German Parliament Backs Nuclear Exit By 2022 364
fysdt sends this quote from an AFP report:
"The German parliament sealed plans Friday to phase out nuclear energy by 2022, making the country the first major industrial power to take the step in the wake of the disaster at Japan's Fukushima plant. The nuclear exit scheme cleared its final hurdle in the Bundesrat upper house, which represents the 16 regional states, after the legislation passed the Bundestag lower house with an overwhelming majority last week. Germany's seven oldest reactors were already switched off after Japan's massive March 11 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, causing reactors to overheat and radiation to leak. A further reactor has been shut for years because of technical problems."
So when are... (Score:3, Insightful)
...we going to see an earthquate and tsunami in Germany to justify this fearmongering?
Just wait till China is invading Kazakhstan (Score:2)
importing your energy resources from the other side of the world is not the greatest idea in the world.
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Re:So when are... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:So when are... (Score:5, Informative)
Every nuclear accident has its own beauty. The next will be as unexpected as the tsunami.
As opposed to deaths related to coal power, which are ugly, expensive, frequent, and utterly predictable.
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Safer alternative designs? (Score:3)
Prior to the disaster I had heard of improved reactor designs that supposedly could not melt down.
Anyone know if these designs are limited to the small scale versions (the size of a semi trailer) Toshiba has designed, or can they be scaled up?
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Re:Safer alternative designs? (Score:5, Informative)
The fundamental principle of the CANDU reactor design is the use of heavy water as a neutron moderator. Because water vaporizes at low temperatures, the reactor has a negative void coefficient, which means that overheating the reactor causes it to be inefficient at slowing neutrons, which reduces the reaction rate. This means that the CANDU reactor has an inherent negative feedback system and will effectively shut itself down if it overheats. This is not a control system, which can fail, this is a, quite literally, fail-safe design. If you crack the containment vessel and leak all the heavy water out, the reactor will shut down.
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The CANDU has a positive void coefficient, though not as large as the pre-Chernobyl RBMKs. This is largely a consequence of being overmoderated to allow it to run on natural uranium, so loss of coolant doesn't lead to significant loss of moderation.
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i must be confused - but i thought you needed to slow/absorb the neutrons to reduce the reaction rate - wouldn't removing the moderator/inhibitor increase reaction?
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Fast neutrons don't initiate fission as well as slowed neutrons. Removing the slow ones limit the reaction rates.
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thanks.. that's counter intuitive to me but then again i never studied it :)
you think of it as splitting an atom - you would think hitting it with more energy is better but i see now how it is the after affect of being heaver (after absorbing the slower) that causes the split.. oddly to me it seems an organic style process
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Nuclear Operator at a CANDU station here...
The increase in reactivity due to voiding in the CANDU is due to many factors but one of the causes is due to the interactions of faster than thermal neutrons at the resonance absorption frequency of U238.
The positive void is dealt with by having a safety shutdown system that can respond in less than 2 seconds.
Also, voiding tends to add about 4-6mk.
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Also I forgot to mention that slow neutrons cause fission (a few exceptions exist). Thus the point of having a moderator.
Even if the reactivity drops to near 0, we still need to deal with decay heat. I heard something like one reactor at full power is as powerful as fifty 747's with their engines at full throttle. The same reactor when shutdown produces enough decay heat equivalent to one engine from a 747.
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The fundamental principle of the CANDU reactor design is the use of heavy water as a neutron moderator. Because water vaporizes at low temperatures, the reactor has a negative void coefficient, which means that overheating the reactor causes it to be inefficient at slowing neutrons, which reduces the reaction rate. This means that the CANDU reactor has an inherent negative feedback system and will effectively shut itself down if it overheats.
Well, didn't Fukushima reactor shut itself down too immediately after the tsunami hit it? You don't need a running reactor with a self-sustaining chain reaction to have a nuclear accident and a large release of radioactive material into the environment.
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It makes no difference when you live in a land ruled by greens.
