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Beer Brewing Bender Completed 113

An anonymous reader writes "The Beer Brewing Bender Project is finally completed. This is a fan built, full sized Bender from Futurama featuring a 6502 CPU powered brain to make him speak triggered by a prop remote control straight out of the show. Inside his body is a beer fermenter used to brew up a batch of real Benderbrau beer!"
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Beer Brewing Bender Completed

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  • by Big Nothing ( 229456 ) <> on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:01AM (#21941478)
    And I thought _I_ was a Futurama fan. I will never make that clame again.

    Aslo: where can I buy me one of these?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:05AM (#21941502)
    Scene: Citihall: Mayor's Office. A pizza slice splats against the window.

    Poopenmeyer: It's time to take action. [He presses the intercom.] Stephanie, cancel the maid for today. Have her come tomorrow. [He leans back into his chair.] Well, I'm out of ideas. Anyone?

    Farnsworth: Wait! If we could build an object the exact size, density and consistency of the garbage ball, it might just knock the ball away without smashing it to bits.

    Leela: But where can we find a substance the exact density and consistency as garbage?

    Farnsworth: Alas, I don't know.

    Fry: Uh, what about garbage?

    Farnsworth: Good Lord! A second ball of garbage! That just might work!

    Poopenmeyer: But garbage isn't something you just find lying in the streets of Manhattan. This city's been garbage-free for 500 years!

    Fry: Then it's time to make some more.

    Poopenmeyer: Make garbage? But how?

    Fry: Stand back and watch the master! This Slurm can. [He knocks it on the floor.] Now it's garbage. These papers. [He sweeps them off the desk with his hands.] Garbage. This picture of your wife. [He drops it on the floor and the frame smashes.] Pure garbage. Now you try it.

            Poopenmeyer picks up a pencil and drops it on the floor.

    Poopenmeyer: By God, I think the boy's got something. Come on, everyone! The fate of the city is at stake!

            He turns a chair on its side.

    Fry: Good! [He turns to Leela.] Don't finish that cruller, throw it away [Leela throws it on the floor.] Bender. Drink that beer and drop the bottle on the ground. [Bender throws the bottle on the floor.] Very nice.

    Poopenmeyer: Get that robot some more beer! [Bender smiles.]
  • by ExE122 ( 954104 ) * on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:05AM (#21941504) Homepage Journal
    "Bite my not-so-shiny fiberglass-on-cardboard-and-quilt-insulation-over-a-wood-frame ass."

    Kudos on a truly awesome job! Looks great =)

  • by sjaguar ( 763407 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:06AM (#21941516) Homepage
    If the beer can be brewed within 30 minutes (including commerical breaks), sign me up for a few.
  • by techpawn ( 969834 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:15AM (#21941574) Journal
    Also, because of what they made it out of, if there's ever a problem with the beer Bender can smoke too! Is that a tap in the front for the beer? Cuz if it is it's placement is very... poor...
    • by LiquidCoooled ( 634315 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:19AM (#21941612) Homepage Journal

      1. Clean and sterilise the bottles. I use 750mL plastic PET bottles. A batch of beer will fill 30 of them.

      2. To each bottle add sugar. I use sugar drops and add two per bottle (see below). The additional sugar is to allow for extra fermentation in the bottle. This is what causes the beer to have bubbles.

      3. Remove the airlock from the top of the fermenter to allow the beer to flow freely.

      4. Warm your hands (Not normally necessary but Bender insisted on this step before letting me near his tap).

      5. Slowly, with each bottle tilted to avoid frothing, fill each bottle from the tap.

      6. Tightly cap each bottle.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Plastic bottles? Blasphemy!
        • by gfxguy ( 98788 )
          Yeah, I've seen several home brew kits with plastic bottles... awful.
          • by Fishead ( 658061 )
            I just told all my friends to start drinking Corona, or MGD (pry off) or even Grolsch with the flip top. Now that I have enough bottles for 2 batches (23 liters each!) I can start trading full beer to my friends for their empties. Works out at around a dollar a liter.

            Cheaper then Kool-Aid!
            • For Christmas, my wife bought me 2 cases of 20 oz, dark brown bottles and a big bag of caps.
              And she says she's going to plant hops along our fence line this Spring (since hops have become so expensive of late).
              What a woman!
              • by Anonymous Coward
                Watch it, hops can get way out of hand really quickly. They can take over a yard in short order.
                • by eakerin ( 633954 )
                  A lawn, overgrown with an ingredient that is currently expensive, and critical to beer making...

