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We'll Be the Last PC Company Standing, Acer CEO Says 417

Velcroman1 writes: At a sky-high press conference atop the new World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, Acer unveiled a sky-high lineup of goods – and placed a flag in the sand for the sagging PC industry. "There are only four or five players in the PC industry, and all of us are survivors," Jason Chen, CEO of Acer Corp, told an international group of reporters. "We will be the last man standing for the PC industry." To that end, the company showed off a slew of new laptops and 2-in-1s, the new Liquid X2 smartphone, and introduces a new line of gaming PCs, called Predator. I suspect Apple will outlive Acer; who do you think will fall next (or rise next)?
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We'll Be the Last PC Company Standing, Acer CEO Says

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  • by gatkinso ( 15975 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @03:51PM (#49540487)

    Dell and HP have enterprise staying power, Panasonic Toughbooks are basically an industry standard.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by ISoldat53 ( 977164 )
      Dell? Ha that's a laugh.
      • by wiggles ( 30088 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:13PM (#49540645)

        Do not underestimate Dell. Their ability to sell laptops by the pallet to corporations is impressive.

        • hahah.. Funny that I'm sitting here staring at a pallet of Dell laptops at this very moment.
        • Do not underestimate Dell. Their ability to sell laptops by the pallet to corporations is impressive.

          Their ability to sell servers by the truckload to corporations is even more impressive... until a decent blade solution arrives that isn't so rectum-stretching expensive (*cough*CiscoUCS*cough*), I suspect that Dell will be around for a *very* long time...

          (same with HP, come to think of it.)

          • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

            Their ability to sell PC made by others makes them a retailer and not a manufacturer. Ditto Apple and the rest. So ACER is right they are with a few other 'ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS' will be the last ones left standing until various countries decide it is in their national security interests to be able to securely make their own. You can bet with 100% total surety that, it will happen and it is just a matter of when. In order to subsidise that secure local manufacture governments will actively subsidise retail

        • by mjwx ( 966435 )

          Do not underestimate Dell. Their ability to sell laptops by the pallet to corporations is impressive.

          Beyond that, their enterprise gear is actually quite good. For people who've only ever used Dell's consumer crap this may come as a bit of a surprise.

          My biggest complaint with the Dell Latitude work gave me is that it is a little bit on the heavy side.

          Reliable laptops with decent specs combined with aggressive pricing at the enterprise level that Acer is unable to match and Apple is unwilling to match there is little surprise that Dell is an enterprise favourite.

      • Do let us in on the joke.
      • by Narcocide ( 102829 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:26PM (#49540795) Homepage

        I think you probably aren't aware that Dell has a pretty decent foothold in the market of prefab data center solutions, and compared to a lot of others their servers&racks snap together a lot nicer, and come with a lot more enterprise-friendly tech support. Don't get me wrong, I'm no big fan of Dell so I'm not gonna advertise for them, but if you Google "Dell blade server" I'm sure you'll quickly realize its no laughing matter.

        • Also, Dell has been on a buying spree of enterprise solutions lately - they'll crowbar their way into your enterprise one way or another; be it with data-at-rest encryption software, firewalls and routers, switching, thin clients, storage, etc.

      • by mcrbids ( 148650 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:41PM (#49540887) Journal

        How is Dell a laugh?

        I write this on a gorgeous Dell Precision M3800 that has it all: powerful i7 processor, space for lots of RAM (16 GB), dual SSD bays, gorgeous 4K screen, and all in a lightweight, svelte case that rivals a Macbook Air in appearance and feel.

        Oh, did I mention Linux compatibility? Ubuntu is officially supported. (My fave distro, Fedora runs without issue - literally load and forget)

        Not sure what you're looking for in a PC manufacturer, but for Slashbots, isn't this pretty much it?

        • by vivek7006 ( 585218 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:47PM (#49540945) Homepage

          Not sure what you're looking for in a PC manufacturer, but for Slashbots, isn't this pretty much it?

          He is looking for a tablet where he can install candy crush

    • Guess who built my HP desktop.
      Hint: it starts with 'A' and ends with 'SUS'.
      • by rev0lt ( 1950662 )
        Asus doesn't "build" computers :) Foxconn does. And also does Apple and Intel gear (AFAIK). And on the laptop market, at least some years ago, Quanta (Taiwan) had allegedly assembled 30% of all the sold laptops. You can usually spot this by checking the MAC address on the ethernet card (see [] ).
  • Said no one ever. And who owns Packard Bell now? The company that thinks they'll outlive them all.

    • by gatkinso ( 15975 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @03:53PM (#49540497)

      It taught me to never go cheap again.

    • by binarstu ( 720435 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:56PM (#49541029)
      One of my favorite "features" of some of the old Packard Bell models was the power switch configuration. The true power switch was actually a tiny little button that was soldered directly onto the motherboard. That is, they didn't have the two-pin power-on mechanism that has become common on most consumer motherboards, so there was no way to wire a switch on the case to start the computer. Packard Bell solved this problem by engineering a fairly complicated push rod system that mechanically linked the switch on the front of the case to the little button on the motherboard. As I remember it, the push rod mechanism extended for most of the length of the horizontal desktop case, too. It was really something to behold -- I wish I had taken a picture of it.
  • by Harlequin80 ( 1671040 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @03:57PM (#49540539)

    I could easily see Apple abandoning the PC market. As a business they make most of the money on mobile devices & iStore. They continue to make good hardware in their laptops but it would be easy to see them decide it wasn't worth it if the pc market deteriorated further in the future.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Apple needs the Mac for their own use, and so do all of the iOS developers. They won't get out of the PC business until and unless an iPad can drive a" 5K display.


        There is no reason why iOS developement couldn't be done on PCs running Windows or Linux. And the iPad is not that far from being able to drive a 5K display. If there were a market for that, there could be a 5K - compatible iPad next year

      • The core functionality of a tablet is currently only held back by its physical size. I expect that as components continue to get smaller, lighter, and battery tech gets better, the days of an iPad putting out 5K-8K will be sooner than you think.
        Already, tablets and 2-in-1s are progressing much faster than the desktop, which hasn't seen any truly revolutionary leaps in ages (tech-wise, anyway).
        I was always a big nay-sayer on tablets taking off, and I still think the classic version of the iPad-style tablet
      • Apple doesn't need to build Mac hardware to use or to do the development. It needs OSX. There is absolutely nothing stopping them from selling their hardware manufacturing arm to someone like ACER and then releasing OSX to the market. Potentially releasing it as a free item in order to increase market penetration. In fact there would be an argument to be made for combining iTunes and OSX into the same package and releasing that to the market.

        • by RogerWilco ( 99615 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @05:17PM (#49541159) Homepage Journal

          What Apple learned from the PC manufacturers, is to not depend on anyone. They are one of the few companies who keep all design and technology in-house.
          It's key to how Apple operates that they can and do switch suppliers and manufacturing locations.

          The whole PC-clone industry became possible because IBM and others didn't own the designs or the technology. It is why companies like ASUS, MSI, AMD and many others exist in the PC industry, but there are no equivalents in Apple land.

          It is the key difference between the PC and Apple industry. It is also the reason why I think Apple will be making machines for OSX for a long time, at least as long as those are needed to develop software for Apple (iOS or whatever). Apple doesn't want to depend on any one and doesn't want anyone to be easily able to copy them. It is at the core of their business model.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by xpax666 ( 2625167 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:19PM (#49540721)

      That would make perfect sense to me. They don't care about the Mac, and haven't since the iPhone. Originally, products like the iPod were designed to sell more Macs -- but with the decoupling of iTunes from their "operating system" and the insane pace of iPhone sales, they realized that the real money wasn't in Macs. It never was, but it took them a long time to realize it.

      I think the signs are already there. They get rid of Aperture thus shunning the "I got a DSLR a year ago, now I'm a photographer" crowd, and not long ago, the whole FCPX debacle showed the video editing world how much Apple gave a crap about them and their industry. Recently, DJs were taken aback by the lack of ports on the new MB -- because they knew that those stupid dongles would break very quickly and need to be replaced constantly as all Apple cables must be.

      Nope, Apple would rather continue selling to mass market nubs who won't complain about features on their iPhone. Corporates are too much work, they have requirements and those requirements can't be dictated to them by some egotistic nutjob working at an art gallery that thinks it's a computer company.

    • by lw54 ( 73409 )

      Just as it dropped the DVD drive before most were comfortable with the idea, Apple will absolutely dump the PC market as soon as it is forward-thinking to do so.

