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Power Space Technology

What Would Have Happened If Philae Were Nuclear Powered? 523

StartsWithABang writes After successfully landing on a comet with all 10 instruments intact, but failing to deploy its thrusters and harpoons to anchor onto the surface, Philae bounced, coming to rest in an area with woefully insufficient sunlight to keep it alive. After exhausting its primary battery, it went into hibernation, most likely never to wake again. We'll always be left to wonder what might have been if it had functioned optimally, and given us years of data rather than just 60 hours worth. The thing is, it wouldn't have needed to function optimally to give us years of data, if only it were better designed in one particular aspect: powered by Plutonium-238 instead of by solar panels.
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What Would Have Happened If Philae Were Nuclear Powered?

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  • I had the mistaken belief that all space probes / landers were nuke-powered.

    • by spooje ( 582773 ) <`spooje' `at' `hotmail.com'> on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:13PM (#48423261) Homepage
      NASA is almost out of Plutonium. With the end of the cold war the US stopped refining uranium and producing plutonium. There's not much left and it's becoming a real problem for the designers of long term space missions, especially ones that are far enough that solar power isn't a viable option.
      • This was a NASA project?

    • by x0ra ( 1249540 )

      I had the mistaken belief that all space probes / landers were nuke-powered.

      Plutonium-238 is not weapon grade... So it would never have been "nuke-powered".

  • by Chas ( 5144 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:12PM (#48423255) Homepage Journal

    Basically the US has exhausted its meager supply. And the few supplies existing elsewhere are being jealously hoarded.

    There's ways to MAKE more, and improve nuclear power at the same time. But nobody wants to talk about it.

    Because nukes = bombs. M'kaaay?

  • Right .... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:14PM (#48423273)

    If it was nuclear powered, then it would have been much heavier and would require a much longer mission and use something more than single-use devices. The entire scope of the mission would have to change!

    The primary batteries were for the main mission, The solar panels were "extras". So, nothing much would have been gained if this was nuclear powered device and nothing else changed.

    Nuclear powered spacecraft are only really needed outside Jupiter's orbit. Or perhaps on landers designed to operate for extended period of time with a reliable power supply. For the rest, the extra weight is something that is not desirable.

    • Re:Right .... (Score:4, Interesting)

      by x0ra ( 1249540 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @11:06PM (#48423543)

      The solar panel were designed to output 32W at 3AU. Assuming the probe can run on that power, that's merely 64g worth of PU-238 (0.5W/g). Though, this is its thermal output. If you consider that Seebeck generators have a 10% efficiency, you could get 32W electrical out of 640g of PU-238. Let's account for the 10 years trip, so let's make it 1kg.

      I'm pretty sure the solar panel and batteries are heavier... And the wonderful thing ? You can power the probe continuously !

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

        1kg of fuel, but you forgot the head to electricity conversion system which is rather large and heavy. Keep in mind that the whole device is about the size of a domestic washing machine, and funnily enough that's also about the same size as a typical space borne RTG.

      • by necro81 ( 917438 )

        Though, this is its thermal output. If you consider that Seebeck generators have a 10% efficiency, you could get 32W electrical out of 640g of PU-238. Let's account for the 10 years trip, so let's make it 1kg

        The weight of the actual plutonium isotope is but a small fraction of the weight of the finished RTG. There's the thermocouple wires, the iridium cladding, the graphite casing, the metallic casing, etc. No one has made an RTG with just 10s of watts of output since the 1970s, but those designs weighe

  • by leehwtsohg ( 618675 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:15PM (#48423277)

    And if that comet then hit earth, do you know what a huge catastrophe that would have caused?
    Then we would be saying 'ah but couldn't they just use solar power?'

    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:43PM (#48423423)

      A nuclear powered comet? NIMBY!

    • If you're being sarcastic: Point taken.

      If you're being serious: That might cause a political catastrophe 'cos of the "scary fallout"*. But I doubt it would cause a nuclear catastrophe, 'cos I don't think a chain reaction can be triggered in a small amount of fuel grade plutonium by merely hitting ground (even if it is at high speed).