                  That's a problem I'd love to have!
                • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

                  Watch it, hops can get way out of hand really quickly. They can take over a yard in short order.

                  ...and this is bad how, exactly?

                  Life begins at 60...60 IBUs, that is. :-)

                • by Sloppy ( 14984 )
            • by rrhal ( 88665 )
              After a bit you will have so many bottles that you start giving them away to other home brewers. I have kegs now - I just dont mess with bottles any more. I'm happier that way.
            • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

              by ralph75les ( 1214472 )
              "I just told all my friends to start drinking Corona, or MGD (pry off) or even Grolsch with the flip top."

              Uh, you're going to be bottling in CLEAR bottles??? As as experienced beer brewer, I recommend that you DON'T use clear. The best bottles to use will be brown, followed by green (which I never use). I'm sure you've heard it before, but light is the enemy of beer. It'll skunk it quickly. The Grolsch bottles are okay, but sometimes those rubber seals will fail, and then when you bottle-condition t
              • by desenz ( 687520 )
                Even the grolsch bottles aren't that great. Beats the hell out of clear ones though. Myself, I use 22oz brown bottles.
            • I hope you keep those clear Corona bottles in the dark.
              • That is why god invented paint, so clear bottles can be used for homebrew.
              • I'm currently experimenting with this. I produced one case (24 12oz bottles) of a honey wheat ale. Six Corona bottles and the rest are standard brown. All the bottles are conditioned in a (relatively) dark cabinet. The batch should be ready to drink by next weekend, so I'll be able to test the light theory.
            • by fabs64 ( 657132 )
              You'd be better off with the coopers plastic bottles than those corona bottles.
              If you DO use clear glass make damn sure you keep your beer away from sunlight.
              I'd also be worried about how thin the glass for those bottles is... exploding bottles are no fun at all.
        • by dbIII ( 701233 )
          Works well - if you have too much sugar the PET bottles will distend about 50% or more and go white before they explode giving you plenty of warning.
        • Plastic bottles? Blasphemy!

          Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it. Knocking back 2 litre plastic bottles of Borgio Beer on the steppes of Mongolia is damned near my favourite travel moment ever.

          Of course, I think all my tastebuds had been killed by a fortnight of vodka and airag anyway, but it sure tasted good at the time.
      • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

        5. Slowly, with each bottle tilted to avoid frothing, fill each bottle from the tap.

        Can you say "oxidation," boys and girls? (I speak from experience...not knowing any better at the time, I bottled my first two or three batches this way.)

    • by ArsenneLupin ( 766289 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:21AM (#21941634)
      And, what's more, it may dispense yellow (the beer) or white (the head, no pun intended...) liquid, depending on its mood :)
    • by Potor ( 658520 ) <(farker1) (at) (> on Monday January 07, 2008 @11:07AM (#21942050) Journal

      Is that a tap in the front for the beer? Cuz if it is it's placement is very... poor...
      piss poor, even ...
      • piss poor, even ...
        Shouldn't that be... piss pour... ;-)
      • piss poor, even

        piss pour, even

        Fixed that for you.

        And yes I'm going to punster Hell - the deepest level reserved for those who dare to be punny. (for the love of god someone stop me!)

  • by svunt ( 916464 )
    I'd hand out cigars, but there's what...1.1 million of you?
  • Way down under (Score:4, Interesting)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) * on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:18AM (#21941606) Journal
    I love reading projects like this one. I've got to wonder about how one lives in New Zealand to be able to find time to build this beer-brewing Bender.

    I wish I was versatile enough to know how to wire up a 6502-based audio board w/wireless remote AND do the basic carpentry AND the fiberglass and painting AND brew beer. He's even got an arc-welder, as seen in his video of him destroying his HP printer (link on the last page of TFA)

    Hell, my wife wishes I knew how to change a washer in the bathroom faucet.

    • Re:Way down under (Score:5, Insightful)

      by fotbr ( 855184 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:50AM (#21941894) Journal
      I don't think you give yourself enough credit.