You really have to visit Germany to see the scale to which they apply the "green" mentality. I'm not saying it's all bad (in fact some of it is very good) but some things need a bit of effort to fully understand the pros and cons. Nuclear energy is one of those things - very easy to dismiss out of hand but the only sane choice if done right, ie. a difficult thing to sell to the common man.
Ironically enough, Germany is one of the few countries I'
Re:Safer alternative designs? (Score:5, Insightful)
It makes no difference when you live in a land ruled by greens.
Well, if Germany wants to go down that route to be Green then so be it, but they should also enshrine in law some massive (punitive) tax on any energy they import from technologies they abandoned, otherwise surely they're just encouraging other countries to be un-green to meet Germany's energy shortfall!
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There's something ironic about calling any country "green" when such a high percentage of people burn sticks of paper and tobacco for their own entertainment. And that definitely isn't done with one eye on longevity. Just saying.
Re:Safer alternative designs? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not sure if any power generation reactor can be 100% resistant to meltdown.
However, modern reactor designs ARE much more resilient and in fact nearly every failure mode encountered at Fukushima has already been addressed in them.
For example, the latest generation BWR (ESBWR) uses heatpipes to pools on the reactor building roof to provide passive core cooling. No intervention is needed for 72 hours, after that all you need is a fire truck to refill the pools. (no special generators, etc.) The next refill will likely be significantly later since decay heat is significantly less after 72 hours. Since these pools are fully isolated from radioactive materials, they're a lot easier to top off than the SFPs at Fukushima.
Modern reactor buildings have catalytic hydrogen recombiners that prevent hydrogen buildup, eliminating the explosions that have made management and cleanup MUCH more difficult.
Obviously SFP management needs to be revisited - I think it simply didn't get the attention it needed, but none of the SFP thermal management issues are insurmountable or even difficult to solve. Most of the SFPs are only dissipating about as much power as a tractor-trailer engine, with Unit 4 being the exception. (That pool is rather overloaded with a full reactor load of freshly spent fuel. Lesson learned - don't pack pools so densely with fuel.)
Re:Safer alternative designs? (Score:4, Informative)
In fact, "farming" energy through renewables is a terrible choice by comparison, and will not be able to generate the cheap energy we need in order to sequester the CO2 that threatens Civilization and end the water shortage (via desalination). China already announced this year that they are pursuing this technology (something the US pioneered the development of), so nearly everyone else in the developed world is lagging in the Thorium Race. I guess after another decade or so of suffering, we'll just go further in debt as we try to buy Chinese-made LFTRs.
This could be our greatest moment, commercializing perhaps the greatest machine ever conceived, ending our economic problems, revitalizing our manufacturing base, ending poverty- so much is possible with cheap energy. Are we instead going to go the way of the Amish, shunning such potential out of fear and ignorance?
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A few things they wanted to address:
- Pressure, the new reactor principles work on low pressure to avoid blowouts
- Heat, the new reactors have a higher tolerance for heat, and are self-regulating in
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The problem is not with the design.
I am pretty sure that it would be possible to get the nuclear technology running in a safe way, if costs would not be considered.
But german nuclear plants are run by energy megacons. As any business they invest only as much, as is required to abide the law and keep the plant running. If they can get away with saving money by any loophole, they do it. Those plants are degrading, we got a high number of malfunctions, that just should not happen with proper equipment. The who
The problems with new designs are .. (Score:2)
Hey Germany.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Hey Germany- you buy much of your electricity from France...they have nuclear reactors- are building more, and are right next to you. Good luck with this experiment in futility. You're probably going to kill more people in the long run with such knee jerk reactions.
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And there are lots of projects done by local authorities and smaller companies, for example using CHP in district heating plants or in your own basement, just to name a few examples.
Re:Hey Germany.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Hey France we where exporting more energy to other countries including your country. Now we will sell you less energy. Especially in summer that is a problem for you when the nuclear plants cannot produce peak output because of the water shortage.
But I bet that this comment of yours is not from France at all. I know French people they are neither jerks nor stupid. And yes it is stupid to claim that Germany was importing more energy than it is exporting. And we will see next year if Germany has a positive or negative balance.
