdave ( 969942 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @10:59AM (#49790925) Journal
      Back and forth? Sounds like AC for the win!
      • Yeah you definitely won the internets this morning.
    • Well, Edison did have a point that AC is more dangerous. There is a dead elephant to prove it.

    • by TWX ( 665546 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:33AM (#49791315)

      You'd think the fight between Edison and Tesla would have ended long after their deaths. Clearly not. It is a good thing their graves aren't near each other, if they were, there would surely be lighting bolts going back and forth.

      I have that Thinkgeek t-shirt actually...

      It is mildly amusing that DC, Edison's favorite, might be better suited to an application named after the major proponent of AC, Tesla...

      • by thrig ( 36791 )

        It is mildly amusing that DC, Edison's favorite, might be better suited to an application named after the major proponent of AC, Tesla...

        Yes, that DC is still in business is truly a MARVEL.

    • by mellon ( 7048 )

      This is a load of hooey. Low-voltage wiring is a PITA, and losses due to conversion aren't as high as is being claimed. The loss from just charging the battery is bigger. I'm afraid we are stuck with 120/240 VAC, and Tesla is the winner.

  • by BenJeremy ( 181303 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @10:57AM (#49790913)

    Kind of ironic. Nikola Tesla fought to champion AC power, and the company named after him will bring Edison's dream of DC-sourced homes to reality.

    • by ClayDowling ( 629804 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:09AM (#49791039) Homepage

      Worth noting that this is still forced to work within the Edison system's restrictions: the power source encouraging DC must be local. Which is cool when we all have our own power storage and generation capabilities.

    • by Ceriel Nosforit ( 682174 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:15AM (#49791133)

      Everything I have read here makes me angry. First, there were technical reasons why Tesla wanted AC, and economic reasons why Edison wanted DC.

      Second, HVDC lines exist. This is for BOTH technical and economic reasons.

      Third, you can run AC and DC on the same lines and filter one from the other. With modern SiC tech this isn't even a challenge.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Running both AC+DC works but they both still add up to the same tolerable breakdown voltage before it arcs over in an undesirable manner.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:48AM (#49791453)

      DC in the home is only viable due to recent advances in power silicon. AC has its problems, but the genius of AC power is that you can controll it with nothing more than carefully arranged windings of wire and big chunks of metal. Transformers, inductors, capacitors, and resisters can all be made with nothing more than properly arranged and chosen wires and metal blocks. There was no practical DC-DC conversion in Edison's day. Even AC/DC conversion was tricky, often requiring an AC motor with a shaft mechanically linked to a DC generator.

      Edison did not have the IGBT

      Today, that's different.

      You can make tiny, tiny, cheap little AC-DC or DC-DC converters that are dozens of times cheaper and many more times efficient than their counterparts made even a decade ago. What used to require large arrays of MOSFETs and many many pounds of expensive copper windings (And the design/volume/heatsinks/fans to deal with all the waste heat!) is now handled by a much smaller transformer, a handful of inductors, and some advanced switching silicon controlled by a fairly smart processor. You also, thanks to increased efficiency, don't need to overbuild with expensive heat tolerant components so much. (Heat shortens component lifetimes, particularly caps)

      And they're already deeply commoditized because, guess what, the chinese are big in to solar. (They know they are going to need it. They're quite aware that traditional energy can't economically fully meet their future demand.)

    • by Lab Rat Jason ( 2495638 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @12:07PM (#49791653)

      Sounds like the fight about currents has been rectified then?

  • If you're using somewhere near the inverter's peak output, then you can get as much as 90% efficiency. Inverters are getting smaller all the time, which makes it more feasible to gang modules instead of using monolithic units which will provide very low conversion efficiency for low outputs.

    It's still unfortunate to leave 10% on the table. But a lot of DC-DC power supplies are also not very efficient. Best-case, they are only around 95% efficient, and you can easily lose another 10-15% if you execute them p

    • Re:20-40% overblown (Score:5, Informative)

      by Mike_EE_U_of_I ( 1493783 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @12:07PM (#49791657)

      > If you're using somewhere near the inverter's peak output, then you can get as much as 90% efficiency

        These days inverters are much better than that. To use a random product that is currently shipping, an SMA Sunny Boy 5000 runs at 95.5-97% efficiency. Bigger inverters are even better with some commercial scale monsters at 98% efficiency.