      Basic woodworking, fiberglassing, painting, and welding are all fairly simple skills -- they just take a bit of practice. Being an artisan capable of earning a living doing any of the above may be a different story, but hobby-level skills aren't all that hard to learn. That leave the electronics, and, well, this is slashdot, so you likely know that or know someone who would love to do a project like that.

      If you really want to learn other stuff, check with your local community college, see if they have any intro-to-X type evening or weekend classes that'd fit your schedule. Most community colleges have some sort of intro-to-welding class, and I'd imagine a basic carpentry class isn't uncommon.
      • by dbIII ( 701233 )

        some sort of intro-to-welding class

        To start with it's a bit of a stab in the dark to learn arc welding (bad pun doesn't apply with the more expensive face sheilds) but it only takes a couple of hours to be able to stick some simple stuff together.

        • by rho ( 6063 )

          But quite worth asking somebody who already knows how to do it for some tips and maybe a lesson or two. Arc welding isn't like juggling. Lots of things can go badly wrong.

      • THere's nothing magic in the water here in NZ. Perhaps it is just that we spend less time in traffic jams and flipping between hundreds of channels of crap.

        All the skills you need for anything like this are easy to learn or look up in Make.

    • by Barny ( 103770 )
      That ain't an arc welder (electric), its an oxy-acetylene torch (sometimes known as a "gas axe" because it cuts through anything), and it seems they are indeed very effective at "fixing" problem HP printers.
    • by joggle ( 594025 )
      For the electronics part, start with Radio Shack. They have several simple books to get you started with hobby electronics. I once knew a very intelligent electrical engineer who first became enamored with electronics by doing exactly that and still recommended it as a good way of getting into electronics without getting overwhelmed. If you ever want to gain even more practical knowledge about electronics I would recommend the ARRL handbook [] (used by ham radio operators everywhere).
    • Check out the rest of his site - he built a real jet engine, and the asciimation thing is incredible!
  • Cache (Score:5, Informative)

    by dr_d_19 ( 206418 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:19AM (#21941608)
    ...before it gets 'dotted.

    Coral here! []
  • Suck my.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Ezza ( 413609 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:20AM (#21941616)
    .. beer tap!

    Gives new meaning to a head of beer.
  • That is the best looking Bender I've ever seen! Very, very well done!
  • Yeah? well (Score:5, Funny)

    by everphilski ( 877346 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:20AM (#21941624) Journal
    I'll build my own beer-brewing-bender! With blackjack! and hookers! wait, forget about the beer-brewing-bender....
  • Great (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by jav1231 ( 539129 )
    Can I be the first "Bender fan-boys" post, "yeah but does it run Linux," post and "we built plenty of these back in the day" post all at once?
  • Woohoo! (Score:1, Funny)

    by Casca1 ( 656425 )
    Now, if someone will just make a cryro-freezer and order a pizza, my life will be complete!
  • by Nonillion ( 266505 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:47AM (#21941872)
    "but doesn't it run linux?"

    I'm just guessing here, but wouldn't Benders preferred OS is Olde Fortran.
    • by k_187 ( 61692 )
      I thought that was his preferred malt liquor.
    • If you listen to the DVD commentary for Futurama (I forget which episode), the creators note that they intentionally gave computers in the show a Mac-like interface in the hopes of getting free stuff from Apple. (They tell Steve Jobs: "It's not too late!") Of course the Mac serving as a judge in "Fear of a Bot Planet" did freeze at one point, so they haven't portrayed Macs in a completely positive light. Still, if I had to guess, I'd say Mac OS (or OS X) is probably Bender's favorite OS.

      It is pretty safe
  • Am I the only one who read the summary as stating this thing having 6502 CPUs as a brain?

    Aside from welcoming our new shiny-metal-ass-and-overpowered-brain-overlords I was rather stunned how you could cram that amount of chips into something less than the size of a small home... /me gets more coffee...
  • by GodfatherofSoul ( 174979 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @10:54AM (#21941918)
    He's got a stomach full of candy, and an ass made by Tandy.
  • by The Redster! ( 874352 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @11:11AM (#21942092)
    The pervert posted logic circuity on page 2. Someone should aks him to take it down.
  • Apparently that link has been ./ Here's a link to the same story CLICK HERE []
  • by CrazyJim1 ( 809850 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @11:54AM (#21942472) Journal
    If Bender in the show was equipped with a brew station in his torso... That'd be a perpetual motion machine I wouldn't want to witness.