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Hey Germany- you buy much of your electricity from France
Actually Germany *exports* some of its energy even *after* shutting the nuclear reactors down...
Since neither of you AC's posted a citation, I'm going to make up my own facts too.
Actually, Germany and France both create a surplus of electricity, and think they're selling it to each other, but since they never figured out how to sync up their generation frequency/phase, all the power just gets turned into heat where the wires connect. Enron sold them the transmission system in 1998.
Coal (Score:3)
building new coal and gas power plants
So, instead of nuclear energy -- which has killed only a handful of people over the past few decades -- they would rather have coal, which has killed at least hundreds of thousands of people in that same period of time. Never mind the long lasting environmental hazards created by coal mining and the toxins that coal fired power plants spew as part of their normal operation -- nuclear is obviously a much greater concern.
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The Kremlin and the Executives at Gazprom must simply be ecstatic..
Of course if the shale gas revolution pans out, maybe we in the US can get in on the extortion...
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Re:Coal (Score:5, Informative)
"These include building new coal and gas power plants, although Berlin is sticking to its target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 from 1990 levels, and by 80-95 percent by 2050.
It also signed off on expanding wind energy, in a bid to boost the share of the country's power needs generated by renewable energies to 35 percent by 2020 from 17 percent at present.
Germany is already far ahead of most of the world in alternative energy and this SHOULD force them to accelerate progress in the area, which will benefit all of us. The question is whether they stick to the road map.
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Costa Rica Nears Carbon-Neutral Goal http://internationalliving.com/2010/07/26-costa-rica-nears-carbon-neutral-goal/ [internationalliving.com]
"It already produces 90% of its electricity from renewable sources" (Yes, I now: small country, but other small countries are far worse renewable-wise).
Spanish power grid report 2010 http://bit.ly/oj6jfE [bit.ly] "Renewable energy covered 35.4% of demand in 2010, seven points ahead of 2009."
If I remember correctly, Spain will also quit nucle
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Which part of renewable sources do you not understand. We are not replacing nuclear plants by coal or gas plants. We replace old coal plants by new more efficient coal and gas plants. Preferably in combination with heat production for households and the industry.
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That's still privileging coal and gas over nuclear: there's a moratorium on replacing old nuclear plants with new ones, but no similar moratorium on replacing old coal/gas with new ones. If Germany wants to show a commitment to environmentalism, coal plants should have at least as strong a moratorium as nuclear, since they're much worse. If the decision is "no new nuclear", it should definitely include "no new coal", and ideally should include a coal phase-out before the nuclear phase-out, since we should s
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I couldn't care less... (Score:2)
*if* they were replacing their nuke plants with other sources of clean energy. If you knock down one source of clean energy and replace it with another one, this really affects nobody other than the folks paying the bill.
But they're not -- they're replacing them in part with coal/gas plants, according to TFA. This ought to be regarded by non-paranoid people as a step backward.
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But they're not -- they're replacing them in part with coal/gas plants, according to TFA. This ought to be regarded by non-paranoid people as a step backward.
It is. All 12 non-paranoid people left in the human race consider it exactly that.
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It is. All 12 non-paranoid people left in the human race consider it exactly that.
I'm not paranoid, and I consider it exactly that. But I'm pretty sure that at least 3 of the remaining 11 are actually liars who are actually out to get me and the other 8.
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Yup. Russia and France are quite happy about this I'm sure, because it means either:
1) Germany will be buying French nuclear power
2) Germany will be buying Russian natural gas
Either way, this makes Germany dependent on other countries for energy. Not a good idea.
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Regulating the regulators (Score:5, Insightful)
Japan's nuclear disaster has proven to me that neither the companies responsible for nuclear power plants, nor the people responsible for ostensibly regulating them can be trusted. I think Germany's decision is absolutely correct until we can come up with a better political/organizational technology for regulating nuclear power plants.
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Nevermind that in the entire history of nuclear power, only a handful of people have been killed by nuclear incidents, compared with hundreds of thousands of people killed by coal over the same period of time.
I don't care what kind of bogus statistics you quote. How can I even trust them when the industry lies so freely and easily?
