Blueprint For a Quantum Electric Motor 97
TechReviewAl writes "Alexey Ponomarev from the University of Augsburg in Germany and colleagues have revealed the blueprints for an electric motor built with just two atoms. The motor would have one neutral atom and one charged atom trapped in a ring-shaped optical lattice. The atoms jump from one site in the lattice to the next as they travel around the ring and placing this ring in an alternating magnetic field creates the conditions necessary to keep the charged atom moving round the the ring. A team from the University of Glasgow in the UK in fact built one of these quantum motors back in 2007, which they called an optical ferris wheel for ultracold atoms. 'The next step, say Ponomarev and co, is to attach the motor to a nanoscopic resonator, such as a spring board or nanomushroom, and make it vibrate. If you can do that, they say, you'd be powering a classical object using a quantum motor.'"
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:So.. what is the efficiency of this motor? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:So.. what is the efficiency of this motor? (Score:4, Interesting)
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Re:So.. what is the efficiency of this motor? (Score:5, Funny)
only in Boston.
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Re:Huh? (Score:5, Informative)
How exactly is this quantum? Does it spin in both ways at once?
"In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is an indivisible entity of a quantity that has the same units as the Planck constant and is related to both energy and momentum of elementary particles of matter (called fermions) and of photons and other bosons." - []
What makes you think something has to spin both ways at once to be quantum?
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Without RTF
Raising the floor?
Roasting the fatty?
Retarding the forum?
Rampaging through France?
Regurgitating the fruit?
Reconstituting the fluid?
Raping the flowers?
Help me out here, I'm struggle-ugle-ing*
*thanks, Joe Namath!
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Rich Text Format. The article wasn't written in WordPad.
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Imagine a Beowulf Cluster of... (Score:2)
Vibrate? (Score:2)
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just begging to be taken out of context? (Score:2)
at what point did a vibrating nanomushroom become a classical object?
Well, if you don't call it "classical" people are going to think it's porn!
Optical Lattice? (Score:5, Insightful)
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What I don't get is how hooking one up to this [] will be all that productive.
What exactly is a nanomushroom other than a really really small mushroom.
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An Optical Lattice is a complicated array of lasers that create a egg carton like potential for the atoms (the atoms interact with the lasers via the Stark shift iirc). The idea is that the atoms then get "trapped" in the minima of this potential [well, they are still tunneling and all that].
Via the wavelength of the lasers and their intensity one can control "depth" of the potential wells and the spacing of the lattice, which is quite nice, because you get essentially a solid state system where you can cha
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Two atoms? (Score:4, Insightful)
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They didn't say the whole system was two atoms, they said the motor is two atoms. The motor is the component that turns a non-mechanical energy potential into mechanical motion. The cooling system, the device that produces the magnetic field, etc. are no more part of the motor than the gas tank and radiator are part of the internal combustion engine.
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What about the spark plugs (lasers)?
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The lasers aren't the spark plugs; they're more like the walls surrounding the piston.
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Figured that, but I wanted something that could make a spark for my car analogy.
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I suspect a few more atoms were used for the lasers that generate the optical containment and the device that applies the magnetic field and whatever was used to cool those two atoms to near zero Kelvins.
Well okay, but on the other hand a 4 cylinder engine involves more parts than just those 4 cylinders -- some of those parts even being of a cylindrical nature! "4-cylinder" engine has more than 4 cylinders, wtf?! And while for a liquid-cooled engine the radiator is an essential component, you don't normal
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My home town nearly went to zero Kevins back in 1978.
It was a particularly cold winter, and we were already down to 3 Kevins (due to their low popularity at the time).
Kevin Thomas had flown out to be with his son's family for a wedding and got stuck in Boston for a whole week due to the weather. 2 Kevins left.
Kevin Lemmer was rushed to the hospital during my shift. I still remember the call from the EMTs as the ambulance was rushing toward us. "It's Lemmer. He's in bad shape. Drove right into the fucki
Emily Litella? (Score:1)
Gilda Radner: "What is all this fuss about Cedar Rapids reaching zero Kevins?"
Chevy Chase: "Emily that unit of temperature is Kelvin [], not Kevin."
Gilda: "Oh. Never mind, b****.
I suppose one of the lost Kevins was the physics teacher at Cedar Falls High?
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Simulation != real (Score:2)
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I suspect an oil rig, a refinery, a transport truck, and a highway system to deliver the oil, and an oil distribution infrastructure were all part of your car motor too. Because without those it's just a hunk of twisted metal.
Cold Atom? (Score:2)
Pardon me the ignorance here, but what is 'cold atom'?
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i should note -- ianap(hysicist)
Suck it cops! (Score:5, Funny)
I'll show myself out....
