T-Mobile Offers Relief for Hurricane Victims 299
lilrowdy18 writes "Eweek reports that T-Mobile is offering free Wi-Fi to areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. This relief will be free until Sept 2 and an evaluation will be done to see if it will continue after that. The hot spots are only available to residents of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi and does not include phone service. The article also includes a link to a map of T-Mobile hotspots. At least we can use some form of communication to get in touch with loved ones."
Location list and personal note... (Score:5, Interesting)
Now, I saw this story ahead of time (and t-mobile's site was already snail slow) but I got to the page for Mississippi. My SMS to him:
t-mobile is offering free wifi to hurricane victims: Flowood (Borders),
Kinkos (Hattiesburg & Jackson), and Starbucks (Ridgeland & Southaven)
Now, after I sent it, I thought about it. In the entire state of MS they have *5* wifi hotspots? Are these locations operational? Will they offer some electric draw for those that need it?
I really think it's great that t-mobile is offering this to those people affected by the storm but so few locations and many w/o power? What good can it really do? Skype, where are you?
Most of these people would probably prefer telephone service over Internet access. Luckily this guy was able to e-mail via SMS and get in touch w/those that care about him.
I'm just glad that one of the people I know from the area is ok and I wish all those affected by the storm the best of luck for a speedy and safe recovery.
I have put up a mirror of locations [lazylightning.org] in text format. Hopefully this will be easier to disseminate.
Re:Location list and personal note... (Score:2)
Exactly what I thougth, making a bad quote "what good is a free wireless when you have no power".
Re:Location list and personal note... (Score:2)
Depends on your laptop battery life I suppose.
Though overall this seems much less important a communications opening then cellphones and landlines...not to mention every other form of utility from basic sanitation to water to electricity.
Re:Location list and personal note... (Score:3, Funny)
What I don't understand is why we aren't mobilizing Guard units from other states, for example, Ohio. I would love to go and help out. (One can't always leave work to go help the Red Cross, but when the Guard calls, you pretty much have to answer the pager, employer be damned....)
Sort of makes one want a freeplay radio... at least to listen to what is going on. (ccradio.com)
And I do feel for all the suffering, but although there were quite a few people
Re:Logistics, management and coordination... (Score:5, Insightful)
Check out a bit about our history in conflicts here: http://www.1800goguard.com/whatistheguard/whatis_
Try moving thousands of people, from a branch that was never designed to be mobile far beyond state borders Read a bit about our federal mission, if interested, here: http://www.arng.army.mil/about_us/protecting_our_
then figure out which state national guards have experience/training with water rescue then coordinate the efforts of all of those remaining with no clear high level chain of command. This would take about 5 minutes. The Army is not inept, as is the common misconception. The commanders know exactly who is trained to do what...
As far as leadership:
(I'm pretty sure theres no General of the National Guard.)
see this link for structure: http://www.arng.army.mil/about_us/organization/ [army.mil]
Director of the Army National Guard, Lieutenant General Clyde A. Vaughn
Brigadier General Frank J. Grass Deputy Director of the Army National Guard, Brigadier General Frank J. Grass
Colonel Matthew L. Murphy Chief of Staff of the Army National Guard, Colonel Matthew L. Murphy
Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Army National Guard, Chief Warrant Officer Five Poyas Haynes
Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard, Command Sgt. Maj. John D. Gipe Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard, Command Sgt. Maj. John D. Gipe
http://www.arng.army.mil/Leaders/ [army.mil]
Re:Logistics, management and coordination... (Score:3, Informative)
um, the National Guard is an organization designed with logistics, management and coordination in mind. National Guard units get deployed all over the world in fact. They are mobile and I'd say they likely have a very good idea of what units have the required training, as that would be critical tactical information.
no clear high level chain of command. (I'm pretty sure theres no General of the National Guard.)
The National Guard is part of the Ar
Re:Location list and personal note... (Score:4, Interesting)
Should I bother posting facts to refute that false assumption, or would it be a waste of time....
