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Hardware Hacking Build

Announcing Adafruit Gemma – Miniature Wearable Electronic Platform 44

coop0030 writes "Open source hardware company Adafruit has announced a new tiny wearable electronics platform board called the Gemma. The Gemma is a tiny, 1-inch diameter and 4-mm thick package. It's powered by an Attiny85 and programmable with an Arduino IDE over USB. There are three available I/O pins, one of which is also an analog input and two of which can do PWM output. Gemma is currently wrapping up development, but should be available soon."
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Announcing Adafruit Gemma – Miniature Wearable Electronic Platform

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  • question (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by Osgeld ( 1900440 )

    Can I wash it?

    • Re:question (Score:5, Informative)

      by spire3661 ( 1038968 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2013 @02:14PM (#42672335) Journal
      You can make them removable by soldering snap buttons onto the pads and sewing the backs into the fabric. You wire it up using stainless steel conductive thread. Here is an example: http://learn.adafruit.com/flora-snaps [adafruit.com]
      • There is nothing on that board that won't withstand a dunking in water. In fact I clean the flux from my soldering with copious hot water and a toothbrush. Just remove the battery and it can go right into the wash.

        • Re:question (Score:4, Interesting)

          by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2013 @02:58PM (#42672825) Homepage

          it takes less than 12 seconds (and a 24 hour cure time) to make it withstand a dunk in water without problems... Have you never heard of epoxy?

          • I've also heard of batteries that need replacing, epoxy kind of puts a damper on that.

            • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

              There are a lot of water proof power connectors out there, or you can do something outrageous and use an enclosure, I know wild and crazy notion....

                    If you put in a tiny bit of effort, you can easily waterproof (as in dunked or rain) anything.

              • Wearable electronics lose their appeal if your tee shirt has to have a bulky module someplace. It's fine for a coat or maybe a jacket but lame for basically anything lighter than that.

                In a completed design I suspect it would be wiser to deadbug the attiny, sandwich it between some thin metal plates (Aluminum probably) and then pot it with epoxy than to use one of these at all. But this seems pretty slick for prototyping, which I have always seen as the major role of Arduino.

                • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

                  I consider anything bulky on a tshirt. None of this wearable stuff is for tshirts. Leather jacket, I can mount a 3"X2"X1/2" box easily that will not bother anyone.

                  • I consider anything bulky on a tshirt. None of this wearable stuff is for tshirts.

                    But there are in fact various electronic tshirts now...

    • This is Slashdot; your mom will wash it.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 23, 2013 @01:46PM (#42672047)

    And it's awesome. It has a pile of cool peripherals that can be switched onto each pin. I took apart my LED flashlight the other day and found one of it's little brothers (also an 8 pin SOIC) doing the modulating to control the power to the LED. Just an IC and four components.

    This is one of the rare micros that you could actually make a market competitive product out of.

    • Just saw a demo from dfrobot last night at xinchejian hackerspace that has super potential. It was designed to make entry to arduino much more attainable. At a 20rmb retail price and 3pwm 3analog spi and a tiny connector for programming makes it a much better solution for wearable electronics. They said its coming out in Feb.

GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY (#7): April 2, 1751 Issac Newton becomes discouraged when he falls up a flight of stairs.
