Tour of the Closet Sized Living Quarters On ISS 76
Phoghat writes "Who knew it could take almost seven minutes to get a tour of the teeny-tiny crew quarters on board the International Space Station? But Expedition 26 Commander Scott Kelly provides an engaging peek inside his personal living space, and an inside look at life aboard the ISS."
No, it's news more nerds need to see (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, no, it's news more nerds need to see. Especially the kind who grew up with a boner for space travel, based on growing up with various flavours of Star Trek and its luxury liner accommodations. Even Enterprise NX-01 (I know, I know, nobody wants to remember that one;) only toned it down to two-man rooms for the non-officers.
In practice, well, rent the movie Das Boot, and have a good look. That's likely how you'd live on an interstellar trip. Think a tube with beds on the sides and the main corridor running in the middle. Or ask someone who's on a submarine. Last I heard, even with the huge modern submarines, they _still_ hot-bunk. Not only you don't get a nice room all to yourself, you don't even get the bed all to yourself.
Heck, even in surface ships, on early British destroyers the officers slept in armchairs on the deck. (Which would probably be a better explanation for why Picard is always in his chair when someone hails.) Or a lot of the ships that hauled colonists to the New World actually packed them like sardines under the deck, because space really was that limited.
Face it, when every ton hauled costs a bunch of energy, and especially on a (part time) military ship like the Enterprise, you're not going to encumber the actually useful ship with a luxury hotel bigger than the former. I mean, look at TNG, because they even showed you the separation in the first episode. That's one tiny actually useful warship, and the whole dish is a luxury hotel for the crew.
It's not going to be like in Star Trek.
Even the ISS is probably painting a too rosy image. It's got years of adding modules and it's not going anywhere, so it has a lot more space than you'd actually expect on an early space exploration ship. Still, I'm glad they're showing even that. Might knock the glamour of some people's heads.
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I don't think quite that many people are interested in space exploration because of glamour, instead, there is a simpler reason, space is hugely interesting.
I would love being able to colonize and explore part of a planet or moon, maybe even a particularly large asteroid.
Are you sure about the "interesting" part?
Day 1: We have landed on Rocky Asteroid 1034565. Go the United Space Foundation! USF! USF! Whooooo! Ate spam.
Day 2: Scouted the south face from our inflatable tent. Excitingly made of rocks. USF! Ate spam.
Day 3: North face is also made of rocks. A good day. Claimed rocks in name of USF. Ate spam.
Day 4. West face. Rocks, again. USF, etc. Ate spam.
Day 5. East face. Wow, was that a glimmer of CO2 ice? Nope, rocks. Ate spam.
Day 6. Struck out for the northeast cravasse.
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Very funny, I'll grant that, but if early Earth sailing is anything to go by, and considering that it'll probably start around the point where we can actually get anywhere in a couple of years, it'll probably be more like:
Day 1: we left Spacedock! There's an exciting galaxy out there for us to discover! Woohoo!
Day 2: we've stopped on an asteroid for exploration. Woohoo! Rocks!
Day 3: just passed Jupiter. How exciting to see it up close!
Day 4: just darkness out there. Spent half the day doing drills and
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In practice, well, rent the movie Das Boot, and have a good look. That's likely how you'd live on an interstellar trip.
"The boat will need more than a can of vaseline!"
"You filthy boy! You've got crabs! A whole army of them!"
I remember an SF story - maybe in one of Brian Aldiss's Galactic Empires anthologies from the 70's - where a derelict spaceship is found. It seemed wholly alien to the humans inspecting it, owing initially to its shape, devoid of any concession to aerodynamics - instead of being sle
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Just in case you haven't seen it:
Might interest you. Live streaming from the ISS. Usually it shows the earth rushing below the space station, but yesterday they had the internal camera on and Commander Kelly was busy pottering around the place.
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We had an entire TV channel or three of ISS feeds at one point. "In space no one can hear paint dry."
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Heck, even in surface ships, on early British destroyers the officers slept in armchairs on the deck. (Which would probably be a better explanation for why Picard is always in his chair when someone hails.)
That explains it! Grandpa needs his naps!
Or try this (Score:2)
Or just as an example that doesn't need to watch the whole movie, try the music clip based on footage from the movie: U96: Das Boot [youtube.com]
Around 2:16 and a while after, when you see those guys running down a narrow free space between the beds, that's how cramped such a submarine was.
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> If they can read books, why not do this as well?
Because they'd rather read books? PR is the NASA PR department's job. Why would an astronaut want to use up her limited personal time promoting herself? More money from endorsements? Fear of being cut from the team due to not having enough fans?
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I love and hate (Score:2)
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If your inner ear can distinguish the difference between a uniform field, aka an accelerating spaceship, and the curved field of a point source 6300000 meters away, I'll eat my hat.
I agree that the spinning case would probably feel a little wierd to most people. That's why I only suggested the first case as being indistinguishable.
Of course you could devise an experiment to tell the difference between the first case and earth, but the parent of the thread is talking about artificial gravity!!! I guara
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His space is more than enough for it's needs. In fact humans can live very comfortably in small spaces. I know people that are incredibly happy raising their 2 kids and 2 adults family in a 2 bedroom 640sq foot apartment. They are quite civilized and less primitive than most people that have McMansion homes.