Do you truly believe that statement and you are just uninformed, and as such would be ammenable to facts to the contrary? Or is it just a knee jerk reaction from someone who has never served?
The Guard is ready to serve in any domestic emergency, contrary to the propaganda you hear from Al Franken....
Re:Location list and personal note... (Score:2)
At least that's what I'm getting out of the story.
Only 3 days?? (Score:5, Insightful)
That doesn't make any sense. Why would you only do it for 3 days and then "evaluate" whether you'll charge or not. Why in the world wouldn't you offer it for at least a week or two before evaluating? So if you are stuck in the disaster area and want to get a hold of someone that way, you've only got until Friday. After that you are out of luck or you might have to pay.
I think it's good they are helping out, but that's almost a cheap way to get some good press.
If you are a company like that and you really want to help, then go in whole-heartedly.
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:2)
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:3)
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:5, Interesting)
One word: Spammers. Or, more generally, idiots who *will* abuse the system. It's not like a food line where you can pretty easily evenly distribute scarce resources and prevent people from poisoning the stew.
After three days they'll have a pretty good idea of patterns of usage and optimize the service to weed out the abusers. They will also likely tweak the caches so that most frequently used resources will be readily available without tying up the backbones so much.
Chances are good it was sold to higher management as a good publicity stunt, but managment is afraid that it'll either become very costly, or they'll destroy the service for users who actually pay for it. So the 3-day completely free is a good compromise. They can gauge complaints and usage, and then make a longer term decision.
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Free hotspots may not be common in most areas of rural southern MS, but chances are that any area yuppified enough to have a T-Mobile hotspot probably also has free hotspots nearby.
In fact, just last night as I was walking around my neighborhood in Denver, I came across a freakin' laundromat advertising free wi-fi [davidsimmons.com]! I had to take a picture. :)
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Why don't they offer free service to their customers in afffected ZIP codes for a month?
Why don' they donate some time andd money to the Red Cross?
For fuck's sake, most people who survived this don't have power, and may have gotten away with a laptop.
Thanks, Slashdot, for amplifying T-Mobile's limp-wristed PR move. Maybe they'll breate a breath for New Orleanians next!
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:2, Insightful)
[rest of bitch whine moan... snipped]
And what are you doing for the victims of Katrina?
Just curious.
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:3, Funny)
Sorry I can't make it, as I live here in California, but T-Mobile's "gesture" is more for the benefit of of their own PR than for any storm victims.
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:4, Insightful)
You're mad at me because you didn't like someone criticizing you for not doing enough to help the victims of Katrina, when in fact you are doing something.
Sound familiar? [slashdot.org]
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:4, Interesting)
I love it. A bunch of true pricks get on slashdot and bitch about a company that is offering assistance, and anyone that calls them on it is called a prick. This thread just gets funnier and funnier the more I think about it.
Wow, he donated what he could afford. So did I.
Using his and your logic, let me ask, why didn't he max out his credit card to help even more? Take vacation from work and fly to LA to help? Drive to the corner hospital and donate blood? Why didn't his employer donate more money?
The point is, T-Mobile is doing something. Why bitch about it?
As if a company wouldn't go for cheap PR. Goodness, no, not those innocent corporate angels.
This is beside the point entirely. Every company and person that publicly contributes money to an effort knows they will get good PR in return. So what? Does that diminish the net effect of their help?
Only on Slashdot, luckily, where the real world is far, far away.
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:4, Insightful)
Why don't you think it makes sense to evaluate it after 3 days? That doesn't mean they'll turn it off or start charging money, it means they'll look at it to see what's going on - are people actually using the free service? If not, why not? If so, are they using it to communicate with loved ones, or downloading porn?
Hopefully their review in 3 days will show that people are using the service the way it was intended, and they'll decide to continue the program.
As others have pointed out, people need food and water... but T-Mobile doesn't have food and water on hand. They have this, so they're giving this.
Re:Only 3 days?? (Score:2)
Because after three days everyone has had time to decide whether they're going to have regular services restored to their area fairly soon or their area is an utter disaster and they should relocate for a few months.