All I care about is how the accident is minimized to the point of lying about it while it's happening and after it happened. It takes months for anything even close to resembling the truth to come out, and even then I don't trust it. How can I trust any of the statistics you quote when everybody involved in the industry lies through their teeth?
I want honesty and real accountability. W
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How can I trust any of the statistics you quote when everybody involved in the industry lies through their teeth?
Because the information isn't from the industry. It's from the hospitals, families, and everyone else who actually knows the people who die in what are inevitably major, highly scrutinized events. Not to bug you with details that might upset your ludicrous rant, of course.
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Also, Japanese culture and business, I would wager, is somewhat different from German culture and business. I have to imagine that there are different companies and different regulatory agencies/frameworks present in two completely distinct countires on opposite sides of the world.
But go ahead an
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Because that won't win any votes at the next elections. Winning votes centers around listening to the knee-jerks of the common man.
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I don't think the regulations can be reformed. The regulations in place were perfectly adequate, they were just ignored.
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You do realize the Fukushima Daiichi plant is 40 years old, right?
Yes, and I'm also aware that the plant was supposed to have been decommissioned already, per the regulatory code you cite. It just wasn't because that regulatory code was ignored for the sake of profit and convenience.
There are a lot of plants built during that time, sure, but every plant that I know of keeps up with the current safety standards and are under constant, continuous monitoring to make sure everything is safe.
And with all the lies about the state of Fukishima while it was occuring, how can I trust anything you say about these inspections? Are the inspectors on the take from the industry? Did they used to work in the industry? Are they ignoring this hairline crack or that little problem because "it'
future (Score:3)
Common Germany, your engineering is some of the finest. Think long term and if nothing else, put money into research of "Thorium" or "Travelling Wave" reactors, the type championed by Bill Gates. Both of these are completely safe and the waste is minimal.
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I don't think either have been proven to be completely safe... In fact I think one of the reasons thorium cycle hasn't been widely deployed is the difficulties of designing a completely safe thorium cycle reactor.
However, both DO have a lot of promise and good safety potential. But I wouldn't yet call them "completely safe".
Remember, lots of people said pebble bed reactors were completely safe. Germany has managed to disprove that...
That said, almost any modern reactor design is significantly safer than
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NIMBY - Let France do it (Score:2)
From what I can see, I hope the European Union survives till then (with Greece, Portugal and Ireland in it), but if it does, most of the new nuclear reactors in France would be powering the industrial complex of Germany.
In some sense, that does make a lot of sense to have a single nation throw their weight behind a tech and sort of specialize in it. On the other hand, naming Fukushima as a cause is just political pandering of the lowest kind.
Moving on (Score:3, Informative)
If any country has the engineering capacity to move off of Nuclear for base-load power, it is Germany. Blast Germany all you want to, but I hope they make it work. Maybe America could use a little more vision.
Unless you have lived in Germany, you probably aren't aware just how controversial nuclear power has been, especially since the 1970s. Germany was planning on quitting Nuclear power once the useful life span of their reactors expired, but Chancellor Merkel reversed this decision in what was derisively known as the "Ausstieg aus dem Ausstieg" or in English, the "Exit from the Exit" from atomic energy. Then Fukushima happened on the eve of provincial elections in Baden-Wuertenberg. So she reversed course just in time, but her Christian Democratic Union still lost the election to the Green Party for the first time since the end of WW 2.
I don't agree on Merkels U-Turns every time public opinion shifts, but I am in favor of ending Nuclear energy. The contaminated (evacuated) zone around Chernobyl is the size of Switzerland. If something similar happened in Germany, they would loose a major chunk of their country. Just food for thought.
I'll probably go down in flames from the nuclear fanboys, this being /. and all. Sometimes, I think they are more afraid of someone finding an alternative than they are of an actual mishap. Maybe Nuclear power makes sense in a larger country such as the USA, or Russia in an isolated location. But in Germany, a mishap would be catastrophic and affect the livelihood of tens of millions of people. Yes, I do live in Germany.
Re:Moving on (Score:5, Insightful)
I'd take nuclear power over coal any day of the week.
