Virtual Reality Cocoon Being Designed 103
gurps_npc writes "CNN reports that a company called 'NAU' is working on an Immersion Cocoon that seems inspired by ST:TNG's Holodeck. The images are only 2D, and you can't touch them. But it is 360-degree video and sound, with light sensors to detect your hand movements and floor sensors to detect foot movements. They hope to have a prototype by October 2009."
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They contain facehuggers?
What will nintendo call it? (Score:4, Funny)
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Compltely enclosed? Clearly it will be called the Wii 2mb!
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Wii sequel would be the Wii 2. 2=Two+mb=Tomb, aka completely enclosed...
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Wii sequel would be the Wii 2. 2=Two+mb=Tomb, aka completely enclosed...
Okay, I realize jokes aren't funny if you have to explain them, but you said 2mb, hence 2 MB, two megabytes. GP was referring to the 640kb memory limit, which at the time of its inception was thought to be more than anyone ever needed.
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Isn't it hilarious how we're all jumping into the thread to talk about how funny the thread is?
We are so funny!
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Wii-R ?
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Wii Personal Environment, or WiiPE for short.
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Obviously this is the replacement for the Wii, but what will Nintendo call this one?
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Educational historical journeys are just one possible use of the Immersive Cocoon
"Possible"? Sure. Likely? I suspect that the ratio between its usage for adult entertainment vs. educational purposes will be somewhere in the range of the internets. Eleventy billion to 1. Roughly.
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You could combine the two. Visit Joan of Arc and see her get burned at the stake. And then fuck her.
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you are truly evil!?!?!?!...I Think!?) [rotten.com] NSFW!!!
Damn, you can find stuff you can't always imagine (or want to know about!) on the internet!
2 girls, one cup
; Goatse; tubgirl; Rick-Rolling, etc....
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WII Gotta Go NOW!!!
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Obviously this is the replacement for the Wii, but what will Nintendo call this one?
How about the Wii Wii?
Holodeck, huh? (Score:3, Funny)
So from now on half of the episodes of our lives will take place in one of these pods?
Re:Holodeck, huh? (Score:5, Funny)
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Next week on TNG (Score:1)
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> being able to completely fudge your 360 degree view screen with a wonderful "Guess what you just won!" tagline.
It's worse than that. Imagine...
360-degree full-immersion goatse.cx.
NOOOOOO!!! (Score:2)
Okay, Iv've been goatse.cx'ed before [goatse.cz], but at 5'10@240 lb.'s, even goatse seems too small for me to fit into.
Heh,Heh: let the /. n00bs be just as twisted!! Click the Link!! Click the Link!!!
Now to go scrub my brain out with bleach!!!
I guess it's press release time. (Score:5, Insightful)
My proof:
NAU hopes to complete its prototype Cocoon by October 2009, with models commercially available by 2014. Initially, it's intended to be used in public spaces or to be leased by companies, until the technology becomes cheap enough for the consumer market. But where NAU are creating an escape from the real world, others are working on ways of merging virtual information with the real world.
So this is the second 'article' with no substance.
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virtual reality FPS (Score:3, Interesting)
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That's the child version. Real men play "War". There's a RTS version too. It's called "Global thermonuclear war". It's pretty short tough. ;)
Will it have... (Score:5, Funny)
Will it have a porn, I mean, privacy mode?
Re:Will it have... Are you looking for switches? (Score:1)
Like, cockoon and cockoof?
That would require . . . (Score:2)
. . . a WOD server at the other end.
"Wank On Demand."
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wod? sounds like Warner Brothers virtual sex:
Elmer Fudd: Take my thwobbing wide wod, bitch!
Bugs Bunny: Ow Doc! For shame, poking us poor rabbits in the keister with an elephant gun!
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For just $9.95 a minute you can have the time of your life billed to your credit card or phone bill. Just be sure the person you are talking to is what you want, some surprises are could be far worse in 3d then 2d.
"The internet: where the men are men, the women are men and the children are federal agents"
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Don't forget... (Score:2)
Automated cleaning system would be great, but in absence of that (until scientists create sperm-powered nanobots) a easy-to-clean non-stick surface would be a must.
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"Will it have a porn, I mean, privacy mode?"
At last, the perfect way to enjoy my endoscope porn collection!
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TFA seems to suggest 6 years, so maybe it can dodge the 5 year effect, provided no one updates us on it for a couple years.
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lemme guess: we will have it on the market in 5 years, right after the flying cars.
Once we get these babies all work on flying cars will stop. And so will work on anything else.
Yawn... Welcome to the 1990s. (Score:4, Insightful)
It's a consumer-grade version of this, with an added motion-sensor for walking:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_Automatic_Virtual_Environment [wikipedia.org]
Yes, this "cocoon" doesn't require the shutter glasses, but that's because it doesn't even try for 3-D. Lame.
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When will someone either come up with full-body haptics or a direct neural interface.
I'm voting for the former, I really don't want a script kiddie raiding my brain.
When I google it it seems that people are concentrating mainly on stimulating touch receptors.
While that's an important component, I want something like a suspended exoskeleton
to provide actual force feedback to as many muscle groups as possible.
Bring on the virtual wushu.
