The Bender PC Case 239
malorkus writes "This Norwegian site details the process of building an awesome Bender (from Futurama) case mod, complete with an Optical drive in his mouth that you slot CDs into! (Be sure to click the link at the bottom of the page to see the next page in the sequence)." This is one of the most impressive DIY cases I've ever seen. Props to the artists behind this one, even if I can't read any of your words!
Translated Webpage (Score:5, Informative)
In the interest of promoting more enlightened discussion, a translated version of the webpage can be found here [tranexp.com].
Re:Translated Webpage (Score:1, Funny)
Bite my shiny metal ass!
Re:Translated Webpage (Score:2)
Too many translation requests by millions of users. Please click here [tranexp.com] or try again later.
That is what I got they couldn't even format the link properly.
Re:Translated Webpage (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Translated Webpage (Score:3, Informative)
Norwegian-to-English translators are rather difficult to find.
Re:Translated Webpage (Score:5, Informative)
Ok then. A quick and dirty human translation follows.
Norwegian-to-English translators are rather difficult to find.
I don't think so.
[first page]
Not all our worklogs are boring boxes and water-cooling. Now, the constructor of the TUX-cabinet hits us with the Futurama-character Bender in full scale.
Bizardo's project is one of the few truely original parts of our worklog-division and is something which definitely can be called "one of a kind".
Those of us at Overklokking.no have chosen to highlight Bizardo's project due to its originality and execution. The project should be an insipration to anyone wanting something other than a standard box.
The following article is writtne by Bizardo himself, where he choses to present his Project Bender. Those of us at Overklokking.no are grateful for him sharing it with us, and hope to see more of his work later.
[second page]
After finishing my TUX project, I just had to do something new.. I thought about what to do for months and had several good ideas, but finally I fell for Bender
How big was it going to be? And how to fit it all together? This needed to be thought through and I figured out that I could first build a full-figure paper figure first, and then make all the mistakes I wanted without wasting time and sheet-metal.
This was used in the project:
* 1 Slim slotload DVD ROM/CD-burner from Carputer.no
* 1 VIA EPIA-M 10000 Mini-ITX motherboard
* WLAN-kort with antenna
* 2 10 watt light-bulbs (12volt)
* 1 120 GB harddisk + 4 external 250 GB disks on firewire
* Metal ducts (for feet and hands)
* 3 Metal kitchen-bowls from Coop (for the top of the head, and legs)
* 4-5 paper sheets
* 3 0,7 mm pieces of steel sheet-metal
* 1 Digital voice recorder from Produkt 24
After playing with different 3d programs I managed to print this 3D-model. I used it as a blueprint where I filled in the measurements for size, and so on.
And so the work with the paper-figure started, calculating angles, finding the correct proportions, etc.
There, we have a paper-figure, very crooked and stuff. With this paper figure all we have to do is spread out the sheets of paper on the sheet-metal and use them as a template
[third page]
Building Bender
The eyes used are 10 watt halogen bulbs running on 12 volts, wired to the PSU
Then it was time to start with Bender's body. Started with taking out the paper-model and putting it on the sheet-metal for marking:
Then the cutting began.
The sheet-metal was cut, rolled until completely round and then welded together.
At last Bender was taking shape, but just the same a lot of work remained.
And then there was Bender's head:
A lot of people thought the head would be a problem considering that the top of the head is round. But it wasn't. Coop [Norwegian co-op supermarket] has metal kitchen bowls. These bowls had just the right diameter and everything, talk about luck
Now when the head is finished it has to be mounted on the body and holes have to be cut for the doors
I thought... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I thought... (Score:5, Funny)
During benders upgrade (for 1x compatibility) he pulled out his favorite desert island discs to play. They were cds. However, If I know Bender he burned them himself from Nappster(intentional spelling) and the RIAA is trying to sue him.
Important Question (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Important Question (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Important Question (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Important Question (Score:3, Funny)
Though if i see one of these , i may be tempted to commit the cool cool crime of burglary.
Re:Important Question (Score:2)
Yes it does have a shiny metal ass. And just like Bender that is were the power cord (and everything else) plugs in.
But can this bender make popcorn and cover it with butter?
Re:Important Question (Score:2)
Den ene knappen er powerknapp, den andre er Bender voice knapp "Bite My Shiny Metal Ass"
Re:Important Question (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Important Question (Score:2, Funny)
mirror of full article (Score:5, Informative)
Re:mirror of full article (Score:3, Funny)
Re:mirror of full article (Score:2)
Re:mirror of full article (Score:5, Insightful)
Because of course everyone is just desperate for karma, i know i personally wouldn't even get out of bed if i wasn't going to earn slashdot karma for it - its a big part of my life.
Re:mirror of full article (Score:5, Funny)
Re:mirror of full article (Score:2)
While I try to avoid direct comparisons to mirrordot, one of the differences is that Network Mirror has a mirror of the entire article, not just the first page.
Re:mirror of full article (Score:2)
anyways, dont let dicks like me stop you. And mirrordot has that awful color scheme that really keeps me from using it at work. (hey,whats all those colors? thats not an IT releated site!)
