Europe Plans a New Type of Fusion Facility 429
SR71Blackbird writes "European physicists have put forward a plan for a facility that uses lasers to produce fusion. From the article: 'The laser would be used to compress and heat a small capsule of deuterium and tritium until the nuclei are hot enough to undergo nuclear fusion and produce helium and neutrons. In a reactor the energy of the neutrons would be used to generate electricity without the emission of greenhouse gases or the generation of long-lived nuclear waste.'"
Fusion again? (Score:5, Informative)
It's sufficiently urgent that we can't wait for the fusion fairy to visit us. By all means, we should continue research in fusion. It's an exciting field with a lot of potential. But we don't potential so much as a workable energy policy now. We can't base them prototype research facilities that materialize "by the middle of the next decade."
My $0.02
Re:Fusion again? (Score:5, Funny)
This is great news! Now I can upgrade my imaginary working fusion reactor with a much more efficient model.
Re:Fusion again? (Score:5, Funny)
The only nearby one I know of is visible half the day in most parts of the world.
Re:Fusion again? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Fusion again? (Score:3, Funny)
Plus, just wait 75 years and pull Scotty out of the transporter, and maybe we can get that transparent aluminum formula.
All the energy we want, and we get to save the whales, all in one.
Re:Fusion again? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Fusion again? (Score:5, Insightful)
2. 16 MW is nothing. Less than one windmill.
3. 65% - put 100 in get 65 out, never going to do anything except exacerbate our fuel crisis...
Re:Fusion again? (Score:4, Informative)
65% efficiency! (Score:3, Interesting)
From TFA:
However, both these billion-dollar lasers will primarily be used for nuclear-weapons research, with only 15% of their time being available for other areas of physics.
This is noticably absent from the article headlines.. I will also point out there are several thousand pefectly working fusion reactors on the planet, and I'd be willing to bet there's an excellent chance one of them is aimed at you sleeping in your bed right now!
The trick is -controlled- fu
Re:65% efficiency! (Score:4, Insightful)
This couldn't be further from the truth. It is a VERY controlled fusion reaction, its controlling mechanisms are magnetism, gravity, and other forces. It is so perfectly balanced that it takes a quantity of fuel and an inital ingnition and will burn for billions of years. How much more controlled can you get?
My impression (Score:2, Insightful)
"We're almost there. We only need minor improvements."
Thank you! You've been a wonderful audience.
Re:My impression (Score:3, Informative)
The are basically 3 approaches to hot fusion:
Kinetic: AKA no Confinement other than time. Build a bunch of big lasers and hit a little ball. It's by far the hardest but it's a good way to get the department of energy to help pay for your lasers. Take this project, which is getting 15% of this, lasers time but tha
Re:Fusion again? (Score:3, Funny)
Seems like a real expensive way of novelty balloons...
Neutron balloons (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Fusion again? (Score:3, Informative)
Not with laser ignited fusion such as this, but the JET tokamak in the EU has reached break even.
No electricity has been produced, this is a lesser problem though (basically a huge water boiler), the main problem is that one would like to achieve ignition and have fusion for more than a second. Iter will achieve this. There are also som problems relati
Yeah, and what's this about break-even? (Score:3, Interesting)
Break-even has been "just around the corner" for the past 50 years. Assuming we hit break-even within the next few years, will it take another 50 to get 1Mw over break even, or will it progress faster than that? At this rate, we'll run out of fossil fuels long before we get any reasonably useful ou
Re:Bombs break even (Score:3, Informative)
Yeah right (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Yeah right (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Yeah right (Score:2)
Everything is possible. Pass the word. -- Rita Mae Brown, "Six of One"
Re:Yeah right (Score:5, Informative)
Fast Ignition. From TFA:
Kodama and colleagues are now upgrading their laser system in order to approach "breakeven" - the point at which the energy output is equal to the energy needed to sustain the reaction. They then plan to further enhance their system so that it reaches ignition, which happens when the fusion reactions generate enough energy to sustain themselves without the need for further heating. Finally, they hope to build a demonstration fast-ignition facility. Physicists in the US are also studying fast ignition.
Re:Yeah right (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Yeah right (Score:4, Informative)
There are some big problems with it as a reactor design. Needless to say you have to get the tritium pellet positions just so inside a large laser. Figuring out how to do that with a *lot* of spherical pellets is non-trivial. And that's assuming they can make a self-sustaining system. (Something that I tend to doubt a lot - although I became rather cynical about the whole approach)
My personal feeling is that at least in the US, most of those working on this were former weapons physicists. The physics is basically the same. They got to keep their jobs and work on the same sort of thing by bringing up the fabled "alternative energy" mantra. But I honestly doubt it'll ever pay off as an energy source.