More space = a waste of space. Only badly designed things have lots of open space in them. Until we get a unlimited self renewing power supply that can lift 900,000,000 metric tons for z
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Sounds to me like you're jealous of people that have more space. More space means you're capable of more things. There's room for hobbies, there's room for storage of things you use less frequently. YOU may consider that a waste, but it's not your space to govern and rule.
I use my "McMansion" space to house all sorts of things that enrich my family's life. Telescopes. Musical instruments. Shelves of books. Remote control planes. Sleeping quarters for 2 dogs. A home theatre. Computers. Spare stuff that I lik
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I really don't give a fuck what you think about how I use that space or whether you think it's wasted.
I think someone hit a nerve.
I rather have a small apartment and use money for traveling or working less instead of paying to store seldom used stuff.
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Microgravity makes it easier to make use of volume as well. I was surprised he had so much space. I expected a coffin shaped volume or a sleeping bag attached to the wall of a corridor.
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I may be shorter, but it needs to be at least a specific width to be usable. This because one would not want one part of the body to experience a different centrifugal force then another part (iirc).
As for mining, a better option may be the asteroid belt (tho moon mining would be a bootstrap for that). This as there would be less energy spent escaping gravity all the time.
Tiny teen crew quarters? (Score:4)
Did anyone else read that or is it just me with a one track mind?
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WTF is a lizard doing in the ISS?
Somebody has to be in charge.
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Did anyone else read that or is it just me with a one track mind?
You mean "Tiny Teen Crews, Only a Quarter?"
Or is that just me?
No wasted space (Score:5, Insightful)
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So that's why I couldn't get that stuff to stay put on the ceiling! I was near the end of my patience yesterday with it.
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One of these days someone will market viable velcro-like ceiling pads for sticking things up there. Students in small apartments sometimes do creative things like putting up hooks for hanging bicycles. Figure out how to park a car up there and you'll be rich. Not too many other options meanwhile. A fun but dangerous place for a mirror or a flat-screen? Spider-farming is safer.
A sky-light to see the stars might be cool if it never broke or let the sun fry you.
Sleeping under the stars in space could be a
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I have self adhesive velcro pads in my van. I use them for pens, torches, etc.
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Doesn't surprise me that it would take seven minutes, because while the living quarters might be small, the microgravity environment lets you use literally every square foot. On Earth, you can't use your floor and ceiling as shelves.
Looks at floor... already done.
Looks at ceiling... hmmm, I will have to get back to you on that one.
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i have one of these: http://www.homeorganizershops.com/PHL-1R.html [homeorganizershops.com]
the rack is 16 sq ft but bulky stuff hangs over the edge so it probably frees up about 20 sq ft of garage floor space altogether. i took my time on installation (6 hours maybe) to make sure it was really solidly attached. i put some interlocking foam floor pads over the wire rack so smaller stuff doesn't fall through. i have one of the old hand crank ones, but you can get motorized these days.
futurama reference (Score:1)
kind on reminds me of benders appartment, minus the giant closet that is
Or as NYC residents call it (Score:3)
A one-bedroom studio apartment.
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i recall reading about a actual closet in SF that was rented out.
It actually looks kinda roomy. (Score:2)
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Hot-racking will be standard on the military version of the ISS. You only get the closet for 6 hours out of 24.
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If you compare this to the quarters on a sub it's really roomy.
A sub has to slide through the water. The ISS has plenty of space to expand in to, however mass is still an issue.
Ham radio on the ISS (Score:5, Interesting)
For more ISS geekery, check out this video. Col. Doug Wheelock operates the NA1SS ham radio station on board the ISS. Since they are using FM, all the different transmissions are interfering and he's having trouble picking callsigns out of the noise. It is impressive to hear all that traffic in a FM pileup. Contacts start around 11:30 mark. Before that is background and a tour of the station.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h73EYcyszf8 [youtube.com]
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In order to make the spoof, one must first have watched the show. People that spend their time sitting around watching Cribs probably don't end up on the ISS.
Windows! Windows! Windows! (Score:3)
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> He has a Microsoft Windows PC!
But in space noone can hear you scream :-)
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Unfortunately, the MacBook Air didn't pass the mil spec requirements in time (if at all) and the one you don't see is running Linux.
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I thought it was amazing he could do his banking from orbit.
sponge baths (Score:1)
I bet it a real shower and a real bath feels great after 6 months. And a real girl too.
"The Long Walk" Fraud? (Score:1)
BBC - Walking the talk? [bbc.co.uk]
"From the start, a ferocious controversy has raged about whether anyone really could achieve this superhuman feat. Critics particularly questioned one chapter in the book where the walkers apparently see a pair of yetis."
When/where do they masturbate? (Score:1)
I'm actually quite serious.
Several months is a long time to go without getting off. There is documentation from some of the early space missions of the doctors advising regular masturbation for the crew. One of the crew members claims not to have, but other than that the record I am aware of is silent.
I'm seriously curious on a practical level. There is the privacy issue of where but there is also the practical issue of not having ejaculate floating all around the cabin. Does this mean they spend extra
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I thought he was being a bit too clear when he showed his hands outside the sleeping bag. Thats not how I would do it. In answer to your question he has his own room and he took his pictures down to film the video.