Whew! (Score:3, Insightful)
So, exactly how does someone without power get a computer working? Are they really that hard up for porn?
Hey T-mo! Stop pushing your products and instead give something that could really help. Like phone service so people can call loved ones, or cold hard cash to help bring relief.
This is what t-mobile has (Score:5, Insightful)
I'll agree that perhaps this isn't going to be the most realistically useful thing ever. But at least they are doing something.
Yes, free cell phone service would have possibly been something that t-mobile has which would be even more useful, but there are practical barriers there. That is, most people don't have cell phones which you can just reassign to a different cell phone carrier at will, and even with phones with such features most people don't know how to use them. It seems likely either you're an existing t-mobile customer and can already use their network, or you're not easily going to be getting on their cell network anyway. Wifi may have a more limited utility than cell service, but there's fewer logistics involved in letting people use it.
In the meantime, if you or anyone else reading this is really concerned with being productive, something easy to do to help would maybe be instead of complaining on slashdot, take the time in the next couple of days to donate blood [nctimes.com]
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:3, Insightful)
If you really want to help, contact your local Red Cross or Salvation Army about how you can best make a donation.
Oh, and you should donate blood every 56 days, all year round - not just when there is some major catastrophe.
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:2)
Course my blood is B positive anyway, not as useful as most other types.
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:2)
It really feels like a promotion instead of general charity. I mean come on, WiFi? How many people would even be able to use this service verses general telephony, or even handing out "dis
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:2)
Even if they had wi-fi access, how long will your battery last w/o some way to recharge it via the wall charger or your car chargeer. Cell phones can work on different carriers networks, they have to for 911 calls. It would take a little reprogramming and some co-operation among the compa
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:2)
This is true -- in an extremely limited sense. In the US, every major carrier traditionally used different technology. AT&T/Cingular Orange uses TDMA. AT&T/Cingular Blue (their newer network), and T-Mobile use GSM (the same as the rest of the world). Verizon uses CDMA, Sprint uses PCS (a CDMA variant running on a different frequency). Most Verizon, Sprint and Cingular Orange phones can fall back to AMPS -- the old
donate blood? (Score:2)
But people are dying of exposure and drowning. Blood transfusions will do nothing for them.
I'm sure there are some injured people around who do need some blood, perhaps more than normal. But given that there aren't refrigerated trucks to get the blood there (hell, there isn't even gas), what good is this influx of blood really going to do?
Honestly, cell phone service would probably be more useful than blood in those areas right now.
Cue the ham
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:2)
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:4, Informative)
That is either a malicious lie, an ignorant statement intended to make the poster look educated on some issue that he is obviously not, or a disturbed mind trying to get people not to help in a time of disaster.
10 seconds with Google will pull up just about any charitable organizations overhead expense ratio, the American Red Cross is under 8%. That means 92% of every dollar donated goes to charitable uses.
I am personally sickened that someone would level such an attack against one of the premier legitimate charitable organizations on the fucking planet!
You sir, are an asshat.
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:This is what t-mobile has (Score:3, Insightful)
http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm/bay/con t ent.view/catid/2/cpid/48.htm [charitynavigator.org]
And yes, you are correct, the American United Way CEO does in fact make $400k a year. So does the American Red Cross CEO. However, the the CEO salary is 1% of the total United Way overhead expense, while only .01% of the Red Crosses.
I'm not sure what difference that makes, but this website does rate the U
Re:Whew! (Score:2)
If T-Mobile set up a centralized "find-me" server, drove around with some laptops and actually tried to lend a helping hand, I'd love to support them, but yeah, at this point, it does look like a PR move.
Re:Whew! (Score:2)
Is that a trick question?
Re:Whew! (Score:2)
Re:Whew! (Score:2)
Woo Hoo! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Woo Hoo! (Score:2)
Great, Free WIFI! (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually this is a clever PR stunt by T-Mobile, it is not like anyone actually has electricity to use these hotspots.