Great way to refine the physics of nuclear weapons though.
People laughed at idea of heavier than air machine (Score:5, Insightful)
A thirty, fifty, or even seventy-five year delay doesnt mean people should write a technology off!
What makes this different? Well rtfa.
Re:People laughed at idea of heavier than air mach (Score:5, Funny)
You're right. A glance around my house reveals that *all* my machines are heavier than air. 50 years ago who'd of thought we be at this point today.
This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:5, Informative)
We've heard about fusion happening just around the corner every month for the last 30 years. What makes this any different?
You're exaggerating. Scientists have always been pretty upfront that creating a confined, sustained fusion reaction is an exceptionally difficult problem. The potential payoff is so large that we continue to study it.
What makes this different is that they are building a large test facility for inertially-confined fusion. Magnetically-confined fusion is the more popular approach. The article doesn't talk about the details very much but one of the primary obstacles to inertially-confined fusion are the presence of hydrodynamic instabilities such as the Richtmyer-Meshkov effect. The lasers are directed at a spherical shell containing a deuterium-tritium pellet and are supposed to cause the shell to implode. Manufacturing imperfections result in the RM instability and the less-than-perfect implosion causes the whole thing to fall apart without the deuterium and tritium fusing together. Does anyone know what the status of research on this is? A decade ago, there were still difficulties getting theoretical models of the RM instability to even agree with experiments, which obviously meant that the process of dealing with the instability seemed pretty far off. Are they still having problems with this?
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:2)
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:5, Funny)
Zero Gravity? (Score:2)
Zero G's should result in perfect sphere, but would the return to Earth's gravity warp them?
Re:Micro-gravity ? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:5, Informative)
As to the subject of hydrodynamic instabilities, IANAP, but from what I gather of it, this problem is far less serious today with the discoveries (many made here at LLE) of things like frequency tripling the beam (to suppress hot electron production in the plasma), polarization smoothing, distributed phase plate smoothing (google for more info on this stuff or just go to the documents section of the LLE site) with the introduction of larger bandwidth of the laser pulse and the simple improvement of irradiation uniformity on target using more beams (our system is only a ~30Kj laser while the NOVA laser at LLNL was a ~40-60Kj laser, the reason we hold the record for neutrons/pulse is because NOVA was a 10 beam system, we are a 60 beam system. The supression of Rayleigh-Taylor [wikipedia.org] instability in imploding targets is VASTLY reduced on our system because of the increase in uniformity.
Fast ignition is exciting because it potentially allows us to examine ignition and high gain in ICF with a huge decrease in price required to build the device to do it by at least a factor of 10. NIF is going to cost ~$4-5 Billion, a fast ignition device which could theoretically attain comparable fusion conditions (as described in TFA) is around $500 million.
Also building chirped pulse petawatt lasers is great for other sicience too. The light is so unbelievably intense from these things that they can initiate nuclear reactions DIRECTLY (photodisruption of the nucleus etc.)! The OMEGA EP will probably allow scientists here to examine Unruh and Hawking radiation in the laboratory....
To anyone who doesn't think that ICF or MFE methods of attaining fusion breakeven and ignition in the laboratory take a look at some graphs like this [wisc.edu]. The power produced by experimental devices has increased by nearly a factor of a BILLION over the past 3 decades. Slowly but surely we will get there, and when we do, it will change the world in ways I can't even imagine.
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:5, Funny)
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:3, Funny)
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:3, Funny)
Scotty, I don't care HOW you do it, just BEAM ME UP!
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:3, Funny)
That's going to need one hell of a shark!
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:3, Informative)
Re:This is inertially-confined fusion (Score:5, Informative)
Unruh effect [wikipedia.org]
Re:Three Words (Score:5, Informative)
Whatever are you talking about? The Z-machine at sandia has only produced millijoule fusion yields, the JET at cullham has produced kilojoules.
"Meanwhile, not a penny for research on an electrically- accelerated boron-deuterium reactor."
There's no money for it because that is a nonequilibrium system which was proven impossible [mit.edu] for generating excess energy.
I can't quite make much sense of the rest of your post.....
Re:Yeah right (Score:2, Insightful)
AI has a problem of changing definintion (Score:5, Insightful)
Fusion, AI, and Flying cars are always 10 years away...
The problem with AI is that it is constantly being redefined. At one point, a robot that would vaccum your house without you lifting a finger would have been considered an example of AI. Nowdays, hardly anyone is impressed by a Roomba. It used to be that a computer that could beat a human grandmaster at chess would have sufficed as AI. Today, we consider that to be little more than a clever computer algorithm. AI will always be 10+ years away if we keep redefining it to exclude any successes we achieve.