    Fry,"Whatcha doin Bender?" Bender,"Drinkin my own fluids."
    • I thought Bender consumed alchohol, not made it.
      The Route of All Evil.
    • Well, he did sit on the stove to brew the beer, so that's some of the energy input. The other energy input is in the starch. But I'm just wrecking the fun. Honestly, I'd prefer he just be a beer cooler, peltier powered. If he were to geek it up, he could make it a dispenser or something.
  • by Dmala ( 752610 )
    Wouldn't that make Bender close cousins with both the NES and Atari 2600?
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Yes. The Terminator T-800 also runs on a 6502.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by onemorechip ( 816444 )
      In the episode where Fry tried to use the professor's F-Ray to find the winning Slurm bottle cap, at one point the F-Ray was pointed at Bender's head and revealed a 6502 (just watched this episode again the other day, thanks to Cartoon Network's recent marathon). So Beer Brewing Bender's designers knew what they were doing.
  • cool bot, poor beer (Score:4, Informative)

    by darqit ( 1040654 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @12:09PM (#21942632)

    I used to brew some beer myself and the home kit the guy is using makes for pisspoor beer. And also beer from plastic bottles!!! blasphemy

    You want to be using real ingredients not the beersyrup this guy uses. Real barley and hops. Most small breweries also sell to individuals.

    Heat the barley in a pan with sufficient water (as in how much beer you want) and look up a schematic for the heating. Essentially this means heating your mixture to a designated temperature and keeping it there for a period of time. Different temperatures make the barley release different sugars. there are different temperature schemes. Experiment with a few you can really see the difference.

    Add half your hops at the beginning and the other half halfway trough the heating process

    Then strain your beer a few times until it has the desired clarity (can be influenced by the type of barley)and cool the mixture down so the yeast survives when you add it. It is good practice to activate your yeast before adding

    The beerbender does use a handy fermenting vat. These are actually quite cheap. Keep the beer for at least 1 week at around 24 degrees celsius

    The botteling is next. If you like beer you surely have some glass beer bottles. Buy a bottlecapper and some caps. Again really cheap.

    You can use sugar drops to get the CO2 in the bottle but about 2-4 grams of plain sugar also works. I like using some honey as it can be tasted later.But an absolute winner is the brown caster sugar

    cap the bottles with the sugar and again wait for minimally 2 weeks at 24 degrees before consuming

    this way you can vary your beer way more than using some kit. You can experiment with different barley,hops,heating schemes,yeasts,storing times,straining and sugars.

    • You reuse non-returnable beer bottles? You're crazy.
      • A mild sodium hypochlorite solution is plenty enough to kill off any stray yeasts and bacteria.

        And to rinse off the NaClO solution, just use DI H2O or mild ethanol.

        And I guess we're crazy in that we use the dregs off of beers we like, obtain 2 samples in which one is for yeasts and 2nd is for both yeast and bacteria, and proceed to use "commercial" beer.

        Our harvesting of Grand Cru and Gulden Drahk have proved very successful thus far.
        • I believe that the GP was refering to the practice in the U.S. of making twist top non returnable bottles out of thinner glass which made for nice bottle bombs if you reused them.
          • Yeah, they do make those here... But beer connoisseurs know not to even touch the nasty swill.

            Even the local brewery (Bloomington IN) uses pressed caps.
    • Agreed, the beer he is brewing will be absolutely disgusting. Probably far too malty, with no smoothness.

      I am a homebrewer, and the method you described is just one of many different ways. The temperature for boiling the mash, the times for addition of the hops, the types of barley and hops used, even the type of yeast will all affect the quality and flavor of your beer.

      If someone on Slashdot is interested in starting a homebrew project the best place to start is with this book []. It gives basic instructions
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Sloppy ( 14984 )

        Agreed, the beer he is brewing will be absolutely disgusting. Probably far too malty, with no smoothness.