These victims need water, food, clothing and shelter. And of course money to rebuild, why not donate a couple days of revenue instead of free WIFI?
Uhmm... (Score:3, Informative)
If they want to help, they can get more manpower working on the phone system. I evacuated from New Orleans to north Alabama, and my t-mobile phone service has been spotty at best. I haven't been able to make outgoing calls for the last 3 days and I've only been able to get a few incoming calls.
Ham radio (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ham radio (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Ham radio (Score:2)
Re:Ham radio (Score:2)
Re:Ham radio (Score:2)
Sure, AA batteries work fine.
It doesn't take a lot of power to establish useful communications.
However, (you knew this was coming)...
This is why BPL is a bad idea. Folks in the affected area are going to be running low-power, portable equipment with small or damaged antennas. This means that the signals will be weak. No problem hearing them from most of the country, but if BPL has trashed HF...all bets are off.
Even if the lines (and thus BPL) are down in the affect
In related news... (Score:5, Funny)
Similarly, Pizza Hut is offering a Buy-1-Get-1-Free offer for anyone who lives in New Orleans (good until tomorrow morning).
Re:In related news... (Score:2)
Great.. VOIP (Score:3, Interesting)
its like saying.. (Score:2, Insightful)
OT: Good news (Score:4, Informative)
Re:OT: Good news (Score:2, Informative)
Re:OT: Good news (Score:4, Insightful)
> in the city so no more water should flow
> into the city, except at high tide.
Yup, but looks like that's only because the water levels have equalized, not because the levee breaks have been plugged. Argh.
Re:OT: Good news (Score:5, Insightful)
Building a barrier in standing water is a lot easier than building one in rushing water.
Re:OT: Good news (Score:2)
Good Corporate Citizen (Score:2)
At really big emergencies, they can give out free "T-Mobile" blankets
For the next terrorist attack, they can hand out bandages with "T-Mobile" subtly stitched in.
Re:Good Corporate Citizen (Score:2)
Re:Good Corporate Citizen (Score:2)
If they were beer bottles that had been filled with water instead (likely), this shouldn't be a surprise. They'd most likely have a logo molded into the glass; this is fairly common for breweries of any considerable size. What more would you expect of them? That they'd keep a stash of plain bottles on hand for emergency distribution? That they'd grind the logos off (which would only make
Nextel (Score:2, Informative)
That's a surefire prescription for healing. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:That's a surefire prescription for healing. (Score:2)
Re:That's a surefire prescription for healing. (Score:2)
Imagine, if you can, my sweet little 4 year old looking up at me and saying "Daddy, I want to watch Nemo..."
Now imagine daddy (me) looking down at her with sad eyes and saying "I wish you could watch Nemo too sweetie...."
Re:That's a surefire prescription for healing. (Score:2)
How about providing some real communications (Score:4, Insightful)
A couple of trucks with personnel, generators, multiple GPRS data connections, computers and a dozen cell phones - might cost $50-60,000 (being generous). Far less than one television ad with what's-her-name, and would actually be of some use to those in Louisiana.
Oh yeah, bring some bottled water with you.
Re:How about providing some real communications (Score:2)
Because most cell towers were wiped out in the hurricane. T-Mobile didn't have that strong of a signal down here as it is, and now it's nonexistent. Any gifts of cell phones would have no value for weeks, if not months, and people need communications now.
Same with your suggestion about trucks with GPRS data connections. The trucks won't have signal - end of story. You need satellite phones for most areas right now, and that's not so
Re:How about providing some real communications (Score:2)
major.morgan makes a good point. This to me seems to be a marketing ploy with little actual value (I didn't say no value) to those that have fled.
I was watching the news, and there are folks in Baton Rouge looking for family members. How come the gov hasnt set up a database driven site to enter names of those rescued, nationally available, so that folks can find each other? In an information driven age, this is a pr
Re:How about providing some real communications (Score:2)
It's simple. Government (and gov't employees) don't move that fast.