If you are talking about "strong AI", where machines can actually think for themselves and are sentient beings, I don't think you're going to find any reputable scientist claiming that is only 10 years away.
Re:AI has a problem of changing definintion (Score:5, Funny)
Well, sure, that's because Roomba looks like the umholy offspring of a frisbee and a cockroach. Everybody knows that a home vacuuming robot is supposed to look like this [vegalleries.com].
Re:AI has a problem of changing definintion (Score:5, Informative)
Re:AI has a problem of changing definintion (Score:5, Insightful)
That's because the multi-CPU monster that beat him wasn't really more intelligent than my PC. Computer speeds simply outgrew the human mind with no noticable help from AI researchers. Take the eliza test for example - once you could emulate a human, but it'd take you a decade to answer each question, you have created intelligence. Making it fast enough to happen in real-time is just IT progress.
Re:AI has a problem of changing definintion (Score:3, Insightful)
This is pretty much just propaganda from the AI community.
At one point, a robot that would vaccum your house without you lifting a finger would have been considered an example of AI.
The original expectation was of a robot which could do household chores, like the robot from the Jetsons. That is, a robot which could operate a vacuum cleaner, answer the door and feed the dog.
We still don't have that. Instead we have the vacuming cockroach that is th
US Oil Companies Already Interveining Apparently (Score:2, Funny)
oil companies days are numbered (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:oil companies days are numbered (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:oil companies days are numbered (Score:2)
Of course, now someone is going to spray me with numbers that prove that battery or hydrogen pow
Re:oil companies days are numbered (Score:5, Informative)
It is this carbon that is later burned. Unlike petroleum diesel which burns carbon sequestered in the ground over millions of years, biodiesel is more of a closed system, recycling the carbon.
Per the Department of Energy's statistics, each year the US consumes roughly 60 billion gallons of petroleum diesel and 120 billion gallons of gasoline. If moving the fleet of predominantly petroleum diesel trucks to biodiesel -- without making major modifications to the truck engines, fuel transportation containers, or fuel distribution methods -- is solving environmental problems, I don't know what is.
Biodiesel can indeed solve environmental problems, especially since it's the most viable way to replace oil/gasoline.
Now I'm curious. What would you suggest instead as a better environmental solution?
Re:oil companies days are numbered (Score:3, Interesting)
Prior Art (Score:5, Funny)
Fusion + Laser Beams (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fusion + Laser Beams (Score:2)
Nuclear Weapons (Score:5, Interesting)
Okay, maybe this is a dumb question - but what *is* the forefront of nuclear weapons technology? They blow up really really big and eradicate cities, we've already got that - are they just trying to get a few percentage points of efficiency, or are there actually breakthroughs they're attempting to pull off?
(I'm avoiding the entire flamefest subject of "nuclear weapons evil lol", I'm just curious what there is in nuclear weapons that's worth 85% of two doubtless insanely expensive facilities.)
Re:Nuclear Weapons (Score:3, Insightful)
Some of the lightest warheads are actually pretty fragile and it's an open question if they'll fizzle or go boom. You can simulate the degradation of materials and take a guess.
Some of the warheads are dial-a-yield too. Maybe you could make interesting focused explosions for underground hits. You want your opponents to get the sense that there
Re:Nuclear Weapons (Score:2)
Re:Nuclear Weapons (Score:3, Insightful)
No, dumbass, I am thinking of the Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. Although I was not quite correct in saying Bush refused to sign it. He did not refuse to sign it because he did not have an opportunity to refuse, because Clinton signed it. However Clinton could not get it ratified by the then Republican congress. Bush was against the treaty from the begining and still is as are most republicans. The couple of short years of small democratic majority in c
Re:Nuclear Weapons (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nuclear Weapons (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nuclear Weapons (Score:2)
The usual name for this is (Score:5, Interesting)
And to everyone who has/will ask 'when will these ever get us energy? We've been hearing about fusion for years!'. The new Tokamak being built in France right now is the first one that physicists expect to reach break even point. No other reactors were ever expected to generate more energy than they consumed. They were all for research purposes, to get them to the point they are at now. Probably the same for this new inertial confinement one in Europe.
Re:The usual name for this is (Score:5, Interesting)
Break even? Where? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The usual name for this is (Score:2)
Lasers, eh? (Score:5, Funny)
The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:5, Informative)
> even IF you get to breakeven and beyond is that
> the energy released has a very substantial
> neutron component.