      * It's not actually fallout per se, because it's not a consequence of a nuclear reaction, but a chemical reaction (fire). But it would be a scattering of radioactive particl

    • by westlake ( 615356 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:59PM (#48423525)

      And if that comet then hit earth, do you know what a huge catastrophe that would have caused?
      Then we would be saying 'ah but couldn't they just use solar power?'

      The mass of the Churyumov---Gerasimenko comet is roughly 1 x 10^13kg. Should it ever fall to earth, I wouldn't expect the dispersal of U-238 from an aging Rosetta-class probe to be my biggest concern.

    • by x0ra ( 1249540 )
      If the comet hit earth, a few kg of PU-238 will probably be the least of our worries...
  • It's a question of weight. No matter how you build them, nuclear Radioisotope Thermal Generators are heavy. This mission was heavily mass-constrained. What they wanted it to do was at the limit of what the rockets were capable of.

    Add a several-hundred-kilogram RTG to to mix, and the 'rocket equation' kills you. You just cannot get the probe to the comet. Solar panels were the only option.

    • by cirby ( 2599 )

      The SNAP-9A RTGs put out over 500 watts of power - about 16 times what the solar panels on Philae would produce at the time it intercepted the comet.

      Those RTGs weighed only about 25 pounds each - much less than a set of solar panels + batteries. That power increase would have allowed a lot of extra options (such as a higher quality datalink) for about the same overall weight.

      A SNAP-3B RTG could have put out about 50 watts - a bonus of about 50% power - and weighed less than FIVE pounds.

    • by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @11:23PM (#48423627) Journal

      No matter how you build them, nuclear Radioisotope Thermal Generators are heavy.

      That's totally inaccurate. I went into details about this a couple days ago when Philae was discussed here. In that case someone said that because it took 10 years to arrive at the comet, an RTG couldn't have been used. I'll just copy/paste my other post since it already covers your statement.

      The lander only uses 32 watts of power. The MMRTG used in Curiosity provides 125 watts of power initially, and 100 watts after 14 years. The mass of that specific RTG (the MMRTG, 45kg) would be too great for use in Philae, but then it also produces 3 times more energy than needed (even after 14 years). RTGs have been made in many sizes for many different applications, so it would simply have been a matter of designing an RTG that produces 40-45 watts of power after 10 years.

      However, one of the main uses of the 32 watts of power required by Philae is just to keep the batteries warm so they don't fail. RTGs produce more "waste" heat than they do electricity. For example, the MMRTG used in the Curiosity rover produces 2 kW of heat, of which 125 W is converted to electricity. The extra heat is used to keep the various temperature-sensitive parts of the rover nice and warm so they don't fail. With Philae, a good portion of the 32 watts of the solar power it requires is just to keep the battery warm. So if an RTG were used, it wouldn't even need to produce 32 watts of electricity since it can keep the lander warm directly.

      Looking at the mass and wattage produced, the RTGs ("SNAP-19") in the Pioneer probes would have been just about perfect for Philae. They produce 40 watts of power and weigh 13.6 kg. Philae's current electrical system weighs 12.2 kg, so that's at least in the ballpark. The RTGs on the surface of the moon, as manually placed by Apollo astronauts's would have been a bit heavy at 20 kg. One of those RTGs was still producing 90% of its power after 10 years.

      The SNAP-9A used in the Transit 5B-2 navigation satellite launched in 1963 weighed 12.3 kg and produced 25 watts of power. That looks about like a perfect fit for Philae, and I'm sure more efficient thermocouplers are available today that could further reduce the weight.

      • The SNAP-9A used in the Transit 5B-2 navigation satellite launched in 1963 weighed 12.3 kg and produced 25 watts of power. That looks about like a perfect fit for Philae, and I'm sure more efficient thermocouplers are available today that could further reduce the weight.

        They could also have made Rosetta much larger, and possibly have got to its destination much faster, by launching on a Saturn V rather than an Ariane 5.

        (Unfortunately, the jumbo-sized booster was unavailable - as was the RTG.)

    • Several-hundred-kilogram?

      Here's a table of RTGs in space probes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R... [wikipedia.org]

      Almost half of them are under 20kg. One is only 2.1kg.