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That's some heavy porn you're into.
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If cost and injury-in-testing were no object, we'd have had this done a decade ago. There is however little benefit in such a device.
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Carefull (Score:2)
This was submitted by Gurps_NPC, getting through one post will take an hour! Most of the effort you go through will be in tiny increments while nothing is really accomplished.
Newsflash (Score:2, Funny)
I also heard it's designed to project war videos and play Beethoven.
And yes, it will run the new HP Linux.
Alluding to another movie... (Score:2)
It shows immersive images of beauty and grandeur, while playing 'light classical' music. And at the end, the food comes OUT of the little opening.
"It's green"
Set in 2022, Edward G. Robinson was 62. Which means his character was born the same year as I was. And that's only 14 years away.
Shopping for books in 3D? (Score:4, Insightful)
This is interesting technology, but I'm not sure the examples in the article were thought through all that well.
Imagine Amazon.com being fully 3D. We could walk through a 3D space where you have all the books lined up, and you could walk right up to a book.
That might make sense if you were just browsing, although there are a lot of ways to sift through books which don't map well to inanimate shelves. What if you know which book you want, though? Do you look up the title, author, publisher, etc. in a digital representation of a manual card catalog, and then spend at least a couple minutes walking over to the indicated location? (Just how many books does Amazon sell, anyway? How many miles of shelves would it take to hold them all?) That seems like a lot more work than using the much-derided keyboard & screen we have already.
Virtual shoppers might be able to take books off their shelves and read a sample, or even ask other virtual customers for recommendations.
You can already read samples on a regular screen, and most of the people I know who don't care to read off a 2D computer screen wouldn't be much happier with the immersive 3D equivalent; they want to actually experience the book's weight, texture, and smell. Recommendations, in turn, are more valuable when you can correlate what everyone has said about the item whether or not they happen to be hanging around at that exact moment. In a purely interactive system there probably wouldn't be anyone around to ask most of the time.
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That might make sense if you were just browsing, although there are a lot of ways to sift through books which don't map well to inanimate shelves. What if you know which book you want, though? Do you look up the title, author, publisher, etc. in a digital representation of a manual card catalog, and then spend at least a couple minutes walking over to the indicated location?
In Cocoon version 1.0, yes. But don't worry. In version 2.0 people will be able to use a virtual computer and mouse to browse the amazo
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So really... (Score:5, Funny)
So, not at all like the Holodeck, then?
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They just failed miserably in the implementation :)
I wonder... (Score:2)
How do they plan to deal with the issue of... well... farts.
Also... Smoking.
Won't anyone please think of the smokers?
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Even more importantly, it needs to have some kind of self-cleaning function, to get the splooge off the walls after a session. Better be fairly waterproof on the inside, too.
Another virtual reality device.. (Score:1)
Great! (Score:1, Redundant)
I can't wait for the Orgasmatron!!!
I'd be impressed... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Done: http://www.physorg.com/news127137136.html [physorg.com]
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Video of better tech. [youtube.com] Annoying whistling not included.
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This is a simpler solution shown on /. before. Not as good for running though.
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I used one of these once on a conference. It's an interesting concept, but it doesn't really work that well. The whole thing has a huge inertness due to its mass. This means that you have to do large steps to get it to move, and then it's hard to get it to stop. Abrupt movements are out of the question.
I think one person on that conference actually fell while trying it.
Additionally, it doesn't really feel like walking in a virtual environment, since you can feel that sphere underneath your feet. Maybe hamst
Virtual MMORPG (Score:1)
Just don't ask Sherlock Holmes characters... (Score:1)
Say Hi to Minuet (Score:1)
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No, Riker was the only one who was in the simulation. The alien didn't have access to any holodeck logs, only Riker's memory.
That was a pretty cool episode up until the ending, which was lame!
So it's a fancy CAVE. (Score:3, Interesting)
Ahhhh, the Blue Pill (Score:1)
It's obviously a prototype Blue Pill.
The Matrix is (almost) real.
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Also, from what I gather, the blue pill has undergone far more load-testing than the red. Your mileage may vary of course; and may the force be with you in every which case, er, (I think).
Sorry, some Canadians beat you to it (Score:2, Informative)
There is a company with headquarters in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (just down the road from RIM in one of the few buildings in the area that RIM doesn't own) that has been doing this for many years now.
Check out the public docs at
http://www.christiedigital.com/AMEN/Markets/AdvancedVisualization/ [christiedigital.com]
Did you see the opening or closing ceremonies of the Olympics? All of that projection was done with Christie equipment. And their 3D submersive stuff is crazy. They have intentionally stayed away from more consume
From the caption: (Score:3, Insightful)
The Immersive Cocoon could revolutionize the way we interact with computers.
Unfortunately, it wont.
That looks a little bit too much like the ... (Score:2, Funny)
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/TECH/09/11/immersive.cocoon/art.cocoon1.jpg [turner.com]
http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2894960128/tt0091064 [imdb.com]
A meme is born... (Score:1)
Porn, porn, porn wonderful porn (Score:1)
I think this sort of display device will put a new perspective on how geeks enjoy their pr0n...virtual reality where the women really are that superficial...
I'm not impressed. (Score:1)