I can only assume that you're talking about the Feds, because the state governments involved don't have the infrastructure to do much anymore. Here's the secret -- the Feds don't employ many programmers. It's all outside contractors. It would take weeks just to get the bidding process for such
Re:How about providing some real communications (Score:3, Insightful)
Depends on how much advance notice you have. If you're house is on fire and you need to get just the important stuff, you get people out first, then pets, and probably don't worry about belongings.
The people in the storm area had several hours to get out. Easily enough time to decide what to get. My laptop is certainly one of the items I would take. It's small, so it takes little room, and is tremendously valuable.
Power? (Score:2)
Re:Power? (Score:2)
Re:Power? (Score:2)
Quit complaining (Score:2)
Relax, complainers. It's not that T-Mobile is deciding whether or not they WANT to continue it. They just don't know whether their network will hold up after a few days. And this has nothing to do with the hurricane, just business as usual at T-Mobile. When I use their Starbucks hotspots, I'm lucky to have one workday without a service interruption, let alone a few days.
Wow (Score:2)
(Yeah, I'm jaded. Hey T-Mobile, another tower in the higher elevations of 34689 would make me the happiest man alive)
Where's Apple.com and Amazon.com? (Score:2)
Apple.com and Amazon.com jumped on the donation (Red Cross and other charities) bandwagon within a day or two of the tsunamis last December. I really admired them for doing that -- it spoke highly of their awareness of the powerful community of online customers/users that they could tap for donations to help the victims of the tsunamis.
I e-mailed them tod
Re:Where's Apple.com and Amazon.com? (Score:2)
But, I'm glad others are donating as well. Well worth the hundred twenty bucks left at the bottom of the bank account.
Re:Where's Apple.com and Amazon.com? (Score:3, Funny)
But, "[Apple.com and Amazon.com] have a real opportunity to stem the relief effort tide now rather than later.
If they don't stop the relief efforts now, no one will!
Cingular Opens Free Calling Stations (Score:5, Informative)
Free phone calls to friends and family anywhere in the United States can be made at Cingular stores during normal store hours. The calling stations are available to anyone who simply needs to use a phone.
The company has also set up a free mobile calling station at the Cajundome in Lafayette where thousands of evacuees are being housed.
All Cingular stores will offer free calls as they open.
Re:Cingular Opens Free Calling Stations (Score:3, Insightful)
T-Mobile, take a look at Cingular; they're putting you to shame. All people want to do is to tell their loved ones that they are alright. The Internet may have that capacity (if they can find their loved ones), but is a terrible medium in which to have to search, or email and hope. Phone calls will always be better in that respect.
I'm glad to hear my phone company's doing some good for a change. Money well spen
Relief my a$$..... (Score:2, Insightful)
Relief is what you experience when you get something you badly needed.
Relief is what you feel when your pain is removed or reduced.
Getting free WIFI access in a few limited locations where there is no freaking power to charge a laptop (or probably even run the hotspot) is not relief, it is a PR move.
Re:Relief my a$$..... (Score:2)
Useful corporate donations pouring in... (Score:4, Interesting)
BP: $1m cash + $/$ match of employee donations
Capital One: $1m cash
Anheuser-Busch: $250K cash + 875K cans of water
Eli Lilly: $1m cash + $/$ match of employee donations + $1m in insulin
Kellogg: $500k cash and food
Home Depot: $1.5m cash
Wal-Mart: $1m cash
Exxon Mobil: $2m cash
Amerada Hess: $1m cash + $/$ match of employee donations
Chevron: $5m cash
JP Morgan Chase: $1m cash + $/$ match of employee donations
DuPont: $1m cash
GM: $400k cash + vehicles
Culligan: 5 semi trailers of water
CVS: $250K cash + $254K in food and water
Re:Useful corporate donations pouring in... (Score:2)
The $250k is nice, but surely they could donate something other than 875k cans of their beer.
Oh wait, you mean REAL water.
Re:Useful corporate donations pouring in... (Score:5, Informative)
Say what you like about their "beer", Anheuser-Busch has a long history of switching their closest functional production line to canning water, and delivering it *right now*.