        I doubt it will be awesome, but there's a reasonable chance it won't be disgusting. It's clear that he is using hopped (pre-bittered) LME. [] He's not adding any finishing hops for taste/aroma, but I bet the malt/bitter balance is going to be about right -- I've used hopped LME a couple times, and it contributed an even balance. I wouldn't use it in some kind of hop-showcase APA or IPA, but for a gener

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Brandybuck ( 704397 )
        Another tutorial comes with <tooting-own-horn> my brewing program, QBrew: [].
    • A better way to start is to get a high-quality kit. In larger cities in the US, at least in the Midwest, you can find homebrew supply stores that sell everything you need or could possibly want. A couple of my favorite stores are Midwest Supplies [] and Brew and Grow of Minnesota []. (The 'grow' refers to hydroponic gardening, which I don't do. I have avoided asking what they grow and if they sell seeds. :P)

      Midwest Supplies will sell you kits ranging from the basics, doing your fermentation in a plastic buc
      • From a perpetual beginner, and lazy-assed brewer we are Mostly Agreed. The Charlie Papazian book is *the* homebrewer's bible.

        Here's my $0.02 of Things I've Learned Homebrewing. Doing this will make sure you get a nice drinkable brew, and not a container full of Septic System Helper:

        Aside from the rack-over tubing and bottling wand, the beer should touch only stainless steel during the boiling process. I use a plastic funnel to assist in transferring the wort from the pot to the carboy, and haven't had any i
    • Wow, that was a bit um... loose with the brewing process. You seem to add your hops to the mash and not the boil which seems to be missing altogether, and your description of lautering is also interesting. Anyone wanting to really know how to make beer check out []. Yes the guy is peddling his book on the website, but the older edition is there at [] and is free to read online. It will take you through both extract and all grain brewing.
    • I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with the following company, but have used them for years in my own home brewing adventures. They're based in Arizona, but ship all over the place and have some pretty decent prices. They sell kits (basically pre-packaged recipes) or individual bags of barley, hops, yeast, etc.

      Check out []

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by 5c11 ( 1009079 )
      I know quite a few people already responded to your beer methodology, but the beer nerd in me can't help but put in a few words along with them.

      First of all, you're absolutely right that his beer is probably gonna taste like crap (or "sparkling pond water" as John Palmer puts it). That said, there's nothing wrong with using extract, or "beersyrup" as you call it (though admittedly the pre-hopped stuff is worthy of derision). A lot of award-winning beers have been made from extracts with steeping grains. M
      • by darqit ( 1040654 )

        Yeah I know my post is flawed

        I typed it up in half a minute and forgot the boiling of the wort (thanks for the word wasn't sure it was the same in English). I also didn't mention the cleaning and sterilizing part. I even forgot to include the formulas for the amount of the ingredients.

        Sorry about that but the links everybody else gave seem good enough.

        As for the extra work of grain brewing. It only costs you an hour and a half or so more. In my opinion worth it.

        And again seek out a local brewer. They don't

    • You can make some awesome beer with malt extract as a base. I seem to recall a survey of brewing contests that showed around half the winning beers were extract based.

      Just stay away from the prehopped crap and don't try to make a lighter lagers. Use some crystal and darker malts, with real hops and good yeast cultures, and you can make some award winning beers.
  • No shiny metal ass to bite! Fiberglass is heresy!here
  • This guy is the king of geek cool, not only did he build a full-size Bender but he has a MAME'd Tardis! I wonder what the speech came out like (I'm surprised a bare CPU can output audio).
  • We need to see if he is also capable of surviving a Stop'n'Drop brand suicide booth [] when accompanied by the average Old New Yorker.
    - America's favorite suicide booth since 2008
  • by Chris Brewer ( 66818 ) on Monday January 07, 2008 @02:08PM (#21944114) Journal
    Don't forget, this is the guy that created the jet-powered beer cooler [] as discussed way back when [].

    While his server hasn't become a smoking ruin, check out his TARDIS MAME console [].
  • My complete and total envy over this project or the fact I noticed the Tardis MAME cabinet in the pictures on page 3.
  • Will it be an ale or a lager?

    I hope it's a lager so I can take it to a ball game.
  • Will it serve Slurm, too?
  • As I was reading/flipping through the project, I was thinking that this is the sort of stuff that gets done in the sheds of New Zealanders. I looked at the address and behold.

    Another such project [] (I see now on the same website)
  • From the article about building the TARDIS:

    "It was about this time I was out with a girl I knew having a drink in a little bar in town. I was staring out the window and thinking about how I could make my own cabinet."

    Yep, the guy is a true-blue, 100% signed up member of the geek community! Fair play.

If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley
