New Type of Fatigue Discovered in Silicon 108
Invisible Pink Unicorn writes "Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have discovered a phenomenon long thought not to exist. They have demonstrated a mechanical fatigue process that eventually leads to cracks and breakdown in bulk silicon crystals. Silicon — the backbone of the semiconductor industry — has long been believed to be immune to fatigue from cyclic stresses because of the nature of its crystal structure and chemical bonds. However, NIST examination of the silicon used in microscopic systems that incorporate tiny gears, vibrating reeds and other mechanical features reveals stress-induced cracks that can lead to failure. This has important implications for the design of new silicon-based micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) devices that have been proposed for a wide variety of uses. The article abstract is available from Applied Physics Letters."
Re:Commodity (Score:5, Insightful)
B) This affects the longevity of systems that were assumed to never wear out and limits the applications that they can be used in.
C) When is disposability an excuse for waste?
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I'm not defending I'm observing! You can't argue that a capitalist system (such as, well, all of global trade) is geared toward profits and maximising commodification? I'm no economist so I'm not going to express anything more specific than that, but you can't argue that the general trend in electronics has been toward production/consumption over maintainability.
And who is to blame for that? Consumers/Corporate buyers?
You may find the headlong trend towards buying new computers slowing quite a bit. You only really need so much horsepower to edit a document or twiddle numbers in a spreadsheet. Adding memory is quite effective rather than just junking the old box. Microsoft's strategy of building bigger versions of windows, which require bigger versions of PCs is flattening out on the curve, with Vista adoption quite slow.
This all means we're trying to get mo
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To that, I'll add: []
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And who is to blame for that? Consumers/Corporate buyers?
You may find the headlong trend towards buying new computers slowing quite a bit. You only really need so much horsepower to edit a document or twiddle numbers in a spreadsheet
You see, the system works, and it's called "capitalism." Demand for the next widget is slowing because existing widgets work just fine. Supply adjusts, prices stabalize, yadda yadda yadda.
Point is, in a capitalist system, you can't waste something valuable for long - s
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Silicone (Score:1)
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In the days of pre-flip-chi
Explains the lack of quality. (Score:2)
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Yes, this is a bit of a strawman, because there's regulation and then there's regulation. But still, I disagree that regulation is the solution we should look to. Frankly, I'm not convinced that the quality of silicon goods is actually that low...
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Got news for you, it's everywhere. I've got stress fatigue from converting SQL scripts.
Is it just me? (Score:5, Funny)
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But, now that you're thinking (alluding to breasts/mothers' milk; or rampantly-chewing boys or men on females) "siliCONE", why not think these?:
"New Type of Fatigue in Silicon ALLEY, or"
"New Type of Fatigue (CastroEderItis) RE-Discovered in Castro District"?
"New Type of Parking Discovered in Rear" (More Parking in Rear)...
Such a lovely day...for gags... ummm chokes... umm JOKES...
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"New Type of Fatigue (CastroEndTenderItis) RE-Discovered in Castro District"?
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Yes, there were some HUGHE silicone installations in the district, but it had absolutely nothing to do with tech,
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Re:Is it just me? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:4, Funny)
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NOT LEDs!!! (Score:5, Informative)
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Gallium Nitride and Boron Arsenide?
Gallant, galloping nitrogenous, bored asses color spectrum?
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BZZT, wrong! Silicon carbide WAS used to make the first blue LEDs, but no one has developed a good technique to make silicon carbide crystals, so they switched to boron nitride.
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My first thought was of poor Marvin (Score:3, Funny)
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especially if you smoke it (Score:2, Funny)
I can agree with this. In my personal experience, crack inevitably leads to failure.
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DLP TV/Projectors, the first consumer victim? (Score:5, Interesting)
Are TI's DLP mirror arrays subject to this? Don't know for sure if DLP is presently the largest MEMS rollout (if it is considered a MEMS) to the consumer market right now, but I wonder if anyone has reported mirror failures after a number of longer operating hours?
Just curious.
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On the other hand, using half the pressure but cycling the test hundreds of thousands of times revealed a gradually increasing pattern of surface damage at the indentation site--clear indication of mechanical fatigue.
The tiny mirrors on the DLP are just going to flex in a magnetic field.
I can grab a piece of wood and wobble it for hours (like Rolf Harris!) without a crack appearing but I can also pound it with a hammer and do a Jack
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"Things like my xbox 360, CPLDs, diodes, LEDs... I should stop there... I'm turning myself on... Oh baby... TTL chips, CMOS... Good 'ol CMOS never say no when you call her late at night."?
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As for the breakdown of a rotating shaft *eventually* I agree with you, but since you have literal hands on experience - does this occur within products' lifespans or is the article using a sledgehammer to pound some FUD into the process?
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Re:DLP TV/Projectors, the first consumer victim? (Score:4, Informative)
However, the kind of tolerance is *probably* already present in the DLP chips. The forces that the spring is subjected to were carefully calculated, and the technology has been in use since the 60s. You could probably take a look at the older types of DLPs and compile evidence that a large amount of cycles won't harm it.
Caveat: I am not a micro-mechanical device engineer, but I follow developments. I figure micro-mechanical devices will need control systems of some sort someday.
/It's all about temperature, pressure, and friction.
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Airbag sensors are the highest volume MEMS... (Score:3, Informative)
Digital Micrometer Device - torsion hinge life exp (Score:2)
The torsion hinges that support the micromirror on Digital Micromirror Device [] (DMDs) are said to be good for at least a trillion (10^12) operations. Source: Wikipedia, which has no footnote link to an authoritative source :(
Wiki also says [] that, at least for a DLP projector, the "DMD chip can be easily repaired or replaced".
What does a trillion operations means to you or me? Is that MTBF, or some other metric? No idea. Back-of-the-napkin (assumption: 1 operation/frame):
- 10^12 ops divided by (30
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Small gears vs. Large gears? (Score:3, Informative)
Study was conducted on the micro-mechanical objects modeled after mechanical objects in the macro- world. So, in essense, small gears will wear down and break just like big gears do. This isn't really a discovery, all large mechanical devices are subjected to a rigorous set of conditions that they will encounter. Just because a group of scientists never subjected the micro-versions to the macro-equivalent test doesn't mean this is new type of stress, it means that nobody though to check it.
And before anybody posts anything about flash memory or processors, this doesn't apply. Memory and processors are "solid state electronics", not "Micro mechanical devices", and are not vulnerable to the same type of stresses (i.e. those caused by friction, shear, or centrifugal forces).
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Re:Small gears vs. Large gears? (Score:5, Informative)
The findings are relevant to silicon precisely because the macro-level tests have *not* shown fatigue cracks. Now, the article suggests that this may be a weakness in the macro-level testing methodology, but it doesn't change the fact that silicon was considered "special" because of it's structure, and now it appears not to be.
So, uh, you've actually got this completely backward. No one thinks it's a new type of stress, it merely wasn't expected that silicon would be susceptible to it.
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Assume the resistance of steel to pressure is X. So, I decide to put a weight that exerts a pressure of X/2 and leave it there. NOTHING HAPPENS, ever. So I conclude that due to the structure of the steel, it is immune to pressure effects. OOPS, wrong.
Then, I decided to beat it with a hammer with an impact pressure measured at X/2. Nothing happens, for a long time, likely a very long time. However, eventually there will appear s
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Me:Temperature, pressure, and friction, until you get to the atomic level, they exist and will forever be factors in design.
I deserve a dunce cap for that one.
Edit:Temperature, pressure, and friction, even when you get to the atomic level, they exist and will forever be factors in design.
oh well... a more expensive alternative (Score:2, Funny)
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The point why diamond stays like it is, is that even though it's thermodynamically unstable, it is kinetically stable. In contrast to graphite, it is very hard in diamond to break all bonds between all atoms in the lattic
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Hah - so much for silicon-based overlords (Score:2, Insightful)
Our silicon-bsed overlords can bite my carbon-based ass! Oh wait - they're too fatigued, and crack up under even microscopic stress.
Seriously, this may have implications for the non-existence of silicon-based life. After all, silicon-based "dna" might be more liable to failure.
The fatigue scale is all wrong for today's MEMS (Score:4, Informative)
Ever heard of plastic versus elastic deformation? Elastic is when it's small enough to come back to it's original state (no permanent effect). Plastic is when the material is permanently reorganized. They're at a huge displacement scale, so it's not clear how this applies to modern MEMS systems which are moving two orders of magnitude less.
if(coder && wantToLearn(electronics)) click(here); []
But it makes an upper bound (Score:3, Informative)
Now that a stress issue has been found that places a limit on how the materials can be used and how much MEMS devices can be shrunk etc.
Re:The fatigue scale is all wrong for today's MEMS (Score:4, Informative)
TI has been working with the mirror systems for a long time now, I suspect on the order of 20 years. They should have real reliability info to work from.
Well, all I can say is... (Score:2)
MEMS memes (Score:1, Troll)
So basically... (Score:1)
Silicon Fatigue (Score:1)
I'm tired (Score:1, Interesting)
Haven't we known this for a while? (Score:1)
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thermodynamics (Score:1)
explosions... (Score:1)
But, seriously... I want to see more pictures and video. You never see that with these "cool" really tiny things.
Oh noes! (Score:2, Funny)
Maybe now (Score:1)
Extremadura and Non-Extremadura (Score:1)
Not "New Type"... (Score:5, Informative)
It's old fashioned fatigue, and it isn't new. This [] paper quotes (2nd para) 1992 work that demonstrated fatigue in micron-sized silicon specimens.
Silicon is a typical low ductility material that does not tolerate cracks very well because there is very little plastic deformation at the crack tip (the process zone). Fracture mechanics is based on an energy balance, when the amount of energy absorbed by the creation of the fracture surfaces (the surface energy) plus the amount of energy required to do that plastic work in the pz is equal to the amount of strain energy in the structure that's released when the crack gets bigger (the strain energy release rate), the crack becomes unstable and the part goes bang.
The strain energy release rate varies with the load and crack size, for a given crack size at loads lower than the critical load, pre-existing cracks (there are always cracks even if they are microscopic) open a bit and the pz deforms. When the load is released, the pz doesn't go back to it's original configuration. Repeating the apply-load remove-load cycle progressively grows the pz which causes the crack to get bigger in some complicated ways. But think of it this way, the crack tip is theoretically infinitely sharp (the limit is the inter-atomic distance of the material). This discontinuity causes infinite theoretical stress which causes the atomic bonds to break at the tip. Process zones have been the subject of countless PhD theses.
In a low ductility material the energy absorbed by the pz is small compared to the energy absorbed by the surfaces created when the crack grows. Remember the pz is responsible for fatigue growth, the pz plus the surface energy is responsible for unstable crack propagation. So a small pz means you have to load the material close to the crack instability load to get fatigue growth. With a small enough pz it's impossible to load the material accurately enough to grow the crack without breaking the part. So THATS what they mean by silicon being immune to fatigue.
It seems like the reason this is not the case in microscopic silicon specimens is another PhD topic, the explanation is complicated. Oxidation caused by humidity in the air is a factor, as well as loading in the compression mode.
Again, all this has been known for many years.
Cyclic stress immunity? (Score:1)
This will come as a big surprise to all those people actually working in the semiconductor industry who regularly apply cyclic stresses as part of our typical reliability testing...
Seriously, no one who works with silicon thought it was immune to fatigue from cyclic stresses.
The only thing that is new here is that with semiconductors the stresses are incidental due to te
MEMS Sensors (Score:2)