        The original article is pure nonsense. There are already three port inverters on the market. Those ports are: your 120V AC, your solar array, your battery bank. If the energy is going from the solar array to the battery there is simply no intermediate conversion to AC. With a three port inverter, there is only ever a single conversion from DC to AC. And, as I previously mentioned, will only get hit with a 3-4.5% loss. There is simply no way the world is going to change how electricity is delivered to avoid that.

        Since the Tesla Power Wall is pretty much for sure going to be a high volume product, there are inverter manufacturers falling all over themselves to design and build three port inverters specifically optimized for the Tesla product.

  • by Penguinisto ( 415985 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:01AM (#49790943) Journal

    ...albeit this has already happened on a smaller scale before. All you need to do is ask anyone who owns or has owned an RV or Camping trailer.

    I dealt with it myself when I had an RV: a bank of huge batteries, an inverter, and a generator. In Tesla's instance, you replace "generator" with "local power grid", but otherwise it's the same routine: Your lights and similar are low-voltage (just like most RVs), but you use an inverter for any general consumer item (TV, computer/laptop, hair dryer, whatever).

    I think the only diff would be in the appliances... most RV appliances (e.g. the refrigerator, furnace blower, AC units) are made to run off of 12v DC, but most RV appliances are pretty small when compared to their house-made counterparts.

    Maybe ask folks who do the hardcore solar/wind thing?

    • by Holi ( 250190 )
      I deal with boats and a lot of the appliances are moving to 48v.
    • Boat people use 36 or 48V in larger vessels. There is a lot of work done in high voltage DC for people with lots more money than sense.

      The higher DC voltages seem to work well for everything except household-class heater appliances like dryers. But 12V isn't going to cut it for house-sized objects. Yes, you can do it - but why would you want to?

      For one thing, high amp copper cable is expensive and a PITA to install.

    • by mlts ( 1038732 )

      RVs tend to have two rails. A 12 volt set of circuits, and 120 VAC. However, because it is only 3-4 meters at most, one can get away with using low-amp appliances on that rail.

      A house, with its far longer runs should be on 120 for everything, and if 12 volts is needed... put a rectifier in the room. No need to use big fat meth-head attracting cables.

      If one wants the advantage of clean power without needing a power supply for every box... this is a long since solved problem. Telcos have been using 48VDC

  • by Diss Champ ( 934796 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:02AM (#49790959)

    It's not like there is one single standard DC voltage that everything runs off of. Switching between different DC voltages incurs a loss just like switching between the current AC standard and a given DC voltage incurs a loss.

    If one were deploying everything from scratch, one could pick a standard. Right now, everyone is going to want to run the stuff they have, and the AC to DC converters on that stuff, even when they are exposed (i.e. wall-warts) instead of embedded in the device, are converting to a variety of different DC values.

  • Bad Idea (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    With houses as big as they are, we ( USA ) need to think about going to 220v to save on copper.

    Besides, inverters are easy to build, soon you'll beable to buy a Raseberry Pi kit to run a 10kw inverter.

  • I thought North America already was low voltage. 8P

    230~240VAC FTW!

  • Will it be cheaper to buy 20-40% more batteries (or solar panels) or convert all your appliances? I suspect batteries will be far cheaper. But yes, I do know the importance of not converting. We spend a lot of time in the wilderness in our travel trailer and it really matters then. However, don't underestimate the loss with DC over the distance of a house. It won't be 20-40%, but 10% maybe...
  • by Dave500 ( 107484 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:07AM (#49791017)

    Forgive me if I have this wrong, but if we start wiring houses for low voltage DC, won't this mean huge fat copper cables to deal with the current implications of a washing machine or oven pulling tens, even hundreds of amps because of Ohms law?

  • There just isn't enough lithium in the world to supply Tesla batteries to every US household, let alone the world.