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What they're backing is irrelevant, as what actually occurs is ultimately limited by physics, engineering and economic practicalities, not the whims of politicians. If Germany have phased out coal by 2022 I'll eat my hat.
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It is a good plan. Put the fantasy far enough out that it will fail after you are out of power.
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The greens are backing coal, now?
Yes. They're just too short-sighted to realize it.
The core of any country's power needs has to come from 1 of 4 options:
Solar is not cost effective, wind, water, geo-thermal, tidal are limited by geography.
So if you outlaw/restrict nuclear, you're left with burning coal, gas, or petroleum.
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Then I have a house for you! (Score:3, Insightful)
Nuclear power is cleaner than coal power in a perfectly predictable world. It only takes one significant nuclear mishap to completely change the situation. At least with coal, the level of pollution is predictable, and you never have a large density of contam
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Great! I will sell you my house within 100 miles of Fukushima with a nice discount! (you know, I have offered this many times to nuke fanboys, and they never seem to take up the offer . . . Could BS travel more easily from the mouth than the wallet?)
I imagine the number of nuke fanboys who want to buy your house is about the same now as it was before the earthquake/tsunami. That is, about 0^H, ok, apparently just dknight. Good luck with that!
I don't want to buy it and the reasons don't have anything to do with the nuclear situation:
1) I don't want to live in Japan. As a gaijin, I have a pretty good idea of the limitations that would be placed on me.
2) I especially don't want to live in semi-remote northern Japan.
3) I don't want to leave my current hous
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100 miles? Yeah sure I'll take you up on that offer. I'll even grow a vegetable patch and eat them too. Chances are I'd still outlive you.
The thing about BS is that many people have this thing called sense or have the ability to decide things logically that you appear to lack. If I were in Japan, and you were seriously selling cheap land near (very relatively speaking for 100miles) Fukushima I'd gladly take it off your hands.
It only takes one significant mishap? WE'VE HAD TENS OF MISHAPS, and Coal is still
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Where did you get this information from?
In any case, it's not true. The goal in germany is to go for sustainable energy sources, especially wind and solar.
Coal (at least having lots of emissions here) would not be an option for germany, since they're taking part in the Kyoto protocol [wikipedia.org]. The United States are unfortunately not ratifying it, and remain one of the biggest pollutors in the world.
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Please stop using Chernobyl as an example, it's an extremely poor one. It was a known dangerous, fundamentally unstable reactor design that has always been illegal to build in the United States, and I believe Germany also never built reactors with positive void coefficients that completely lacked any form of containment.
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There is not much of a difference here. None of the still running German nuclear power plants passes todays safety requirements. None of those plants is protected against aircraft impact from larger planes even though plenty of them are pretty close to airports or even directly within flight routes.
The German reactors are outdated and unsafe and it's about time that they go offline.
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Your living in a fantasy. Germany is a net importer of power and that will come from France which is 80% nuclear and building more all the time. Your just using Nuclear power from France and now depending on French engineering and French safety regulations to keep your lights on and keep you safe.
Add in more imports of Natural Gas from Russia that they can turn off at a whim... Well hope that clears it up for you. Germany has very little in the way of solar potental. Last time I looked nice empty desserts w
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Germany is a net exporter of electricity and will (net) not change that, even after shutting down the last nuclear power plant. I don't know where you got your information from but it's clearly wrong.
Citing France as a source for power is pretty absurd because France is regularly buying electricity from Germany when they have to shut down their nuclear power plants when it's getting too hot or too warm.
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That link has been spread elsewhere already and it's just misleading. Just because Germany is importing electricity for 1 month doesn't make it a net importer. There always have been months when Germany was importing more than it exported. But those statistics are only reasonable when viewed long term, over years.
So your link is irrelevant, sorry!
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The contaminated (evacuated) zone around Chernobyl is the size of Switzerland. If something similar happened in Germany, they would loose a major chunk of their country. Just food for thought.