Re:mirror of full article (Score:3, Funny)
Re:mirror of full article (Score:5, Informative)
Den ene knappen er powerknapp, den andre er Bender voice knapp "Bite My Shiny Metal Ass"
I don't know what that line of the article means, but I'm making it my IRC quit anyway.
Re:mirror of full article (Score:5, Informative)
Lousy translation, but its the geist of it.
Re:mirror of full article (Score:2)
Wow! Three servers slashdotted with one article - that must be a record...
We must really suck at generating ad revenue as we've yet to earn enough to pay for a day's worth of colocation. Or do you think we're paying ourselves for the "Your Ad Here" text ad?
I'm afraid you have quite a misunderstanding of just how much traffic one needs to generate to make any significant amount of revenue.
So which is it? (Score:5, Insightful)
And another part of me says this is a really cool waste of time.
Re:So which is it? (Score:5, Interesting)
For some, this is their life. Who are we to judge?
Re:So which is it? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:So which is it? (Score:2)
</pointless feature request>
Re:So which is it? (Score:5, Insightful)
a part of me says these guys need to get a life.
Sometimes I wonder what people mean by this phrase. "get a life"-- what does one need to do to qualify as having a life? I'm assuming that this is the stereotypical checklist for those seeking a life:
I personally think all of our lives would be less interesting if everyone had "a life."
Re:So which is it? (Score:2)
just a little touchy, aren't we? (Score:5, Insightful)
You know, the general consensus on this terminology is that the phrase "get a life" is synonymous with "there must be better things you could do with your time".
so the OP is not suggesting that these people go get a second job. He's just pointing out that on the list of things to do, making a "Bender" computer with a CD drive in its mouth is kinda low (though it does rank higher than replying to posts on Slashdot). Of course, all that's a judgement call, not a commandment from the heavens.
Re:So which is it? (Score:2)
Very well said.
Re:So which is it? (Score:2)
Hmmm looks like (Score:2, Funny)
I'm sure Bender would love you meatbags... (Score:2, Funny)
Awesome (Score:1)
Really cool, but it could be better (Score:1, Troll)
Add a humidor and a couple of cigars and it would take it over the top.
Even better is that when DRM material is inserted, "Bender" would output "Get bent"
Nice work
It's the ad server that melted (Score:5, Informative)
Bender Is Very High-Tech (Score:3, Funny)
Leela: How do you know?
Bender: I have this thing called gaydar.
Re:Bender Is Very High-Tech (Score:2)
As if slashdotting a server once isn't enough!! (Score:3, Insightful)
Good job promoting slashdotting the server twice. No wonder the site went down so fast.
Awsome (Score:2, Interesting)
Do you think the guys from the Futurama team saw this one? Anyone knows of a way to contact them (I don't think writing to Fox would be any good).
Shinier than yours, meat bag!
Re:Awsome (Score:2)
Re:Awsome (Score:2)
I would try to contact them through Adult Swim. Maybe they would put a picture of the case up in their promo spots.
Or, you can try to contact Billy West (voice of Fry) through his website at: http://www.billywest.com/ [billywest.com]
bite my shiny metal copyright infringement!! (Score:2)
Hope not, unless the author wants to be sued for copyright infringement!
Oh wait, I'm sure he OK-ed it with the copyright holder first before producing his derivative work and "using it to promote his website".
Copyright sucks!
Bender made his debut (Score:3, Informative)
I think...
Disks? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:but the cables? (Score:2)
Pictures of the casemod (Score:2, Informative)
how to get in (Score:5, Informative)
That's what's been slasdotted - not the site.
Re:how to get in (Score:2)
Re:how to get in (Score:2) is better for using the HOST file to block sites if you have a web server running. is a valid IP, so your computer will look for the blocked content at that address.
If you don't run a local web server, either will work.
Pic here (Score:2, Informative)
Printable page (Score:5, Informative)
http://overklokking.no/print.php?artikkelid=14773 [overklokking.no]
Amazing (Score:2)
Silly Norweigans! Bender's not a PC! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Silly Norweigans! Bender's not a PC! (Score:3, Interesting)
You are correct. I remember seeing that in the Slurm episode.
That also means I can program bender. I first learned assembly and machine language on an old commodore vic-20 with a 6502 chip.
Re:Silly Norweigans! Bender's not a PC! (Score:2)
Re:Silly Norweigans! Bender's not a PC! (Score:2)
Glug, glug (Score:5, Funny)
Upskirt? (Score:5, Funny)
What an awesome MythTV case (Score:3, Insightful)
Saw this about a week ago.... (Score:2, Interesting)
I think it won their case-modding contest as well. Well - more power to them.
The other cool thing at the game gathering was the 1 GBps uplink to the net that they had! My god, I had never heard about such a big pipe before!
hee hee (Score:3, Funny)
by the looks of it theyre not for sale though
They sure aren't... (Score:2)
Image mirror (Score:5, Informative)
http://www.hairykrishna.f2s.com/bender.html [f2s.com]
One of the best case mods I've seen.
Re:Image mirror (Score:2)
The bandwidth's free.