    Worrying about low-voltage appliances is delusional.

  • So you move the cost of losses from the DC to AC conversion to the cost of significant increases in the amount of copper needed to wire a house and the internals of power-hungry appliances.

    Seems to me a better solution would be to research ways to convert from DC to AC more efficiently. Currently there's up to a 40% power loss. That's just begging for some research money....

    • So you move the cost of losses from the DC to AC conversion to the cost of significant increases in the amount of copper needed to wire a house and the internals of power-hungry appliances.

      Yeah I've been wishing it wasn't so ridiculously hard to change mains voltage. If only we could distribute at 220V, or get 220V feed lines to build 220V circuits. Europe has all these 15 amp appliances like steam irons that you can't get in the US because you'd need 30-35 amps to run them--they're 15A at 220V. Same appliances in America are low-power (1800W), and operate as if they're severely defective.

      High-voltage, low-current is the way to go. We have 20 amp bedroom circuits; we don't need 20V 120

  • AC is the standard (Score:5, Insightful)

    by monkeyxpress ( 4016725 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:10AM (#49791047)

    If we were starting out then maybe, but there are just so many things that can be plugged into an AC socket. It's pretty amazing that you can take anything from the last 50 years or more that has the right plug on it, shove it into a wall socket, and off it goes. The current system is a very good standard, and it will be hard to change things. Further, one of the original reasons Tesla (Nikola) won out is that the induction motor is an extremely good motor design (safe, reliable, quiet). Lots of things still have AC induction motors (heatpumps, your fridge) and these require, well AC. If you don't have that then you need a motor driver for them (or brushes I suppose) which is just a three-phase inverter anyway.

    Also 20-40% power loss is crazy. More like 5-10% with modern semi-conductors and getting better/cheaper all the time.

  • IIRC, Tesla Model S batteries are connected in series groups, resulting in a 350 Volt output. If Tesla made a home battery that put out 120 Volts, many resistive loads, universal motors and switched mode power supplies could run directly off battery power.

    • With modifications. A lot of things like those motors and LED lighting depends upon inductive current limiting. Give them DC at what seems the right voltage and they'll probably catch fire.

  • As you know being a RV dweller doing this type of stuff you will have to upgrade the wiring size just to deal with current increase, and circuit break box. The only way would be in new homes.

    While this would integrate well if using wind power and solar as a supplement to your home, those homes just using AC/DC will see high loss in total conversion requirements.

    Unless your talking conversion to like 48VDC throughout house, or something that would just require half wave conversion and then current control on

  • by Zymergy ( 803632 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:11AM (#49791063)
    I'm not buying it. Voltage x Amperage = Wattage. So long as Wattage stays the same (think 1,800W hair dryers here), your Amperage must proportionately increase if the Voltage drops... This can only be accomplished by using LARGER wires to deliver the Amps... This is why wires on your car battery or golf cart are so large... Imaging the COST of wiring a home with large (lower Voltage) conductors like that... Ask yourself why Europe uses a ~230V/240V electricity in homes and how much cost savings there must be by delivering all the wattage at half the conductor size compared to the North American 120V household standard... Smarter people than us have all thought this stuff through many decades ago... Tesla is trying to push battery tech and if it were affordable and better than a $500 gas generator, we'd already have it installed. Cool technology, way too expensive and I'm not rewiring my house.
  • Question for engineer / mathy types that can do the conversion loss calculations:


    1. A lot of things geeks run have power bricks that output DC.
    2. Most of these run on similar voltages.
    3. Quite a lot of them have some "fudge" where they can actually run fine on quite a bit higher or sometimes lower voltage than what their included bricks put out.

    I think:

    1. One big AC-DC converter in the basement that puts out a "good enough" voltage for most of your toys is (much?) more efficient than a myriad of little bricks str
  • Manitoba Hydro (Score:2, Informative)

    by Kinthelt ( 96845 )

    MB is already far ahead, as they actually transmit power from their dams as DC. https://www.hydro.mb.ca/corpor... [hydro.mb.ca]

  • by ckthorp ( 1255134 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:13AM (#49791113)
    This is a very poorly researched article. They talk about getting 12V from a solar panel. No modern home-scale solar system runs at 12V. The power loss due to resistance is much too high until you use wires that are much too large.