That's great and all, but a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl would not be possible. It was a fundamentally unsafe reactor design from the start (positive void coefficient, no containment dome, etc)...but even then, they would have been fine, but people who didn't know what they were doing were ordering them to run an experiment in ways that ignored nearly all existing safety protocols.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/reaction/readings/chernobyl.html [pbs.org]
Without question, the accident at Chernobyl was the result of a fatal combination of ignorance and complacency. "As members of a select scientific panel convened immediately after the...accident," writes Bethe, "my colleagues and I established that the Chernobyl disaster tells us about the deficiencies of the Soviet political and administrative system rather than about problems with nuclear power."
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In other news -- (Score:2)
"France's Nuclear Energy Sector predicts strong growth in French Electricity Exports"
German Parliament Outsources Nuclear Power (Score:5, Informative)
Since the first halt, Germany became a net power importer [bloomberg.com] from France -- whereas it used to be the other way around. And of course France generates 80% of its power from nuclear [wikipedia.org]. So yeah, they aren't really doing anything except shuffling the plants around.
France is going to make out pretty well from all this, probably going to end up as the major electricity producer on the continent. They are already reaping major economies of scale, having the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_pricing [wikipedia.org] electricity prices in Europe.
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http://www.nationmaster.com/country/gm-germany/ene-energy [nationmaster.com]
As you can see, they use fossil fuels for most electrical generation and 30% for nuclear (slighly old numbers, as they've increased renewable generation since then to 17% of their total power generation). Now to put their solar growth alone into perspective, "Germany set a new world record installing 7,400 MW of solar PV in one year. The country
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It is like rare earths and China. It is not like China is the only one with rare earths or that rare earth extraction has to be so polluting. However, to make enough profit for it to be worth doing, you have to cut some corners. The more corners that are cut, the more profitable it becomes. If you can afford to have a choice, th
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This report is highly misleading. To judge a countries electricities balance by 1 month is absurd. There were always months when Germany was importing more electricity then exporting. That still doesn't make it a net importer.
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Yes, short term France will make a lot of money, unless there is a nuclear accident in France. Long term, Germany will be able to export more green tech.
And long term they are developing the technological and industrial economies of scale required to corner the market for nuclear power. I'd bet on that sooner than I would bet on unproven technology any day.
In the meantime, their consumers don't get screwed over with higher prices for power either. Green tech sounds nice until you realize it means sticking the common man with twice the bill each month (although it's not like the politicians that vote for it care, since they can easily afford the feel-good lu
But but .... (Score:2)
Germany and Nuclear Power (Score:3)
Nuclear power became very unpopular after the Chernobyl accident. This lead to a nuclear power plant exit strategy in 2001 implemented by the red-green coalition (liberal and progressive) government. The exit date was around 2020/2022. Just recently the autumn 2010 the black-yellow coalition (conservatives) changed that plan to something in the 2030ies. then the Japanese had that bid disaster and the black-yellow coalition became very, very unpopular, because of their recent gift for the energy oligopoly. So in panic they changed it back to 2022. The only difference is, that seven old plants and one new one (which was broken for years now) are offline. The old one are so secure that you can built you own Fukushima-accident in Germany with a sport plane.
However, it is very interesting to hear that there are so many people telling Germany: You don't make it. It is not possible to switch. Lets say your're right. We never know until we've tried. But, when you are wrong then what will you do?
This Means Nothing (Score:2)
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Some people are smart enough to realise that while the earthquake/tsunami was the initial cause the same end result could occur via some other event causing cooling failure at a nuke plant.
Completely junking nuke plants seems a rather short sighted reaction, but what it has to do with Japan is obvious to anyone with at least 3 brain cells.
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No, because collapsed office blocks don't spew radioactive material into the environment.
Dead people are irrelevant. Living people scared of evil magical radiation are what matters.
Re:What does it have to do with Japan... (Score:5, Insightful)
A man has a pool in his back yard, but the neighborhood kids keep sneaking in at night and peeing in it. The man decides to expand his house around the pool and hire a small squad of 24/7 security personnel for $250,000/year. While the man is at work, a very dedicated psycopath with explosives and automatic weapons takes out the man's on-shift security team, kills his wife, rapes his kids, and pees in his pool. The man's neighbor (Germany) hears about all of this and says "good god, I'm getting rid of my pool now, it's just too dangerous."