    • When the Acer guy says "PC" I'm pretty sure he's talking about the category of "computers that come with Windows installed". That's how consumers use the term.

    • by CODiNE ( 27417 )

      There's actually a lot of cross-pollination going in between the 2 platforms. For some things it's easier to release first on the desktop at WWDC and let the devs play with it a year or 2 before it ends up on iOS. Look at the new Force Touch thing they're rolling out. Apple Watch -> MacBook -> iPhones/iPads last.

      Then you have things like Continuity in Yosemite that tightly binds a Mac and iPhone, that increases sales of both and prevents commoditization.

      Besides, in a few years phones will be at the "

      • Yes but that doesn't mean they have to build the hardware.

        As for your comment about phones I think we are already there. A huge number of people are still using their Samsung S2s and are quite happy. The difference though is life is pretty hard for a phone and you can always tell whose phone is long in the tooth just by the bumps and scrapes. I think this means for most people the 2 year cycle will continue because their phone is battered rather than obsolete.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 23, 2015 @03:58PM (#49540551)

    PCs are going from commoditized to some sort of ultra-commoditized place not even yet seen in the PC market.

    Intel's new SoC's reduce what you need for a basic end-user computer to a motherboard the size of a stick of gum. And that's not an exaggeration.

    SoC+memory module+32 gigs EMMC+wifi chip and you're done.

    Microsoft has even started seeing the light, and is pricing consumer windows down in the givaway range, because they know their old 199-for-base-99-for-upgrade model does not stand up when the hardware costs half that. Microsoft knows that they've got to give away windows and make it up on services, otherwise ChromeOS devices will eat them alive in the consumer space.

    The premium PC market will remain. There are gamers. There are people that need to work.. But high-end consumer is already owned by apple. They enjoy -margins- with macbooks 1000% better than their nearest competitor. It not matters 2 shits what anyone puts out. Apple will be the only survivor because they're the only ones making money.

    • by afidel ( 530433 )

      Intel's new SoC's reduce what you need for a basic end-user computer to a motherboard the size of a stick of gum. And that's not an exaggeration.

      Oh yes it most certainly IS an exaggeration, it's 10cm by 4cm, much larger than a gum stick at 8.5cm by 2cm. Plus the Intel needs a fairly large power brick. Now some of the Android sticks are as small as a pack of gum and are low enough power that they can run off the USB port built into some TV's (if they're made for charging a phone it will work, if they're only

  • by tnk1 ( 899206 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @03:59PM (#49540555)

    This had better end in a Steel Cage match.

    PC Survivor Series. Make it happen.

    • Donald Trump vs Michael Dell battling to the death with the sharpened bones of downsizing victims.

      Thunderdome: The Apprentice

      The future of television.

      And if you need to decompress after being subjected to that, here is a good old anti-TV song to help: []

  • PC industry (Score:5, Informative)

    by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:05PM (#49540593)

    PC industry has "4 or 5 players"? Really?

    Not to mention the plethora of hardware component manufacturers which are dozens.

    • ASUS has a full product line including PCs, but they're a TV/monitor/tablet company mostly. Toshiba still sells laptops, but they mostly do other stuff.

      (disclaimer: I own lots of ASUS stuff, and nothing from Acer)

      Apple is mostly a phone, laptop, and portable audio company. They do still sell a few PCs, of course.

    • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

      Falcon Northwest

  • Perhaps they should focus on the more short-term goal of being the last Windows phone standing...

  • ASUS (Score:2, Interesting)

    by jgotts ( 2785 )

    ASUS will outlive Acer, but does it really matter?

    Unless you're a gamer, you're wasting your money buying a desktop (whatever form factor). Before long reasonably priced laptops will run games well, too, and the desktop PC will be effectively dead. I've been building/maintaining towers since 1991, and I said goodbye to all but one machine this month. I don't know why I kept it. I turn it on once a month.

    Maybe you want a desktop for storage. Laptops are shipping with more than 1 TB of storage, and you can re

    • Re:ASUS (Score:4, Informative)

      by BlackHawk-666 ( 560896 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:29PM (#49540819)

      Some of use still play games. You can say bye to all the low spec crap you like, but some of us like performance, and you don't get that from laptops or SBC. Not everyone wants to play flappy-birds. Some of us want to push Rome to the limits.