    The real solution would be to standardize on some type of home HVDC distribution in the 150-300VDC range. This would help keep the DC/DC conversion in roughly the 2:1 voltage ration range, which helps efficiency. It would also help keep the wire gauge reasonable. I'm not sure how the article's author envisions running things like a modern HE washing machine with build in heater from, say, 12V. It would take about 100-150 amps and require about 2/0 gauge wire to keep the losses manageable.
  • None of the methods have general and ubiquitous superiority. AC is key for centralized energy manufacturing. DC is instrumental for decentralized electric grids.

    I think that prediction that home appliances will drift to DC is correct in a way that there will be more appliances that will start taking either AC or DC.

    Next question is, however, on what will be the DC home grid voltage? Historic 12V? Electric car 48V? Anything in between?

    If you look around, following voltages are common for DC using appliances:

  • The higher current draw (if a low voltage DC is used) will require much heavier cables than the typical (for US) 12 guage cable. That can get expensive and there would certainly be the need for DC-DC converters for funky voltages. Maybe it would be standardized over time but that's a long way off.

    Maybe there will in fact be something like a 48V standard that would be some sort of compromise, although I think the Tesla batteries run around 220V to keep the motors relatively small. I don't know if there's

  • Many appliances run just fine on 120v DC power. Of course it's hard to tell which ones without either taking it apart and examining it or trying it and risking the magic smoke coming out.

    Nothing high-current will ever switch to low voltage DC, I hope. I'm already annoyed at my 120v electric lawn mower; stupid extension cord is way heavier than my in-laws 240v electric lawn mower in Europe. Considering the cost of copper we should be switching to higher voltages, not lower.

    Seems like the batteries could

  • by Joey Vegetables ( 686525 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:16AM (#49791145) Journal
    NO. That will not happen. Power equals voltage times current. To deliver the same power load at a lower voltage would require higher current, and household wiring is already designed to carry as much current as it safely can. Lowering voltage would thus require new, much bulkier wiring, which can't easily be retrofitted in older structures. Conduits would be able to carry far less of it, so those two would have to be overhauled. Last but not least, wireless charging and better batteries will eliminate much of the need for the lower-power wiring in the first place. There are very few things that I can confidently predict about the future, but one of those things is that mains (110-220v) voltage is not going to change drastically anytime soon. I'd be willing to bet every single powered appliance in my home on it.
  • I design homes as a hobby - how would I build my own? Most of my designs - except for the most "modernly practical" use DC power for at minimum lighting.

    The one thing I need to work out - exactly how do we make a Lava Lamp work efficiently on DC power....

  • Is it still the case that solar panels are wired to produce 12-V output? As I understand it, this was done historically for the convenience of interfacing with 12-V lead-acid batteries. This historical quirk has made almost everything else about solar more difficult and expensive, because it's a low-voltage, high-current architecture.

    If, on the other hand, solar panels were wired to produce, say, 120 V DC output (i.e., the cells or panels wired more in series than parallel), then lots of things get eas
  • by tomhath ( 637240 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:18AM (#49791167)

    if the battery power trend takes off, it must lead to a new paradigm in which homes will be powered more with low voltage wiring than line voltage electrical, according to a blog

    A couple of real big if's there. Battery power is unlikely to take off in all but a few low latitude places where the climate is right and it's heavily subsidized. Even then, there are better alternatives than rewiring a house; and of course solar doesn't work for high density housing like a multi-story apartment building..

  • I could use all my camping equipment in the comfort of my own home.
  • With homes having high load devices with large motors(washing machines, compressors in heat pumps, etc) and the large resistive loads like electric heaters, stoves, etc DC just is not the answer. Even with DC there would be a need for DC-DC converters which work by converting to AC... So given how easy it is to move AC voltages around and up/down I would think the question would be how do we optimize the losses in conversions. Maybe we need 5KHz instead of 50/60Hz.
  • When my 3yr old sticks a forked prong in my DC electrical outlet, what is the safety factor compared to the current AC plugs?

  • Copper wiring. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Xoltri ( 1052470 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:22AM (#49791207)
    Low voltage is not going to happen, if only because the costs for copper wire would be astronomical. If you take your standard 1500w electrical outlet, at 120v it only needs #14 gauge wire to run 54 feet @1800watts because it's only 15 amps. If you take that down to 24V, you need #2 gauge wire to run the same distance, and you are only getting 1200watts, at 50 amps! #14 wire is about $0.17 per foot, where as #2 wire is (from what I could find) about $7.50 per foot.
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:23AM (#49791221)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Megane ( 129182 )
      I recommend you go to Youtube and look for videos showing 110 volts AC vs DC with a knife switch to see the important difference. Hint: "zero crossing". You can't just splice your whole house into the same voltage of DC expect anything to work the same. Sure, your incandescent lights would work, but the wall switch wouldn't be able to turn it off, and might even start a fire from the arc. There's a reason that data centers use 48VDC and no higher.
  • A lot of inertia (Score:5, Insightful)

    by grimmjeeper ( 2301232 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:25AM (#49791239) Homepage

    I'm not sure that home batteries will drive a switch to low voltage DC. There's a ton of inertia to overcome. The cost of retrofitting the wiring to handle the higher amperage of using lower voltage alone will be thousands of dollars for every single house, apartment, and office. A simple 20A 120V circuit changed over to 12V will draw 200A. You're going to need to upgrade to 4 or even 2 gauge wire at a minimum to handle that kind of current. And that's a lot of money.

    The switch from AC to DC inside the home might be feasible but there's no way you can convert the entire grid. You'd have to rebuild the whole grid from scratch to convert from AC to DC. The transformers to step the voltages up or down simply don't work unless they're pushing AC so how do you handle industrial level supply being stepped down to household voltages at the neighborhood transformer? And who's going to pay for the switch? And what about the industrial users who don't need to run low voltage DC? How do you satisfy their demand?

    Then you have to deal with how a substantial number of appliances are built. Many are designed for AC current and won't work with DC, regardless of the voltages. Sure, you can swap out the power supply in your desktop PC to take a DC feed without a lot of trouble. And if electronics retailers had a standard DC wall voltage to work with, you'd see most consumer electronics move to those standards. But how do you deal with a cable modem that needs 12V and a home router that takes 9V? Who wants to go out and replace all of their equipment that is running just fine right now? Who has the money to do that?

    And here's the kicker. What real benefit do we gain from a switch over to low voltage DC in the house? Sure, some of the consumer electronics we use won't need that big wall vampire to supply them with power. And sure, we don't really need to run our lights from 120V when 12V can still drive enough light from LEDs without any trouble. But what about the appliances in the house that really draw the bulk of the power in the house? The 240V electric stove or the heat and AC systems? What about your refrigerator and your washer/dryer? Hell, can you imagine the amperage draw trying to recharge your electric car with 12V? And are you going to just skip using those appliances when you're running on battery power?

    So if you're going to have to keep your 120V AC based house wiring for your major appliances, do you really want to spend all the money installing a low voltage subsystem for a few consumer electronic devices to supplement the wiring you already have? I know I wouldn't want to.

    Like everything else that is poised to "fundamentally change the way we do things", the dreamers never consider the practical reality of actually making the change. In reality, I think we're going to have to deal with the inefficiency of converting from DC battery power to 120V AC for the home. There's just too many things to overcome for little to no benefit.

