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Robotics Entertainment

Robot Tourism Coming Soon To Korea: Robot Land Project Breaks Ground 31

Hallie Siegel writes "Korea's Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy (currently the Ministry of Knowledge Economy) first presented the idea for Masan Robot Land and its sister project – the robot theme park in Incheon (west of Seoul) – back in 2007, as part of a larger plan to stimulate Korea's robotic industry by generating public interest in consumer robots. From the article: 'It is expected that Phase One of the construction, which will include development of public facilities such as robot research development center, convention center, robot exhibition hall, and private facilities such as themed parks and youth hostels, will be completed in September, 2016. Phase Two, which includes development of hotels and condominiums, is expected to be complete by the end of 2018. The Masan park was originally scheduled to open in January of 2014.'"
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Robot Tourism Coming Soon To Korea: Robot Land Project Breaks Ground

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