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Java Programming Hardware News

JavaFX Runs On Raspberry Pi 147

mikejuk writes "Oracle seem to be concerned that the Raspberry Pi manages to run Java properly and they are actively working on the problem. To prove that it more than just works, what better than to get a JavaFX app up and running — what could be more cutting edge? Unfortunately the trick was performed using a commercial version of the JDK with JIT support and some private code, but it is still early days yet. Java and JavaFX on Raspberry Pi takes us into a whole new ball game." Watch the video at the linked report to see it in action.
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JavaFX Runs On Raspberry Pi

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  • Misread (Score:5, Insightful)

    by pr0nbot ( 313417 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @12:19PM (#39879451)

    I think I've been reading too much Oracle/Java hate on slashdot. I misread the first sentence to mean, "Raspberry Pi manages to run Java properly. Oracle seem to be concerned and are working on the problem."

    • Re:Misread (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Infiniti2000 ( 1720222 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @12:23PM (#39879479)
      The whole fucking summary is written in broken English. It's not your fault. "It is still early days yet."
      • by gv250 ( 897841 )
        RTFA. The entire article is written in the same broken English.
        • Re:Misread (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Dishevel ( 1105119 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @12:50PM (#39879809)

          Which means the submitter is the writer of the article and this is just a slashvertisement to get some hits on his site.
          And Timmothy is a fucking useless editor.
          What part of the "editor" job was done by Timmothy here?
          Clicking the "post this shit" button?

          • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward
      • by b0bby ( 201198 )

        I'd guess that the submitter, mikejuk, is British. "It is still early days yet" is a common expression in UK English.

        • by ratbag ( 65209 )

          "It's early days yet" is a common expression in English, as spoken here in the UK. The "still" is redundant, either side of the Atlantic.

          • American english is more conservative than the UK english with rules like this. Oddly, it is more conservative but with more improper slang.

          • by Belial6 ( 794905 )
            "Still" is not redundant it indicates that the speaker agrees with the listener on the time that has passed, but disagrees with the point that you stop calling it early.
          • by ratbag ( 65209 )

            I stand by my comment - "still" adds nothing to the sentence as used in the summary, which ends with "yet". There's no disagreement to state - it really is early days. "it's still early days, yet", "it's early days yet", "still, it's early days" and "it's still early days" all say the same thing, with varying economy. The third and fourth options say it most clearly, in my opinion, whereas the first seems clumsy.

    • That's exactly the way I read it. I'm sure it wasn't just you. I thought this was going to be another story about hardware lockdowns.
    • Are you sure that's not what was intended? They don't want Java Running on Mobile platforms without a licencing fee collected.
    • Re:Misread (Score:5, Insightful)

      by sl4shd0rk ( 755837 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @01:16PM (#39879973)

      I've been reading too much Oracle/Java hate on slashdot.

      Nobody really admires Oracle except for corporate CEO types. The rest of us have what equates to the same admiration for a dentist's drill. The licensing model is basically un-consentual sex. Having Oracle gunning for more IP just makes everyone uncomfortable.

    • by xelah ( 176252 )
      That's because that's what it actually does mean, and unambiguously so. Presumably the author either doesn't know how to use the subjunctive mood or didn't read his own article properly. (To the grammar-challenged and non-native: take the 's' off 'manages').
  • Java has been running on ARM platform since Acorn RISCOS days. How is this news?

    I'm guessing the RISCOS port for Raspberry Pi will run Java too?

    • JIT

      There are a bunch of JVMs for ARM (OpenJDK, JAMVM, etc.), but no free/open JDKs that have JITs. The only open way I know of to get JIT performance is to run the Java classes through IKVMC and then use Mono with its ARM JIT.

    • JavaFX != Java (Score:5, Interesting)

      by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @12:38PM (#39879671)
      And for that matter, JavaFX 2 (a Java library) is apparently a huge break from JavaFX (a scripting language for the JRE).

      This is all pretty confusing.

      We picked up JavaFX for a while because, amazingly, there was no practical way to replay video in Java. (Please don't tell me about that crufty, abandoned joke from 2001 called JMF). Then JavaFX keeled over and died when Oracle bought Sun. If JavaFX 2 provides a video player widget, maybe it is useful.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Not really that confusing. JavaFX 1 was a scripting language with a graphics library underneath. JavaFX 2 did away with the scripting language (thank god), and now you write standard Java and it uses the graphics library underneath. The whole kit and kaboodle is part of JDK 7, and works very well.