Which you soak up with lithium, generating more tritium.
> isotopes which in most cases, are actually far
> "hotter" than the low-level nuclear waste from
> fission power plants.
Hotter, and therefor shorter lived.
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Still, D-T reactors are the messiest solution, and I certainly hope we ca
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Sure, if you ignore the fact that it's about 16 times harder to even initiate the reaction, *and* the fact that since most of the energy comes off the reaction as a 15 MeV proton, the Bremsstrahlung losses absolutely kill you.
The more you look into magnetic confinement fusion, the more it seems that there's almost some sort of cosmic conspiracy to prevent us from using it as a power generation scheme. Go with neutronic fusion to avoid losing all your produced power to collisions with electrons in the plasma, and you run up against materials limitations. Try to avoid that problem, and you suddenly have a reaction that is *grotesquely* less efficient, to the point where it's probably not *possible* to even *break even*. To reduce those losses, you need to operate at even *higher* temperatures that it takes just to initiate the reaction, but when you do that, you lower your power density relative to D-T by a similar proportion and make containment that much harder.
Seriously, we do not have the time to keep generating power by fossil fuels until we get fusion to work, because that might never happen, the problems are that significant. Even that big new testbed reactor that's going up in France won't really get us close, because it's not dealing with the materials issue; over the lifetime of a fusion reactor, *every single atom* in the containment vessel will be struck by neutrons hundreds or even thousands of times, and we don't know how to build materials that can withstand that sort of irradiation without swelling, distorting, cracking, and a variety of other things you don't want to see in a nuclear containment vessel.
On the other hand, we know how to make *fission* work, and we should switch to that *now*. By the time we start making a dent in the fissionable fuels available to us, we should know how to build large-scale structures in orbit, and can just switch to solar collection satellites. I sincerely doubt if we'll ever even use fusion for power generation; by the time we ever figure out how to do it, it's likely there will be superior options available to us.
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:The problem with D-T fusion is.... (Score:2)
This superficially sounds like.... (Score:5, Insightful)
NIF is scrapped (Score:2)
Time Until Break-Even (Score:5, Funny)
With the latest research and technology, controllable fusion is now only always twenty-nine years away. We're making progress.
It reminds me of downloading a file, where the time to completion stays constant as the file is downloaded because the download speed keeps dropping. Either the file is finally completely downloaded at some point or the system hangs. No matter what it always takes far, far longer than it should have.
more info in the headlines please. (Score:5, Informative)
Supposedly, they're even hoping (as the name suggests) to cause ignition -- where the process actually becomes self-sustaining (so you'll only need the containment lasers). Even more likely to reach break-even then.
The other somewhat newsworthy aspect about this unit is that it will be a civilian facility, not a weapons facility with a few weeks a year allowed for civilian research (which is, apparently, the case for many of the other fusion units).
I was originally gonna skip reading TFA, then I figured... Given how (in)accurate slashdot headlines are, I've got to presume that there's something non-boring about this 'new' plan.
Useless (Score:3, Interesting)
Free Fusion (Score:3, Interesting)
Its called The sun.
Why not work on technologies that use what we got now, instead of wasting it on research that most scientist agree will never realize even a 1:1 power ratio?
Re:Free Fusion (Score:2)
The future (for large scale energy needs) is either fusion or fission.
We do work on technologies that are working now. Scientists are not a collective that only work on one thing at a time.
Most scientists do not agree that fusion will never realize a 1:1 power ratio.
Good point (Score:2)
I can see it now.... (Score:2)
2. Only build 4 of the 192 lasers
3. Lose entire budget
4. ???
5. Fusion!
similar? (Score:2)
No (Score:2)
Continuous? (Score:3, Interesting)
How do you make it work on a more-or-less continuous basis, rather than "blow one up, extract energy, reset system"?
I suppose some sort of gravity-feed would work to control the overall rate, if the exact position of the capsule doesn't matter too much, but even then this will still make "little bangs" rather than a continuous stream of energy. Internal combustion engines we grasp, but internal fusion engines? This strikes me as similar to the problem of a space elevator - great idea, if only we had something that could bear that much stress...
Re:Continuous? (Score:4, Insightful)
How is this Different? (Score:2)
Cars, Planes, Ships, Tractors? (Score:4, Interesting)
No one is going to give people tritium for plane fuel or tractor fuel.
So how do we use the new clean energy source for portable systems. Burning hydrogen cracked from water comes to mind, but is this really feasible? Is hydrogen energy dense enough to be a good fuel for a comercial airliner? For anything?
Are there other denser fuels that we could make with a rich energy source that would be convenient and portable?