  • by MpVpRb ( 1423381 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:26AM (#49791251)

    Lots of devices, like AC motors require AC to run. This includes air conditioning systems and refrigerators, which are the biggest power users in a typical home

    Modern AC-DC power supplies are much more efficient than the article claims

    But, the biggest reason this is silly is the ENORMOUSLY HUGE number of existing devices that run on AC

    Maybe, maybe it might make sense for a VERY small number of VERY specialized devices in new construction

  • by dAzED1 ( 33635 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @11:59AM (#49791553) Journal
    I'm buying a massive house that is 1/3 the price it should be (ie, very good shape structurally, but is still half the price of per/square of "poor" quality; very high quality home, just hasn't been remodeled in many decades. Brand new roof though...heh). I'll be removing most of the sheetrock and replacing half of the wiring already, and am installing solar. I can't find a solar company that seems comfortable with DC circuits, low-voltage or otherwise. Coming off the solar it will be already DC; converting from DC to AC just to convert back to DC is likely why they claim the 20-40% loss - you're not losing in conversion just once, right? So then I just need some sort of power stabilizing factor - such as running through a battery or whatnot - thus why I clicked on this article at all. Any already know of a good book or resource with which I could inform myself before spending a good deal of money?
  • by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @12:22PM (#49791799)

    We need to use HIGH voltage DC at about the same voltage as your house is now, forget about going "low voltage" DC. MOST things in your home will run JUST FINE on DC with a few notable exceptions. AC induction motors will NOT work, nor will anything that involves an old fashioned transformer, but most modern electronics with switching power supplies work great on anywhere between about 90V to 200V DC without modification. Most switching power supplies just convert the AC into DC right up front and won't know the difference. So, all you do is provide inverters for the things you cannot easily change (like for your appliances) and just feed DC to the rest of the stuff that doesn't care. What you DON'T do is go to low voltage DC and suggesting this is just crazy talk. Why?

    1. Most stuff just works on high voltage DC as discussed above. Most switching power supplies simply don't know or care about AC or DC and due to their efficiency switching power supplies are used in almost everything electronic.

    2. It's easier (and more efficient) to use high voltage DC for charging the batteries. All you need is a rectifier to convert that 220 into about 250V DC and charge the batteries, which is about as simple and efficient as it comes.

    3. It's easer (and more efficient) to make an inverter that uses high voltage DC as input. It's pretty easy to just flip the current one way then the other to get AC sufficient to run most induction motors and transformer powered devices.

    4. It's more efficient to use higher voltage in terms of wire size because IxR losses are less for the same power transfer. Chances are the same wires you have now will be fine, but if you go to low voltage (say 13.8V like in your car) you are going to need bigger conductors to avoid the voltage drops over long high current runs. Use higher voltage and lower current, and stick with the wires you have.

    5. Current battery technology for EV's and hybrids uses about 200V DC to start with, so there are less modifications to the technology when adapting to a home use. If we stick with a common battery pack voltage it will increase the economies of scale in their production and allow the use of old automobile packs that have reduced capacity as power storage in homes where the size and weight of the battery is less important. If you go low voltage, you either have to convert the 200V down to 12 or 48 (and incur the conversion loss) or modify the battery pack to operate at the lower voltage.

    I know that traditional DC systems run at multiples of 12 Volts because they are usually built on Lead-Acid batteries and that much equipment is commercially available that uses 12 and 48 volts based on this. But going to 12 or 48 volts is not the right answer. It's really just the traditional solution based on past thinking and limitations. Running 200V DC is a more viable and long term solution that will work fine with a lot of existing AC equipment, plus is compatible with a ready source of batteries which are commercially available (and if purchased used, pretty cheap).

    So, NO, we DON'T want to start using low voltage DC... We want to use HIGH voltage DC.

    • Heh I should have read your whole post before replying to the first line, but let me pick you apart in another one instead.

      1. Most stuff just works on high voltage DC as discussed above. Most switching power supplies simply don't know or care about AC or DC and due to their efficiency switching power supplies are used in almost everything electronic.

      Absolutely wrong. The first thing most power supplies do is step down from high voltage AC to something in the general range of whats needed on the highest output value. They step down with a transformer. That transformer only works with AC, if you put DC in it, you're just going to burn it up as it turns into a magnet carrying more current (because its not AC, so the there is no ind

  • by k2backhoe ( 1092067 ) on Thursday May 28, 2015 @01:20PM (#49792325)
    This article is wrong on so many levels it's not funny. Go to http://www.teslamotors.com/pow... [teslamotors.com] and you will see that the Tesla home batteries are NOT low voltage. Efficient inverters are way cheaper than rewiring and relamping a house. Silly story.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