      • The tools suck ass too.

        They are no tools. Sun's excuse was to use Adobe Flash Builder to create JavaFX??

        Well if I paid all this money for it, why don't I use compile it to a flash? Idiots.

        Oracle is even worse and more out too lunch.

      • Here are some other Java video options:
        Cortardo - []
        FMJ (a play on JMF)
        VLC Java Bindings - []

        Although, even with those options we wanted to do single-frame stepping forward and backward, so we wrote a JNI interface (although these days you'd use JNA instead) to FFMpeg and used that. Worked a treat.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Some ARMs can even run Java bytecode - see []
  • Foot, meet bullet. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @12:29PM (#39879543) Homepage Journal
    Oracle have shot themselves in the foot, and this is a good example of why. Even if the R-Pi runs Java, no one is going to trust Oracle not to sue them out of existence after the way they've abused Google over its use of Java on the Android platform.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Oracle isn't suing Google for *using* Java. They're suing for *forking* Java. I think most people (outside slashdot populists) can see the distinction.

  • by Bozovision ( 107228 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @12:32PM (#39879589) Homepage

    Oracle's ludicrous claims in the Oracle/Google Android trial have shown that they are not trustworthy. Do not base your work on a base where you can be ransomed. No more Java. :-( And when you read Java stories, wonder to yourself every time whether it's the Oracle PR department astroturfing Java stories in an attempt to make Java appear relevant or to attempt to repair the damage.

    • by cbreak ( 1575875 )
      That's exactly it. If even one of the most prominent Java users Google is sued only for using the Java API (as basis for their own VM), then just imagine if someone else uses the API in combination with Oracle's own JVM, they'd have even less defense. And most people probably are not even able to pay for a Google-style lawyer army.
      • by julesh ( 229690 )

        That's exactly it. If even one of the most prominent Java users Google is sued only for using the Java API (as basis for their own VM), then just imagine if someone else uses the API in combination with Oracle's own JVM, they'd have even less defense. And most people probably are not even able to pay for a Google-style lawyer army.

        Except that Oracle has explicitly publicly licensed that API for use with their implementation (and any other implementation that passes the tests in a test suite that they'll offer to sell you).

  • so this story is a moot point.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Don't worry. Oracle won't sue anyone for using Java on this platform until there is some money to be made. You are OK playing with it on the RaspPi for now...
  • Yeah right... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ilsaloving ( 1534307 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @01:04PM (#39879905)

    You would have to be a fool to write *anything* new with Java. There is nothing in Java that is worth the risk of Oracle ramming a lawsuit up your posterior as soon as they think you have money they can bleed from you.

  • That game being Oracle suing everyone for daring to reference a Java API. A pox on Larry Ellison's yacht House.
  • I fail to see (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Why developers who want to control their cpu keep putting someone else between themselves and their hardware. C/C++ and many other higher level languages are functional and productive in the right hands and don't have these copyright/patent/etc issues that Java/Oracle (insert third party here) have. In other words, you can either control the computer or let them tell you what you can do with your computer. Take your pick.

    Java community you perplex me to no end.

    • by Desler ( 1608317 )

      The only patent and copyright issues are from other implementations of the language. Not from programming in the language. Absolutely no has or will be sued for using OpenJDK. Also, no one writing Dalvik apps is being sied. Only Google is being sued over their own reimplementation of the JVM and associated libraries which Oracle is claiming copyright and patents on.

    • Why developers who want to control their cpu keep putting someone else between themselves and their hardware. C/C++ and many other higher level languages are functional and productive in the right hands and don't have these copyright/patent/etc issues that Java/Oracle (insert third party here) have. In other words, you can either control the computer or let them tell you what you can do with your computer. Take your pick.

      Java community you perplex me to no end.

      Things were damn near utopian with java before oracle bought sun. Java devs don't instantly hate something they've come to be rather fond of instantly when some shitball company buys it? Surprise, surprise..

      • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

        not nearly really utopian. the way they ran relations to mobile sucked bigtime always, they could have handled j2me jsr's etc really much, much better. that side which was extremely relevant for the last decade seemed like it had nobody at the helm - so they had total licensing control which was very strict but then they enforced all the wrong things for the api implementors.