And what other uses besides fuel are we using Oil for? Like what percentage of oil goes for lubricants, chemicals?
I really would like to see a great energy solution that makes all nations self sufficient. It would be a huge step towards reducing violence. But how does it work for the modern world and all its complicated pieces and processes.
Re:Cars, Planes, Ships, Tractors? (Score:4, Interesting)
Another approach is to electrolyse the CO2 into carbon and oxygen, then react this with water to produce oil. However, that technology was developed for producing oil from coal, and there is plenty of coal around, so unless fusion power is surprisingly cheap, we'll probably just use coal.
Converting methane into propane and butane is already done on a large scale, and in some countries these gases are already commonly used as car fuels (LPG in australia).
Finally, if fusion electricity is cheap enough, we can simply grow very dense crops under electric lighting and convert the resulting bio-oils to biodiesel.
Re:Cars, Planes, Ships, Tractors? (Score:3, Interesting)
That's unnecessarily complex. Typical crops (such as rapeseed oil) yield around 150 US gallons of biodiesel per acre per year.
On the other hand, algae species have been found to contain 50% oil that can be used for biodiesel. An algae biodiesel factory has the potential for 10,000 to 20,000 US gallons of biodiesel per acre under normal sunlight. Using 0.
Re:Cars, Planes, Ships, Tractors? (Score:3, Interesting)
Oh, *hell* yes. For weight-limited applications like air-travel, hydrogen walks all *over* dead dinosaurs. It's volumetric density is piss-poor, which is why you'd need your car's fuel system pressurized to about 5,000psi if you want to get as far on 16-gallon tank of hydrogen as you do on a 16-gallon tank of gasoline, but if you're talking massic energy density? Hooboy.
H2: 140 MJ/kg
Diesel/gasoline/avgas: ~46.8 MJ/kg
Granted, at ST
Yurop ? (Score:5, Funny)
Bah - I laugh at these foreign scientists. Just wait until the first wave of creationists start graduating from our high schools. Then we'll show them what scientific advancement is all aboout.
Re:Yurop ? (Score:3, Funny)
The Public and Nuclear Fusion? (Score:5, Interesting)
We need a couple of Wright Brother types... (Score:3, Interesting)
The interesting thing about the Wright Brothers is that they approached the "aviation problem" with a totally different view of how the Europeans were approaching it. They studied the European data for why it didn't work, rather than why it did. They discovered, for example, that the Lilienthal tables of aerodynamic performance were far more inaccurate than anyone realized [centennialofflight.gov].
Perhaps, with all the effort that we're seeing toward research on the "fusion problem" we ought to ask ourselves, why this isn't working, instead of how it can. And then perhaps someone can think of something better than the brute force methods that everyone seems to enjoy funding. The turn of the last century was one where many governments were throwing money at all sorts of outlandish research projects to figure out how to aviate. Socially this feels remarkably similar to the "fusion problem" of today.
OK, so the first "cold fusion" experiments weren't the real thing. How about Sonoluminescence [wikipedia.org]?
And let's not stop there-- there are many other theories about how one might be able to get fusion energy surplusses on a smaller scale. Ultimately, this may be a class of problem like the power to weight ratio that the Wright Brothers noticed.
Where are those Wright Brother types when you need them?
Re:Re-Hydrogen The Bomb (Score:2, Informative)
Why do you thin
Re:Europe? (Score:3, Funny)
Well, of course not. You don't have oil. But if you get a working* fusion reactor... Expect to have your people liberated* from their oppressive* governments, and your technology used to benefit the free world*.
I heartily suggest that if you value your autonomy, you refrain from developing an end-to-end solution which allows automobiles to be powered from a fusion energy source, even indirectly.
Oh, and by the way, Slashdot is not a person, and thus c
Re:Europe? (Score:4, Informative)
If Siberia has been moved from Asia to Europe, I must have missed it. Siberia is bounded on the west by the Urals, and the Urals mark the boundary between Europe and Asia. It's a pretty arbitrary boundary, but it is well accepted.
Available amount of naturally occurring D2 and oth (Score:3, Interesting)
There is about 0.5 ppm (5E-7 fraction) of hydrogen in the atmosphere, and 200 ppm of that 0.5 ppm is deuterium, so there is 100 ppt (1E-10 fraction) of deuterium in the atmosphere.
There is 1.7 ppm (1.7E-6 fraction) of methane in the atmosphere. In principle we could just extract that and burn it as fuel. It's a potent greenhouse gas in its own right, so the CO2 produced by burning it might actua
Re:Cool but not such a new idea. (Score:3, Informative)