After the Loma Prieta earthquake, the Red Cross barely had the shelters opened when trucks from A-B started showing up.
Re:Useful corporate donations pouring in... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Useful corporate donations pouring in... (Score:3, Funny)
Are you sure they really switched anything in their production line?
[Tastes budweiser.]
[Tastes bottled water.]
Taco Bell Promotion (Score:5, Funny)
Still Wired (Score:2)
Meh. (Score:3, Insightful)
But T-Mobile is not an energy company, or a grocery store chain, or Goodwill. They are a telecommunications company, and that's what they know. Just like I'm a geek. If I were a company, I'd be doing exactly the same thing: doing what I can to help out. I wouldn't be flying helicopters, I'd be setting up communications. I have a bunch of computer hardware, not medical supplies. I wouldn't expect Motorola to jump in with Insulin, or Apple to show up at the stadium with 9k people stuck inside with fresh food -- and if they did, I bet the same shout would come up. "It's all a big PR stunt."
They're a company with a bunch of wireless access points in various cities. And now they're opening them up so you can email whoever and let them know you're okay (or look at pr0n, or troll Slashdot, or whatever).
And you're complaining about it.
I bet if their cellular network could handle it, they'd open that up, too.
(FD: I'm a T-Mobile customer.)
A real necessity (Score:2)
Eweek reports that T-Mobile is offering free Wi-Fi to areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Well, I can't imagine the offer is as welcome by the locals as bottled water, or a few porto-lets would be. Perhaps T-Mobile thinks websurfing will occupy the homeless who would otherwise be looting. Ofcourse they have no power or computers. What are these idiots thinking?
Free advertising (Score:2, Insightful)
Cell providers (like Sprint for one) and other companies have in place mechanisms for providing account credit to allow for cost-free service for any disaster situation. The difference is they don't require wide-spread recognition for their contribution.
Okay, I said it. Open up the black clouds and clobber me with li
Better offer than it seems (Score:2)
Considering the entire 600K+ population of greater N.O. is going to be dispersed to random places all over the South for an extended period of time, this is useful, assuming you have a laptop. Because it's going to be a long long long time before your DSL works again.
Re:Sounds like it might be a problem (Score:2)
Re:Louisiana can't be placed under martial law (Score:2)
Declaring marshal law is declaring military rule it means setting aside the constitution, and while there is this fact written into the louisiana constitution,
2. Civilian-Military Relations
Section 2. The military shall be subordinate to the civil power.
the governor is a civilian.
In fact there is no mention of Marshal Law in the US Constitution but that did not stop Lincoln from declaring
Re:Louisiana can't be placed under martial law (Score:2)
(J) Commander-in-Chief. The governor shall be
commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the state, except when they are called into service of the federal government. He may call out these forces to preserve law and order, to suppress insurrection, to repel invasion, or in other times of emergency.
Re:GREAT! (Score:2)
I'm as cynical as the next guy about large companies, probably more, but $3 or more per gallon is entirely reasonable in a normal supply and demand situation. The refineries in this country have been running at almost 100% to meet demand as it was, and 20% of the refining capacity for the nation is down. That's close to 100% for the affected region. That's going to increase prices, probably without increasing profits.
I expect to see shortages and rationing within two weeks if the refineries stay offl
There are thousands dead.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm not saying this is ANYWHERE near as bad as the 04 Tsunami, but it is pretty bad for America (where nothing ever goes wrong, right?), and it'll only get worse. Just wait for the intestinal diseases to start hitting these poor folks.
I've made my Red Cross donation, I recommend you all do so as well.
Re:Speaking of which... (Score:3, Insightful)
While I doubt that a douchebag like you gives a shit, I suggest you sit and think about the impact that the utter destruction of a city of 1.5 million has on those people. Whether its 1,000 or 50,000 or 250,000 people, its a disaster of biblical proportions.
Try setting your home on fire. See how minor of a problem it is to lose all of your possessions and your home.