Site slashdotted - article text below (Score:5, Funny)
Prosjekt Bender
Publisert: 14 april 2005
Av Kjetil Eide
Ikke alle våre worklogs er kjedelige kasser og vannkjøling. Konstruktøren av TUX-kabinettet slår nå til med Futurama-figuren Bender i full størrelse.
Bizardos prosjekt er et av de fï½ virkelig originale innslagene i workloggavdelingen vï½r og er noe man absolutt kan kalle "one of a kind".
Vi i Overklokking.no har valgt ï½ fremheve Bizardos prosjekt nettopp pï½ grunn av originaliteten og gjennomfï½ringen. Prosjektet burde vï½re en innspirasjon for alle til ï½ lage noe annet enn bare standard kasser.
Artikkelen som fï½lger er skrevet av Bizardo selv, slik han velger ï½ presentere sitt Prosjekt Bender. Vi i Overklokking.no kan ikke annet enn takke for at du deler det med oss, og hï½per vi fï½r se mer av deg senere.
Etter at jeg var ferdig med mitt TUX prosjekt, mï½tte jeg bare lage noe nytt.. Jeg tenkte i flere mï½neder pï½ hva dette skulle bli og hadde flere gode ideer, men til slutt falt jeg for Bender
Planlegging og utstyr
Hvor stor skulle den egentlig bli? Og hvordan fï½ alt til ï½ passe sammen? Dette mï½tte nï½ye tenkes gjennom og jeg fant ut at jeg kunne lage hele figurer i papp fï½rst, for da kunne jeg feile sï½ mye jeg ville uten at jeg trengte ï½ slï½se med metallplater og masse tid.
Dette ble brukt til prosjektet
* 1 stk Slim slotload DVD ROM/CD-brenner fra Carputer.no
* 1 stk VIA EPIA-M 10000 Mini-ITX hovedkort
* WLAN-kort med antenne
* 2 stk 10 watt lyspï½rer (12volt)
* 1 stk 120 GB harddisk + 4 stk eksterne 250 GB disker koblet til firewire
* Panserslange (til fï½tter og hender)
* 3 kjï½kkenboller i metall fra Coop (til toppen av hode, og til beina)
* 4-5 papplater
* 3 stk 0,7 mm stï½lplater
* 1 Stk Digital lydopptaker fra Produkt 24
Etter litt leking med diverse 3d programmer klarte jeg ï½ fï½ ut denne 3D-modellen. Den brukte jeg som arbeidstegning der jeg skrev pï½ mï½l over hvor stor den skulle bli osv.
Sï½ begynnte arbeidet med pappfiguren, regne ut vinkeler, finne riktige stï½rrelser osv.
Sï½nn, der har vil en pappfigur, veldig skeiv og greier. Med denne pappfiguren er det bare ï½ brette ut papp-platene og legge de pï½ metallplatene og bruke de som mal
Byggingen av Bender
Øynene som brukes er 10 watt halogenpærer som går på 12 volt, og kobles til psu-en
Så var det å begynne på kroppen av Bender. Startet med å plukke fra hverandre pappfiguren og så legge den på metallplatene og tegne på målene:
Så begynte skjæringen.
Platene ble skåret ut, valset til de ble
Re:Site slashdotted - article text below (Score:2, Funny)
Slåshdøtted (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Slåshdøtted (Score:2)
Re:Slåshdøtted (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Slåshdøtted (Score:2)
Re:Slåshdøtted (Score:2)
At great expense, the page has been changed to something completely different.
Re:Slåshdøtted (Score:2)
Re:Slåshdøtted (Score:2)
(The people responsible for the webserver have been sacked.)
Funny line (Score:5, Funny)
Den ene knappen er powerknapp, den andre er Bender voice knapp "Bite My Shiny Metal Ass"
Re:Funny line (Score:2)
ID correct? (Score:5, Funny)
I know it's not Flexo cuz he doesn't have the stylish goatee.
Re:ID correct? (Score:2)
Sweet (Score:2)
Although, I find it a bit distrubing that they get Futurama in Norway.
Re:Sweet (Score:2)
That's what I find disturbing.
Excellent but two issues (Score:2, Funny)
2. Fire needs to come out the exhaust fan port.
Not bad for meatbags though. =)
... questions ... (Score:2)
What I want to know is 1) where's the cigar?, and 2) if you stick a magnet on him does he sing "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain"?
Technically, 3) it looks like the fan is on the underside and I don't recall seeing a vent on the back -- was there one?
A very cool case. Very cool. I want one.
is it me (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:is it me (Score:2)
If you have tasted both, though, you'll know they changed it slightly when they introduced it in the states, both in color and in taste. I by far prefer the Norwegian original - but of course that's just because that's the version I got addicted to nine years ago... darn caffeine.
The Bender PC Case (Score:2)
Looks great in RL (Score:2)
Homer PC (Score:2)
i'm the creator of bender casemod (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:i'm the creator of bender casemod (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Mirrors where? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Mirrors where? (Score:2)
Re:I think it will want... (Score:5, Funny)
As long as it burped fire after it filled my red plastic cup with cheap beer.
Re:I think it will want... (Score:2)
Re:To be true to Futurama... (Score:2, Insightful)