        I'm rather surprised at this javafx announcement(seems some guy working at O doing it too?) really. if they hadn't fucked up with java

        • Both Oracle and mostly Sun killed Java. It was a great technology actually in the 1990s. It was neglected and crippled ... for portability according to Sun because Sun wanted to sell more Solaris workstations which also were ugly and very outdated compared to Linux. No point and clicks allowed to run the .class files!

          Anyway JavaFX sucked because there was no tool to create them in. Sorry but a text editor does not give me visual layout, colar callibration, and other things that Adobe Flash Builder has. It i

    • Well the only "great" thing about Java is the JVM - which in and of itself isn't that great. Google easily could have implemented a full NDK and provided template makefiles to produce ARM and x86 binaries and just made a system to sort them out and choose the right one for download/install.

      As for higher level languages some do have big benefits. Ruby and Python can do some amazing things in very little code and with very little coding time - and the reality is most machines perform well enough now that you

  • Bitter (Score:5, Insightful)

    by kelemvor4 ( 1980226 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @01:44PM (#39880207)
    It might run JavaFX for you but for me it doesn't run a damn thing. Why? Because I can't seem to ORDER one! Well, unless I go over to ebay and pay $200 for one... PLEASE RAMP UP PRODUCTION, PI TEAM!
    • Did you register interest at either RS/Allied or Element 14/Farnell? If yes then congratulations, you've indicated that you want Raspberry Pi production to increase. If no then why not? That's how RS and Farnell know that they should be baking more Raspberry Pis!

      The Raspberry Pi Foundation is no longer manufacturing the boards -- at the moment production is totally in the hands of RS and Farnell!

      • I registered with element 14. I didn't realize these guys were actually manufacturing the boards, I thought they were just resellers.
        • The first run of 10k was commissioned by the Foundation to be produced by a Chinese factory. Those 10k boards were then shipped to Farnell and Allied to be resold. At the same time, Farnell and Allied were both given non-exclusive licenses to produce the Raspberry Pi on their own. At the current time all Pis to be built after the first 10k production run will be made by Farnell and Allied however they desire (most likely direct shipped from factories in China.) If we're lucky more manufacturers will lic

  • by Virtucon ( 127420 ) on Thursday May 03, 2012 @01:55PM (#39880327)

    What they're saying is that a small form factor device that is supposed to run Linux runs software that Linux can run now.

    Wow, that's news? I'd say it's a test case. yes there may be hardware differences but those should be minimal and this would be a porting effort.

    The topic should be "Raspberry Pi runs software it's supposed to."

    • by PCM2 ( 4486 )

      I guess the telling part is that Java is supposed to be a language that's "write once, run anywhere," but in reality Java developers can't be certain that a substantial Java library from Oracle itself will even compile or run on any particular platform. Turns out it did this time.

      • Running on the Pi shouldn't be an issue - Sun have had a proprietary 'embedded' JVM for years. Whether it runs *well* is the issue.

        I'm not sure why the presenter was using VNC, which might add to the CPU usage. No remote display forwarding - it's X11 after all!

      • by kaffiene ( 38781 )

        Moron. What's interesting is that this is a full JIT JVM, not just a bytecode engine like Dalvik. There have been JVMs in the ARM space for ages, but not JIT JVMs and not the the standard JVM either.

        But whatever, just spread FUD and ignorance if that's easier for you.

        • by julesh ( 229690 )

          Moron. What's interesting is that this is a full JIT JVM, not just a bytecode engine like Dalvik.

          Dalvik has been doing JIT since Android 2.2 was released nearly 2 years ago. Please try to keep your facts up-to-date if you're going to claim other people are spreading FUD.

  • Well, it's a clock. One that's not running very smoothly.
    At least they manage to use up the whole CPU for drawing some arcs, that must be a incredible accomplishment.
    Reminds me of the 8bit computer days when some were using fast asm routines to draw circles, some were doing it painfully slow with BASIC.
  • Don't you think it's funny that all the Boycott Novell doomsayers were saying Mono was a Microsoft trap every time it was mentioned and now their beloved Java is the reason someone is actually getting sued?
  • I've waited for so long for JavaFX - the same software framework that adds bloat and makes both my cable box and my Blu Ray player take a gazillion years to boot up and has slow menus that take the same time to display as a 386 running a copy of Windows 3.1 - to run on my embedded hobbyist devices.
  • No shut its running like shit hes using a VNC session. If I recall correctly the PI has hardware accleration, if he was using that it would be much much smoother.
  • Would the Pi be a good match for the Haiku OS ... or vice versa?

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