  • Phil would receive excessive Radiation Poisoning.

    • by x0ra ( 1249540 )
      Given that Pu-238 is only emitting alpha particle, there isn't much to be worried about, unless you start ingesting it.
  • Gregory Benford had a great column about this [sfsite.com], all the way back in 2000. It also involved a nuclear powered satellite.

    It's human nature to react more extremely to new things, especially if they seem "unnatural." This might have been a survival instinct in bygone days, when the hominid who noticed that bush was out of place could take another path and avoid getting eaten by the sabertooth tiger behind it. But like so many such instincts, it translates poorly into the technological era.

  • Ignorant Article (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:19PM (#48423315)

    The writer of the article didn't do his research. The designers did not expect the instruments to survive the approach to the Sun. So this could not have gone on for years and years.

    From: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta/Frequently_asked_questions "In any case, by March 2015, when the comet is closer to the Sun, it is likely that the lander will become too hot to operate."

    • by x0ra ( 1249540 )
      Then you modulate the amount of Pu-238 with this short lifespan in mind.
      • It doesn't work like that, it isn't a chemical fuel you can burn or save. The amount of Pu-238 you need is dictated by your peak power demand. How long it lasts is dictated by nuclear physics (the half life of Pu-238.) You have no control over how fast the plutonium is used up.

  • Job Offer (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @10:23PM (#48423333)

    Hi there, I'm Bruce Halberstadt, the chief scientist involved in the Philae lander design. If only we knew of this option when we were designing our lander!

    Would you like to come work for us on the next lander? We need more people like you.

    We've been hiring all of the top internet commenters for our next project, I think it's going to be spectacular. I can't confirm it just yet, but from recent meetings, it looks like the next project will be a giant robot that searches for extra-terrestrial boobies, with devices on-board to send back relevant cat videos. With your help, maybe we can make this thing nuclear powered.

    Bruce Halberstadt

  • Really? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by OzPeter ( 195038 )

    This has been done to death in a variety of places. An RTG was not used for many reasons such as mass and availability, balanced off against the science experiments that both probes carried. Rosetta was always slated to do most of the experiments, and the landing of Philae was always an unpredictable event (I've read that a matching set of harpoons kept on Earth for the last 10 years in a vacuum also failed to fire).

    But think about it. Add an RTG, which adds mass, which means less science overall, possib

    • It's not a matter of adding an RTG. It is a matter of *substituting* a pile of solar panels with an RTG. Solar panels aren't exactly massless. So the tradeoff is mass per watt, not simply mass.

      When it comes to RTGs vs solar, the basic rule of thumb I've read is that solar is good sunward of the asteroid belt, and RTG is better outward of the belt.
    • Add an RTG, which adds mass

      Other considerations aside, it really would not have added appreciable mass. There are existing RTGs producing about the right amount of power (20-30W) with 12 kg masses similar to the ~12 kg mass of Philae's solar system. You can read about them on wikipedia or a bunch of informative comments in this very thread.

  • . . . . but I'm not sure how viable Plutonium is as a power source. Most of the spacecraft that use it are quite large and heavy and not designed to land themselves (for instance, the Galileo spacecraft was Plutonium-powered while the lander it dropped was not).

    Plutonium is one of the densest substances on Earth and I'm guessing the engine you need to turn heat into electricity is none-too lightweight.

    My understanding is that radioactive batteries are only used on heavy, long-term missions where solar powe

  • Problem is NOT the RTG. Problem is the design choice that the lander should anchor during the first contact. The decision that the lander should land and, if necessary, to jump to better place and only then HEAT it's harpoons and melt the surface would save the day. Only minuscule thrusters are needed for it.

  • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

    Whilst it is an appropriate use of a nuclear power plant, I'm sure the mass of a nuclear powered probe would have increased the costs and complexity of the launch and landing whilst decreasing the science payload.

    I think it would have been far easier just to make sure the harpoons *actually* fired. If it was nuclear powered the probe may have just smashed, instead of bounced, the additional mass. The problem wasn't the power source, it was the landing harpoon. We have never landed on an asteroid before an

  • Nuclear power is bad. Exporting radioactive materials to a different country is worse — and a different celestial body is outright horrible.