Re:Suck it cops! (Score:5, Funny)
And what happens when you get into an accident? You'll be both dead and alive until someone opens the car door! (Is this how the zombie apocalypse starts?)
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Isn't that true now? ("Schrödinger's car"?)
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And what happens when you get into an accident? You'll be both dead and alive until someone opens the car door! (Is this how the zombie apocalypse starts?)
Due to my expertise regarding zombies *cough*from movies*cough* I doubt this. Because i never saw a zombie crumble to dust if someone looked at them.
Well (Score:2)
Some day, when technology has advanced to the point of optimizing machines to use every last atom to maximum efficiency, tricks like this will be neat.
Thing is, our post-singularity successors won't be amused by this "two atom" claim - you have to use up lots of atoms to hold everything in place and create the conditions necessary. If the "lattice" weren't there, the atoms wouldn't act like a motor. The fields from the lattice atoms are what create the necessary conditions.
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It's not "how atom-efficient can you make the system" -- after all, individual atoms are inconceivably cheap -- it's "how minimal of a motor can you create". (Although if it's using a quantum-mechanical effect, the fewer the atoms involved, the easier.)
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Atoms? Cheap? There is a hidden cost, my friend!
Benefits? Perqs? A green cookie on Saint Patrick's Day?
-- Monty Burns reads the proposed union contract, ``Last Exit to Springfield''
Burns flashes back to simpler days. Springfield, 1909, back when
people smashed atoms by hand. Grandfather Burns catches one of his
employees trying to steal some atoms and has him taken away.
You can't treat the working man this way. On
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Keep people in their own cars (Score:2, Offtopic)
I'd rather research cheap and clean power sources and keep poor people in their cars. That's social
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I have a hate thing with cars at the moment. It seems they are more addictive than heroin, and kill more people. Yet if you try talking to a car owner you rarely get any sense if it means restricting their rights to drive. I've heard arguments from people suggesting that the best thing for the c
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Can't is just be a matter of individual choice?
You don't like cars, so you structure your life to avoid them.
I like cars so I am free to decide to make them a part of my life.
Each of us is free and not coerced in this decision. Is there anything wrong with that?
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What's wrong with low income housing? Are you seriously suggesting that poor people shouldn't have access to running water, decent sized beds or even a toilet?!?
Superposition (Score:2)
for more of an insight (Score:1)
Happy physics reading. PS: The links are in the top right.
Quantum Perpetual Motion machine.... (Score:2)
How long before some lab hack claims to have made a nano scale "free energy" machine.....
Of course if you could find some way to make nano machine that could turn latent heat energy into electricity you could theoretically make a device that could make cold air and electricity out of warm air......
Build a couple hundred million of these and we could keep the arctic region cold as ice and supply the tropics with plentiful electrical energy....
Assuming you could tweak the laws of thermodynamics to work this w
wow (Score:2, Funny)
Soon we will be ablr to have Quantum Hard drives
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Mod parent funny, and yourselves as dumb. []
Maxtor (< Quantum, Seagate (< Maxtor.
(< is the buyout (Pac Man) symbol.
(<>) is for mergers.
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Looks like yours is corrupt already. :)
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That what happens when you read the data back in without a cat present.
Only two atoms? I don't think so. (Score:2)
What are those lattices made of? What is the magnetic field generator made of?
I can make a motor of zero atoms too. I just have to wrap it in a traditional electric motor. :P
Wake me up when they make a real version (Score:2)
optical ferris wheel for ultracold atoms (Score:2)
Best band name...ever!
Just because it moves, doesn't mean it's a motor. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Let me give you an analogy: consider a container in the shape of half-a-donut, filled with salty water. Let's put a nonconductive barrier in at one point and place two electrodes on either side. Apply a voltage to the electrodes and ions will start moving through the water, sodium to the negative, chlorine to the positive. Although the ions are moving, we don't call this contraption a "motor". You could try to hook something up to the moving ions (good luck!) and try to move it, and if you succeed in this t
Re:Just because it moves, doesn't mean it's a moto (Score:2)
Do the words "alternating magnetic field" mean anything to you ? or "to keep the atom in constant motion" ?
but why? (Score:1)
I don't mean to be flippant but I can't think of any practical application for this motor that isn't somewhat confounded by the requirement for the lasers and the magnetic field generator... TFA seems fairly proud that they've come up with this thing but doesn't really tell us what good it does.
I mean, does it have some massively superb output per unit size? Is the amount of motive energy it creates so great that it massively outweighs the amount of energy put *in* to the system by running the lasers and th
Aren't they all? (Score:2)
Okay, call me crazy, but can't EVERY atom-level structure with atoms circling other atoms a "motor"? I'm calling "Patent Troll" !!
Yo dawg (Score:1)
We heard like you liked paradoxes so we put quantum superposition in your classical scale universe so you can not spin while you spin.