Some people are smart enough to realise that while the earthquake/tsunami was the initial cause the same end result could occur via some other event causing cooling failure at a nuke plant.
I disagree. I'd say that some people are smart enough to realise that while the damage to the nuclear plants in Japan was unfortunate, it was a casualty of the earthquake/tsunami, not the tragedy itself. Nuclear plants may not be perfect, and they can cause a small amount of harm in incredible circumstances. Things like record-breaking earthquake+tsunamis, acts of war between advanced nations, meteors falling in unfortunate locations... these kinds of incredible circumstances are far worse for the populace than the anything nuclear plants can do. Perspective is important, and the German populace and politicians seem to be lacking it right now.
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So, with the exit from nuclear at 2022 (not now, by the way) we will simply implement that as planned. Lots of work, but 11 years is a long time. There will be use of natural gas before we are fully based on renewables, bu
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Our electricity sources will be 100% renewables by 2025[...] There will be use of natural gas before we are fully based on renewables
The best case (without nuclear) for Germany is that by 2025, you will be getting 25% of your energy from renewables with the remaining 75% as gas "backup" from Russia. Furthermore, your electric bills will be 5-20 times the countries as economically developed as Germany. Do you think all that work on the longest sub-sea gas pipeline in the world [wikipedia.org] will be for nothing after another 14 years?
I'm sorry, but while I appreciate the tone that you provide in this conversation, your comment seems quite delusional t
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-Cost for a 100000 years mainenance of the waste was never in calculations when people argued prices
It's folly to claim that the "waste" that is 95% re-usable won't be reclaimed well before the "100000 years" that you claim it is dangerous. The only reason so few countries have bothered with reprocessing said waste is because it isn't economical right now, and it's actually dirt cheap for us to store it since there is so little of it. As uranium becomes harder to find in a few decades, do you honestly think scientists and engineers won't be looking at the spent fuel and say "hey, I bet we can reprocess
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Do they have a lot of problems with tsunamis in Germany?
yes the one that will hit the government if they don't do something to please the people
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No Germans do not like nuclear power since the Chernobyl accident. Even before that, they did not like it very much. But since then between 60% to 80% of the population do not like that power source. The exit by 2022 was already in place by a previous law from the previous government. The big thing is, the present government changed that plan to 203x and no changed it back after the accident in Japan, because they lost many regional elections. So the conservative government just tried out to be more popular
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BTW: the problem in Japan was not the tsunami, it was the greedy company operating the plants which caused the disaster. German energy companies are greedy too. That's why the had a small explosion of oxyhydrogen gas in plant in Germany just a year ago. Completely without a tsunami or earthquake just by bad practice.
The reactor cores melted before the tsunami .. (Score:2)
I think it took two months for the following news to leak out and it appears it still hasn't reached you:
Some of the reactor cores melted even before the tsunami shut down the backup power systems.
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The problem was in the plants' design. If you don't want to modify your existing facilities or build redesigned ones, and would rather invest that money in wind & solar or just buy energy from another country that will update its nuclear power plants, then sure, it's reasonable to phase them out in ten years.
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The problem is that the disaster zones become inhabitable for a very long time. So even when not that many people are killed, you're losing land to it, and during that time the people living in the vicinity of that land have a shorter lifespan.
I personally consider the nuclear waste a much larger issue, though, because that's an unsolved problem even when nothing goes wrong at all. But that's not a sudden disaster, so it's not that much in the news.
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Yes, that's a general issue with the human psyche. Everything has to have a name (we have a name for every star visible in the sky, how unnecessary is that?). However, once there is a name, everything with the same name gets treated as the same thing.
Those new reactor designs sound awfully similar to the thing fusion was supposed to bring us, which is treated like the holy grail of power generation (actually conversion I guess, since you can't generate power). It has a different name, so it's not thrown int
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No, they won't implode -- they'll simply choose one or the other, and if the United States is any indication, they'll choose their economy over the environment.