    Solar, on the other hand, is clean and wonderful...

    Why can't we here in the US be more like the sophisticated Europe?

    Please, don't hate.

  • One downside to RTG (Radio-isotope Thermal Generators) is that radioactive elements decay, and this causes the power output to fall off slowly but continuously. And the probe wasn't deployed for 11 years after launch; it's not something that we can activate on deployment. IF the thing had landed properly, in the sunlight, the solar power would have been fine. It's too bad that it couldn't have carried both, but that would have been a hefty weight penalty at launch.

    • by cirby ( 2599 )

      RTGs only lose about one percent per year (less than that, usually). With the power bonus you get from RTGs (more power per weight when compared to solar panels at that distance from the Sun), you still end up with a large bonus of generated power, even when using the smallest types of RTGs that have been deployed.

      A SNAP-3B would have started with about 52 watts, and after twelve years would have about 45 watts of power - compared to the 32 watts worth of solar power available from panels - for a total weig

  • Heat pollution (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Michael Woodhams ( 112247 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @11:16PM (#48423603) Journal

    You're trying to study a temperature-sensitive environment in its natural state. An RTG produces lots of heat. (They are only about 5% efficient, so they produce twenty times as much heat as electrical power.) The presence of the RTG might perturb or destroy the environment you're there to study. I don't have the detailed knowledge to say if this is the case.

    Plus the issues others have raised: mass, scarcity of suitable isotopes, and launching highly radioactive material on top of hundreds of tonnes of potentially explosive fuel is something you'd rather avoid if possible.

    • This is exactly what I thought.

      Then I realized there are situations where that could be beneficial. Maybe expelling some heat from a lander on Mars could reveal something? Maybe focusing heat output could work as a thermal drill on icy environments?

      I'm certainly no pro, but I am of the opinion space exploration is fucking awesome.

  • by Berkyjay ( 1225604 ) on Wednesday November 19, 2014 @11:54PM (#48423741)
    The team fully expects Philae to get more light early next year. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technol... [www.cbc.ca]
  • May 2015 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Hadlock ( 143607 ) on Thursday November 20, 2014 @12:24AM (#48423865) Homepage Journal

    Due to several sources closely linked with the Rosetta program, Philae will be getting a whole lot of sun come May 2015 due to the position of the comet as it adjusts it's precession around the sun and moves that particular part of the comet in to near-constant daylight. Expect more news at that point from Philae. You heard it here first, folks.

    • Maybe. The problem is that it will have been cold soaked for 7 or so months down to maybe -250 to -350f. I doubt that it was qualified to that, probably more like --100f at the most (least?). The kind of cold we are talking about can destroy just about any electronics.

  • PR screwup (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Brett Buck ( 811747 ) on Thursday November 20, 2014 @12:27AM (#48423869)

    I get the mission design, and I think most people here get the idea, too. But ESA seems to have missed the boat on the PR and public affairs front.

      The demise of the lander after a complete primary mission is being portrayed as a huge failure. As near as I can tell, it did exactly what it was supposed to do for about as long as it was supposed to. Anything beyond that was "if possible".

        Additionally, the mission is being shown as a "lander mission" instead of an orbiter with a small lander tacked on. Rosetta is still doing the mission as intended, and most of the objectives are being met very nicely. I see all sorts of comments in the press (and particularly in the European media and media comments section) as another Beagle "cock-up".

            I think it's a very nicely done mission that is working very well. It's a shame that it is not coming across like that.

  • boggles the mind... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by confused one ( 671304 ) on Thursday November 20, 2014 @01:11AM (#48424029)
    So, let me see if I understand this... You have a device that needs 32 watts of electricity to operate. You're proposing we power it with an RTG, which are typically only 3% efficient at heat conversion. So that RTG has to produce at least 1.1kW of heat. You're telling me that you want to land a 1.1kW heat source on a body whose surface measures below -70C, and whose surface is made of frozen ammonia, water, methanol, carbon dioxide, and methane. Anyone see the problem here?

Lisp Users: Due to the holiday next Monday, there will be no garbage collection.