    • you could also get a NAS if you're nerdy and you want storage. with gigabit ethernet and extremely fast wifi, NAS almost feels like a local disk

    • Desktops of some form (possibly just as a remote workhorse) will persist because of power users.

      Laptops, on the other hand, will be pushed out of the market as tablets/phones get better at doing the jobs laptops are used for.

      That being said, I cringe at your idea that a laptop with external HDDs are somehow comparable to a desktop.

    • Re:ASUS (Score:5, Insightful)

      by bigfinger76 ( 2923613 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:48PM (#49540971)
      Right. The desktop will die, probably in the year of the Linux Desktop. I've been hearing this for 10 years or more. Desktops aren't going anywhere soon. The market will evolve, but it isn't going to die.
    • People have said this for decades, hasn't happened yet.
      Laptops and tablets are not what will kill the desktop. Laptops are slower, easier to steal or damage, harder/costlier to repair, have less storage, and are HORRIBLE for ergonomics. Any business swapping out desktops for laptops are idiots who haven't done the ROI. Tablets aren't any better.

      Eventually though, desktops will change, personally, I think we will be swapping out the towers for cell phones with wireless keyboard/mouse/displays (something
    • Except I hate crap keyboards, crap track pads and small screens. It doesn't matter how good a laptop keyboard is it still sucks next to a decent discrete keyboard.

      Yes you can plug external everything into a laptop but then it becomes an expensive version of a desktop. The only exceptions to this are where the laptop comes with a decent docking stations - ala Dell Latitudes. In that instance you still get the advantages of mobility with the ability to have a work place setup.

      But even if you do run a docki

  • by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @04:36PM (#49540851) Journal

    > who do you think will fall next [?]

    I'm probably the wrong person to ask. I've been predicting for awhile that HP will fall next, it just seems so obviously likely, but I continue to be wrong. At least, so far. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.

  • ... a substantial sum to acquire the Packard/Bell brand, I find this hard to believe.

  • Only Acer left. Who wants this ?
    I remember back then, several friends bought Acer laptops because it was cheap, few of these survived. Even store brands fared better.

    I hope they are better now because otherwise, it would be a nightmare.

    • I've bought twice an Acer notebook and it was twice too often. Now the Dell inspiron I bought 7 years (!) ago is still going strong. Only issue (so far) is that the charger is no longer recognized by the notebook thanks to a known issue by Dell. Sadly Dell refuses to do a thing about it but a charger is cheap.
    • by PRMan ( 959735 )
      I remember the Acer netbook had a metal housing so the WiFi didn't work almost at all. I bought an Asus instead. I'm still running it (7 years later) as a low power server.
  • There will always be a market for PCs - there is no way a tablet is going to replace everything a computer can do. In particular, programming on them is clunky, they are very poorly optimized for a keyboard / mouse combination, they overheat if doing anything remotely difficult, and are very unreliable. We were told that mobile devices were going to completely replace desktops way back in 2008 - here we are, almost a decade later, and we're still in the same position as back then.

    Will sales be reduced? A

  • Determined to be the last of a dead market segment! Quite the aspiration you have there.

    Bunch of nonsense anyhow. PCs aren't going away.

  • by GrahamCox ( 741991 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @06:59PM (#49541843) Homepage
    Anecdotally, I'm hearing a lot of people lately wishing they'd bought a small laptop instead of a tablet. It's the typing that's the main problem it would seem. Sure, you can use a bluetooth keyboard with most tablets, but having it right there built-in is a lot more convenient. Combined with the drop off in sales of tablets, it might suggest that the tablet "era" ends up short-lived and will turn into a resurgence for full-fledged laptops.

    Apple seem to be aware of this as well, with their latest Macbook Air being only slightly larger and heavier than an iPad but with a usable keyboard.

    People are now used to devices with few to no ports, and connecting to everything wirelessly. The days of chunky laptops that have CD burners, ports galore and are nearly an inch-thick are long gone, but lightweight laptops that are really like super tablets seem to be the future.
  • by Trogre ( 513942 ) on Thursday April 23, 2015 @07:13PM (#49541905) Homepage

    The homebrew PC market is still booming.

Them as has, gets.
